Leftist politicians are still trying to push the MMGW Hoax. It's a political scam to redistribute wealth.

You seem to be confusing me with someone else.
I'm in no position to give out rights.
Regardless, I'm a pro-choice person.
If you want to kill your offspring in the womb, have at it. The only caveat being: Your orgasm, your bill.

So you object to paying $500 for an abortion and prefer spending 18 years of social programs that this poor kid is going to need?

We pay for abortions because it's cheaper on us if they abort. Duh. If not I would agree, pay for your own abortion. But if abortion is $500 and a poor person who wants an abortion can't pay, I say tax payers should foot the bill. Make sense?

Why else would you object to us paying for it? Best investment you'll ever make.

63,459,781. Total abortions since 1973

Now multiply that x how much Obamacare costs. Because every poor kid gets free Obamacare. That costs us a lot more than $500.
So you object to paying $500 for an abortion and prefer spending 18 years of social programs that this poor kid is going to need
Remarkable, not only do they want me to be ok with killing the babies they want my money to do that? For one orgasm? Nope
So you object to paying $500 for an abortion and prefer spending 18 years of social programs that this poor kid is going to need?
That is called a false dichotomy. I prefer neither.
We pay for abortions because it's cheaper on us if they abort. Duh. If not I would agree, pay for your own abortion. But if abortion is $500 and a poor person who wants an abortion can't pay, I say tax payers should foot the bill. Make sense?
Taxes are for running the government, not bailing out poor decision makers.
Why else would you object to us paying for it? Best investment you'll ever make.
Silly child, the best investments I've made are in myself, not paying for your fuckups.
63,459,781. Total abortions since 1973
That's a lot of dead kids.
Now multiply that x how much Obamacare costs. Because every poor kid gets free Obamacare. That costs us a lot more than $500.
That's why obamacare should be repealed. We are not a marxist/wealth redistribution society.
What you've constructed there is called a "straw man", bigot.

to do anything would require tripling the size of the power grid first!!! Who's running with that?

Oh, and charge times is insufficient for reality
You don't know what you are talking about all you know is crap propaganda. There are systems around now that give you a full charge in 20 minutes... Yes it is time to tax the rich again after 40 years and invest in America and Americans again. The trickle down experiment was a pathetic failure and gave us the worst upward mobility and equality homelessness INFRASTRUCTURE ever anywhere, and you dupes believe it's the Democrats fault... ... get vaccinated and shut the phuque up period lol
That is called a false dichotomy. I prefer neither.

Taxes are for running the government, not bailing out poor decision makers.

Silly child, the best investments I've made are in myself, not paying for your fuckups.

That's a lot of dead kids.

That's why obamacare should be repealed. We are not a marxist/wealth redistribution society.
You brainwashed functional morons are wishing for oligarchy and becoming a Banana Republic for crying out loud. Poor America. We are the only modern country without a living wage healthcare daycare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations ID card two and illegal work et cetera et cetera great job you stupid fool. Oops brainwashed etcetera politically. Read something- it's not a conspiracy against you. Lol
You brainwashed functional morons are wishing for oligarchy and becoming a Banana Republic for crying out loud. Poor America. We are the only modern country without a living wage healthcare daycare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations ID card two and illegal work et cetera et cetera great job you stupid fool. Oops brainwashed etcetera politically. Read something- it's not a conspiracy against you. Lol
The above is yet another straw man from the site's biggest imbecile, francoHalFWit.
Cry, baby, cry.
You don't know what you are talking about all you know is crap propaganda. There are systems around now that give you a full charge in 20 minutes... Yes it is time to tax the rich again after 40 years and invest in America and Americans again. The trickle down experiment was a pathetic failure and gave us the worst upward mobility and equality homelessness INFRASTRUCTURE ever anywhere, and you dupes believe it's the Democrats fault... ... get vaccinated and shut the phuque up period lol
150 miles is low miles
My ebike goes 30 miles. A little less if you use full power all the time, a little more if you use low power. So hills matter too. And gravel or paved? Those things drag the battery power down. Weight too. I was with a spinner and she had a RAD Ebike I swear she went 50 miles on one battery. So my fat ass drags the thing down. LOL.

Anyways, I purchased a second batter. $500. But now I never have to worry about running out of battery. And after 40 miles my ass is sore and I'm tired from all that peddling. Even on full assist, I'm still peddling. My buddy has a better ebike. Mark Cuban invented it. He has a throttle and never peddles and he can go 5 miles more than my bike. I imagine if he peddled his bike would go a lot further than mine but he says he has knee problems. Anyways, Mark Cuban's Ebike is the shit.

If I conserve and ride on 2 instead of 3 which is full power, I believe I can get 50 miles easily. My ass is sore after 40 so I have all the bike I need.

Cost me $2000 with the extra battery so not too bad.
Remarkable, not only do they want me to be ok with killing the babies they want my money to do that? For one orgasm? Nope
Okay then pay for the organism for 18 years. And maybe even beyond that. 70% of our prisoners were fatherless. By you not helping the woman get the abortion, the costs will be much much higher. You're not grasping that so I'll move on and look for smarter people to talk to.
So you don't like child tax credits, obamacare insuring millions of poor kids, public schools, free lunch programs, etc???
Whether I like them or not is irrelevant. I don't agree with using taxpayer money to fund them. Rational adults compromised with free K-12 education, and the marxist useful idiots have been incrementally pushing for more redistribution ever since. Your virtue signaling doesn't trump my logic.
Whether I like them or not is irrelevant. I don't agree with using taxpayer money to fund them. Rational adults compromised with free K-12 education, and the marxist useful idiots have been incrementally pushing for more redistribution ever since. Your virtue signaling doesn't trump my logic.


Public education is a socialist monopoly, a real one. - The Late Milton Friedman, Nobel Laureate in Economics, Professor at University of Illinois
the GOP base are the only people in the entire world they don't believe in man-made global warming, brainwashed functional moron. Try reality.
I donk know about the man made part one way or the other

But freaking everyone out with doomsday scenarios just to advance a political agenda is dishonest
Consider this. If we kept doing what we were doing, he would have been right. Have you ever considered that? For example, China has gone Green since the days of Gore. They also earlier this year went back to burning the shit out of coal, so we aren't out of the woods yet. It isn't settled that you were right you know. No one ever said that.

And the rest of the world is going green. That has slowed the heating of our planet some. Not enough, but some.

And global warming scientists have recently come out and said the most dyer predictions are not expected to come true. Thank god! That doesn't mean we should continue doing what we are doing. Even if you don't believe in Global warming, you must believe that the pollution we put up is killing us. It's causing cancer and who knows what else. Alzheimers???

Wake up. And snow covered beaches in Texas is proof the climate is out of wack. That's evidence of GW you dummy.
My ebike goes 30 miles. A little less if you use full power all the time, a little more if you use low power. So hills matter too. And gravel or paved? Those things drag the battery power down. Weight too. I was with a spinner and she had a RAD Ebike I swear she went 50 miles on one battery. So my fat ass drags the thing down. LOL.

Anyways, I purchased a second batter. $500. But now I never have to worry about running out of battery. And after 40 miles my ass is sore and I'm tired from all that peddling. Even on full assist, I'm still peddling. My buddy has a better ebike. Mark Cuban invented it. He has a throttle and never peddles and he can go 5 miles more than my bike. I imagine if he peddled his bike would go a lot further than mine but he says he has knee problems. Anyways, Mark Cuban's Ebike is the shit.

If I conserve and ride on 2 instead of 3 which is full power, I believe I can get 50 miles easily. My ass is sore after 40 so I have all the bike I need.

Cost me $2000 with the extra battery so not too bad.
sounds interesting.

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