Leftist politicians are still trying to push the MMGW Hoax. It's a political scam to redistribute wealth.

Meanwhile corporations are going green. And diversifying. Despite what you white nationalists want. The world keeps turning.
I think a lot of the corporate movement towards green behavior is more show than substance. Not all of it, but more than ought to be the case.
So what is your argument with me. If you think jetstreams cause lake effect snow, you don't know what you're talking about. lake effect is caused by cold winds over warm unfrozen lake.
nope, isn't what I said at all. the air flow over the water causes these conditions, and cold and warm both create conditions that cause extreme weather patterns on the west side and the jet stream/ wind direction matters. For instance, Northern Indiana sees much more snowfall than us on the eastern side of Lake Michigan during north to south winds during this time of year. One can look at the radar and see the cloud line just grabbing all that water and dropping it on them. Same as Buffalo when the wind blows easterly. No different. Here in Chicago get wrap around lake affect, as a storm moves through.
You're the only one who cares what white nationalists want, useful idiot.

I'm starting to realize you guys make up a certain demographic. Usually white, blue collar, not doing well in life, been told it's because of gays and immigrants. Christians, which means you'll believe anything authority tells you. Deplorables.
I think a lot of the corporate movement towards green behavior is more show than substance. Not all of it, but more than ought to be the case.
Not a chance. It's happening despite you right wingers fighting it. Look at Tesla.

Maybe not in your lifetime but soon every car will be battery run. No more gas cars.
I'm starting to realize you guys make up a certain demographic. Usually white, blue collar, not doing well in life, been told it's because of gays and immigrants. Christians, which means you'll believe anything authority tells you. Deplorables.
yet you are the programmed one. go figure huh?
```````Climate related deaths declined 98%.jpg

```````fuel cleans the air.jpg

Science, not hyperemotionalism by eunuch greenies and their eunuch handlers.


  • ```````fuel cleans water.jpg
    ```````fuel cleans water.jpg
    113.3 KB · Views: 3
Not a chance. It's happening despite you right wingers fighting it. Look at Tesla.

Maybe not in your lifetime but soon every car will be battery run. No more gas cars.
funny, you have no fking clue. Anecdote for today, my wife and step daughter recently took and trip and their rental was an electric car. Neither of them have ever driven let alone recharge one. Yet the rental company provided them the EV. Left the facility with 96% charge and in less than two days and 100 miles they were at 13% and needed to recharge. And guess what, they went to five places to find one charger that was available and provided a short charge time. 25 minutes to charge to 50%. 100 Miles. They made calls to find a charging station and the one they finally found was 13 miles from their location and they had to turn off the heater and radio to save the battery time to get there. Wow, what a technology!!!!! This is a bad path forward.
yet you are the programmed one. go figure huh?
I'm not programmed. Or programmed more or less than the average person who's decided that Democrats are better for me than Republicans. Maybe you think Republicans are better for you but not for me pal. Pro choice, okay with gays, common sense gun regulations, I believe in science, I'm labor not a corporation or rich person. I'm not religious. I see why affirmative action is necessary even though I'm a straight white male. YOU sir are the programmed one. You are selfish. Cons only think about themselves. Their guns. They're straight. They're right to not get vaccinated. Every man for himself. Usually you guys have decent enough jobs you can be ignorant and arrogant but you don't realize Republicans are why you don't have any savings.

I have savings. I don't have a mortgage, student loan, nothing. I'm RICH! I'm only programmed to believe we are all in this together. And my/our government is not the enemy.

You Republicans say you don't want to do away with social security and medicare but we all know better. Those are socialist programs and you hate that.
funny, you have no fking clue. Anecdote for today, my wife and step daughter recently took and trip and their rental was an electric car. Neither of them have ever driven let alone recharge one. Yet the rental company provided them the EV. Left the facility with 96% charge and in less than two days and 100 miles they were at 13% and needed to recharge. And guess what, they went to five places to find one charger that was available and provided a short charge time. 25 minutes to charge to 50%. 100 Miles. They made a calls to find a charging station and the one they finally found was 13 miles from their location and they had to turn off the heater and radio to save the battery time to get there. Wow, what a technology!!!!! This is a bad path forward.
Women right?
I'm not programmed. Or programmed more or less than the average person who's decided that Democrats are better for me than Republicans.
at least you admit you're programmed. I'm glad I'm not. I think for myself, I don't need someone's talking points to make my points. Research is truly an amazing thing.
Women right?
funny you went there. Tells us everything about you. I never said that at all. The experience would not have been any different had it been me. The issue is the EV right? Guess you focused on them being women rather than the EV only got 113 miles on a 96% charge. too fking funny how anti woman you are.
funny, you have no fking clue. Anecdote for today, my wife and step daughter recently took and trip and their rental was an electric car. Neither of them have ever driven let alone recharge one. Yet the rental company provided them the EV. Left the facility with 96% charge and in less than two days and 100 miles they were at 13% and needed to recharge. And guess what, they went to five places to find one charger that was available and provided a short charge time. 25 minutes to charge to 50%. 100 Miles. They made a calls to find a charging station and the one they finally found was 13 miles from their location and they had to turn off the heater and radio to save the battery time to get there. Wow, what a technology!!!!! This is a bad path forward.
My brother has a battery jeep Wrangler. Fucking awesome. 265 miles to his hunting property. Somehow he makes it up.

Don't worry. They're getting better every day.

How does my brother charge up at home? He has a special adaptor you connect to your home electricity and it allows your home or motel plug to charge your vehicle while you sleep.

Tell them to charge up at night. you said they went out for a couple days. Charge up at night ladies.
funny you went there. Tells us everything about you. I never said that at all. The experience would not have been any different had it been me. The issue is the EV right? Guess you focused on them being women rather than the EV only got 113 miles on a 96% charge. too fking funny how anti woman you are.
Yea that's not great. My brother goes 265 on 1 charge.
at least you admit you're programmed. I'm glad I'm not. I think for myself, I don't need someone's talking points to make my points. Research is truly an amazing thing.
You think you do. The other day the idiot in our group told me I'm the idiot in our group.

I research too. How come I come up with the right conclusions and you don't? What's different? Oh yea, our sources.
My brother has a battery jeep Wrangler. Fucking awesome. 265 miles to his hunting property. Somehow he makes it up.

Don't worry. They're getting better every day.

How does my brother charge up at home? He has a special adaptor you connect to your home electricity and it allows your home or motel plug to charge your vehicle while you sleep.

Tell them to charge up at night. you said they went out for a couple days. Charge up at night ladies.
well when people travel, hotels do not have that convenience of charging while you sleep. Again, the point you're missing is that using the car's heater/ air conditioner, radio and lights drains milage off the total listed. It's poorly designed. how fking stupid.
I research too. How come I come up with the right conclusions and you don't? What's different? Oh yea, our sources.
right conclusions? hahahahahahahahahahaha does your arm reach to the middle of your back for your pat?
A society.

Or, a race......The HUMAN race.
what does that mean to this discussion? When the governor tells you not to visit your extended family during wuhan, did you listen?

So are you sharing your house and your money with homeless people? paying other's student loans?

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