Left Wing Media Befriends Westboro Baptist Church

Absolutely right, care.

Not only that, but depending on the breadth of the ruling it could easily be expanded to make the press liable for reporting ANY intentional event that causes harm to a person and that a family member could see and experience distress from. How would you like there to be a serial murderer, child snatcher or serial rapist in your area and the press can't report on it because they'll be sued? Wouldn't you want to know, and want them to be able to do their jobs?

It could conceivably go even broader than that...but I don't even want to think about it. :mad:

Everyone here who knows me knows how much I hate the Westboro Freaks, and those who support them.

BUT, what some of the cons on here don't understand is EXACTLY what goldcatt just laid out. What other freedoms (even if we hate those voices saying//doing it) will be taken away next?

Freedom from excessive taxation without proper representation.

Taxes are more important than the right to speak your mind? Really?

I suppose we all need our own principles, but I'm having a hard time understanding how money is more valuable than speech.
For some strange reason, this does not surprise me. They hate the military more than hate groups.

Why would you title this LEFT WING MEDIA GROUPS? Sheesh chanel

the article in the stars and stripes states MEDIA GROUPS and there are CLEARLY RIGHT WING media groups in the list that are trying to safeguard FIRST AMENDMENT rights????

The Bill of Rights was put into place to protect you from the Government not the private sector. The Bill of Rights was not intended for you to be able to protest private funerals or even private business. I am growing tired of people over extended their rights and trampling the rights of others by doing so.

This is the first example that I've seen where Liberals defend the rights of so-called Christians.....and the weird thing about it is that it's against the military.

So as long as those Christians are causing trouble for the military, which is who they're protesting anyway, they're cool. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Another point I'd like to make is that not everything falls under freedom of speech. You can't scream "FIRE" in as movie theater because of safety concerns. Some speech shouldn't fall under 1st Amendment protections ether because it is a threat to the keeping of the peace or a threat to national security. This belief that anything goes is BS. I'm sure if it was an issue that effected you personally you'd be ready to cut them off at the knees.
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I just wonder what your point of view on the military is?

You don't want to go down that path. Especially when I didn't even offer my own opinion in this thread. All I said was their reasoning, it's not a left or right wing thing.

Though it seems your ignorance of accusing me to be Anti-Military is pathetic.

Bullshit... I just wonder what your point of view on the military is?

Here you go pea brain...

Liberals believe that sending our sons & daughters into harms way should be done ONLY when the security of the nation is at stake.

And when we do send our sons & daughters into harms, it is our OBLIGATION to give them the best weapons, the best protective gear and provide the best medical and family services this nation can muster.

Conservatives pay lip service to the armed forces, but when the new GI Bill came to the floors of Congress, many 'patriots' from the Republicans were MIA...

What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?
Mahatma Gandhi
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Why would you title this LEFT WING MEDIA GROUPS? Sheesh chanel

the article in the stars and stripes states MEDIA GROUPS and there are CLEARLY RIGHT WING media groups in the list that are trying to safeguard FIRST AMENDMENT rights????

The Bill of Rights was put into place to protect you from the Government not the private sector. The Bill of Rights was not intended for you to be able to protest private funerals or even private business. I am growing tired of people over extended their rights and trampling the rights of others by doing so.

This is the first example that I've seen where Liberals defend the rights of so-called Christians.....and the weird thing about it is that it's against the military.

So as long as those Christians are causing trouble for the military, which is who they're protesting anyway, they're cool. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Another point I'd like to make is that not everything falls under freedom of speech. You can't scream "FIRE" in as movie theater because of safety concerns. Some speech shouldn't fall under 1st Amendment protections ether because it is a threat to the keeping of the peace or a threat to national security. This belief that anything goes is BS. I'm sure if it was an issue that effected you personally you'd be ready to cut them off at the knees.

First of all, WBC is NOT Christian. Planting that false label on them to try to make some sort of innuendo about the left is disgusting and an insult to Christians. Stop it.

And no, not everything falls under freedom of speech. See Brandenburg v. Ohio for a good example of the kind of speech we do not and cannot allow. There are other limitations on speech, such as the time place and manner restrictions (buffer zones) brought up earlier several times in the thread that still allow people to speak, just not anywhere, any time, and at any old volume they feel like it. See your local noise ordinances.

However, limiting where speech can take place and taking away the right to speak at all because of the content of the message are two very, very different things. Maybe I don't like what you're saying about taxation, I think it's an affront to human decency. Because that's my personal opinion, assuming I held the power should you be stripped of your right to speak just because I don't like it?

That's crazy talk.

Not to mention gutting the rest of the First with the press and association issues here....which are actually just as central to the case as pure speech if not more so. You would prefer to gut most of the First just to get even with a group you despise? Why do you want to give them and the government that kind of power over you?
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Why would you title this LEFT WING MEDIA GROUPS? Sheesh chanel

the article in the stars and stripes states MEDIA GROUPS and there are CLEARLY RIGHT WING media groups in the list that are trying to safeguard FIRST AMENDMENT rights????

The Bill of Rights was put into place to protect you from the Government not the private sector. The Bill of Rights was not intended for you to be able to protest private funerals or even private business. I am growing tired of people over extended their rights and trampling the rights of others by doing so.

This is the first example that I've seen where Liberals defend the rights of so-called Christians.....and the weird thing about it is that it's against the military.

So as long as those Christians are causing trouble for the military, which is who they're protesting anyway, they're cool. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Another point I'd like to make is that not everything falls under freedom of speech. You can't scream "FIRE" in as movie theater because of safety concerns. Some speech shouldn't fall under 1st Amendment protections ether because it is a threat to the keeping of the peace or a threat to national security. This belief that anything goes is BS. I'm sure if it was an issue that effected you personally you'd be ready to cut them off at the knees.

Sheesh, are you really this silly in real life? The primarily right wing media is not defending Westboro Baptist Church Mud....:cuckoo:

READ the media's objections to the ruling on this case....INFORM yourself of what their objection is before you speak, next time....Mud.

Certainly, you know how to read....and hopefully understand what you have read.

Once you are done reading the Media's objection and concerns, come back to us and tell us what you disagree with.


Phelps was a disbarred lawyer, founder of the Phelps Chartered law firm, a past civil rights activist in Kansas, and a Democrat who has five times been a candidate for political office in Kansas Democratic Party primaries. He and his daughter, Shirley Phelps-Roper, were banned from entering the United Kingdom.[6]

In the 1980s, Phelps received awards from the Greater Kansas City Chapter of Blacks in Government and the Bonner Springs branch of the NAACP, for his work on behalf of black clients.[19]

Phelps has run in various Kansas Democratic Party primaries five times, but has never won. These included races for governor in 1990, 1994, and 1998, receiving about 15 percent of the vote in 1998.[53] In the 1992 Democratic Party primary for U.S. Senate, Phelps received 31 percent of the vote.[54] Phelps ran for mayor of Topeka in 1993[55] and 1997.[56]

Fred Phelps - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ahhh...so now we're going to do the whole lame snarky guilt by association thing since you're incapable of understanding anything remotely resembling the issues?

I'm taking a day off today. So just keep bumping, I need a good laugh. :thup:
I think Phelps is a fucktard and I think the KKK is also full of fucktards. However, they enjoy the same freedom of speech that I do.

End of story.

You big government types are a hoot.
Big government types? Ha ha. Pot meet kettle.

And I understand the issue just fine goldcatt. But unlike you and your minions, I don't name call posters with a contrary point of view "stupid" or a "hack." I am siding with the Snyders. End of story.

Your desperate personal attacks are quite amusing. I almost miss the high school.
Big government types? Ha ha. Pot meet kettle.

And I understand the issue just fine goldcatt. But unlike you and your minions, I don't name call posters with a contrary point of view "stupid" or a "hack." I am siding with the Snyders. End of story.

Your desperate personal attacks are quite amusing. I almost miss the high school.

chanel, you are obviously better than most of us.
Hardly. I don't even know what "better" means. Ask goldcatt. Me know understand multi-syllable words. lol
The Bill of Rights was put into place to protect you from the Government not the private sector. The Bill of Rights was not intended for you to be able to protest private funerals or even private business. I am growing tired of people over extended their rights and trampling the rights of others by doing so.

This is the first example that I've seen where Liberals defend the rights of so-called Christians.....and the weird thing about it is that it's against the military.

So as long as those Christians are causing trouble for the military, which is who they're protesting anyway, they're cool. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Another point I'd like to make is that not everything falls under freedom of speech. You can't scream "FIRE" in as movie theater because of safety concerns. Some speech shouldn't fall under 1st Amendment protections ether because it is a threat to the keeping of the peace or a threat to national security. This belief that anything goes is BS. I'm sure if it was an issue that effected you personally you'd be ready to cut them off at the knees.

Sheesh, are you really this silly in real life? The primarily right wing media is not defending Westboro Baptist Church Mud....:cuckoo:

READ the media's objections to the ruling on this case....INFORM yourself of what their objection is before you speak, next time....Mud.

Certainly, you know how to read....and hopefully understand what you have read.

Once you are done reading the Media's objection and concerns, come back to us and tell us what you disagree with.


Yes, this is a perfect example of how people let emotions obfuscate the real issues.
You don't want to go down that path. Especially when I didn't even offer my own opinion in this thread. All I said was their reasoning, it's not a left or right wing thing.

Though it seems your ignorance of accusing me to be Anti-Military is pathetic.

Bullshit... I just wonder what your point of view on the military is?

Here you go pea brain...

Liberals believe that sending our sons & daughters into harms way should be done ONLY when the security of the nation is at stake.

And when we do send our sons & daughters into harms, it is our OBLIGATION to give them the best weapons, the best protective gear and provide the best medical and family services this nation can muster.

Conservatives pay lip service to the armed forces, but when the new GI Bill came to the floors of Congress, many 'patriots' from the Republicans were MIA...

What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?
Mahatma Gandhi

Sheez.. pea brain.. was that necessary.... :eusa_eh:

I asked .. you answered.. so what's the big deal?

Well.. the mere asking is an insult.. obviously...I didn't know that...now I do..
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Everyone here who knows me knows how much I hate the Westboro Freaks, and those who support them.

BUT, what some of the cons on here don't understand is EXACTLY what goldcatt just laid out. What other freedoms (even if we hate those voices saying//doing it) will be taken away next?

Freedom from excessive taxation without proper representation.

Taxes are more important than the right to speak your mind? Really?

I suppose we all need our own principles, but I'm having a hard time understanding how money is more valuable than speech.
I tend to think that raising our kids in a country where we can afford to feed and cloth them is a bit more important then assuring that some crazy cult has the right to protest funerals because they don't like a policy that allows homosexuals to serve in the military. That kind of thing seems secondary when you can't make ends meet. Tell me how important their freedoms are to you when you can't afford to turn on your air-conditioner when the temp hits 95 degrees and the humidity is around 100 percent.

I understand the nobility of what you're interested in....but for some reason most of America is more interested in being able to afford their light bill. If the Dems in DC get their way energy will become too expensive for anyone but the very rich to afford.

In Germany most Germans can't afford to get a drivers license because it's too expensive to operate a POV. When I was stationed there the price of a liter of gas was 5 marks which comes to around 10 dollars per gallon. Who can afford that.

It's wonderful to think about lowering our carbon footprint and all but universal mass transit is still 20 years away from being a reality in this country. So Obama's pie in the sky programs will only end up driving the costs of everything up. And don't forget about all of the jobs his progressive beliefs will eliminate. And all of his spending is geared to drive up the need for higher taxes. Higher income taxes are on the way in January and a VAT is soon to follow because all of his bailouts for unions and banker friends have to be paid for somehow.

No offense.
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For some strange reason, this does not surprise me. They hate the military more than hate groups.

Why would you title this LEFT WING MEDIA GROUPS? Sheesh chanel

the article in the stars and stripes states MEDIA GROUPS and there are CLEARLY RIGHT WING media groups in the list that are trying to safeguard FIRST AMENDMENT rights????

The Bill of Rights was put into place to protect you from the Government not the private sector. The Bill of Rights was not intended for you to be able to protest private funerals or even private business. I am growing tired of people over extended their rights and trampling the rights of others by doing so.

I am getting tired of people who think they can infringe on my rights because they think other people are offensive. I happen to enjoy being offensive, especially to idiots who think that the government banning speech is not government banning speech. The only way your rights are infringed if I am protesting idiocy is if you try to stop me from protesting, because I will infringe your right not to get slapped and slap you silly.

If the government, in any way shape or form, including through rulings of the judicial branch of the government, restricts anyone's right to say whatever they want, they are violating the Constitution. Or did the court system suddenly become part of an alien organization while I was not looking? No one who attended the funeral even knew those protestors were there, so their rights, whatever you imagine they are, were not infringed in any way.
Why would you title this LEFT WING MEDIA GROUPS? Sheesh chanel

the article in the stars and stripes states MEDIA GROUPS and there are CLEARLY RIGHT WING media groups in the list that are trying to safeguard FIRST AMENDMENT rights????

The Bill of Rights was put into place to protect you from the Government not the private sector. The Bill of Rights was not intended for you to be able to protest private funerals or even private business. I am growing tired of people over extended their rights and trampling the rights of others by doing so.

This is the first example that I've seen where Liberals defend the rights of so-called Christians.....and the weird thing about it is that it's against the military.

So as long as those Christians are causing trouble for the military, which is who they're protesting anyway, they're cool. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Another point I'd like to make is that not everything falls under freedom of speech. You can't scream "FIRE" in as movie theater because of safety concerns. Some speech shouldn't fall under 1st Amendment protections ether because it is a threat to the keeping of the peace or a threat to national security. This belief that anything goes is BS. I'm sure if it was an issue that effected you personally you'd be ready to cut them off at the knees.

Guess what, this does affect me. I still think that WBC has a right to say anything they fucking want to, including that I am working against God and am in danger of going to hell. I am just smart enough, and conservative enough, to have fought for their right to say things like that. I actually put my life on the line and protected their right to free speech, and will continue to do so, because the oath I gave to defend the Constitution did not lapse after my discharge.

Why do idiots always think that defending someone's right to free speech is a partisan issue? Is it because they think the ACLU is always wrong?
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Freedom from excessive taxation without proper representation.

Taxes are more important than the right to speak your mind? Really?

I suppose we all need our own principles, but I'm having a hard time understanding how money is more valuable than speech.
I tend to think that raising our kids in a country where we can afford to feed and cloth them is a bit more important then assuring that some crazy cult has the right to protest funerals because they don't like a policy that allows homosexuals to serve in the military. That kind of thing seems secondary when you can't make ends meet. Tell me how important their freedoms are to you when you can't afford to turn on your air-conditioner when the temp hits 95 degrees and the humidity is around 100 percent.

I understand the nobility of what you're interested in....but for some reason most of America is more interested in being able to afford their light bill. If the Dems in DC get their way energy will become too expensive for anyone but the very rich to afford.

In Germany most Germans can't afford to get a drivers license because it's too expensive to operate a POV. When I was stationed there the price of a liter of gas was 5 marks which comes to around 10 dollars per gallon. Who can afford that.

It's wonderful to think about lowering our carbon footprint and all but universal mass transit is still 20 years away from being a reality in this country. So Obama's pie in the sky programs will only end up driving the costs of everything up. And don't forget about all of the jobs his progressive beliefs will eliminate. And all of his spending is geared to drive up the need for higher taxes. Higher income taxes are on the way in January and a VAT is soon to follow because all of his bailouts for unions and banker friends have to be paid for somehow.

No offense.

WBC does not object to DADT, they object to the existence of homosexuals period. They protest service members funerals because the US government does not outlaw homosexuality entirely, and execute each and every pervert in the country.

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