Leftist Professor Investigated for Reading a Quote With the N-Word in it!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Lol, the left always ends up eating its own.

'New School' Professor Investigated for Quoting Black Author Saying N-Word | Breitbart

During the spring semester, Professor Laurie Sheck of the New School in New York City found herself in hot water after she said the “n-word” during a discussion on James Baldwin’s 1962 essay, “The Creative Process.” During the class discussion on the essay, Sheck asked students to consider why a recent documentary about Baldwin was titled “I Am Not Your Negro,” altering Baldwin’s actual quote to remove the “n-word.”

Sheck argues that she used to word to make a point about the documentary’s intentional distortion of Baldwin’s quote. “As writers, words are all we have. And we have to give [Baldwin] credit that he used the word he did on purpose,” Sheck said....

After the lecture, one of Sheck’s white graduate students reported her use of the word to the New School administration. As a result, Sheck was investigated by college administrators over her classroom conduct....

“I have been left completely in the dark with the accusations against me still actively in place, and classes starting in two weeks,” Sheck said in a comment to the Guardian. “Having taught at the New School with an impeccable record and consistently stellar student evaluations of my classes for nearly 20 years, this drawn-out approach appears to many as an unnecessarily callous and insensitive treatment of a devoted and long time faculty member.”​
The teacher should've say, "You don't have any message to put out there until a writer is in the picture. Want to blame someone for what I delivered? Go hunting for whoever did the writing of it!"

God bless you and the teacher always!!!

I'm hoping she did it in black face. Leftists love painting their faces black.

Any non-black should carry a digital recording device with a recording of any hypocritical black saying ‘nigga’ and anytime you need to reference the word in your speech, play back that recording.
They should simply burn the books with the words they don't like in them. Problem solved.
Instead they want to burn the instructors who read those words.
This may seem like an absurd thing that happened to that professor, but according to the far left, if you are white, and she is, then you simply have to accept when a 'person of color' says you are racist.

You cannot defend yourself or other people you know.

MSNBC Guest Tiffany Cross: It Is Not White People’s Place to Determine If Trump Is Racist | Breitbart

“I think a good rule of thumb is, if you are not a person of color and millions of people of color across this country are saying a thing is racist, it’s not your place to say that it isn’t."

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