Lefties made fun of Pence saying he wouldn't go to dinner alone with a woman who wasn't his wife...

The theory that you are guilty until proven innocent is from the 12th Century, yet all you Trump hating douchebag snowflakes have endorsed it.

And here you are lying AGAIN, Finger Boy. Didn't I just spank you for this same shit last week, and now here you are looking for different results?

What part of "you're a liar" isn't getting through all that jelly on your face, little fuck?

And here's a tip -- maybe you should actually read the post before tossing some turd that isn't even related to it. What a concept.
------------------------------------- don't know WHO you are addressing Pogo ,

The poster who addressed me, the little kid with jelly smeared all over his face. All you have to do is read up.
------------------------------------- just about impossible to have an adult conversation without addressing people properly and then all the name calling Pogo .

Why don't you mind your own fucking business and quit jumping into somebody else's conversation? Hm?
---------------------------------------------- in post 96 you quote me but then you call names [despicable and childish if i might add] [glad to see it though] Anyway i thought that YOU might be calling me names !! All could be avoided if you would just address people Properly POGO !!
it is old fashioned . but i did hear my Dad and Grandfather call their wives as MOTHER every once in awhile Pogo .

And we wouldn't want them coming back from the seventeenth century to run a 21st century country, now would we. You wouldn't either.
No they won't.
An accusation is all they need.
Sorry, but an accusation against the guy KNOWN not to allow himself to be alone with any other woman but his wife?

Even the Democrats, after making fun of him for this, know not even the dumbest of their followers would believe that....IMHO.
Trust me.
They're weaponizing the #metoo movement.
Anyone can be brought down with it.
Biggest problem here is that this ruins legitimate rape victims day in court.

I submit that what "ruins legitimate rape victims' day in court" is the mentality that, if the plaintiff is not in the service of one's own political party, immediately jumping to "she lied" conclusions and proceeding to smear the reputation of some person they've never met ---- as has been going on right here on these pages over the last week. THAT mentality is what "ruins legitimate rape victims' day in court".
Kavanaugh is the one being smeared, douche nozzle

Sent from my SM-N960U1 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

Yuh huh. And you know this --- how again?
No evidence
Changing story details
4 witnesses who say it never happened
Democrat history of 'Herman Cain'ing
it is old fashioned . but i did hear my Dad and Grandfather call their wives as MOTHER every once in awhile Pogo .

And we wouldn't want them coming back from the seventeenth century to run a 21st century country, now would we. You wouldn't either.
Sorry, but an accusation against the guy KNOWN not to allow himself to be alone with any other woman but his wife?

Even the Democrats, after making fun of him for this, know not even the dumbest of their followers would believe that....IMHO.
Trust me.
They're weaponizing the #metoo movement.
Anyone can be brought down with it.
Biggest problem here is that this ruins legitimate rape victims day in court.

I submit that what "ruins legitimate rape victims' day in court" is the mentality that, if the plaintiff is not in the service of one's own political party, immediately jumping to "she lied" conclusions and proceeding to smear the reputation of some person they've never met ---- as has been going on right here on these pages over the last week. THAT mentality is what "ruins legitimate rape victims' day in court".
Kavanaugh is the one being smeared, douche nozzle

Sent from my SM-N960U1 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

Yuh huh. And you know this --- how again?
No evidence
Changing story details
4 witnesses who say it never happened
Democrat history of 'Herman Cain'ing

Not only is that not an answer --- it's not even the poster I asked. He ran away.
it is old fashioned . but i did hear my Dad and Grandfather call their wives as MOTHER every once in awhile Pogo .

And we wouldn't want them coming back from the seventeenth century to run a 21st century country, now would we. You wouldn't either.
Trust me.
They're weaponizing the #metoo movement.
Anyone can be brought down with it.
Biggest problem here is that this ruins legitimate rape victims day in court.

I submit that what "ruins legitimate rape victims' day in court" is the mentality that, if the plaintiff is not in the service of one's own political party, immediately jumping to "she lied" conclusions and proceeding to smear the reputation of some person they've never met ---- as has been going on right here on these pages over the last week. THAT mentality is what "ruins legitimate rape victims' day in court".
Kavanaugh is the one being smeared, douche nozzle

Sent from my SM-N960U1 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

Yuh huh. And you know this --- how again?
No evidence
Changing story details
4 witnesses who say it never happened
Democrat history of 'Herman Cain'ing

Not only is that not an answer --- it's not even the poster I asked. He ran away.
Iit's not the answer you wanted anyone to give....and no one ran away. No one sits here waiting for you to respond by posting ignorant crap. Get a life.
...looks like they were just upset because he called them out on their bullshit game.

Funny that he was chastised for being respectful to his wife, somehow that was bad.

To truly understand the left, you just need to understand that everything that any conservative has ever done, EVER is the exact wrong thing and they should be ridiculed for it.


Meanwhile, they will NOT have the same standards for their side.

It's not TRULY about protecting the vunerable. It's about money and power.

Just look at FEINSTEIN sitting on the letter from Ford fo r7 weeks.....waiting until the last moment before the vote in a POLITICAL PLOY.

IF Pence says he won't go to dinner alone with a woman who is not his wife, that's his choice.

Dimms are just mad that it might limit his vunerablility.
Here is a dem that said all along it was good policy. Perception becomes reality this has been appearant since I have been around. Wife needs to ride along when dropping the baby sitter also!
Pence is a religious bigot and maybe scarier than Donnie, if he were Muslim the right wing snowflakes would call him every name in the book. But be a bigot in line with other bigots and all is fine.

"You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do." Anne Lamott
If he were a Muslim you would be sucking his dick.
...looks like they were just upset because he called them out on their bullshit game.

Funny that he was chastised for being respectful to his wife, somehow that was bad.

To truly understand the left, you just need to understand that everything that any conservative has ever done, EVER is the exact wrong thing and they should be ridiculed for it.


Meanwhile, they will NOT have the same standards for their side.

It's not TRULY about protecting the vunerable. It's about money and power.

Just look at FEINSTEIN sitting on the letter from Ford fo r7 weeks.....waiting until the last moment before the vote in a POLITICAL PLOY.

IF Pence says he won't go to dinner alone with a woman who is not his wife, that's his choice.

Dimms are just mad that it might limit his vunerablility.

Umm.... .Pence himself said that. Now he's got to live with it.
It looks like the OP went WAY over your head.
it is old fashioned . but i did hear my Dad and Grandfather call their wives as MOTHER every once in awhile Pogo .

And we wouldn't want them coming back from the seventeenth century to run a 21st century country, now would we. You wouldn't either.
I submit that what "ruins legitimate rape victims' day in court" is the mentality that, if the plaintiff is not in the service of one's own political party, immediately jumping to "she lied" conclusions and proceeding to smear the reputation of some person they've never met ---- as has been going on right here on these pages over the last week. THAT mentality is what "ruins legitimate rape victims' day in court".
Kavanaugh is the one being smeared, douche nozzle

Sent from my SM-N960U1 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

Yuh huh. And you know this --- how again?
No evidence
Changing story details
4 witnesses who say it never happened
Democrat history of 'Herman Cain'ing

Not only is that not an answer --- it's not even the poster I asked. He ran away.
Iit's not the answer you wanted anyone to give....and no one ran away. No one sits here waiting for you to respond by posting ignorant crap. Get a life.

Go forth and learn to read. The post wasn't addressed to you; it was asking Fingerboy to back up HIS OWN POST. Which he can't do, so he ran away. Come white-knighting all you like Monty Python style, it doesn't change a damned thing.

Now let's review.

Fingerboy made an ass-sertion.

I challenged him to back it up. Got zippo.

Then you can charging in on yon steed trying to protect milady's honour with a list of bullshit. You could have just shut the fuck up since it wasn't your responsibility. But noooooooooo.
it is old fashioned . but i did hear my Dad and Grandfather call their wives as MOTHER every once in awhile Pogo .

And we wouldn't want them coming back from the seventeenth century to run a 21st century country, now would we. You wouldn't either.
Kavanaugh is the one being smeared, douche nozzle

Sent from my SM-N960U1 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

Yuh huh. And you know this --- how again?
No evidence
Changing story details
4 witnesses who say it never happened
Democrat history of 'Herman Cain'ing

Not only is that not an answer --- it's not even the poster I asked. He ran away.
Iit's not the answer you wanted anyone to give....and no one ran away. No one sits here waiting for you to respond by posting ignorant crap. Get a life.

Go forth and learn to read. The post wasn't addressed to you; it was asking Fingerboy to back up HIS OWN POST. Which he can't do, so he ran away. Come white-knighting all you like Monty Python style, it doesn't change a damned thing.

Now let's review.

Fingerboy made an ass-sertion.

I challenged him to back it up. Got zippo.

Then you can charging in on yon steed trying to protect milady's honour with a list of bullshit. You could have just shut the fuck up since it wasn't your responsibility. But noooooooooo.
You asked for something
You got it
Now you're butt-hurt.
Got it.
Sucks to be you...

And we wouldn't want them coming back from the seventeenth century to run a 21st century country, now would we. You wouldn't either.
Yuh huh. And you know this --- how again?
No evidence
Changing story details
4 witnesses who say it never happened
Democrat history of 'Herman Cain'ing

Not only is that not an answer --- it's not even the poster I asked. He ran away.
Iit's not the answer you wanted anyone to give....and no one ran away. No one sits here waiting for you to respond by posting ignorant crap. Get a life.

Go forth and learn to read. The post wasn't addressed to you; it was asking Fingerboy to back up HIS OWN POST. Which he can't do, so he ran away. Come white-knighting all you like Monty Python style, it doesn't change a damned thing.

Now let's review.

Fingerboy made an ass-sertion.

I challenged him to back it up. Got zippo.

Then you can charging in on yon steed trying to protect milady's honour with a list of bullshit. You could have just shut the fuck up since it wasn't your responsibility. But noooooooooo.
You asked for something
You got it
Now you're butt-hurt.
Got it.
Sucks to be you...


I got exactly what I knew full well I would get when I posed the question, which is what I ALWAYS know I'll get when I'm calling out bullshit. And that is nothing. Zero. Bupkis. Squat. Fuck-all. Sweet Fanny Adams. That's because Fingerfuck can't answer it, because he has no basis. And I just demonstrated that. Or if you like he demonstrated that by running away, which is what he always does. :gay:

Meanwhile you come rushing in from the side like a freaking Dodge Challenger in Charlottesville going HEY LOOKA ME. Almost amusing, but not really.
Pence is a religious bigot and maybe scarier than Donnie, if he were Muslim the right wing snowflakes would call him every name in the book. But be a bigot in line with other bigots and all is fine.

"You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do." Anne Lamott

Often people hate those that are most similar to themselves. The right wing Christian fanatics hate the right wing Muslim fanatics with a passion. And their reasons for hating them are often things they actually like.
No evidence
Changing story details
4 witnesses who say it never happened
Democrat history of 'Herman Cain'ing

Not only is that not an answer --- it's not even the poster I asked. He ran away.
Iit's not the answer you wanted anyone to give....and no one ran away. No one sits here waiting for you to respond by posting ignorant crap. Get a life.

Go forth and learn to read. The post wasn't addressed to you; it was asking Fingerboy to back up HIS OWN POST. Which he can't do, so he ran away. Come white-knighting all you like Monty Python style, it doesn't change a damned thing.

Now let's review.

Fingerboy made an ass-sertion.

I challenged him to back it up. Got zippo.

Then you can charging in on yon steed trying to protect milady's honour with a list of bullshit. You could have just shut the fuck up since it wasn't your responsibility. But noooooooooo.
You asked for something
You got it
Now you're butt-hurt.
Got it.
Sucks to be you...


I got exactly what I knew full well I would get when I posed the question, which is what I ALWAYS know I'll get when I'm calling out bullshit. And that is nothing. Zero. Bupkis. Squat. Fuck-all. Sweet Fanny Adams. That's because Fingerfuck can't answer it, because he has no basis. And I just demonstrated that. Or if you like he demonstrated that by running away, which is what he always does. :gay:

Meanwhile you come rushing in from the side like a freaking Dodge Challenger in Charlottesville going HEY LOOKA ME. Almost amusing, but not really.
You asked.
You received.
You got embarrassed.
You're now butt-hurt.
Got it.
Sucks to be you.

BTW, this is a CHAT BOARD. When you ask questions, sweety, anyone can answer. Want a private 'lap dance' then get a private room, not in the middle of the 'dance floor'.

Bwuhahahahaha ...
Not only is that not an answer --- it's not even the poster I asked. He ran away.
Iit's not the answer you wanted anyone to give....and no one ran away. No one sits here waiting for you to respond by posting ignorant crap. Get a life.

Go forth and learn to read. The post wasn't addressed to you; it was asking Fingerboy to back up HIS OWN POST. Which he can't do, so he ran away. Come white-knighting all you like Monty Python style, it doesn't change a damned thing.

Now let's review.

Fingerboy made an ass-sertion.

I challenged him to back it up. Got zippo.

Then you can charging in on yon steed trying to protect milady's honour with a list of bullshit. You could have just shut the fuck up since it wasn't your responsibility. But noooooooooo.
You asked for something
You got it
Now you're butt-hurt.
Got it.
Sucks to be you...


I got exactly what I knew full well I would get when I posed the question, which is what I ALWAYS know I'll get when I'm calling out bullshit. And that is nothing. Zero. Bupkis. Squat. Fuck-all. Sweet Fanny Adams. That's because Fingerfuck can't answer it, because he has no basis. And I just demonstrated that. Or if you like he demonstrated that by running away, which is what he always does. :gay:

Meanwhile you come rushing in from the side like a freaking Dodge Challenger in Charlottesville going HEY LOOKA ME. Almost amusing, but not really.
You asked.
You received.
You got embarrassed.
You're now butt-hurt.
Got it.
Sucks to be you.

BTW, this is a CHAT BOARD. When you ask questions, sweety, anyone can answer. Want a private 'lap dance' then get a private room, not in the middle of the 'dance floor'.

Bwuhahahahaha ...

**YOU** cannot "answer" for what SOMEBODY ELSE KNOWS, shit-for-brains.

As I said originally ----------- go learn how the fuck to READ.
Pence is a religious bigot and maybe scarier than Donnie, if he were Muslim the right wing snowflakes would call him every name in the book. But be a bigot in line with other bigots and all is fine.

"You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do." Anne Lamott

Often people hate those that are most similar to themselves. The right wing Christian fanatics hate the right wing Muslim fanatics with a passion. And their reasons for hating them are often things they actually like.
Often snowflakes say stupid shot....thanks for the Demo.

Only snowflakes would try to compare Christians to radical terrorist freaks who gave twisted their religion into a death cult, a group just a bit more intolerant than our own radical leftist progressive socialist nutbags ... Instead of blowing themselves up, though, Hillary just hired violent thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies ... Although the Democrats did use violent rhetoric to spin up snowflakes to the point where they tried to assassinate members off the GOP...
Iit's not the answer you wanted anyone to give....and no one ran away. No one sits here waiting for you to respond by posting ignorant crap. Get a life.

Go forth and learn to read. The post wasn't addressed to you; it was asking Fingerboy to back up HIS OWN POST. Which he can't do, so he ran away. Come white-knighting all you like Monty Python style, it doesn't change a damned thing.

Now let's review.

Fingerboy made an ass-sertion.

I challenged him to back it up. Got zippo.

Then you can charging in on yon steed trying to protect milady's honour with a list of bullshit. You could have just shut the fuck up since it wasn't your responsibility. But noooooooooo.
You asked for something
You got it
Now you're butt-hurt.
Got it.
Sucks to be you...


I got exactly what I knew full well I would get when I posed the question, which is what I ALWAYS know I'll get when I'm calling out bullshit. And that is nothing. Zero. Bupkis. Squat. Fuck-all. Sweet Fanny Adams. That's because Fingerfuck can't answer it, because he has no basis. And I just demonstrated that. Or if you like he demonstrated that by running away, which is what he always does. :gay:

Meanwhile you come rushing in from the side like a freaking Dodge Challenger in Charlottesville going HEY LOOKA ME. Almost amusing, but not really.
You asked.
You received.
You got embarrassed.
You're now butt-hurt.
Got it.
Sucks to be you.

BTW, this is a CHAT BOARD. When you ask questions, sweety, anyone can answer. Want a private 'lap dance' then get a private room, not in the middle of the 'dance floor'.

Bwuhahahahaha ...

**YOU** cannot "answer" for what SOMEBODY ELSE KNOWS, shit-for-brains.

As I said originally ----------- go learn how the fuck to READ.


You mad, brau?!

Bwuhahahaha..... :p
Go forth and learn to read. The post wasn't addressed to you; it was asking Fingerboy to back up HIS OWN POST. Which he can't do, so he ran away. Come white-knighting all you like Monty Python style, it doesn't change a damned thing.

Now let's review.

Fingerboy made an ass-sertion.

I challenged him to back it up. Got zippo.

Then you can charging in on yon steed trying to protect milady's honour with a list of bullshit. You could have just shut the fuck up since it wasn't your responsibility. But noooooooooo.
You asked for something
You got it
Now you're butt-hurt.
Got it.
Sucks to be you...


I got exactly what I knew full well I would get when I posed the question, which is what I ALWAYS know I'll get when I'm calling out bullshit. And that is nothing. Zero. Bupkis. Squat. Fuck-all. Sweet Fanny Adams. That's because Fingerfuck can't answer it, because he has no basis. And I just demonstrated that. Or if you like he demonstrated that by running away, which is what he always does. :gay:

Meanwhile you come rushing in from the side like a freaking Dodge Challenger in Charlottesville going HEY LOOKA ME. Almost amusing, but not really.
You asked.
You received.
You got embarrassed.
You're now butt-hurt.
Got it.
Sucks to be you.

BTW, this is a CHAT BOARD. When you ask questions, sweety, anyone can answer. Want a private 'lap dance' then get a private room, not in the middle of the 'dance floor'.

Bwuhahahahaha ...

**YOU** cannot "answer" for what SOMEBODY ELSE KNOWS, shit-for-brains.

As I said originally ----------- go learn how the fuck to READ.


You mad, brau?!

Bwuhahahaha..... :p


Another pointless troll makes the IL.

BUH bye now. BUH bye.
Pence is a religious bigot and maybe scarier than Donnie, if he were Muslim the right wing snowflakes would call him every name in the book. But be a bigot in line with other bigots and all is fine.

"You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do." Anne Lamott

Often people hate those that are most similar to themselves. The right wing Christian fanatics hate the right wing Muslim fanatics with a passion. And their reasons for hating them are often things they actually like.
It's funny to watch Lefties defending everything they claim to hate. They defend religious bigotry, homophobia, sexism - virtually everything lefties claim to oppose.
Pence is a religious bigot and maybe scarier than Donnie, if he were Muslim the right wing snowflakes would call him every name in the book. But be a bigot in line with other bigots and all is fine.

"You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do." Anne Lamott
Until you supply sources for Mr. Pences bigotry I will say you are a bigot of the first order and a top tier liar.

He hates women, he hates LGBTs, and he has karen to hump because she was indoctrinated and that is all he does with women (you know, his animals, good for sex and babies and nothing else.). He's a whore and a slimeball. Sorry for karen, who gets screwed by this trash. How she can take it, I don't know, but he does put his "thing" in her insides. This is how animals like UNclejoe live. I so hope that he with his hatred of women and his hatred of LGBTs, that no one will ever him to adopt from the ASPCA. Dogs and cats don't deserve to be exposed to sex creeps, either.

You didn't say anything.

Watch me do the same for Joe Biden:

He hates women, he hates LGBTs, and he has jill to hump because she was indoctrinated and that is all he does with women (you know, his animals, good for sex and babies and nothing else.). He's a whore and a slimeball. Sorry for Jill, who gets screwed by this trash. How she can take it, I don't know, but he does put his "thing" in her insides. This is how animals like pigpence live. I so hope that he with his hatred of women and his hatred of LGBTs, that no one will ever him to adopt from the ASPCA. Dogs and cats don't deserve to be exposed to sex creeps, either.

Joe Biden is a decent person who does NOT hate anyone and isn't a misogynistic, anti-gay sex freak like pigpence, who apparently is giving a speech at the Family Research Council's annual freak show. This guy is deeply disturbed.
Last edited:
I like when Pence calls his wife ....Mommy

Get out of their private life, pervert.

It does say much about a man's dependencies, does it not?

Think Rump calls Melania "mother"?

It says more about the ankle biters sniping from under rocks than anyone else.

uh huh.

What do you think it measn, psychologically ---- if a grown man calls his own wife "Mother"?
----------------------------------------- probly because he wants to . Also because he gives her Honor and a Compliment as being the Mother of his kids Pogo . [i didn't know that they had kids] And last but not least , its a Free country and he can call his wife anything he likes Pogo .

If this is a "Free country," why doesn't he leave women and LGBTs the hell alone? He's got his sex life figured out, whatever that is, so why doesn't he STFU? Some lesbian lady refused his advances and he's still pissed off over it?
The left didn't just make fun of Pence. The left said that he needed his wife to keep him from attacking every woman he saw. The left sees Pence as a perverted sexual predator.

So true. He's a sex freak. Normal men don't act this way. At least Karen lets him do that "thang," although I find this rather disgusting, but I'm not in his bed and would kill myself rather than let him to do the "thang" to me. He can do it to Karen. He's a sex creep.

Some people are disgusting.

Yeah, the rest of us don't concern ourselves with the way people conduct their private sex lives.

I cannot go along with the thing that these "evangelicals" have going on with sexual obsession. It's just so sick. yeah. I'm heterosexual. I'm female. I have my moments. But I don't spend my life concerned with what a straight or an LGBT does in the bedroom next door. It's so totally warped. And if someone is so emotionally close to another person to wish to marry? Many blessings be showered on the two of you. As they say: "love wins."

But I guarantee you're obsessed with what Brett Kavanaugh did with his genitals nearly 40 years ago, amirite?

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