Lefties made fun of Pence saying he wouldn't go to dinner alone with a woman who wasn't his wife...

I like when Pence calls his wife ....Mommy

Get out of their private life, pervert.

It does say much about a man's dependencies, does it not?

Think Rump calls Melania "mother"?

It says more about the ankle biters sniping from under rocks than anyone else.

uh huh.

What do you think it measn, psychologically ---- if a grown man calls his own wife "Mother"?
----------------------------------------- probly because he wants to . Also because he gives her Honor and a Compliment as being the Mother of his kids Pogo . [i didn't know that they had kids] And last but not least , its a Free country and he can call his wife anything he likes Pogo .

Nobody suggested he "can't". I simply pose the question as to what it means.

If they're not sure who the mother of his kids is, they've got deeper issues than we can deal with here.
Pence can call his wife anything he likes in the USA and its an old fashioned way of addressing a wife and giving Honor and a Compliment to her for having HIS kids Pogo . :afro: Perfectly acceptable and quite nice Pogo .
It has become obvious that Pence is a BRILLIANT man and an expert, savvy, seasoned politician.

The reason they mocked Pence for refusing to be caught in a compromising situation with a woman is because it frustrated them, making them aware that their biggest tactic for taking down Republicans - 'Herman Cain'ing them - would not / will not work on Pence.

If they are successful in setting up and taking down President Trump they will have a harder time doing so to Pence.
No they won't.
An accusation is all they need.
Sorry, but an accusation against the guy KNOWN not to allow himself to be alone with any other woman but his wife?

Even the Democrats, after making fun of him for this, know not even the dumbest of their followers would believe that....IMHO.
Trust me.
They're weaponizing the #metoo movement.
Anyone can be brought down with it.
Biggest problem here is that this ruins legitimate rape victims day in court.

I submit that what "ruins legitimate rape victims' day in court" is the mentality that, if the plaintiff is not in the service of one's own political party, immediately jumping to "she lied" conclusions and proceeding to smear the reputation of some person they've never met ---- as has been going on right here on these pages over the last week. THAT mentality is what "ruins legitimate rape victims' day in court".
Kavanaugh is the one being smeared, douche nozzle

Sent from my SM-N960U1 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
it is old fashioned . but i did hear my Dad and Grandfather call their wives as MOTHER every once in awhile Pogo .

And we wouldn't want them coming back from the seventeenth century to run a 21st century country, now would we. You wouldn't either.

Pence can call his wife anything he likes in the USA and its an old fashioned way of addressing a wife and giving Honor and a Compliment to her for having HIS kids Pogo . :afro: Perfectly acceptable and quite nice Pogo .

Yuh huh. So what does he call his actual mother? "Baby"?
...looks like they were just upset because he called them out on their bullshit game.

Funny that he was chastised for being respectful to his wife, somehow that was bad.

To truly understand the left, you just need to understand that everything that any conservative has ever done, EVER is the exact wrong thing and they should be ridiculed for it.


Meanwhile, they will NOT have the same standards for their side.

It's not TRULY about protecting the vunerable. It's about money and power.

Just look at FEINSTEIN sitting on the letter from Ford fo r7 weeks.....waiting until the last moment before the vote in a POLITICAL PLOY.

IF Pence says he won't go to dinner alone with a woman who is not his wife, that's his choice.

Dimms are just mad that it might limit his vunerablility.

Umm.... .Pence himself said that. Now he's got to live with it.

Sounds downright sensible to me.

it is old fashioned . but i did hear my Dad and Grandfather call their wives as MOTHER every once in awhile Pogo .

And we wouldn't want them coming back from the seventeenth century to run a 21st century country, now would we. You wouldn't either.
It has become obvious that Pence is a BRILLIANT man and an expert, savvy, seasoned politician.

The reason they mocked Pence for refusing to be caught in a compromising situation with a woman is because it frustrated them, making them aware that their biggest tactic for taking down Republicans - 'Herman Cain'ing them - would not / will not work on Pence.

If they are successful in setting up and taking down President Trump they will have a harder time doing so to Pence.
No they won't.
An accusation is all they need.
Sorry, but an accusation against the guy KNOWN not to allow himself to be alone with any other woman but his wife?

Even the Democrats, after making fun of him for this, know not even the dumbest of their followers would believe that....IMHO.
Trust me.
They're weaponizing the #metoo movement.
Anyone can be brought down with it.
Biggest problem here is that this ruins legitimate rape victims day in court.

I submit that what "ruins legitimate rape victims' day in court" is the mentality that, if the plaintiff is not in the service of one's own political party, immediately jumping to "she lied" conclusions and proceeding to smear the reputation of some person they've never met ---- as has been going on right here on these pages over the last week. THAT mentality is what "ruins legitimate rape victims' day in court".
Kavanaugh is the one being smeared, douche nozzle

Sent from my SM-N960U1 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

Yuh huh. And you know this --- how again?
Pence is a religious bigot and maybe scarier than Donnie, if he were Muslim the right wing snowflakes would call him every name in the book. But be a bigot in line with other bigots and all is fine.

"You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do." Anne Lamott
Until you supply sources for Mr. Pences bigotry I will say you are a bigot of the first order and a top tier liar.

He hates women, he hates LGBTs, and he has karen to hump because she was indoctrinated and that is all he does with women (you know, his animals, good for sex and babies and nothing else.). He's a whore and a slimeball. Sorry for karen, who gets screwed by this trash. How she can take it, I don't know, but he does put his "thing" in her insides. This is how animals like pigpence live. I so hope that he with his hatred of women and his hatred of LGBTs, that no one will ever him to adopt from the ASPCA. Dogs and cats don't deserve to be exposed to sex creeps, either.

It appears you are projecting your misandry.
It has become obvious that Pence is a BRILLIANT man and an expert, savvy, seasoned politician.

The reason they mocked Pence for refusing to be caught in a compromising situation with a woman is because it frustrated them, making them aware that their biggest tactic for taking down Republicans - 'Herman Cain'ing them - would not / will not work on Pence.

If they are successful in setting up and taking down President Trump they will have a harder time doing so to Pence.
No they won't.
An accusation is all they need.
Sorry, but an accusation against the guy KNOWN not to allow himself to be alone with any other woman but his wife?

Even the Democrats, after making fun of him for this, know not even the dumbest of their followers would believe that....IMHO.
Trust me.
They're weaponizing the #metoo movement.
Anyone can be brought down with it.
Biggest problem here is that this ruins legitimate rape victims day in court.

I submit that what "ruins legitimate rape victims' day in court" is the mentality that, if the plaintiff is not in the service of one's own political party, immediately jumping to "she lied" conclusions and proceeding to smear the reputation of some person they've never met ---- as has been going on right here on these pages over the last week. THAT mentality is what "ruins legitimate rape victims' day in court".
Yeah, I hate it when innocent people claim they're innocent for reasons they can prove.
It has become obvious that Pence is a BRILLIANT man and an expert, savvy, seasoned politician.

The reason they mocked Pence for refusing to be caught in a compromising situation with a woman is because it frustrated them, making them aware that their biggest tactic for taking down Republicans - 'Herman Cain'ing them - would not / will not work on Pence.

If they are successful in setting up and taking down President Trump they will have a harder time doing so to Pence.
No they won't.
An accusation is all they need.
Sorry, but an accusation against the guy KNOWN not to allow himself to be alone with any other woman but his wife?

Even the Democrats, after making fun of him for this, know not even the dumbest of their followers would believe that....IMHO.
Trust me.
They're weaponizing the #metoo movement.
Anyone can be brought down with it.
Biggest problem here is that this ruins legitimate rape victims day in court.

I submit that what "ruins legitimate rape victims' day in court" is the mentality that, if the plaintiff is not in the service of one's own political party, immediately jumping to "she lied" conclusions and proceeding to smear the reputation of some person they've never met ---- as has been going on right here on these pages over the last week. THAT mentality is what "ruins legitimate rape victims' day in court".
Yeah, I hate it when innocent people claim they're innocent for reasons they can prove.

It makes them look so guilty, doesn’t it?

He whipped out his crank at a party at Yale. No one will corroborate the story, and it took her getting paid by the left.....errrrr.....6 days to remember it was him.

Fiasco isn’t a good word.

Goddamn shit show is the word
Get out of their private life, pervert.

It does say much about a man's dependencies, does it not?

Think Rump calls Melania "mother"?

It says more about the ankle biters sniping from under rocks than anyone else.

uh huh.

What do you think it measn, psychologically ---- if a grown man calls his own wife "Mother"?

It means nothing at all. Only the morbidly curious and pathologically obsessed would even care.

Are you from his culture that you would even have a clue?

Bzzzzzzzzzzzt. Sorry, that's not correct.

It means a grown man marries to arrange a continuance of his mother. And that should give you pause. Actually it should have given his wife pause but that's her problem.

But it's not nearly as revealing as the fact that you endorse the pair --- the 'grabem by the p***y one and the "call 'er by the mother" other one --- simply because they wear your "team"'s colors. You must have no standards at all.

Nice attempt to deflect, but people have their own reasons for calling their spouse whatever they want. You're projecting your own biases and unhealthy obsessions on people you've never met nor ever will. It's really not healthy, and kind of stupid.
President in 2024 Pence knows what is right. And yes he was pilloried by the Puritans on the left. I put up several articles some time back from the left wing press attacking Pence because he wouldn’t meet with women alone.
These people are not to be trusted. And their hypocrisy means we don’t owe them a hearing or consideration.
Let’s roll over them and make sure they are never heard from again.
it is old fashioned . but i did hear my Dad and Grandfather call their wives as MOTHER every once in awhile Pogo .

And we wouldn't want them coming back from the seventeenth century to run a 21st century country, now would we. You wouldn't either.

Pence can call his wife anything he likes in the USA and its an old fashioned way of addressing a wife and giving Honor and a Compliment to her for having HIS kids Pogo . :afro: Perfectly acceptable and quite nice Pogo .

Yuh huh. So what does he call his actual mother? "Baby"?
The theory that you are guilty until proven innocent is from the 12th Century, yet all you Trump hating douchebag snowflakes have endorsed it.
it is old fashioned . but i did hear my Dad and Grandfather call their wives as MOTHER every once in awhile Pogo .

And we wouldn't want them coming back from the seventeenth century to run a 21st century country, now would we. You wouldn't either.

Pence can call his wife anything he likes in the USA and its an old fashioned way of addressing a wife and giving Honor and a Compliment to her for having HIS kids Pogo . :afro: Perfectly acceptable and quite nice Pogo .

Yuh huh. So what does he call his actual mother? "Baby"?
The theory that you are guilty until proven innocent is from the 12th Century, yet all you Trump hating douchebag snowflakes have endorsed it.
------------------------------------------------ i just believe or think , have heard that 'guilty until proved innocent is ' from the Napoleonic Code . Which is in effect in many countries like 'mexico' . It differs from Western English based law which the USA has or had [chuckle] . ---------------------------------------- Plus i have said in the past and have said it many times but USA young people are gonna be fecked , both they and their kids , [chuckle] as the future unfolds if things in the USA are not corrected .
it is old fashioned . but i did hear my Dad and Grandfather call their wives as MOTHER every once in awhile Pogo .

And we wouldn't want them coming back from the seventeenth century to run a 21st century country, now would we. You wouldn't either.

Pence can call his wife anything he likes in the USA and its an old fashioned way of addressing a wife and giving Honor and a Compliment to her for having HIS kids Pogo . :afro: Perfectly acceptable and quite nice Pogo .

Yuh huh. So what does he call his actual mother? "Baby"?
The theory that you are guilty until proven innocent is from the 12th Century, yet all you Trump hating douchebag snowflakes have endorsed it.

And here you are lying AGAIN, Finger Boy. Didn't I just spank you for this same shit last week, and now here you are looking for different results?

What part of "you're a liar" isn't getting through all that jelly on your face, little fuck?

And here's a tip -- maybe you should actually read the post before tossing some turd that isn't even related to it. What a concept.
it is old fashioned . but i did hear my Dad and Grandfather call their wives as MOTHER every once in awhile Pogo .

And we wouldn't want them coming back from the seventeenth century to run a 21st century country, now would we. You wouldn't either.

Pence can call his wife anything he likes in the USA and its an old fashioned way of addressing a wife and giving Honor and a Compliment to her for having HIS kids Pogo . :afro: Perfectly acceptable and quite nice Pogo .

Yuh huh. So what does he call his actual mother? "Baby"?
The theory that you are guilty until proven innocent is from the 12th Century, yet all you Trump hating douchebag snowflakes have endorsed it.

And here you are lying AGAIN, Finger Boy. Didn't I just spank you for this same shit last week, and now here you are looking for different results?

What part of "you're a liar" isn't getting through all that jelly on your face, little fuck?

And here's a tip -- maybe you should actually read the post before tossing some turd that isn't even related to it. What a concept.
------------------------------------- don't know WHO you are addressing Pogo ,
it is old fashioned . but i did hear my Dad and Grandfather call their wives as MOTHER every once in awhile Pogo .

And we wouldn't want them coming back from the seventeenth century to run a 21st century country, now would we. You wouldn't either.

Pence can call his wife anything he likes in the USA and its an old fashioned way of addressing a wife and giving Honor and a Compliment to her for having HIS kids Pogo . :afro: Perfectly acceptable and quite nice Pogo .

Yuh huh. So what does he call his actual mother? "Baby"?
The theory that you are guilty until proven innocent is from the 12th Century, yet all you Trump hating douchebag snowflakes have endorsed it.

And here you are lying AGAIN, Finger Boy. Didn't I just spank you for this same shit last week, and now here you are looking for different results?

What part of "you're a liar" isn't getting through all that jelly on your face, little fuck?

And here's a tip -- maybe you should actually read the post before tossing some turd that isn't even related to it. What a concept.
------------------------------------- don't know WHO you are addressing Pogo ,

The poster who addressed me, the little kid with jelly smeared all over his face. All you have to do is read up.
it is old fashioned . but i did hear my Dad and Grandfather call their wives as MOTHER every once in awhile Pogo .

And we wouldn't want them coming back from the seventeenth century to run a 21st century country, now would we. You wouldn't either.

Pence can call his wife anything he likes in the USA and its an old fashioned way of addressing a wife and giving Honor and a Compliment to her for having HIS kids Pogo . :afro: Perfectly acceptable and quite nice Pogo .

Yuh huh. So what does he call his actual mother? "Baby"?
The theory that you are guilty until proven innocent is from the 12th Century, yet all you Trump hating douchebag snowflakes have endorsed it.

And here you are lying AGAIN, Finger Boy. Didn't I just spank you for this same shit last week, and now here you are looking for different results?

What part of "you're a liar" isn't getting through all that jelly on your face, little fuck?

And here's a tip -- maybe you should actually read the post before tossing some turd that isn't even related to it. What a concept.
------------------------------------- don't know WHO you are addressing Pogo ,

The poster who addressed me, the little kid with jelly smeared all over his face. All you have to do is read up.
------------------------------------- just about impossible to have an adult conversation without addressing people properly and then all the name calling Pogo .
And we wouldn't want them coming back from the seventeenth century to run a 21st century country, now would we. You wouldn't either.

Yuh huh. So what does he call his actual mother? "Baby"?
The theory that you are guilty until proven innocent is from the 12th Century, yet all you Trump hating douchebag snowflakes have endorsed it.

And here you are lying AGAIN, Finger Boy. Didn't I just spank you for this same shit last week, and now here you are looking for different results?

What part of "you're a liar" isn't getting through all that jelly on your face, little fuck?

And here's a tip -- maybe you should actually read the post before tossing some turd that isn't even related to it. What a concept.
------------------------------------- don't know WHO you are addressing Pogo ,

The poster who addressed me, the little kid with jelly smeared all over his face. All you have to do is read up.
------------------------------------- just about impossible to have an adult conversation without addressing people properly and then all the name calling Pogo .

Why don't you mind your own fucking business and quit jumping into somebody else's conversation? Hm?

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