Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office

Gasp! Here's the author


He points out that more and more blacks running for political action are conservatives even one who confessed once being a welfare cheat. What is happening here? Are minorities waking up to the fact that Democrats have, for decades, done their best to keep them indebted to them for political gain?

More of this excellent article @ Articles: Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office
Well let me drop my pants and fire off a rocket....Do you think the white conservatives will let them win?

Michael Steele was able to make it as Lieurenant Governor under Bob Ehrlich in a liberal blue state. When he tried to move out on his own as the Republucan candidate in a fight for the senate, he was pelted with Oreos as an Uncle Tom and wasnt given the chance against his democrat rival.

I hate the way that lib media smear campaigns have an impact in Republican Primaries.

How can there be any republicans who don't look at a media attack as a reason to vote for a candidate?

It's rather unfortunate that race becomes a factor when the individual is a republican and African American. The left usually responds by attempting to label them as an Uncle Tom all while calling the Republican Party racist. Yet it's their very actions that actually condones more than it exemplifies the party is above such behavior.

It wasn't Democrats who voted against Ben Carson......

But it was democrats who launched a vicious smear campaign against him, that defeated him.
Well let me drop my pants and fire off a rocket....Do you think the white conservatives will let them win?

Michael Steele was able to make it as Lieurenant Governor under Bob Ehrlich in a liberal blue state. When he tried to move out on his own as the Republucan candidate in a fight for the senate, he was pelted with Oreos as an Uncle Tom and wasnt given the chance against his democrat rival.

I hate the way that lib media smear campaigns have an impact in Republican Primaries.

How can there be any republicans who don't look at a media attack as a reason to vote for a candidate?

It's rather unfortunate that race becomes a factor when the individual is a republican and African American. The left usually responds by attempting to label them as an Uncle Tom all while calling the Republican Party racist. Yet it's their very actions that actually condones more than it exemplifies the party is above such behavior.

It wasn't Democrats who voted against Ben Carson......
Poor Ben, just another idiot savant...

So now Syriusly and Moonglow believe that amidst all the candidates from various states striving for the same position before us, if republicans had only looked to an individual's skin color first ... despite the governors and various different experience levels out there giving out their resume speeches for the job ... that we would have moved past race simply because we used race for the basis of our decision? Is that what liberal democrats believe about their own party?

Ben Carson is a smart man with an incredible accomplishment, and I like a lot of what he has to say, but what experience does he have managing large budgets over the other candidates? What knowledge has he obtained in helping to create jobs and get families back to work? What qualifications have you found that makes Ben Carson the best candidate for the position? If skin color is all that really matters to you, how is that not in itself a form of racism?
Leave it to the modern American conservative to portray equal rights as slavery.

Leave it modern Liberals to portray unequal as equal.

What was unequal about the Civil Rights Act o 1964? The Voting Rights Act of 1965?
Nothing, so why did your KKK Democratic Senate leader filibuster it?

The Democrats hold Robert "Sheets" Byrd in high regard but he was one of the leaders of the filibuster of that legislation. He hold the record for the 5th longest in history and it was on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Byrd is held in high regard for the things he stood for and accomplished after he realized his earlier actions were wrong. Nobody is excusing his earlier actions.
Where are the Republicans who changed their ways and admitted they were wrong? Nowhere to be found.

What these wingnuts who think they are clever bringing up Robert Byrd don't understand is that Byrd was a conservative when he was a KKK member, then saw the error of his ways and became a Liberal.
Gasp! Here's the author


He points out that more and more blacks running for political action are conservatives even one who confessed once being a welfare cheat. What is happening here? Are minorities waking up to the fact that Democrats have, for decades, done their best to keep them indebted to them for political gain?

More of this excellent article @ Articles: Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office

Why is that a nightmare? A black Conservative managed to convince another African American to be a Conservative?
Hell, I am all in favor of Republicans getting African Americans to run for office.

There are 43 African Americans in the House- all Democrat. If Republicans can manage to elect African Americans to the House- I will applaud their efforts.

Quick question....black republicans have been nice in the house, and they are the only lyrics blacks from white districts.....why is that?

Tim Scott is a senator from SOUTH CAROLINA ....isn't that where STROM Thurmond was from?
So who voted for Tim?
Blacks and democrats?
Leave it modern Liberals to portray unequal as equal.

What was unequal about the Civil Rights Act o 1964? The Voting Rights Act of 1965?
Nothing, so why did your KKK Democratic Senate leader filibuster it?

The Democrats hold Robert "Sheets" Byrd in high regard but he was one of the leaders of the filibuster of that legislation. He hold the record for the 5th longest in history and it was on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Byrd is held in high regard for the things he stood for and accomplished after he realized his earlier actions were wrong. Nobody is excusing his earlier actions.
Where are the Republicans who changed their ways and admitted they were wrong? Nowhere to be found.

What these wingnuts who think they are clever bringing up Robert Byrd don't understand is that Byrd was a conservative when he was a KKK member, then saw the error of his ways and became a Liberal.

Again wrong.....

Name one democrat more conservative than a republican in a presidential race......go!
What was unequal about the Civil Rights Act o 1964? The Voting Rights Act of 1965?
Nothing, so why did your KKK Democratic Senate leader filibuster it?

The Democrats hold Robert "Sheets" Byrd in high regard but he was one of the leaders of the filibuster of that legislation. He hold the record for the 5th longest in history and it was on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Byrd is held in high regard for the things he stood for and accomplished after he realized his earlier actions were wrong. Nobody is excusing his earlier actions.
Where are the Republicans who changed their ways and admitted they were wrong? Nowhere to be found.

What these wingnuts who think they are clever bringing up Robert Byrd don't understand is that Byrd was a conservative when he was a KKK member, then saw the error of his ways and became a Liberal.

Again wrong.....
What am I wrong about?
Nothing, so why did your KKK Democratic Senate leader filibuster it?

The Democrats hold Robert "Sheets" Byrd in high regard but he was one of the leaders of the filibuster of that legislation. He hold the record for the 5th longest in history and it was on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Byrd is held in high regard for the things he stood for and accomplished after he realized his earlier actions were wrong. Nobody is excusing his earlier actions.
Where are the Republicans who changed their ways and admitted they were wrong? Nowhere to be found.

What these wingnuts who think they are clever bringing up Robert Byrd don't understand is that Byrd was a conservative when he was a KKK member, then saw the error of his ways and became a Liberal.

Again wrong.....
What am I wrong about?

I've already debunked the southern strategy lie...crushed starkey on it.

So if conservatives were the ones behind it....why were there conservatives republican with Abe Lincoln?
And which democrat was more.conservative that the republican?
Nothing, so why did your KKK Democratic Senate leader filibuster it?

The Democrats hold Robert "Sheets" Byrd in high regard but he was one of the leaders of the filibuster of that legislation. He hold the record for the 5th longest in history and it was on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Byrd is held in high regard for the things he stood for and accomplished after he realized his earlier actions were wrong. Nobody is excusing his earlier actions.
Where are the Republicans who changed their ways and admitted they were wrong? Nowhere to be found.

What these wingnuts who think they are clever bringing up Robert Byrd don't understand is that Byrd was a conservative when he was a KKK member, then saw the error of his ways and became a Liberal.

Again wrong.....
What am I wrong about?
Pretty much everything you've ever said.
Nothing, so why did your KKK Democratic Senate leader filibuster it?

The Democrats hold Robert "Sheets" Byrd in high regard but he was one of the leaders of the filibuster of that legislation. He hold the record for the 5th longest in history and it was on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Byrd is held in high regard for the things he stood for and accomplished after he realized his earlier actions were wrong. Nobody is excusing his earlier actions.
Where are the Republicans who changed their ways and admitted they were wrong? Nowhere to be found.

What these wingnuts who think they are clever bringing up Robert Byrd don't understand is that Byrd was a conservative when he was a KKK member, then saw the error of his ways and became a Liberal.

Again wrong.....
What am I wrong about?

Next time you quote me, keep the whole quote, isn't that a violation?

Answer the question
The Democrats hold Robert "Sheets" Byrd in high regard but he was one of the leaders of the filibuster of that legislation. He hold the record for the 5th longest in history and it was on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Byrd is held in high regard for the things he stood for and accomplished after he realized his earlier actions were wrong. Nobody is excusing his earlier actions.
Where are the Republicans who changed their ways and admitted they were wrong? Nowhere to be found.

What these wingnuts who think they are clever bringing up Robert Byrd don't understand is that Byrd was a conservative when he was a KKK member, then saw the error of his ways and became a Liberal.

Again wrong.....
What am I wrong about?
Pretty much everything you've ever said.

Epic......calls for this..synthetic this is for you
Byrd is held in high regard for the things he stood for and accomplished after he realized his earlier actions were wrong. Nobody is excusing his earlier actions.
Where are the Republicans who changed their ways and admitted they were wrong? Nowhere to be found.

What these wingnuts who think they are clever bringing up Robert Byrd don't understand is that Byrd was a conservative when he was a KKK member, then saw the error of his ways and became a Liberal.

Again wrong.....
What am I wrong about?

Next time you quote me, keep the whole quote, isn't that a violation?

Answer the question
He's known for altering other people's posts but liberal mods let him get away with it.

Fuck that, I'll raise he'll about it.
Leave it modern Liberals to portray unequal as equal.

What was unequal about the Civil Rights Act o 1964? The Voting Rights Act of 1965?
Nothing, so why did your KKK Democratic Senate leader filibuster it?

The Democrats hold Robert "Sheets" Byrd in high regard but he was one of the leaders of the filibuster of that legislation. He hold the record for the 5th longest in history and it was on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Byrd is held in high regard for the things he stood for and accomplished after he realized his earlier actions were wrong. Nobody is excusing his earlier actions.
Where are the Republicans who changed their ways and admitted they were wrong? Nowhere to be found.

What these wingnuts who think they are clever bringing up Robert Byrd don't understand is that Byrd was a conservative when he was a KKK member, then saw the error of his ways and became a Liberal.

I have yet to see any racial slurs and rhetoric coming any member of congress of the Republican Party specifically directed at an individual's skin color, rather than simply disagreeing with their political views on the role of government. If the liberal form of the Democratic Party HAS really changed and is actually a representative of equality (practicing what they preach), then we wouldn't find any racial comments directed at African Americans simply because they have chosen to believe in conservative values. Would we? Seems to me the liberal democrats still have some growing up to do yet.
Nothing, so why did your KKK Democratic Senate leader filibuster it?

The Democrats hold Robert "Sheets" Byrd in high regard but he was one of the leaders of the filibuster of that legislation. He hold the record for the 5th longest in history and it was on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Byrd is held in high regard for the things he stood for and accomplished after he realized his earlier actions were wrong. Nobody is excusing his earlier actions.
Where are the Republicans who changed their ways and admitted they were wrong? Nowhere to be found.

What these wingnuts who think they are clever bringing up Robert Byrd don't understand is that Byrd was a conservative when he was a KKK member, then saw the error of his ways and became a Liberal.

Again wrong.....
What am I wrong about?

Saw the error of his ways and became a Liberal? That's a much worse error yet you talk like it's a good thing.
Ok, Mr. Outreach, how do you feel about work requirements for able bodied welfare recipients?

I think that would be perfectly fine. How do you achieve that when we can't even find jobs for folks on unemployment?
What was unequal about the Civil Rights Act o 1964? The Voting Rights Act of 1965?
Nothing, so why did your KKK Democratic Senate leader filibuster it?

The Democrats hold Robert "Sheets" Byrd in high regard but he was one of the leaders of the filibuster of that legislation. He hold the record for the 5th longest in history and it was on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Byrd is held in high regard for the things he stood for and accomplished after he realized his earlier actions were wrong. Nobody is excusing his earlier actions.
Where are the Republicans who changed their ways and admitted they were wrong? Nowhere to be found.

What these wingnuts who think they are clever bringing up Robert Byrd don't understand is that Byrd was a conservative when he was a KKK member, then saw the error of his ways and became a Liberal.

Again wrong.....

Name one democrat more conservative than a republican in a presidential race......go!

Strom Thurmond, 1948, on the States Rights Democratic Party ticket.
The Democrats hold Robert "Sheets" Byrd in high regard but he was one of the leaders of the filibuster of that legislation. He hold the record for the 5th longest in history and it was on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Byrd is held in high regard for the things he stood for and accomplished after he realized his earlier actions were wrong. Nobody is excusing his earlier actions.
Where are the Republicans who changed their ways and admitted they were wrong? Nowhere to be found.

What these wingnuts who think they are clever bringing up Robert Byrd don't understand is that Byrd was a conservative when he was a KKK member, then saw the error of his ways and became a Liberal.

Again wrong.....
What am I wrong about?

I've already debunked the southern strategy lie...crushed starkey on it.

So if conservatives were the ones behind it....why were there conservatives republican with Abe Lincoln?
And which democrat was more.conservative that the republican?

Why did the Democratic Party split in 1860? Why did the Democratic Party split in 1948? Why did the Democratic Party split on the vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
Byrd is held in high regard for the things he stood for and accomplished after he realized his earlier actions were wrong. Nobody is excusing his earlier actions.
Where are the Republicans who changed their ways and admitted they were wrong? Nowhere to be found.

What these wingnuts who think they are clever bringing up Robert Byrd don't understand is that Byrd was a conservative when he was a KKK member, then saw the error of his ways and became a Liberal.

Again wrong.....
What am I wrong about?

I've already debunked the southern strategy lie...crushed starkey on it.

So if conservatives were the ones behind it....why were there conservatives republican with Abe Lincoln?
And which democrat was more.conservative that the republican?

Why did the Democratic Party split in 1860? Why did the Democratic Party split in 1948? Why did the Democratic Party split on the vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

Why do you give Robert Byrd a pass when it comes to what he did related to the Civil Rights Act of 1964? You can make all the excuses that he "saw the error of his ways" yet what you can't change is that his ACTIONS occurred.

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