Leftist politicians are still trying to push the MMGW Hoax. It's a political scam to redistribute wealth.

We listen to Fox and quickly see the slant. Pisses us off. And most of us don't listen to MSNBC.

ABC and stations like that try not to show a slant either way. Almost too much. I wish they were more liberal and you wish they were more conservative. What's the problem?
you're confused.
what is their hate exactly?
fox is entertaining, hate is addictive, but it is total BS. People who watch only fox end up doubting vaccines and elections and global warming etcetera etcetera without any evidence, just listening to their crap. I watch a lot of fox and I used to listen to a lot of Rush Limbaugh just to have a complete understanding of what crap they are full of. I see the five on fox every day except when Geraldo is on as the liberal lol. And I check their prime time stories, usually momentarily because it is such a joke and you people believe it. And most serious trumpers only listen to fox and Internet crazies and a lot are down to Internet crazies. Poor America
I am not going to wrestle in the mud with you over the usual “hate” accusation

This time its Fox,

but the lib lie is so often directed at anyone who disagrees with the liberal agenda anywhere or anytime that its boring to the extreme

If you think your side is above criticism then nothing I say will change your mind
I am not going to wrestle in the mud with you over the usual “hate” accusation

This time its Fox,

but the lib lie is so often directed at anyone who disagrees with the liberal agenda anywhere or anytime that its boring to the extreme

If you think your side is above criticism then nothing I say will change your mind
Come now, you know every conservative hates. ask them. I can't ever recall myself saying I hated anything except brussel sprouts.
what is their hate exactly?
Why do you hate Democrats? That's what. Pedophile Marxist authoritarian minority lover liars. Unfortunately when you try to take your crap propaganda into court you lose 400 cases to none. Change the channel from Murdoch and Internet conspiracy nuts and try reality, ignoramus- politically of course.
Why do you hate Democrats? That's what.
I don't hate anyone. I don't trust a demofk as far as I can spit. demofks hate american values and why they push global initiatives. Tell me I'm wrong with my trust. Hate, naw, they're only high IQ stupid people.
Because they are just as invested in the idiotic partisan pissing match as you are.
I don't hate republican base voters like you, around here is 72% trump and they are the greatest people, except politically they are totally brainwashed functional Nazis in waiting. I hate the people that lie to you nonstop and make you hate without any evidence, just endless BS. You misinformed bigoted idiots are the only people hating blacks Jews gays lesbians trans foreigners Browns and those lying pedophile Democrats. Poor America- change the *** **** channel ignoramus. Every single thing you know about politics is total garbage lies period end of story, hater dupe.
I don't hate anyone. I don't trust a demofk as far as I can spit. demofks hate american values and why they push global initiatives. Tell me I'm wrong with my trust. Hate, naw, they're only high IQ stupid people.
That is totally misinformed hate. You hate them because they stole the election and hate American values? You are out of your tiny little mind. Your heroes have been running a giveaway to the rich robbery for 40 years and you support them because emails and conspiracies. Absolute idiocy
You are out of your tiny little mind.
dude, I know exactly how they cheat. Stop yourself. You hate me. you want to cut off my head and shit down my neck right? come on slick, show the board who you really are. I disagree with you and you call me a hater. I'm not subservient to any man.
I don't hate anyone. I don't trust a demofk as far as I can spit. demofks hate american values and why they push global initiatives. Tell me I'm wrong with my trust. Hate, naw, they're only high IQ stupid people.
francoHFW , I agree, it is sad that demofks hate americans so much and their values that they'd join the WHO and WEF to destroy american values.

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