Leftist bully attacks two 14 year olds for wearing MAGA hat

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Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

So its cool when one of these terrorists assaulting a Trump supporter gets a couple holes blown through them? Cool! Long as we are on same page. You think terrorist activity is OK as long as its against AMERICANS and I think its OK for those AMERICANS to defend themselves against the terrorists you defend. Awesome!

Well if that's what a person thinks they have to do so be it. But at the same time that means people can just blow away Trump supporters since they have actually committed acts of terror against US citizens . Ask Heather Heyer.

You liberals are living dangerously, you are the NAZI'S....

Just keep it up...…..

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

So its cool when one of these terrorists assaulting a Trump supporter gets a couple holes blown through them? Cool! Long as we are on same page. You think terrorist activity is OK as long as its against AMERICANS and I think its OK for those AMERICANS to defend themselves against the terrorists you defend. Awesome!

Well if that's what a person thinks they have to do so be it. But at the same time that means people can just blow away Trump supporters since they have actually committed acts of terror against US citizens . Ask Heather Heyer.

You are insane.

Nope. Perfectly sane. If Trump supports think they have the right to blast people, then Trump supporters need to understand those who oppose Trump can blast them.

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

You are always bass ackwards...

Nah, that's you Trump supporters. It gets no more backwards than wanting to return to the 1950's.

I am not a trump supporter. I didn’t vote for him. You just think because someone opposes your ignorant, insane and intolerable views they are supporters. Your posts have proven you to be an idiot of epic proportions. Seek help before you hurt yourself. I can only hope you don’t have children.
"You made me do it" is also an excuse used by wife-beaters.
Never made the argument.

However since you have gone there...it is funny that Trump introduces violence to our politics in his campaign then his supporters are surprised when violence visits them after he wins office.
trump introduced violencecin our politics?

Yeah.... It's Trump’s fault.

In part yes.
There is no excuse for violence. But when you sponsor it, don’t act surprised when it comes back at you.

It’s the same thing with the Democrats and the Senate filibuster. The Dems stupidly suspended the filibuster….and now that the GOP is in the majority, they have every right to suspend it further because the precedent has been set.
Wait, I get that, but republicans don't advocate violence. Other than Trump saying take the protestors out on a stretcher, no republican has been close.
My question is why do lefties show up to rallies they don't want to be at, just to start fights? you just don't see right wingers ever do this stuff.

The guy who mowed down the woman in Charlottesville was invited to their demonstration?
Never made the argument.

However since you have gone there...it is funny that Trump introduces violence to our politics in his campaign then his supporters are surprised when violence visits them after he wins office.
trump introduced violencecin our politics?

Yeah.... It's Trump’s fault.

In part yes.
There is no excuse for violence. But when you sponsor it, don’t act surprised when it comes back at you.

It’s the same thing with the Democrats and the Senate filibuster. The Dems stupidly suspended the filibuster….and now that the GOP is in the majority, they have every right to suspend it further because the precedent has been set.
I don't think anyone is sponsoring violence other than Democrats.

We’ve had what 8 threads praying for a civil war all (or primarily all) authored by right wing nut jobs like yourself on this board alone?
Trump said he wanted to punch someone in the face at a rally, said he’d pay the legal bills for acts of violence at another….
And of course the guy who mowed down a protestor in Charlottesville is in court today.

I’m sure there are Dems who are just as belligerent but it certainly isn’t lonely in that quarter.
the problem is each side sees themselves as reacting to the *other* side. last i checked, violence is violence and while i can't control what you do, i can control what i do. there simply is no "the other side made me do it" that will work for me in either case. if i decide i've had enough of something i'll take whatever actions i think are necessary to protect myself at the time. nothing more. if that is to involve violence then the other side was coming at me and i had to make a choice because i would not go after someone else in many situations i can think of.

i also think the detached nature of the internet makes people a lot more bold in what we *say* we could do at any given time. if i were at whataburger would i have inserted myself into this discussion? the management didn't have time to do much of anything cause kino said what he wanted to say and got cute and left.

what he did will follow him for quite awhile and while *i* may not likely have inserted myself into this situation, i'm not the only mindset out there and there *will* be those who go hunt this dude down and do a "payback". then the left will say "yea he was stupid but didn't deserve that, let's go beat up a conservative!" to show the other side they won't stand for it.

trump isn't sponsoring violence in what i have seen but he sure won't back down from a challenge - any challenge - and his mouth says a lot of stupid shit. he brings a lot of his problems upon himself but this is just who he is and he's not changing for you or me anymore than you are going to change for him or anyone else.

so we own our actions to the core. there is no "what trump said made me do it" cause in the end unless he held your hand into a fist and shoved it in someone elses face time and time again - whoever did the hitting made that choice. THEY need to pay for it in accordance with our laws, not our social justice warriors in action.

both mindsets need to calm down but each mindset is hellbent in thinking the other side caused all this by being 1) a liar 2) unreasonable 3) vindictive.

as long as we allow excuses for 1 side the other side will take them also and we continue on as we are.
Nope. Perfectly sane. If Trump supports think they have the right to blast people, then Trump supporters need to understand those who oppose Trump can blast them.
Let's hope they're better at it than pantifa.
Very soon leftists will be justifying and committing violence and terrorism against those on the right. It's just a matter of time. As they find themselves losing elections, the court, and the confidence of the public.
Very soon leftists will be justifying and committing violence and terrorism against those on the right. It's just a matter of time. As they find themselves losing elections, the court, and the confidence of the public.
They already are.
Assault on a minor and theft of property.

That's a hard video to watch.

The assailant's face is clearly visible. His voice is clearly heard. His name will be out shortly . His actions are now recorded for all to see--his boss, his family. I feel sorry for his family when the crap hits the fan. It will be interesting to see where this story goes over the next few days.

If he has a good paying job, his company and his boss will have to stand behind his actions or can him. I wouldn't want to be his boss right now or the company where he works. Ugly.

If you can't exercise tolerance and self restraint in public, why would a company want to take the risk of having you on their payroll?

I wonder what he does for a living. Won't have to wonder long. This guy is infamous now.

Stay tuned. Sad.
He’ll be fone. He’ll get planty raised in a GoFundMe, and nobody will remember this a week or 2 from now.

You Nazi's stick together....

I can't wait for payday.

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

Figures you would say that.

Why not. That's what Trump has done.

In your mind that gives this guy the right to Harras two teenagers?

No, but there are going to be consequences for supporting Trump and the animosity he encourages.. You Trump lovers just need to face that. This is a man locking up babies. So really I don't give a fuck about you trump lovers whining.
Assault on a minor and theft of property.

That's a hard video to watch.

The assailant's face is clearly visible. His voice is clearly heard. His name will be out shortly . His actions are now recorded for all to see--his boss, his family. I feel sorry for his family when the crap hits the fan. It will be interesting to see where this story goes over the next few days.

If he has a good paying job, his company and his boss will have to stand behind his actions or can him. I wouldn't want to be his boss right now or the company where he works. Ugly.

If you can't exercise tolerance and self restraint in public, why would a company want to take the risk of having you on their payroll?

I wonder what he does for a living. Won't have to wonder long. This guy is infamous now.

Stay tuned. Sad.
He’ll be fone. He’ll get planty raised in a GoFundMe, and nobody will remember this a week or 2 from now.

You Nazi's stick together....

I can't wait for payday.

The only Nazi here is you.

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

Figures you would say that.

Why not. That's what Trump has done.

In your mind that gives this guy the right to Harras two teenagers?

No, but there are going to be consequences for supporting Trump and the animosity he encourages.. You Trump lovers just need to face that. This is a man locking up babies. So really I don't give a fuck about you trump lovers whining.

You dumb ass. You have extreme comprehension issues. You may be able to read but you can’t absorb the context. My god you are stupid.

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

So its cool when one of these terrorists assaulting a Trump supporter gets a couple holes blown through them? Cool! Long as we are on same page. You think terrorist activity is OK as long as its against AMERICANS and I think its OK for those AMERICANS to defend themselves against the terrorists you defend. Awesome!

The looney left have all become terrorists

There is no loony left. The loons are people who defend a man who locks up infants.
"You made me do it" is also an excuse used by wife-beaters.
Never made the argument.

However since you have gone there...it is funny that Trump introduces violence to our politics in his campaign then his supporters are surprised when violence visits them after he wins office.
trump introduced violencecin our politics?


There were a lot of GOP candidates in 2016….maybe I missed it. Can you quote other GOP candidates that said “I’d like to punch him in the face”? I was under the impression that from this campaign, Trump was the only one who did that.
That was Bob Deniro

Can you quote Bob saying that?

Here, I just saved you a 5 second Google search... it is about 35 seconds in where Deniro says this:


Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

So its cool when one of these terrorists assaulting a Trump supporter gets a couple holes blown through them? Cool! Long as we are on same page. You think terrorist activity is OK as long as its against AMERICANS and I think its OK for those AMERICANS to defend themselves against the terrorists you defend. Awesome!

The looney left have all become terrorists

There is no loony left. The loons are people who defend a man who locks up infants.

You are dumb enough to be either Maxine Waters or Sheila Jackson’s offspring.

Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.
Figures you would say that.

Why not. That's what Trump has done.
In your mind that gives this guy the right to Harras two teenagers?

No, but there are going to be consequences for supporting Trump and the animosity he encourages.. You Trump lovers just need to face that. This is a man locking up babies. So really I don't give a fuck about you trump lovers whining.
You dumb ass. You have extreme comprehension issues. You may be able to read but you can’t absorb the context. My god you are stupid.

You're the dumb ass. The fact is there will be consequences of supporting Trump and his hatred.

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

So its cool when one of these terrorists assaulting a Trump supporter gets a couple holes blown through them? Cool! Long as we are on same page. You think terrorist activity is OK as long as its against AMERICANS and I think its OK for those AMERICANS to defend themselves against the terrorists you defend. Awesome!

Well if that's what a person thinks they have to do so be it. But at the same time that means people can just blow away Trump supporters since they have actually committed acts of terror against US citizens . Ask Heather Heyer.

You are insane.

Nope. Perfectly sane. If Trump supports think they have the right to blast people, then Trump supporters need to understand those who oppose Trump can blast them.

Only a fool would wish for war….

But people like you make me think

maybe we should just go ahead and get it on…

We have fought and defeated NAZI’S like

you before and we can do it again…
No, but there are going to be consequences for supporting Trump and the animosity he encourages.. You Trump lovers just need to face that. This is a man locking up babies. So really I don't give a fuck about you trump lovers whining.
You people prefer killing babies outright.

Might be a good time to remind you that The Don is CinC of all military. Add in the vets and it just doesn't look good for you.
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