Lefties are besides themselves with the desire to condemn AMERICANS for the actions of Muslims

What the man said was no doubt pie in the sky bullshit but in no way relevant to the actions that Muslims take when they seek to & in fact kill Americans.

Okay. But who said the thread had anything to do with Muslim extremists killing Americans? Seems to me that the subject in that case is Christian extremists praising the killing of Americans. Don't get me wrong, rdean has all the intellectual value of maggots eating a coconut from the inside out. But I think you're misinterpreting this one here.
Okay, so leave the Christians alone, unchallenged, i.e., the Christians who express satisfaction that 50 likely gays were killed.
You have two choices.
Focus on the problem or focus on the reaction to it. We've had seven years of the latter so it's time to try something different.

In the last 7 years we have have dozens of mass shootings- almost all of them by young men- and some by Muslims- what they have almost all had in common are guns, youth and testosterone.

Oh and most of them had a history of mental issues.

6/12/16- 49 gay Americans killed by lone young male gunman with legally purchased guns- born in America- Muslim- claimed allegiance to Isis

12/2/15- 14 Americans killed by coworker(born in America) and his wife- but Muslim and both claiming allegiance to ISIS- young male, with legally purchased guns.

11/27/15- 3 Americans shot and killed at Planned Parenthood clinic by older male (born in America)- Christian

10/1/15- 10 Americans shot and killed by young American male at college in Oregon, with legally purchased guns.

7/16/15- 5 American military killed in Chattanooga, by young male, American citizen, born in Kuwait, Muslim

6/17/15- 9 black American Christians shot and killed by young racist American male(born in America) in church, gun legally purchased.

10/24/14- 4 killed by 15 year old young male (American- born in America) with illegal gun

5/23/14- 6 Americans killed by young male (American- born in the UK)- 3 stabbed, 3 shot, with legally purchased gun

4/2/14- 3 American military shot and killed by American male with legally purchased gun.

9/16/13- 12 Americans killed in Washington DC by American male(born in the United States)

12/14/12 26 Americans- including 20 children- killed by young American male(born in the United States)
Why can't we just believe what the shooter had to say about his motivations?

I don't believe the shooter said what his motivations were. He claimed allegiance to ISIS, but according to his his father he was also upset with gays.
Okay, so leave the Christians alone, unchallenged, i.e., the Christians who express satisfaction that 50 likely gays were killed.
You have two choices.
Focus on the problem or focus on the reaction to it. We've had seven years of the latter so it's time to try something different.
So..what do you perceive the problem to be?

Umm Islamic terrorists you fat pig.
Ok...so, what to do?
Why can't we just believe what the shooter had to say about his motivations?

I don't believe the shooter said what his motivations were. He claimed allegiance to ISIS, but according to his his father he was also upset with gays.
He also claimed allegiance to AQ and Hezballah.

Not exactly- but something similar- he seemed particularly ignorant that these groups actually oppose each other.
Okay, so leave the Christians alone, unchallenged, i.e., the Christians who express satisfaction that 50 likely gays were killed.

I would guess the amount of christian preachers praising the attack pales in comparison to the number of muslim imams praising the attack...wouldn't you agree? Of course you wouldn't, because you're a defender of all things islam. I know people like you stick your noses in air claiming moral superiority, but the truth is you and the people on your side are on the side of evil, oppresion, and injustice. Go fuck yourself.
Could you point out where NYCARBINEER has supported all things Islam...? Or did you just make that up?
Okay, so leave the Christians alone, unchallenged, i.e., the Christians who express satisfaction that 50 likely gays were killed.

I would guess the amount of christian preachers praising the attack pales in comparison to the number of muslim imams praising the attack...wouldn't you agree? Of course you wouldn't, because you're a defender of all things islam. I know people like you stick your noses in air claiming moral superiority, but the truth is you and the people on your side are on the side of evil, oppresion, and injustice. Go fuck yourself.
Could you point out where NYCARBINEER has supported all things Islam...? Or did you just make that up?

Yes i could. I specifically recall him saying numerous times that American foriegn pollicy, that he disagrees with, is the reason behind all this hatered from the islamic world. He said 911 because we deployed troops in mecca. He knows he hates america.
Okay, so leave the Christians alone, unchallenged, i.e., the Christians who express satisfaction that 50 likely gays were killed.
You have two choices.
Focus on the problem or focus on the reaction to it. We've had seven years of the latter so it's time to try something different.
So..what do you perceive the problem to be?

Umm Islamic terrorists you fat pig.
Ok...so, what to do?

Easy - speak out agaisnt the ideology and kill every radical islamist.
Fact is, the Terrorist asshole was a Muslim and registered Democrat. It all gets back to the Left's bizarre alliance with Islam. The alliance began with Western Europe's Left. Both Leftists and Muslims hated Jews/Israel and Christians. An alliance was formed.

It's certainly no coincidence Western Europe's Immigration Systems were dismantled and the massive influx of Muslims occurred. The Left was responsible for that. However, it is a bizarre alliance. Islam is by far the least tolerant of Leftist beliefs and behaviors, compared to the other major religions. The Left especially, is gonna suffer the most from their alliance. But it doesn't look like they regret it... yet.
the murderer was an american
The "MUSLIM TERRORIST" was only one in a long line of a liberally protected class.

Nope. Murderers are not a protected class.

Why can't you condemn the Killer at the Bar and the POS (Proclaimed Christian Pastors) who applaud his actions?

In the US murderers ARE a protected class.

Retaliatory attacks are conducted against WE THE PEOPLE not against those who adopted the crazy discriminatory foreign policy.

“Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid? No, I know full well that my son, my family, this nation and this world were betrayed by George Bush who was influenced by the neo-con PNAC agendas after 9/11. We were told that we were attacked on 9/11 because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy … not for the real reason, because the Arab Muslims who attacked us hate our middle-eastern foreign policy.”

Cindy Sheehan

Okay, so leave the Christians alone, unchallenged, i.e., the Christians who express satisfaction that 50 likely gays were killed.

I would guess the amount of christian preachers praising the attack pales in comparison to the number of muslim imams praising the attack...wouldn't you agree? Of course you wouldn't, because you're a defender of all things islam. I know people like you stick your noses in air claiming moral superiority, but the truth is you and the people on your side are on the side of evil, oppresion, and injustice. Go fuck yourself.
Could you point out where NYCARBINEER has supported all things Islam...? Or did you just make that up?

Yes i could. I specifically recall him saying numerous times that American foriegn pollicy, that he disagrees with, is the reason behind all this hatered from the islamic world. He said 911 because we deployed troops in mecca. He knows he hates america.

Sounds to me like he disagrees with our policy of intervention in the ME and is of the opinion that the policy is the reason for the violent hatred we see towards us from the Islamic world. Not that he agrees with or approves of the violence.
Okay, so leave the Christians alone, unchallenged, i.e., the Christians who express satisfaction that 50 likely gays were killed.

I would guess the amount of christian preachers praising the attack pales in comparison to the number of muslim imams praising the attack...wouldn't you agree? Of course you wouldn't, because you're a defender of all things islam. I know people like you stick your noses in air claiming moral superiority, but the truth is you and the people on your side are on the side of evil, oppresion, and injustice. Go fuck yourself.
Could you point out where NYCARBINEER has supported all things Islam...? Or did you just make that up?

Yes i could. I specifically recall him saying numerous times that American foriegn pollicy, that he disagrees with, is the reason behind all this hatered from the islamic world. He said 911 because we deployed troops in mecca. He knows he hates america.

Sounds to me like he disagrees with our policy of intervention in the ME and is of the opinion that the policy is the reason for the violent hatred we see towards us from the Islamic world. Not that he agrees with or approves of the violence.

So you agree with him that the root cause of their hatred is not their warped, sick ideology, but it is our foriegn pollicy. That is where both of you are sadly wrong, and it disgusts me and others that are on the side of good.
the murderer was an american
The "MUSLIM TERRORIST" was only one in a long line of a liberally protected class.

Nope. Murderers are not a protected class.

Why can't you condemn the Killer at the Bar and the POS (Proclaimed Christian Pastors) who applaud his actions?

In the US murderers ARE a protected class.

Retaliatory attacks are conducted against WE THE PEOPLE not against those who adopted the crazy discriminatory foreign policy.

“Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid? No, I know full well that my son, my family, this nation and this world were betrayed by George Bush who was influenced by the neo-con PNAC agendas after 9/11. We were told that we were attacked on 9/11 because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy … not for the real reason, because the Arab Muslims who attacked us hate our middle-eastern foreign policy.”

Cindy Sheehan


No. I'm sorry for Mrs. Sheenhan's loss but her son was not murdered.

As far as the bipartisan policy of interventionism, yes of course, that is protected.
Just like I said, American Christian Pastors sad more gays weren't killed in Pulse attack

I have not seen one thread by a leftie placing the blame where it belongs but I've seen plenty like this.

What the man said was no doubt pie in the sky bullshit but in no way relevant to the actions that Muslims take when they seek to & in fact kill Americans.

And you people wonder why you're deemed a danger to our nation's security.

This terrorist was an American. Thread fail.
the murderer was an american
The "MUSLIM TERRORIST" was only one in a long line of a liberally protected class.

Nope. Murderers are not a protected class.

Why can't you condemn the Killer at the Bar and the POS (Proclaimed Christian Pastors) who applaud his actions?

In the US murderers ARE a protected class.

Retaliatory attacks are conducted against WE THE PEOPLE not against those who adopted the crazy discriminatory foreign policy.

“Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid? No, I know full well that my son, my family, this nation and this world were betrayed by George Bush who was influenced by the neo-con PNAC agendas after 9/11. We were told that we were attacked on 9/11 because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy … not for the real reason, because the Arab Muslims who attacked us hate our middle-eastern foreign policy.”

Cindy Sheehan


No. I'm sorry for Mrs. Sheenhan's loss but her son was not murdered.

As far as the bipartisan policy of interventionism, yes of course, that is protected.

And of course you are a dumb ass for saying that their lives ought to be protected while WE THE PEOPLE have no protection.

The US love affair with Israel have caused us thus far

1- the damage done to lives and property on 09/11
3- More UNCONSTITUTIONAL FEDERAL restrictions on Our Right to bear arms
4- "Patriot" Act

the murderer was an american
The "MUSLIM TERRORIST" was only one in a long line of a liberally protected class.
The shooter was an American.
And a Muslim Terrorist

That part is ALWAYS left out as proven by two liberals in this very thread. His American birth was not the problem. His MUSLIM IDEOLOGY was.

His radical Muslim ideology......maybe. He wasn't really convincing on that score. He praised both Sunni and Shia sects....and never had any contact with any Isis leader. He was a nutbag, though. An American nutbag.
Just like I said, American Christian Pastors sad more gays weren't killed in Pulse attack

I have not seen one thread by a leftie placing the blame where it belongs but I've seen plenty like this.

What the man said was no doubt pie in the sky bullshit but in no way relevant to the actions that Muslims take when they seek to & in fact kill Americans.

And you people wonder why you're deemed a danger to our nation's security.

You do realize that the boogeyman of the leftist ideology (who in reality created pretty much all of civilization) is the white heterosexual male.

If any other group does something bad, the primary fault still lies with the white heterosexual male.

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