Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office

So do you think most blacks are just freeloaders, and will vote for anyone who gives them free stuff?

Exactly. Blacks vote at a 95% rate for the party that is willing to make excuses for blacks as a whole performing at a lower level in just about every social, educational, economic, etc. category. When that amount of people vote for a party that does just that, the logical conclusion is they vote for them for that reason.

Not the logical conclusion at all,, unless you are using twisted right wing logic.

To someone that votes for Democrats for that reason, I'm not surprised you think that way. To you, it isn't logical to work and earn it when the party you support will take it from someone else and give it to you.

So now you can read my mind, and know the reasons I vote Democratic?

If you vote Democrat and Democrats do those types of things, by default, it's why you vote Democrat.
Great outreach program you have there.I'm sure there will be a rush of blacks to support your goals after such a warm acceptance of them by the right.
Your idea of outreach is to buy their votes with welfare.

Odd how you come up with all this weird stuff you think I am guilty of.
Ok, Mr. Outreach, how do you feel about work requirements for able bodied welfare recipients?

I don't have a problem with suitable work requirements.
Your Democratic leadership has a problem with it. How about mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients?

The key word being "Suitable" work. As far as drug testing, It's been tried . Doesn't work. Dumb idea/
What was unequal about the Civil Rights Act o 1964? The Voting Rights Act of 1965?
Nothing, so why did your KKK Democratic Senate leader filibuster it?

The Democrats hold Robert "Sheets" Byrd in high regard but he was one of the leaders of the filibuster of that legislation. He hold the record for the 5th longest in history and it was on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Byrd is held in high regard for the things he stood for and accomplished after he realized his earlier actions were wrong. Nobody is excusing his earlier actions.

Sure you are. You just did.

Just see what you want to see, right?

You're willing to overlook his earlier actions and ignore them. If you refuse to hold him to the same standard you hold others, you excuse his actions.
So do you think most blacks are just freeloaders, and will vote for anyone who gives them free stuff?

Great outreach program you have there.I'm sure there will be a rush of blacks to support your goals after such a warm acceptance of them by the right.
Your idea of outreach is to buy their votes with welfare.

Odd how you come up with all this weird stuff you think I am guilty of.

You vote Democrats which means you're guilty of it by doing so.

Logic doesn't allow such a big step. I vote Democratic, so you think I buy votes. That doesn't follow.
Your idea of outreach is to buy their votes with welfare.

Odd how you come up with all this weird stuff you think I am guilty of.
Ok, Mr. Outreach, how do you feel about work requirements for able bodied welfare recipients?

I don't have a problem with suitable work requirements.
Your Democratic leadership has a problem with it. How about mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients?

The key word being "Suitable" work. As far as drug testing, It's been tried . Doesn't work. Dumb idea/
Define "suitable", then you can tell us why drug testing doesn't work. Maybe because too many of them FAIL IT?
Odd how you come up with all this weird stuff you think I am guilty of.
Ok, Mr. Outreach, how do you feel about work requirements for able bodied welfare recipients?

I don't have a problem with suitable work requirements.
Your Democratic leadership has a problem with it. How about mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients?

The key word being "Suitable" work. As far as drug testing, It's been tried . Doesn't work. Dumb idea/
Define "suitable", then you can tell us why drug testing doesn't work. Maybe because too many of them FAIL IT?

No. I'm not doing your homework. Look up what happened when Florida tried drug testing, and the effect it had on children.
Leave it to the modern American conservative to portray equal rights as slavery.

Leave it modern Liberals to portray unequal as equal.

What was unequal about the Civil Rights Act o 1964? The Voting Rights Act of 1965?
Nothing, so why did your KKK Democratic Senate leader filibuster it?

The Democrats hold Robert "Sheets" Byrd in high regard but he was one of the leaders of the filibuster of that legislation. He hold the record for the 5th longest in history and it was on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Byrd is held in high regard for the things he stood for and accomplished after he realized his earlier actions were wrong. Nobody is excusing his earlier actions.

Byrd is held in high regard because he was a Democrat for which other Democrats were willing to overlook and ignore what he did.
Ok, Mr. Outreach, how do you feel about work requirements for able bodied welfare recipients?

I don't have a problem with suitable work requirements.
Your Democratic leadership has a problem with it. How about mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients?

The key word being "Suitable" work. As far as drug testing, It's been tried . Doesn't work. Dumb idea/
Define "suitable", then you can tell us why drug testing doesn't work. Maybe because too many of them FAIL IT?

No. I'm not doing your homework. Look up what happened when Florida tried drug testing, and the effect it had on children.
Gee, how did I know you would say that? :lol:
Odd how you come up with all this weird stuff you think I am guilty of.
Ok, Mr. Outreach, how do you feel about work requirements for able bodied welfare recipients?

I don't have a problem with suitable work requirements.
Your Democratic leadership has a problem with it. How about mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients?

The key word being "Suitable" work. As far as drug testing, It's been tried . Doesn't work. Dumb idea/
Define "suitable", then you can tell us why drug testing doesn't work. Maybe because too many of them FAIL IT?

If he's like most Liberals, he'll use terms like that and "common sense" then go about describing the parameters that must be met in order to meet it.
Hey Bullshit, how do you feel about limiting the amount of time people can be on welfare? And I'm still waiting for you to define "suitable".
Ok, Mr. Outreach, how do you feel about work requirements for able bodied welfare recipients?

I don't have a problem with suitable work requirements.
Your Democratic leadership has a problem with it. How about mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients?

The key word being "Suitable" work. As far as drug testing, It's been tried . Doesn't work. Dumb idea/
Define "suitable", then you can tell us why drug testing doesn't work. Maybe because too many of them FAIL IT?

No. I'm not doing your homework. Look up what happened when Florida tried drug testing, and the effect it had on children.

You're worried about what holding someone getting handouts accountable does to children yet don't seem to care what the lack of being a responsible parent by not providing for children does to them.

Great outreach program you have there.I'm sure there will be a rush of blacks to support your goals after such a warm acceptance of them by the right.
Your idea of outreach is to buy their votes with welfare.

Odd how you come up with all this weird stuff you think I am guilty of.

You vote Democrats which means you're guilty of it by doing so.

Logic doesn't allow such a big step. I vote Democratic, so you think I buy votes. That doesn't follow.

I understand why you don't get it. You didn't come close to understanding the point.
Gasp! Here's the author


He points out that more and more blacks running for political action are conservatives even one who confessed once being a welfare cheat. What is happening here? Are minorities waking up to the fact that Democrats have, for decades, done their best to keep them indebted to them for political gain?

More of this excellent article @ Articles: Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office

Why is that a nightmare? A black Conservative managed to convince another African American to be a Conservative?
Hell, I am all in favor of Republicans getting African Americans to run for office.

There are 43 African Americans in the House- all Democrat. If Republicans can manage to elect African Americans to the House- I will applaud their efforts.

You can bet all the welfare checks for the remainder of your life, that if a black person gets elected to the House or Senate he /she would NOT be welcomed to the Congressional Black Caucus.

And if he/she is a person of honor, he/she would not want to be.

Black senator describes facing unfair scrutiny by police - CNNPolitics.com

Washington (CNN)Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina -- who is the only African-American Republican in U.S. Senate -- delivered an emotional floor speech Wednesday about the unfair police scrutiny he has faced over his life because he is a black man.

"In the course of one year, I've been stopped seven times by law enforcement," Scott said. "Not four, not five, not six, but seven times in one year as an elected official."
The speech was the second of three the conservative first-term senator is delivering this week related to the fatal shootings of two African-American men by white police officers and the sniper attack that killed five Dallas police officers by a black man angry over police mistreatment of African-Americans.
Scott described this speech as "the most difficult because it is the most personal."
"In many cities and towns across America, there is a deep divide between the black community and law enforcement. A trust gap, a tension that has been growing for decades. And as a family, one American family, we cannot ignore these issues," Scott said.
"I can certainly remember the very first time that I was pulled over by a police officer as just a youngster. I was driving a car that had an improper headlight," Scott said. "The cop came over to my car, hand on his gun and said, 'Boy, don't you know your headlight is not working properly?' I felt embarrassed, ashamed, and scared, very scared."
Holding up two fingers, Scott said there were times when he was pulled over that he was speeding.
"But the vast majority of the time I was pulled over for nothing more than driving a new car in the wrong neighborhood or some other reason just as trivial," he said.
Scott described drawing the attention of a police officer once as he drove out of a shopping mall. The cop pulled right behind Scott and followed him as he drove home, taking three left turns along the way.
"Finally, I took a fourth left coming into my apartment complex and then the blue lights went on. The officer approached the car and said that I did not -- I did not use my turn signal on the fourth turn," Scott said. "Do you really think that somehow I forgot to use my turn signal on the fourth turn?"
Why doesn't Ben Carson run for office?

Yes- he dabbled in running for President- but why didn't he run for Governor? Or Senator? Or Congressman?

Nationally known African American Republican- why doesn't he run?
Looks like you have wasted half a century not giving them any reason to vote for republicans. Most blacks weren't even alive 50 years ago. They aren't bound by what Johnson might have done.
I have to ask, are you one of them trapped behind the open gates of the democrat plantation?

Leave it to the modern American conservative to portray equal rights as slavery.

Leave it modern Liberals to portray unequal as equal.

What was unequal about the Civil Rights Act o 1964? The Voting Rights Act of 1965?
Nothing, so why did your KKK Democratic Senate leader filibuster it?

Because there was a Southern CONSERVATIVE wing to the Democratic Party back then,

which doesn't exist now.
Why doesn't Ben Carson run for office?

Yes- he dabbled in running for President- but why didn't he run for Governor? Or Senator? Or Congressman?

Nationally known African American Republican- why doesn't he run?

White conservatives don't want to vote for Ben Carson, despite their pretend adoration of black conservatives. Same thing happened to Herman Cain, and before him Alan Keyes.
I have to ask, are you one of them trapped behind the open gates of the democrat plantation?

Leave it to the modern American conservative to portray equal rights as slavery.

Leave it modern Liberals to portray unequal as equal.

What was unequal about the Civil Rights Act o 1964? The Voting Rights Act of 1965?
Nothing, so why did your KKK Democratic Senate leader filibuster it?

Because there was a Southern CONSERVATIVE wing to the Democratic Party back then,

which doesn't exist now.

Doesn't change that one of your own, to whom you give a pass, led the filibuster. He's forgiven because he's a Democrat. Period.
Leave it to the modern American conservative to portray equal rights as slavery.

Leave it modern Liberals to portray unequal as equal.

What was unequal about the Civil Rights Act o 1964? The Voting Rights Act of 1965?
Nothing, so why did your KKK Democratic Senate leader filibuster it?

Because there was a Southern CONSERVATIVE wing to the Democratic Party back then,

which doesn't exist now.

Doesn't change that one of your own, to whom you give a pass, led the filibuster. He's forgiven because he's a Democrat. Period.

He was forgiven after he repudiated the Klan and changed his outlook.
Why doesn't Ben Carson run for office?

Yes- he dabbled in running for President- but why didn't he run for Governor? Or Senator? Or Congressman?

Nationally known African American Republican- why doesn't he run?

White conservatives don't want to vote for Ben Carson, despite their pretend adoration of black conservatives. Same thing happened to Herman Cain, and before him Alan Keyes.

Are you saying no white Conservative voted for Carson? Prove it.

I voted for Keyes in the 1996 primary in my State.
Leave it to the modern American conservative to portray equal rights as slavery.

Leave it modern Liberals to portray unequal as equal.

What was unequal about the Civil Rights Act o 1964? The Voting Rights Act of 1965?
Nothing, so why did your KKK Democratic Senate leader filibuster it?

Because there was a Southern CONSERVATIVE wing to the Democratic Party back then,

which doesn't exist now.

Doesn't change that one of your own, to whom you give a pass, led the filibuster. He's forgiven because he's a Democrat. Period.

Barry Goldwater voted against the Civil Rights Act and got rewarded by the Republican Party with the presidential nomination in the same year,

and earned renown in history as the Father of Modern American Conservatism (of which you are a proud member)

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