Lefties Sign Petition To Ban Talking Politics And Religion In Public [VIDEO]...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
WTF? See, this is what happens to people who get their 'News & Information' from lame comedians and 'The View.' Thoroughly Dumbed-Down zombies. :cuckoo:

Many people have let it happen. Before my dad passed away he and I had a lot of discussions. He would stay riled up watching shit news. I was there with him for six months, talk about a roll-a-coaster. At the end of my time there he said one day, "Sis these meds are making me crazy I want to get off of them". I mean there is no doubt he was going to die the doctors gave him six to ten days because he was bleeding internally and they could not get it stopped. Got the bleeding stopped with herbs but all the drugs they had him on were affecting his thought process. When he would get on a rant after watching shit tv I told him I wasn't going to talk to him with him ranting. Once he calmed down I explained some of the truth to him about a lot of the issues the tv rants were lying about. I told him 'look dad I'll got get some photos and information for you as to what is transpiring, he said, "no I believe you". He was in shock when he started to learned the truth. A few days later is when he decided the doctors drugs had to be as limited as possible. He lived for a year longer than the doctors had given him and died with peace in his heart.
Many people have let it happen. Before my dad passed away he and I had a lot of discussions. He would stay riled up watching shit news. I was there with him for six months, talk about a roll-a-coaster. At the end of my time there he said one day, "Sis these meds are making me crazy I want to get off of them". I mean there is no doubt he was going to die the doctors gave him six to ten days because he was bleeding internally and they could not get it stopped. Got the bleeding stopped with herbs but all the drugs they had him on were affecting his thought process. When he would get on a rant after watching shit tv I told him I wasn't going to talk to him with him ranting. Once he calmed down I explained some of the truth to him about a lot of the issues the tv rants were lying about. I told him 'look dad I'll got get some photos and information for you as to what is transpiring, he said, "no I believe you". He was in shock when he started to learned the truth. A few days later is when he decided the doctors drugs had to be as limited as possible. He lived for a year longer than the doctors had given him and died with peace in his heart.

Thanks for that.
Not saying that you're wrong that people, in general, are... ignorant, but considering similar videos of so-called "petitions" posted on that site, one has to wonder just how many people told the petitioner that they were full of crap and only those that agreed to sign made it into the video.
Sadly, some people are just that dumb, to sign anything that you put in front of them.
Not saying that you're wrong that people, in general, are... ignorant, but considering similar videos of so-called "petitions" posted on that site, one has to wonder just how many people told the petitioner that they were full of crap and only those that agreed to sign made it into the video.
Sadly, some people are just that dumb, to sign anything that you put in front of them.

Well, one girl did decline to sign. But she was the only one.
Fox News Kills.

Many people have let it happen. Before my dad passed away he and I had a lot of discussions. He would stay riled up watching shit news. I was there with him for six months, talk about a roll-a-coaster. At the end of my time there he said one day, "Sis these meds are making me crazy I want to get off of them". I mean there is no doubt he was going to die the doctors gave him six to ten days because he was bleeding internally and they could not get it stopped. Got the bleeding stopped with herbs but all the drugs they had him on were affecting his thought process. When he would get on a rant after watching shit tv I told him I wasn't going to talk to him with him ranting. Once he calmed down I explained some of the truth to him about a lot of the issues the tv rants were lying about. I told him 'look dad I'll got get some photos and information for you as to what is transpiring, he said, "no I believe you". He was in shock when he started to learned the truth. A few days later is when he decided the doctors drugs had to be as limited as possible. He lived for a year longer than the doctors had given him and died with peace in his heart.
Fox News Kills.

Many people have let it happen. Before my dad passed away he and I had a lot of discussions. He would stay riled up watching shit news. I was there with him for six months, talk about a roll-a-coaster. At the end of my time there he said one day, "Sis these meds are making me crazy I want to get off of them". I mean there is no doubt he was going to die the doctors gave him six to ten days because he was bleeding internally and they could not get it stopped. Got the bleeding stopped with herbs but all the drugs they had him on were affecting his thought process. When he would get on a rant after watching shit tv I told him I wasn't going to talk to him with him ranting. Once he calmed down I explained some of the truth to him about a lot of the issues the tv rants were lying about. I told him 'look dad I'll got get some photos and information for you as to what is transpiring, he said, "no I believe you". He was in shock when he started to learned the truth. A few days later is when he decided the doctors drugs had to be as limited as possible. He lived for a year longer than the doctors had given him and died with peace in his heart.

Not just Fox News. Most Government/Corporate Media does.
Not saying that you're wrong that people, in general, are... ignorant, but considering similar videos of so-called "petitions" posted on that site, one has to wonder just how many people told the petitioner that they were full of crap and only those that agreed to sign made it into the video.
Sadly, some people are just that dumb, to sign anything that you put in front of them.

Well, one girl did decline to sign. But she was the only one.
Well, they had to show at least one, otherwise it wouldn't be valid.
Edit to add:
Just saw the following comment on the article that sums it up nicely:
They should just title every one of these "stunts" (admitted in the article):
"Here's more video of the few people that we found that will sign anything we put in front of them."
I'd like to see one where people told him to go pound sand... I'd imagine that it'd be much longer - and funnier.
Last edited:
While this " petition " is a HOAX, I would agree there should, perhaps, be a law forbidding displays of religious affiliation / beliefs in public.

At least by politicians.

Any politician who displays his religious affiliation or speaks of it in public, should be disqualified from holding office.

He is not elected to preach or force his religious beliefs on others.
People will sign almost anything to get away from those trying to get you to sign a petition. lol
Not saying that you're wrong that people, in general, are... ignorant, but considering similar videos of so-called "petitions" posted on that site, one has to wonder just how many people told the petitioner that they were full of crap and only those that agreed to sign made it into the video.
Sadly, some people are just that dumb, to sign anything that you put in front of them.

Well, one girl did decline to sign. But she was the only one.
Well, they had to show at least one, otherwise it wouldn't be valid.

Or, it's just plain depressing it was only one who declined to sign. I gotta go with the latter at this point.
WTF? See, this is what happens to people who get their 'News & Information' from lame comedians and 'The View.' Thoroughly Dumbed-Down zombies. :cuckoo:

And the lawyers who'll fight as well as oppose this stupid idea (clearly a violation of the 1st Amendment) say in unison:


Think lawyers are whispering this sort of stupid stuff in people's ears since they'll make money either way it goes.
Not saying that you're wrong that people, in general, are... ignorant, but considering similar videos of so-called "petitions" posted on that site, one has to wonder just how many people told the petitioner that they were full of crap and only those that agreed to sign made it into the video.
Sadly, some people are just that dumb, to sign anything that you put in front of them.

Well, one girl did decline to sign. But she was the only one.
Well, they had to show at least one, otherwise it wouldn't be valid.

Or, it's just plain depressing it was only one who declined to sign. I gotta go with the latter at this point.
I'm sure there were more eh?

Next time, think...
WTF? See, this is what happens to people who get their 'News & Information' from lame comedians and 'The View.' Thoroughly Dumbed-Down zombies. :cuckoo:
Americans, dumb as dog shit. This is why the Founders created a Republic, not a Democracy.
As smart as these guys were, plenty of things in the future were impossible for them to foresee. Thankfully, they were intelligent enough to foresee that the country would have a majority of stupid people, like Stephanie, and created a Republic as opposed to a Democracy, which would have been disastrous.

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