Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office

Gasp! Here's the author


He points out that more and more blacks running for political action are conservatives even one who confessed once being a welfare cheat. What is happening here? Are minorities waking up to the fact that Democrats have, for decades, done their best to keep them indebted to them for political gain?

More of this excellent article @ Articles: Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office

Why is that a nightmare? A black Conservative managed to convince another African American to be a Conservative?
Hell, I am all in favor of Republicans getting African Americans to run for office.

There are 43 African Americans in the House- all Democrat. If Republicans can manage to elect African Americans to the House- I will applaud their efforts.

You can bet all the welfare checks for the remainder of your life, that if a black person gets elected to the House or Senate he /she would NOT be welcomed to the Congressional Black Caucus.

And if he/she is a person of honor, he/she would not want to be.
Was J.C. Watts welcome?
And have continued to do so consistently for those 50 years.

Looks like you have wasted half a century not giving them any reason to vote for republicans. Most blacks weren't even alive 50 years ago. They aren't bound by what Johnson might have done.

They choose to do what Johnson said they would do because Democrats enable them to be freeloaders.

So do you think most blacks are just freeloaders, and will vote for anyone who gives them free stuff?

Exactly. Blacks vote at a 95% rate for the party that is willing to make excuses for blacks as a whole performing at a lower level in just about every social, educational, economic, etc. category. When that amount of people vote for a party that does just that, the logical conclusion is they vote for them for that reason.
"Willing to make excuses"? :eusa_eh:
"Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office"


All three of them.

It is quality, not quantity that matters.

Three conservative Republicans are worth, by any human measure, far more than the multitude of garbage of sub human Democrat blacks.
"garbage of sub human Democrat blacks".......well, that's certainly a puzzlement as to why the RW doesn't attract more Black voters...............
I have to ask, are you one of them trapped behind the open gates of the democrat plantation?

Leave it to the modern American conservative to portray equal rights as slavery.

Leave it modern Liberals to portray unequal as equal.

What was unequal about the Civil Rights Act o 1964? The Voting Rights Act of 1965?
Nothing, so why did your KKK Democratic Senate leader filibuster it?

The Democrats hold Robert "Sheets" Byrd in high regard but he was one of the leaders of the filibuster of that legislation. He hold the record for the 5th longest in history and it was on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
The people of WV held Byrd in high regard because he was the King of Pork. I never ever voted for him, nor would I have. You can hold the people of WV responsible for him......but no one else.
Looks like you have wasted half a century not giving them any reason to vote for republicans. Most blacks weren't even alive 50 years ago. They aren't bound by what Johnson might have done.

They choose to do what Johnson said they would do because Democrats enable them to be freeloaders.

So do you think most blacks are just freeloaders, and will vote for anyone who gives them free stuff?

Great outreach program you have there.I'm sure there will be a rush of blacks to support your goals after such a warm acceptance of them by the right.
Your idea of outreach is to buy their votes with welfare.
What about all the Black Democrats who are NOT on welfare?

And, considering America's voting % record, how many people on welfare do you think bother to vote?
They choose to do what Johnson said they would do because Democrats enable them to be freeloaders.

So do you think most blacks are just freeloaders, and will vote for anyone who gives them free stuff?

Great outreach program you have there.I'm sure there will be a rush of blacks to support your goals after such a warm acceptance of them by the right.
Your idea of outreach is to buy their votes with welfare.

Outreach is code for pandering with Democrats.
Gee, that is why Republicans don't bother to attract Black voters...."outreach is code for pandering"....:eusa_think:
Great outreach program you have there.I'm sure there will be a rush of blacks to support your goals after such a warm acceptance of them by the right.
Your idea of outreach is to buy their votes with welfare.

Odd how you come up with all this weird stuff you think I am guilty of.
Ok, Mr. Outreach, how do you feel about work requirements for able bodied welfare recipients?

I don't have a problem with suitable work requirements.
Your Democratic leadership has a problem with it. How about mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients?
Sure...who's gonna pay for it? Is it cost effective to do so?
Odd how you come up with all this weird stuff you think I am guilty of.
Ok, Mr. Outreach, how do you feel about work requirements for able bodied welfare recipients?

I don't have a problem with suitable work requirements.
Your Democratic leadership has a problem with it. How about mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients?

The key word being "Suitable" work. As far as drug testing, It's been tried . Doesn't work. Dumb idea/
Define "suitable", then you can tell us why drug testing doesn't work. Maybe because too many of them FAIL IT?
Drug Testing Welfare Recipients Is A Popular New Policy That Cost States Millions. Here Are The Results.

Oh? :eusa_eh:
Why doesn't Ben Carson run for office?

Yes- he dabbled in running for President- but why didn't he run for Governor? Or Senator? Or Congressman?

Nationally known African American Republican- why doesn't he run?

White conservatives don't want to vote for Ben Carson, despite their pretend adoration of black conservatives. Same thing happened to Herman Cain, and before him Alan Keyes.

Are you saying no white Conservative voted for Carson? Prove it.

I voted for Keyes in the 1996 primary in my State.

You nominated Trump. He's white.
And before that Romney
And before that McCain
And before that Bush
And before that Bush
And before that Bush
And before that Reagan
And before that Reagan
And before that Dole
Gasp! Here's the author


He points out that more and more blacks running for political action are conservatives even one who confessed once being a welfare cheat. What is happening here? Are minorities waking up to the fact that Democrats have, for decades, done their best to keep them indebted to them for political gain?

More of this excellent article @ Articles: Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office
Well let me drop my pants and fire off a rocket....Do you think the white conservatives will let them win?

Michael Steele was able to make it as Lieurenant Governor under Bob Ehrlich in a liberal blue state. When he tried to move out on his own as the Republucan candidate in a fight for the senate, he was pelted with Oreos as an Uncle Tom and wasnt given the chance against his democrat rival.
You sure about that Oreo story?

Steele weighs in on the Oreo incident
After all these posts shouldn't we at least be told who these black conservatives are that we should be having nightmares about?
Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office
I don't understand why Liberals would have nightmares. The failed ideology of conservatism is backward and stunted regardless of whether it's spouted by a White or a Black.
We've already seen what they've had run so far and they were not the smartest in the bunch...

I'm sure you'll find many saying the same of our beloved president, diving in to throw an opinion without all the facts.

Putting all beer summits aside. Would you call awarding a student a trip to the White House for making a suitcase that resembles a bomb, after putting in all that effort to address mass killings in our nation's schools an example of intelligence?
A suitcase? A pencil case with a digital clock is now a suitcase that resembles a bomb?

Pencil case >>>>

Suit case >>>>>>
Well let me drop my pants and fire off a rocket....Do you think the white conservatives will let them win?

Michael Steele was able to make it as Lieurenant Governor under Bob Ehrlich in a liberal blue state. When he tried to move out on his own as the Republucan candidate in a fight for the senate, he was pelted with Oreos as an Uncle Tom and wasnt given the chance against his democrat rival.

I hate the way that lib media smear campaigns have an impact in Republican Primaries.

How can there be any republicans who don't look at a media attack as a reason to vote for a candidate?

It's rather unfortunate that race becomes a factor when the individual is a republican and African American. The left usually responds by attempting to label them as an Uncle Tom all while calling the Republican Party racist. Yet it's their very actions that actually condones more than it exemplifies the party is above such behavior.

It wasn't Democrats who voted against Ben Carson......

But it was democrats who launched a vicious smear campaign against him, that defeated him.
"Launched a vicious smear campaign"? What was this vicious smear campaign we launched?

(Can't you guys even take responsibility for your own Party's votes? :lol:)
Gasp! Here's the author


He points out that more and more blacks running for political action are conservatives even one who confessed once being a welfare cheat. What is happening here? Are minorities waking up to the fact that Democrats have, for decades, done their best to keep them indebted to them for political gain?

More of this excellent article @ Articles: Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office
Well let me drop my pants and fire off a rocket....Do you think the white conservatives will let them win?

The popularity of Republicans like Dr. Rice and Dr. Carson among Conservative makes your claim complete bullshit.
Dr. Rice is one smart lady....and has pretty much walked away from the Political scene....as has Colin Powell...and J.C. Watts........wonder why they didn't stick around.

The vicious and constant racist slander from the lefty media?
Nothing, so why did your KKK Democratic Senate leader filibuster it?

The Democrats hold Robert "Sheets" Byrd in high regard but he was one of the leaders of the filibuster of that legislation. He hold the record for the 5th longest in history and it was on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Byrd is held in high regard for the things he stood for and accomplished after he realized his earlier actions were wrong. Nobody is excusing his earlier actions.
Where are the Republicans who changed their ways and admitted they were wrong? Nowhere to be found.

What these wingnuts who think they are clever bringing up Robert Byrd don't understand is that Byrd was a conservative when he was a KKK member, then saw the error of his ways and became a Liberal.

Again wrong.....

Name one democrat more conservative than a republican in a presidential race......go!

Strom Thurmond, 1948, on the States Rights Democratic Party ticket.

No did he have the democrat nomination? Nope...try again...If you want to say Truman....then say it.
Gasp! Here's the author


He points out that more and more blacks running for political action are conservatives even one who confessed once being a welfare cheat. What is happening here? Are minorities waking up to the fact that Democrats have, for decades, done their best to keep them indebted to them for political gain?

More of this excellent article @ Articles: Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office

:lol: Leftist nightmare my ass.

Do you knuckleheads have any idea how FEW black republicans there are? :lol:

The nightmare is the one being suffered by republicans who can't get a president elected because BLACK PEOPLE WILL NOT VOTE FOR REPUBLICANS. :lol: There is your nightmare.
They still can't figure out what they did wrong in 1872...

It was 1964 when they screwed the pooch and lost the African American vote...
What, by passing the Civil Rights Act after the Democrats filibustered it for 57 days?
You mean most SOUTHERN Democrats and ALL Southern Republicans?

When the bill came before the full Senate for debate on March 30, 1964, the "Southern Bloc" of 18 southern Democratic Senators and one Republican Senator led by Richard Russell (D-GA) launched a filibuster to prevent its passage.[14] Said Russell: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."[15]

From Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Demographics from the final votes:

By party and region[edit]
Note: "Southern", as used in this section, refers to members of Congress from the eleven states that made up the Confederate States of America in theAmerican Civil War. "Northern" refers to members from the other 39 states, regardless of the geographic location of those states.

The original House version:

  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:

Notice that in BOTH the House and Senate NO Southern Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act while at least a few Southern Democrats did.
Also notice that there was a HIGHER percentage of Northern Democrats that voted for the Civil Rights Act than Republicans.

So, instead of listening to Incorrect RW talking points...you might want to check the facts for yourself next time.

There were very few southern Republicans.

The GOP as a whole was behind the bill, big time.
Again wrong.....
What am I wrong about?

I've already debunked the southern strategy lie...crushed starkey on it.

So if conservatives were the ones behind it....why were there conservatives republican with Abe Lincoln?
And which democrat was more.conservative that the republican?

Why did the Democratic Party split in 1860? Why did the Democratic Party split in 1948? Why did the Democratic Party split on the vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

Why do you give Robert Byrd a pass when it comes to what he did related to the Civil Rights Act of 1964? You can make all the excuses that he "saw the error of his ways" yet what you can't change is that his ACTIONS occurred.

I don't. Why do you give Barry Goldwater a pass?

Well look at his record, he voted for all Civil Rights legislation except that one.......because he didn't want the feds to tell businesses how they could be run....he was right and now we have to bake cakes for fags.
Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office
I don't understand why Liberals would have nightmares. The failed ideology of conservatism is backward and stunted regardless of whether it's spouted by a White or a Black.

How has that Liberal ideology worked out for blacks? Higher dropout rate than any other group. Higher unemployment than any other group. Higher bastard birth rate than any other group. Higher proportional use of food stamps than any other group. Seems to be working good for blacks especially when that same ideology blames anyone but those causing those problem for their existence.
So...why do you think a high percentage of Black voters vote Democrat?

Excellent Race Baiting by the dems.
Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office
I don't understand why Liberals would have nightmares. The failed ideology of conservatism is backward and stunted regardless of whether it's spouted by a White or a Black.

How has that Liberal ideology worked out for blacks? Higher dropout rate than any other group. Higher unemployment than any other group. Higher bastard birth rate than any other group. Higher proportional use of food stamps than any other group. Seems to be working good for blacks especially when that same ideology blames anyone but those causing those problem for their existence.
So...why do you think a high percentage of Black voters vote Democrat?
Easy, they relied on the NAACP, and leader like Jackson, who sell them out for favors and cash from the democrat parties......then they preach how great democrats and their policies are...we can see the results by looking at inner cities.......they are GREAT for black people......keep em on the plantation and harvest that crop of votes.......
Gasp! Here's the author


He points out that more and more blacks running for political action are conservatives even one who confessed once being a welfare cheat. What is happening here? Are minorities waking up to the fact that Democrats have, for decades, done their best to keep them indebted to them for political gain?

More of this excellent article @ Articles: Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office

Why is that a nightmare? A black Conservative managed to convince another African American to be a Conservative?
Hell, I am all in favor of Republicans getting African Americans to run for office.

There are 43 African Americans in the House- all Democrat. If Republicans can manage to elect African Americans to the House- I will applaud their efforts.

You can bet all the welfare checks for the remainder of your life, that if a black person gets elected to the House or Senate he /she would NOT be welcomed to the Congressional Black Caucus.

And if he/she is a person of honor, he/she would not want to be.
Was J.C. Watts welcome?

Watts’s victory established several milestones. He was the first black Representative elected from Oklahoma and the first Republican to win the district in 72 years

WATTS, Julius Caesar, Jr. (J. C.) | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives

Now ain't that a bitch, the first republican in 72 years to win a district in Oklahoma...was black.....how the fuck did the KKK let this happen? Oh the KKK isn't in the republican party!!!!

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