Left-Wing Magazine The Nation Report Puts ‘Russian Hack’ DNC Narrative in Freefall


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Left-Wing Magazine The Nation Report Puts 'Russian Hack' DNC Narrative in Freefall - Breitbart

"A bombshell report published Wednesday by avowedly liberal news magazine The Nation may have put the last nail in the coffin of the “Russian hack” narrative that has dominated the mainstream media’s coverage for the last year.

Author Patrick Lawrence
assembles the findings of months of investigation by forensic computer experts and former NSA officials to conclude, quite categorically, what Breitbart News and other independent media outlets have suggested for nearly a year: there was no hack of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) by the Russian government or anyone else last summer. An internal leaker is a much more likely source of the confidential internal DNC emails that upended the presidential campaign season when they became public last June."

I have thought this from the start, more convinced of it as more and more news broke:

1. The servers were never inspected.

2. Julian Assange declared Seth Rich was the source of his leaked info.

3. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz gave terrorist-connected Pakistani spies access to DNC E-Mails that were 'hacked', their usernames, and password

"All this was set in motion when the DNC’s mail server was first violated in the spring of 2016 and by subsequent assertions that Russians were behind that “hack” and another such operation, also described as a Russian hack, on July 5. These are the foundation stones of the edifice just outlined. The evolution of public discourse in the year since is worthy of scholarly study: Possibilities became allegations, and these became probabilities. Then the probabilities turned into certainties, and these evolved into what are now taken to be established truths."

'Claims' to 'Possibilities' to 'Allegations' to 'Probabilities' to 'established truths', pushed by the DNC and by their all-in Liberal Media without there ever being any solid, concrete EVIDENCE to support their claim!
-- And all this being pointed out by a LEFT WING SOURCE!
"Now, according to the research by the experts Lawrence cites — the group Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) — a Russian government cyberattack on the DNC’s computers is likely not a “possibility.” The group has examined several aspects of the emails’ journey to the public eye and concluded it cannot be made to comport with a hacker in the former Soviet Union. The files apparently were transferred to a data storage device *at a speed not possible over the internet. Metadata also indicate that the emails were taken by someone in the *Eastern Daylight Timezone and then deliberately copy-and-pasted into a Microsoft Word file that had its language settings changed to Russian in a ruse to throw off investigators.

Can you say 'Terrorist-Connected Pakistani Spies'.... and / or 'Seth Rich'?

"The conclusions of four of VIPS’s investigators was unanimous. Lawrance writes:

All those interviewed came in between 90 percent and 100 percent certain that the forensics prove out. I have already quoted Skip Folden’s answer: impossible based on the data. “The laws of physics don’t lie,” Ray McGovern volunteered at one point. “It’s QED, theorem demonstrated,” William Binney said in response to my question. “There’s no evidence out there to get me to change my mind.” When I asked Edward Loomis, a 90 percent man, about the 10 percent he held out, he replied, “I’ve looked at the work and it shows there was no Russian hack.”
The left won't care, they've been fed this fake news story for nearly a year and they aren't about to stop believing now.
Agreed, they won't care...but the evidence is now out:




...and the best part of this is - IT HAS BEEN POINTED OUT BY A LEFT WING MEDIA SOURCE!
"Now, according to the research by the experts Lawrence cites — the group Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) — a Russian government cyberattack on the DNC’s computers is likely not a “possibility.” The group has examined several aspects of the emails’ journey to the public eye and concluded it cannot be made to comport with a hacker in the former Soviet Union. The files apparently were transferred to a data storage device *at a speed not possible over the internet. Metadata also indicate that the emails were taken by someone in the *Eastern Daylight Timezone and then deliberately copy-and-pasted into a Microsoft Word file that had its language settings changed to Russian in a ruse to throw off investigators.

Can you say 'Terrorist-Connected Pakistani Spies'.... and / or 'Seth Rich'?

"The conclusions of four of VIPS’s investigators was unanimous. Lawrance writes:

All those interviewed came in between 90 percent and 100 percent certain that the forensics prove out. I have already quoted Skip Folden’s answer: impossible based on the data. “The laws of physics don’t lie,” Ray McGovern volunteered at one point. “It’s QED, theorem demonstrated,” William Binney said in response to my question. “There’s no evidence out there to get me to change my mind.” When I asked Edward Loomis, a 90 percent man, about the 10 percent he held out, he replied, “I’ve looked at the work and it shows there was no Russian hack.”
I wonder will the author of this piece (Patrick Lawrence), now be excommunicated?
"Now, according to the research by the experts Lawrence cites — the group Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) — a Russian government cyberattack on the DNC’s computers is likely not a “possibility.” The group has examined several aspects of the emails’ journey to the public eye and concluded it cannot be made to comport with a hacker in the former Soviet Union. The files apparently were transferred to a data storage device *at a speed not possible over the internet. Metadata also indicate that the emails were taken by someone in the *Eastern Daylight Timezone and then deliberately copy-and-pasted into a Microsoft Word file that had its language settings changed to Russian in a ruse to throw off investigators.

Can you say 'Terrorist-Connected Pakistani Spies'.... and / or 'Seth Rich'?

"The conclusions of four of VIPS’s investigators was unanimous. Lawrance writes:

All those interviewed came in between 90 percent and 100 percent certain that the forensics prove out. I have already quoted Skip Folden’s answer: impossible based on the data. “The laws of physics don’t lie,” Ray McGovern volunteered at one point. “It’s QED, theorem demonstrated,” William Binney said in response to my question. “There’s no evidence out there to get me to change my mind.” When I asked Edward Loomis, a 90 percent man, about the 10 percent he held out, he replied, “I’ve looked at the work and it shows there was no Russian hack.”
I wonder will the author of this piece (Patrick Lawrence), now be excommunicated?
Why? For extending the life span of the distraction? Doubful, can't have the masses focusing upon the reality that half of working amerians make $30K or less per year in a declining empire of illusion.
"Now, according to the research by the experts Lawrence cites — the group Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) — a Russian government cyberattack on the DNC’s computers is likely not a “possibility.” The group has examined several aspects of the emails’ journey to the public eye and concluded it cannot be made to comport with a hacker in the former Soviet Union. The files apparently were transferred to a data storage device *at a speed not possible over the internet. Metadata also indicate that the emails were taken by someone in the *Eastern Daylight Timezone and then deliberately copy-and-pasted into a Microsoft Word file that had its language settings changed to Russian in a ruse to throw off investigators.

Can you say 'Terrorist-Connected Pakistani Spies'.... and / or 'Seth Rich'?

"The conclusions of four of VIPS’s investigators was unanimous. Lawrance writes:

All those interviewed came in between 90 percent and 100 percent certain that the forensics prove out. I have already quoted Skip Folden’s answer: impossible based on the data. “The laws of physics don’t lie,” Ray McGovern volunteered at one point. “It’s QED, theorem demonstrated,” William Binney said in response to my question. “There’s no evidence out there to get me to change my mind.” When I asked Edward Loomis, a 90 percent man, about the 10 percent he held out, he replied, “I’ve looked at the work and it shows there was no Russian hack.”
I wonder will the author of this piece (Patrick Lawrence), now be excommunicated?
Why? For extending the life span of the distraction? Doubful, can't have the masses focusing upon the reality that half of working amerians make $30K or less per year in a declining empire of illusion.
Because he exposed the narrative as being entirely false.
Not being paste-eating morons, the left laughed at the technical idiocy of that article. It was serious facepalm stuff.

The righties, of course, fell for it hard, like they always do. In addition to failing at logic and morality, they're also always instantly bamboozled by technobabble.

There's a contingent of butthurt Berniebros at The Nation who love their anti-Clinton conspiracy theories. Patrick Lawrence in particular has always been a Russian suckup.
Breaking News:

Russian Hacker Arrested


The FBI is not investigating DNC staffer Seth Rich’s murder, despite WikiLeaks claim

The FBI is not investigating the unsolved murder of former Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich, Newsweek has learned. The bureau’s lack of involvement refutes a Fox News report that an FBI analysis of Rich’s computer showed he had transferred more than 44,000 DNC emails to a person with ties to WikiLeaks. The report cited an unnamed “federal investigator.”

Kim Dotcom on Twitter
Kim Dotcom‏Verified account @KimDotcom
If Congress includes #SethRich case into their Russia probe I'll give written testimony with evidence that Seth Rich was @Wikileaks source.


Evidence Piling up That Seth Rich Leaked DNC Emails to Wikileaks | The Stream

The evidence is growing that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich leaked over 44,000 emails to Wikileaks. Democrats assert that the Russians hacked into the DNC’s emails. However, Julian Assange of Wikileaks maintains that the Russians didn’t do it. He says a disgruntled insider did it.

Two More Voices
Last weekend, two more voices spoke up claiming insider knowledge. Kim Dotcom, a friend of Assange and founder of Megaupload, said he was involved with Rich transferring the emails to Wikileaks. He issued a statement today describing his contact with Rich. He said Rich contacted him using the pseudonym “Panda” (Rich loved pandas).

Rich reportedly said he wanted to start a branch of Dotcom’s New Zealand Internet Party in the U.S. He was tired of “corruption and the influence of corporate money in politics.” Dotcom references an interview he gave Bloomberg in May 2015. In it, he hinted that Wikileaks would be releasing information about Hillary Clinton and the election.

But he left it at that. He said Rich’s family has asked him to be sensitive to their loss in his public comments. He says he is fully willing to provide full details to U.S. law enforcement and Congress.


Let's face it, Mueller was not "Solicited" to be appointed by disgraced and fired James Comey to actually investigate anything about ACTUAL RUSSIAN COLLUSION as it was proven there was none.

He is there to protect the Democrat Party, to sweep their crimes under the rug, to create a diversion and help to continue the attack on The Trump Administration and undermine them, and to stop James Comey and Hillary Clinton from going to jail.....to stop President Trump from cleaning up The Corruption in THE FBI and DOJ.

Mueller was appointed by Obama Appointee RosenShitz to protect The Obama Regime, and do all he can to keep the focus off of Rice, Powers, Clapper, Brennan, Lynch, Lerner, Holder, & Koskinen, but especially Obama Bin Spying.

If Mueller was there to actually investigate RUSSIAN COLLUSION, he'd start with THE DNC SERVER, THE PAKISTANI HACKERS SCHULTZ and CLINTON Hired. He'd want to find out how much DATA The AWAN BROTHERS Stole, and who they sold it to or gave it to, and he'd be asking why THE DNC needed to hire Pakistani Hackers with Criminal Records to work for them and why they gave them Super User Access to Classified Documents, and he'd be asking Why Hillary Clinton needed Schultz to bring her Pakistani Hacker with her to The Clinton Campaign.

He'd then ask that Julian Assange be given temporary asylum and immunity as well as Kim.com owner, to testify before Congress that SETH RICH gave them the emails.

Then he would SUBPOENA the DNC Server, and have a joint task force headed up by THE NSA, and FBI, With A Trump Administration Hand Picked Cyber Security Expert go over THE DNC SERVER, and then they would give THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THE RESULTS OF THEIR FINDINGS AND FULLY DISCLOSE EVERYTHING.
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The entire Butt-Hurt Left Wing 'Russian-Hacking-Thus-Trump-Collusion' LIE / SCAM has been completely EXPOSED now.

There was no Russian Hacking.
DNC E-Mail was stolen from the Inside, as the investigation showed - No Russian Hacker
AFTER the e-mails were stolen they were converted to Russian format to fool investigations
DWS gave terrorist-connected Pakistani Spies access to those e-mails and the usernames/passwords to them
Seth Rich, according to Assange, was also providing his with leaked information

*** The 'Russian Hacking' story was a double-edged LIE
- Blaming the Russians helped cover up their own mega-F* Ups, DWS' terrorist-connected spy ring raping our national security and Seth Rich leaking info to Wikileaks
- It was an opportunity to falsely accuse Trump of collusion....which is not supported in any way by any evidence other than the un-proven (now disproven) claim if Russian hacking.

*** AGAIN, the awesome part about this is that it is coming from a LIBERAL, LEFT WING Media source.

Another article several weeks ago exposed how the investigations of Donald Trump began as a result of Obama / the DNC colluding with foreign agents to acquire a false report filled with Russia-provided propaganda to use against Trump politically.

Obama's administration also engaged in illegal sharing of classified information, illegal leaking of classified information, illegal unmasking of Americans, and Felony Espionage against the US for political purposes.

Throw in the fact that the DNC rigged their own primaries, engaged in election fraud, and cheated in debates, all of this proves THERE IS NOTHING DEMOCRATS - NO STEP TOO FAR, NO LAW THEY WON'T BREAK - TO ACQUIRE POWER.
Let's face it, Mueller was not "Solicited" to be appointed by disgraced and fired James Comey to actually investigate anything about ACTUAL RUSSIAN COLLUSION as it was proven there was none.

BINGO. Mueller is the leader of a well-put together Political 'Hit Squad', 'assigned' to investigate a crime that never was then given the authority to go anywhere, dig into anything, to FIND (and/or manufacture) a crime against Trump and / or his team.
If there's nothing to collusion, why are the WH and its media flacks tripping over themselves to push the Seth Rich story?
If there's nothing to collusion, why are the WH and its media flacks tripping over themselves to push the Seth Rich story?
The only time I hear / read about Seth Rich anymore it's on this board.

What I see in the media these days involves...
North Korea
Lynch's Obstruction being exposed
How the 'Russia Hacking' was all bogus (from a left wing media source)

To date, Rosenstein (An OBAMA APPOINTEE) is running THE DOJ because Jeff Sessions stepped out of the way.

To dates, McCabe (An Obama Appointee) is still deputy director of THE FBI and because of THE INVESTIGATION and because it started during THE OBAMA REGIME, McCabe is running THE FBI along with MUELLER.

TO DATE, RICE, POWERS, LYNCH, LERNER, KOSKINEN, HOLDER, COMEY still have their security clearances and access to classified intel.

You may think you have a NEW ADMINISTRATION, but Obama is in Washington DC for a reason. He is still running our Government through his proxies.
Let's face it, Mueller was not "Solicited" to be appointed by disgraced and fired James Comey to actually investigate anything about ACTUAL RUSSIAN COLLUSION as it was proven there was none.

BINGO. Mueller is the leader of a well-put together Political 'Hit Squad', 'assigned' to investigate a crime that never was then given the authority to go anywhere, dig into anything, to FIND (and/or manufacture) a crime against Trump and / or his team.

He is also part of a clean up crew and was appointed to finish Comey's Job.

Comey was a sweeper for The Obama Administration and this is why despite all of the proven corruption, not ONE PERSON IN THE MOST CORRUPT ADMINISTRATION IN HISTORY was ever indicted.

Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Lerner, Holder, Koskinen, Clapper, & Brennan's only
function was to cover for The Obama Administration, because they were continually operating outside of The Law to install a Pseudo Marxist Surveillance State.

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