Leftism as a religion?

Is Leftism a religion?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Dunno, I just load the trucks

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
Not even a little bit, especially since your premise is wrong

Do you have the at least some ability to debate the content in the article or are you just here to stick your tongue out at me?
By your argument, anything can be considered a religion. You believe in going to work? Then work is your religion, and your boss is your God.

Your work reflects your religion.

For example, Dennis Prager is now involved with a court case against Youtube for censoring his videos on abortion. Their excuse was that it involved pornography, a claim that is absurd.
You lied about them saying it was pornography. Did you do that because of your religion?
Why is YouTube censoring conservative videos then?
Do you have the at least some ability to debate the content in the article or are you just here to stick your tongue out at me?
By your argument, anything can be considered a religion. You believe in going to work? Then work is your religion, and your boss is your God.

Your work reflects your religion.

For example, Dennis Prager is now involved with a court case against Youtube for censoring his videos on abortion. Their excuse was that it involved pornography, a claim that is absurd.
You lied about them saying it was pornography. Did you do that because of your religion?

Here is the article on the law suit.

PragerU Takes Legal Action Against Google and YouTube for Discrimination

Youtube said that the content was "inappropriate for children", however, if you watch the videos you will soon find that this accusation is baseless.
There are tons of pro-life abortion videos on youtube as we speak. Prager’s must have been really twisted, probably inspiring hatred against abortion clinics and women who have had abortions.
Tell us what in this video no 12 year old should hear to justify its censorship.


Do you have the at least some ability to debate the content in the article or are you just here to stick your tongue out at me?
By your argument, anything can be considered a religion. You believe in going to work? Then work is your religion, and your boss is your God.

Your work reflects your religion.

For example, Dennis Prager is now involved with a court case against Youtube for censoring his videos on abortion. Their excuse was that it involved pornography, a claim that is absurd.
You lied about them saying it was pornography. Did you do that because of your religion?
Why is YouTube censoring conservative videos then?
There are hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of conservative videos on Youtube as we speak
Do you have the at least some ability to debate the content in the article or are you just here to stick your tongue out at me?
By your argument, anything can be considered a religion. You believe in going to work? Then work is your religion, and your boss is your God.

Your work reflects your religion.

For example, Dennis Prager is now involved with a court case against Youtube for censoring his videos on abortion. Their excuse was that it involved pornography, a claim that is absurd.
You lied about them saying it was pornography. Did you do that because of your religion?
Why is YouTube censoring conservative videos then?
There are hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of conservative videos on Youtube as we speak
Stop avoiding the issue. Why is this censored?
The Global Warming theory is an integral part of left wing ideology and GW comes the closest to religion as anything these days. Non believers are shouted down (or worse) as "deniers" (heretics) when the theory isn't even proved. True believers have to rely on faith rather than trusting their senses when they face a blizzard south of the Mason Dixon line a week before spring begins. True believers are taught from an early age that the decadence of their own Country causes droughts in Africa and floods elsewhere and the Co2 that used to be thought of as beneficial for the life of plants is an evil substance. Meanwhile the billions of tons of sulfur turning into sulfuric acid spewed into the air by seismic activity is spun by propaganda sources as beneficial.
By your argument, anything can be considered a religion. You believe in going to work? Then work is your religion, and your boss is your God.

Your work reflects your religion.

For example, Dennis Prager is now involved with a court case against Youtube for censoring his videos on abortion. Their excuse was that it involved pornography, a claim that is absurd.
You lied about them saying it was pornography. Did you do that because of your religion?

Here is the article on the law suit.

PragerU Takes Legal Action Against Google and YouTube for Discrimination

Youtube said that the content was "inappropriate for children", however, if you watch the videos you will soon find that this accusation is baseless.
There are tons of pro-life abortion videos on youtube as we speak. Prager’s must have been really twisted, probably inspiring hatred against abortion clinics and women who have had abortions.
Tell us what in this video no 12 year old should hear to justify its censorship.

Found it immediately on Youtube
The Global Warming theory is an integral part of left wing ideology and GW comes the closest to religion as anything these days. Non believers are shouted down (or worse) as "deniers" (heretics) when the theory isn't even proved. True believers have to rely on faith rather than trusting their senses when they face a blizzard south of the Mason Dixon line a week before spring begins. True believers are taught from an early age that the decadence of their own Country causes droughts in Africa and floods elsewhere and the Co2 that used to be thought of as beneficial for the life of plants is an evil substance. Meanwhile the billions of tons of sulfur turning into sulfuric acid spewed into the air by seismic activity is spun by propaganda sources as beneficial.
No needs for ideology when there is 97 percent consensus. Carbon dioxide is necessary, without it we would freeze, but too much, then we become venus.
The more appropriate question to ask: why does lower cognitive ability predict greater prejudice through right-wing ideology.
Do you have the at least some ability to debate the content in the article or are you just here to stick your tongue out at me?
By your argument, anything can be considered a religion. You believe in going to work? Then work is your religion, and your boss is your God.

Your work reflects your religion.

For example, Dennis Prager is now involved with a court case against Youtube for censoring his videos on abortion. Their excuse was that it involved pornography, a claim that is absurd.
You lied about them saying it was pornography. Did you do that because of your religion?
Why is YouTube censoring conservative videos then?
There are hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of conservative videos on Youtube as we speak

Dodge. Hundreds of thousands of conservative videos were taken down.
The more appropriate question to ask: why does lower cognitive ability predict greater prejudice through right-wing ideology.

First, you tell me why the Left, against all scientific evidence, insists that a man can become a woman, or vice-versa.

Or why they claim the sea floor is sinking as the reason their long-predicted rise in sea levels "caused by global warming" have not come to pass.
The Global Warming theory is an integral part of left wing ideology and GW comes the closest to religion as anything these days. Non believers are shouted down (or worse) as "deniers" (heretics) when the theory isn't even proved. True believers have to rely on faith rather than trusting their senses when they face a blizzard south of the Mason Dixon line a week before spring begins. True believers are taught from an early age that the decadence of their own Country causes droughts in Africa and floods elsewhere and the Co2 that used to be thought of as beneficial for the life of plants is an evil substance. Meanwhile the billions of tons of sulfur turning into sulfuric acid spewed into the air by seismic activity is spun by propaganda sources as beneficial.
No needs for ideology when there is 97 percent consensus. Carbon dioxide is necessary, without it we would freeze, but too much, then we become venus.
The more appropriate question to ask: why does lower cognitive ability predict greater prejudice through right-wing ideology.

Alluding to your cognition link, libs definitely have a racist link as they're indelibly tied to slavery, segregation, and division over the last 170 years.
By your argument, anything can be considered a religion. You believe in going to work? Then work is your religion, and your boss is your God.

Your work reflects your religion.

For example, Dennis Prager is now involved with a court case against Youtube for censoring his videos on abortion. Their excuse was that it involved pornography, a claim that is absurd.
You lied about them saying it was pornography. Did you do that because of your religion?
Why is YouTube censoring conservative videos then?
There are hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of conservative videos on Youtube as we speak

Dodge. Hundreds of thousands of conservative videos were taken down.
Not a dodge. A successful point. Yours, while most likely completely false, fails regardless because Youtube deletes/demonetizes all types of videos if they violate terms of use.
Your work reflects your religion.

For example, Dennis Prager is now involved with a court case against Youtube for censoring his videos on abortion. Their excuse was that it involved pornography, a claim that is absurd.
You lied about them saying it was pornography. Did you do that because of your religion?

Here is the article on the law suit.

PragerU Takes Legal Action Against Google and YouTube for Discrimination

Youtube said that the content was "inappropriate for children", however, if you watch the videos you will soon find that this accusation is baseless.
There are tons of pro-life abortion videos on youtube as we speak. Prager’s must have been really twisted, probably inspiring hatred against abortion clinics and women who have had abortions.
Tell us what in this video no 12 year old should hear to justify its censorship.

Found it immediately on Youtube

It is filtered by YouTube as everything else pornographic is.

Why is it censored?
You lied about them saying it was pornography. Did you do that because of your religion?

Here is the article on the law suit.

PragerU Takes Legal Action Against Google and YouTube for Discrimination

Youtube said that the content was "inappropriate for children", however, if you watch the videos you will soon find that this accusation is baseless.
There are tons of pro-life abortion videos on youtube as we speak. Prager’s must have been really twisted, probably inspiring hatred against abortion clinics and women who have had abortions.
Tell us what in this video no 12 year old should hear to justify its censorship.

Found it immediately on Youtube

It is filtered by YouTube as everything else pornographic is.

Why is it censored?

If it were then I wouldn’t be able to immediately find it without the slightest issue
Your work reflects your religion.

For example, Dennis Prager is now involved with a court case against Youtube for censoring his videos on abortion. Their excuse was that it involved pornography, a claim that is absurd.
You lied about them saying it was pornography. Did you do that because of your religion?
Why is YouTube censoring conservative videos then?
There are hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of conservative videos on Youtube as we speak

Dodge. Hundreds of thousands of conservative videos were taken down.
Not a dodge. A successful point. Yours, while most likely completely false, fails regardless because Youtube deletes/demonetizes all types of videos if they violate terms of use.
Stop dodging. Why are the Prager videos censored?
You lied about them saying it was pornography. Did you do that because of your religion?
Why is YouTube censoring conservative videos then?
There are hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of conservative videos on Youtube as we speak

Dodge. Hundreds of thousands of conservative videos were taken down.
Not a dodge. A successful point. Yours, while most likely completely false, fails regardless because Youtube deletes/demonetizes all types of videos if they violate terms of use.
Stop dodging. Why are the Prager videos censored?
If there are any censored, which you have completey failed to show evidence for, then it’s because they violated Youtube’s terms of service.
Here is the article on the law suit.

PragerU Takes Legal Action Against Google and YouTube for Discrimination

Youtube said that the content was "inappropriate for children", however, if you watch the videos you will soon find that this accusation is baseless.
There are tons of pro-life abortion videos on youtube as we speak. Prager’s must have been really twisted, probably inspiring hatred against abortion clinics and women who have had abortions.
Tell us what in this video no 12 year old should hear to justify its censorship.

Found it immediately on Youtube

It is filtered by YouTube as everything else pornographic is.

Why is it censored?

If it were then I wouldn’t be able to immediately find it without the slightest issue

Your work reflects your religion.

For example, Dennis Prager is now involved with a court case against Youtube for censoring his videos on abortion. Their excuse was that it involved pornography, a claim that is absurd.
You lied about them saying it was pornography. Did you do that because of your religion?

Here is the article on the law suit.

PragerU Takes Legal Action Against Google and YouTube for Discrimination

Youtube said that the content was "inappropriate for children", however, if you watch the videos you will soon find that this accusation is baseless.
There are tons of pro-life abortion videos on youtube as we speak. Prager’s must have been really twisted, probably inspiring hatred against abortion clinics and women who have had abortions.
Tell us what in this video no 12 year old should hear to justify its censorship.

Found it immediately on Youtube

Another pathetic dodge. They are in restricted status.
Why is YouTube censoring conservative videos then?
There are hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of conservative videos on Youtube as we speak

Dodge. Hundreds of thousands of conservative videos were taken down.
Not a dodge. A successful point. Yours, while most likely completely false, fails regardless because Youtube deletes/demonetizes all types of videos if they violate terms of use.
Stop dodging. Why are the Prager videos censored?
If there are any censored, which you have completey failed to show evidence for, then it’s because they violated Youtube’s terms of service.
Tell us how the video violated TOS.

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