Leftist Hollyweirdo's and their freak show 2013 MTV Awards

MTV Video Music Awards 2013 | Arrivals - latimes.com

And we wonder why crime, murder, and lack of any moral fiber exists in this nation with these creepyazz freaks preaching to the rest of us.. Just go through the gallery and look at them.. Couldn't even stomach it to watch.. it was a joke.

Right. Because only liberals watch MTV. Except for this one. MTV sucks. The last thing I would waste my time on is the tasteless flailings and yodeling of the self-centered and delusional 'artists' featured during this awards show.

"Oops", there goes your theory. Another winner brought to you by LadyDumbSlinger.

HOLLYWEIRD IS LIBRUL and even HOLLYWEIRD admits it so shove your faux outrage dummy.

Miley Cyrus & Obama: Singer Tweets Support For President

Which showcases how HOLLYWEIRD loves Odumbo.. OWN IT sleazebags.
MTV Video Music Awards 2013 | Arrivals - latimes.com

And we wonder why crime, murder, and lack of any moral fiber exists in this nation with these creepyazz freaks preaching to the rest of us.. Just go through the gallery and look at them.. Couldn't even stomach it to watch.. it was a joke.

Right. Because only liberals watch MTV. Except for this one. MTV sucks. The last thing I would waste my time on is the tasteless flailings and yodeling of the self-centered and delusional 'artists' featured during this awards show.

"Oops", there goes your theory. Another winner brought to you by LadyDumbSlinger.

HOLLYWEIRD IS LIBRUL and even HOLLYWEIRD admits it so shove your faux outrage dummy.

Miley Cyrus & Obama: Singer Tweets Support For President

Which showcases how HOLLYWEIRD loves Odumbo.. OWN IT sleazebags.

Just act like a whore, say you love blacks and gays, and show your support for Obama's war against oil & coal.

Best way to get a gig these days.
Admittably, my music tastes pretty much stopped developing in the 1980's... I don't listen to anything produced since then.

But frankly, just don't see what LadyMudSlinger is freaking out about.

It's all about hate and fear; she can't abide by anything she can't understand.
MTV Video Music Awards 2013 | Arrivals - latimes.com

And we wonder why crime, murder, and lack of any moral fiber exists in this nation with these creepyazz freaks preaching to the rest of us.. Just go through the gallery and look at them.. Couldn't even stomach it to watch.. it was a joke.

Right. Because only liberals watch MTV. Except for this one. MTV sucks. The last thing I would waste my time on is the tasteless flailings and yodeling of the self-centered and delusional 'artists' featured during this awards show.

"Oops", there goes your theory. Another winner brought to you by LadyDumbSlinger.

HOLLYWEIRD IS LIBRUL and even HOLLYWEIRD admits it so shove your faux outrage dummy.

Miley Cyrus & Obama: Singer Tweets Support For President

Which showcases how HOLLYWEIRD loves Odumbo.. OWN IT sleazebags.

All of the funding behind Hollywood liberal as well? All those billion dollar blockbuster flicks brought to you exclusively by Democrats only? Not a single conservative is involved with the music business? Lol.....

The message is liberal - without a doubt - but sorry Lady G, funding (and ultimately responsibility) come from both sides of the aisle.

Now what were you saying again my darling?

Admittably, my music tastes pretty much stopped developing in the 1980's... I don't listen to anything produced since then.

But frankly, just don't see what LadyMudSlinger is freaking out about.

It's all about hate and fear; she can't abide by anything she can't understand.

They always say that. To you it's art.

We understand that it's just different types of scatology.
Right. Because only liberals watch MTV. Except for this one. MTV sucks. The last thing I would waste my time on is the tasteless flailings and yodeling of the self-centered and delusional 'artists' featured during this awards show.

"Oops", there goes your theory. Another winner brought to you by LadyDumbSlinger.

HOLLYWEIRD IS LIBRUL and even HOLLYWEIRD admits it so shove your faux outrage dummy.

Miley Cyrus & Obama: Singer Tweets Support For President

Which showcases how HOLLYWEIRD loves Odumbo.. OWN IT sleazebags.

All of the funding behind Hollywood liberal as well? All those billion dollar blockbuster flicks brought to you exclusively by Democrats only? Not a single conservative is involved with the music business? Lol.....

The message is liberal - without a doubt - but sorry Lady G, funding (and ultimately responsibility) come from both sides of the aisle.

Now what were you saying again my darling?


Yeah, but the cons are in hiding.

Liberals are running the show and attempting to stretch the boundaries to the breaking point.
I saw a pic taken from the video...Madonna called, & says some girl going by "Hannah" stole her costume & her choreography stuff!

The problem isn't us watching it, but kids watching it.

Kids need to be kids, not worry about all of that social BS they're always shoving at them.

The less they are exposed to the nonsense in the world the better. Let them know you love them and try not to over-expose them to the unreality the left feels they need to be exposed to. They are too impressionable.

Frankly, I think that we shouldn't be shoving the religion BULLSHIT at kids.

Because frankly, lying to them about God is even worse than lying to them about Santa Claus.

They end up a lot more pissed off when you find out they lied to you.

Now on to this subject, the reason all you guys are losing your shit is because Hanna Montana is a real girl named Miley Cyrus who just realized she had a va-jay-jay... Oh, the horror of it all.
Admittably, my music tastes pretty much stopped developing in the 1980's... I don't listen to anything produced since then.

But frankly, just don't see what LadyMudSlinger is freaking out about.

It's all about hate and fear; she can't abide by anything she can't understand.

Clearly WC is a Furry, cuz he really digs the Teddy Bear pr0n.

The problem isn't us watching it, but kids watching it.

Kids need to be kids, not worry about all of that social BS they're always shoving at them.

The less they are exposed to the nonsense in the world the better. Let them know you love them and try not to over-expose them to the unreality the left feels they need to be exposed to. They are too impressionable.

Frankly, I think that we shouldn't be shoving the religion BULLSHIT at kids.

Because frankly, lying to them about God is even worse than lying to them about Santa Claus.

They end up a lot more pissed off when you find out they lied to you.

Now on to this subject, the reason all you guys are losing your shit is because Hanna Montana is a real girl named Miley Cyrus who just realized she had a va-jay-jay... Oh, the horror of it all.

Not everyone believes what you believe. I don't see how teaching about God and Jesus and teaching lessons that help make your life more healthy, happy, and fulfilled can be even worse than telling them there's a Santa Claus (As if that traumatized kids). Get real!!

I guess you have no problem with kids becoming addicted to sex and drugs, but I don't have to follow your nonsensical parenting techniques and hopefully more people don't follow you down that road.
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HOLLYWEIRD IS LIBRUL and even HOLLYWEIRD admits it so shove your faux outrage dummy.

Miley Cyrus & Obama: Singer Tweets Support For President

Which showcases how HOLLYWEIRD loves Odumbo.. OWN IT sleazebags.

All of the funding behind Hollywood liberal as well? All those billion dollar blockbuster flicks brought to you exclusively by Democrats only? Not a single conservative is involved with the music business? Lol.....

The message is liberal - without a doubt - but sorry Lady G, funding (and ultimately responsibility) come from both sides of the aisle.

Now what were you saying again my darling?


Yeah, but the cons are in hiding.

Liberals are running the show and attempting to stretch the boundaries to the breaking point.

But... they are equally at fault.
All of the funding behind Hollywood liberal as well? All those billion dollar blockbuster flicks brought to you exclusively by Democrats only? Not a single conservative is involved with the music business? Lol.....

The message is liberal - without a doubt - but sorry Lady G, funding (and ultimately responsibility) come from both sides of the aisle.

Now what were you saying again my darling?


Yeah, but the cons are in hiding.

Liberals are running the show and attempting to stretch the boundaries to the breaking point.

But... they are equally at fault.

Not if they are in hiding. That is the point of being in hiding. The moment they admit they're conservatives they get the axe.

Now who's fault is that?

Answer: The Hollywood establishment.

The only fault they have is being afraid of coming out of the closet so to speak. Being afraid of speaking your mind. That's what things have come to. And to think they used to cry about communists being black-listed in the 50s. Now they're doing it to conservatives.

Patrick Buchanan said this week that the only group that can be legally discriminated against is whites, which is what everyone believes conservatives are. In all actuality this has been simply a war by Democrats against anyone who dares to be different.
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MTV Video Music Awards 2013 | Arrivals - latimes.com

And we wonder why crime, murder, and lack of any moral fiber exists in this nation with these creepyazz freaks preaching to the rest of us.. Just go through the gallery and look at them.. Couldn't even stomach it to watch.. it was a joke.

Right. Because only liberals watch MTV. Except for this one. MTV sucks. The last thing I would waste my time on is the tasteless flailings and yodeling of the self-centered and delusional 'artists' featured during this awards show.

"Oops", there goes your theory. Another winner brought to you by LadyDumbSlinger.

HOLLYWEIRD IS LIBRUL and even HOLLYWEIRD admits it so shove your faux outrage dummy.

Miley Cyrus & Obama: Singer Tweets Support For President

Which showcases how HOLLYWEIRD loves Odumbo.. OWN IT sleazebags.

Jesus H Christ, you are one stupid bitch :eusa_hand:

Not everyone believes what you believe. I don't see how teaching about God and Jesus and teaching lessons that help make your life more healthy, happy, and fulfilled can be even worse than telling them there's a Santa Claus (As if that traumatized kids). Get real!!

I guess you have no problem with kids becoming addicted to sex and drugs, but I don't have to follow your nonsensical parenting techniques and hopefully more people don't follow you down that road.

Okay, let's pick this apart.

Frankly- Crusades, Witch-burnings, Magdalene houses, Inquisitions, torturing heretics, Holy Wars.... yup all sorts of things that made people's lives healthier... Except the poor bastards who had the wrong answer about whether Jesus was made of wafers or not.

Kid's aren't becoming addicted to sex. They are doing what 3 billion years of evolution has programmed them to do. The notion that you should control sex to please an Imaginary Sky Man is what is quite unnatural...

As for drugs... who was advocating drugs here? Heck, we aren't anywhere near having the adult conversation of treating drugs like a medical problem instead of a criminal one. I do find it funny that you guys who think that it's horrible that Mayor Bloomberg wants to limit the size of sodas are all for stomping out every last pot smoker.... The irony would be hilarious.

Not everyone believes what you believe. I don't see how teaching about God and Jesus and teaching lessons that help make your life more healthy, happy, and fulfilled can be even worse than telling them there's a Santa Claus (As if that traumatized kids). Get real!!

I guess you have no problem with kids becoming addicted to sex and drugs, but I don't have to follow your nonsensical parenting techniques and hopefully more people don't follow you down that road.

Okay, let's pick this apart.

Frankly- Crusades, Witch-burnings, Magdalene houses, Inquisitions, torturing heretics, Holy Wars.... yup all sorts of things that made people's lives healthier... Except the poor bastards who had the wrong answer about whether Jesus was made of wafers or not.

Kid's aren't becoming addicted to sex. They are doing what 3 billion years of evolution has programmed them to do. The notion that you should control sex to please an Imaginary Sky Man is what is quite unnatural...

As for drugs... who was advocating drugs here? Heck, we aren't anywhere near having the adult conversation of treating drugs like a medical problem instead of a criminal one. I do find it funny that you guys who think that it's horrible that Mayor Bloomberg wants to limit the size of sodas are all for stomping out every last pot smoker.... The irony would be hilarious.

Controlling sex is what separates us from animals.

And everything you mentioned that Christianity did wrong, did this happen to you or did you just see it in a movie?

Controlling sex is what separates us from animals.

And everything you mentioned that Christianity did wrong, did this happen to you or did you just see it in a movie?

No, I read about it in books, where knowledge was obviously cleverly hidden from you...

And, no, letting ugly people with bibles tell you not to fuck is not an advancement... quite the oppossite.
ahhhhhhh, judging a book by it's cover, it seems....

I think they look ridiculous in the way many of them are dressed, but that is how they want to dress, and so be it.

but I certainly would not judge these people's character by the way they dress, and you shouldn't either....you don't know any of them.

Isn't their fame and all that exactly why they dress and act like that? If they didn't want you to know them like this why would they go to such great effort to be that?
I have never watched the show, I also stay away from other award shows, the Oscars, the Emmys, the Grammys, who wants to watch over inflated egos of people that are self indulgent, sit around and congratulate each other.

They are superficial, boring and offer no substance.

I agree. A bunch of self righteous out of touch windbags and their long winded blathering,gushing and preaching. Gag.

You're kidding, right?

If you are talking about dramas and comedies, frankly, the storytelling on TV has probably improved over the 1980's.

or are you pining for reruns of "The Love Boat"?

Now, yeah, I think Reality TV is crap. but you know what, it's economical crap. You don't need to hire writers or actors. You just take 12 folks, film them, and then edit it down. As long as people keep watching, they'll keep making it.

Crap is crap.

And I was talking about the commercials as well. Watch MTV or Comedy Central and you'll know what I'm talking about.

I used to sit up all night and watch music videos on Friday night. When they changed over to reality programming MTV went to shit.

Society has created a generation of entitled,nasty,self absorbed drama queens. Just watch a weeks worth of reality TV on Bravo if you have any doubt of this.
The baby boom generation are cry babies yes.
Hahaha you fell right into her trap...now you are and everyone else is talking about it.
This was all calculated to make her money. She won and you dont even understand it op...

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