Leftist politicians are still trying to push the MMGW Hoax. It's a political scam to redistribute wealth.

Consider this. If we kept doing what we were doing, he would have been right. Have you ever considered that? For example, China has gone Green since the days of Gore. They also earlier this year went back to burning the shit out of coal, so we aren't out of the woods yet. It isn't settled that you were right you know. No one ever said that.

And the rest of the world is going green. That has slowed the heating of our planet some. Not enough, but some.

And global warming scientists have recently come out and said the most dyer predictions are not expected to come true. Thank god! That doesn't mean we should continue doing what we are doing. Even if you don't believe in Global warming, you must believe that the pollution we put up is killing us. It's causing cancer and who knows what else. Alzheimers???

Wake up. And snow covered beaches in Texas is proof the climate is out of wack. That's evidence of GW you dummy.
I'm still wondering why we need to worry about it.
I donk know about the man made part one way or the other

But freaking everyone out with doomsday scenarios just to advance a political agenda is dishonest
sorry about reality and the truth and journalism, brainwashed functional moron chump of big oil greedy idiot liars and thieves in the GOP...join the rest of the world for crying out loud , global warming is in your face every day on the news unless you watch fox and YouTube conspiracy nuts et cetera .....
Here we are in the age of information and you people don't know a damn thing. Try science and reality for crying out loud. and google duhhhh.....
I did, hence my question. So in your reality you have no fking idea and just are subservient to the elites to abuse you.
sorry about reality and the truth and journalism, brainwashed functional moron chump of big oil greedy idiot liars and thieves in the GOP...join the rest of the world for crying out loud , global warming is in your face every day on the news unless you watch fox and YouTube conspiracy nuts et cetera .....
Greenies keep kicking the drop dead date down the road

According to freaked out libs doomsday is always 25 years away
Whether I like them or not is irrelevant. I don't agree with using taxpayer money to fund them. Rational adults compromised with free K-12 education, and the marxist useful idiots have been incrementally pushing for more redistribution ever since. Your virtue signaling doesn't trump my logic.
Congratulations you are the perfect chump of lying scumbag greedy idiot mega rich GOP liars and thieves and propagandists. Try reality someday. I know, let's try another giant tax cut for the mega rich. That works great...
Greenies keep kicking the drop dead date down the road

According to freaked out libs doomsday is always 25 years away
For crying out loud Google climate change and stop being a dope. How did you manage 2 avoid any information about incredible droughts around the world forest fires rising sea water all kinds of stuff, every nature program etcetera etcetera. Nincompoop.
For crying out loud Google climate change and stop being a dope. How did you manage 2 avoid any information about incredible droughts around the world forest fires rising sea water all kinds of stuff, every nature program etcetera etcetera. Nincompoop.
You dont know the difference between weather and climate
Congratulations you are the perfect chump of lying scumbag greedy idiot mega rich GOP liars and thieves and propagandists. Try reality someday. I know, let's try another giant tax cut for the mega rich. That works great...
You post like a moron, halfwit.
I did, hence my question. So in your reality you have no fking idea and just are subservient to the elites to abuse you.
Dude, that’s called a word salad! There ain’t one fking piece of evidence in that, just saying. The first sentence is the word salad,

largely caused by human activities because the ke
Lib journalism is largely propaganda
and the only thing that is not is Murdoch's garbage. Oh and Russian stuff. By the way propaganda doesn't mean lies that's why I always say GOP crap garbage propaganda...

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