Leftist propaganda will be on full display during Christmas season.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Two classic films that are used to push leftist propaganda, in particular class warfare, are "It's a Wonderful Life" and "A Christmas Carol". A Christmas Carol is, in particular, is probably the worst propaganda film ever. It is even worse than "Animal Farm" in some ways. Keep that in mind if you find yourself viewing it this year. It portrays an honest, hard working, law abiding entrepreneur named Ebenezer Scrooge as some type of greedy capitalist. It then portrays his as noble for engaging in irresponsible behavior after his transformation. It portrays him as noble for behavior that breeds dependence on others instead of dependence on self and creates a weak, degenerate society.
Two classic films that are used to push leftist propaganda, in particular class warfare, are "It's a Wonderful Life" and "A Christmas Carol". A Christmas Carol is, in particular, is probably the worst propaganda film ever. It is even worse than "Animal Farm" in some ways. Keep that in mind if you find yourself viewing it this year. It portrays an honest, hard working, law abiding entrepreneur named Ebenezer Scrooge as some type of greedy capitalist. It then portrays his as noble for engaging in irresponsible behavior after his transformation. It portrays him as noble for behavior that breeds dependence on others instead of dependence on self and creates a weak, degenerate society.

I've always known the Marxist sub theme in the movie "Christmas Carol", but not understanding about "It's a Wonderful Life."

Please elaborate so I don't have to watch that damned movie ten more times. I'd rather watch "Die Hard."
Two classic films that are used to push leftist propaganda, in particular class warfare, are "It's a Wonderful Life" and "A Christmas Carol". A Christmas Carol is, in particular, is probably the worst propaganda film ever. It is even worse than "Animal Farm" in some ways. Keep that in mind if you find yourself viewing it this year. It portrays an honest, hard working, law abiding entrepreneur named Ebenezer Scrooge as some type of greedy capitalist. It then portrays his as noble for engaging in irresponsible behavior after his transformation. It portrays him as noble for behavior that breeds dependence on others instead of dependence on self and creates a weak, degenerate society.

I've always known the Marxist sub theme in the movie "Christmas Carol", but not understanding about "It's a Wonderful Life."

Please elaborate so I don't have to watch that damned movie ten more times. I'd rather watch "Die Hard."

They are portraying the "evil, rich capitalist" as some type of greedy privileged crook who can only get ahead by screwing over the little guy. The underdog in the story is portrayed as harder working and more competent, yet he is held down by the evil establishment.
Two classic films that are used to push leftist propaganda, in particular class warfare, are "It's a Wonderful Life" and "A Christmas Carol". A Christmas Carol is, in particular, is probably the worst propaganda film ever. It is even worse than "Animal Farm" in some ways. Keep that in mind if you find yourself viewing it this year. It portrays an honest, hard working, law abiding entrepreneur named Ebenezer Scrooge as some type of greedy capitalist. It then portrays his as noble for engaging in irresponsible behavior after his transformation. It portrays him as noble for behavior that breeds dependence on others instead of dependence on self and creates a weak, degenerate society.

I've always known the Marxist sub theme in the movie "Christmas Carol", but not understanding about "It's a Wonderful Life."

Please elaborate so I don't have to watch that damned movie ten more times. I'd rather watch "Die Hard."

They are portraying the "evil, rich capitalist" as some type of greedy privileged crook who can only get ahead by screwing over the little guy. The underdog in the story is portrayed as harder working and more competent, yet he is held down by the evil establishment.

I'm not sure. Didn't George Bailey's brother or friend become well to do, and then helped him out at the end? Mr. Potter certainly was portrayed as the evil capitalist bastard who was buying up everything.
Two classic films that are used to push leftist propaganda, in particular class warfare, are "It's a Wonderful Life" and "A Christmas Carol". A Christmas Carol is, in particular, is probably the worst propaganda film ever. It is even worse than "Animal Farm" in some ways. Keep that in mind if you find yourself viewing it this year. It portrays an honest, hard working, law abiding entrepreneur named Ebenezer Scrooge as some type of greedy capitalist. It then portrays his as noble for engaging in irresponsible behavior after his transformation. It portrays him as noble for behavior that breeds dependence on others instead of dependence on self and creates a weak, degenerate society.

I've always known the Marxist sub theme in the movie "Christmas Carol", but not understanding about "It's a Wonderful Life."

Please elaborate so I don't have to watch that damned movie ten more times. I'd rather watch "Die Hard."

They are portraying the "evil, rich capitalist" as some type of greedy privileged crook who can only get ahead by screwing over the little guy. The underdog in the story is portrayed as harder working and more competent, yet he is held down by the evil establishment.

I'm not sure. Didn't George Bailey's brother or friend become well to do, and then helped him out at the end? Mr. Potter certainly was portrayed as the evil capitalist bastard who was buying up everything.

If I remember correctly, the community came together and bailed him out. The "It takes a village" theme is on display. Granted, it was private donations, except the often underlying message is that in reality people aren't generous enough and the government will mandate a "reasonable" tax for helping the needy.
Also, Ebenezer Scrooge was generous at the beginning of the movie. He gave opportunities, not handouts. He also only denied opportunities in the form of loans when they were ill-advised and would likely benefit no one, especially the borrower who could wind up in debtor's prison.

Christmas. The season of demonizing the giving.

Christmas. The season of demonizing the giving.

Jesus taught them to fish. He taught them where to cast their nets and encouraged them. This proved more helpful in the long run. He also never encouraged anyone to force others to give to the poor.

Christmas. The season of demonizing the giving.

Jesus taught them to fish. He taught them where to cast their nets and encouraged them. This proved more helpful in the long run. He also never encouraged anyone to force others to give to the poor.
They already well knew how to fish. Jesus just waved his magic hands and filled their nets, like a godless communist.

Christmas. The season of demonizing the giving.

Jesus taught them to fish. He taught them where to cast their nets and encouraged them. This proved more helpful in the long run. He also never encouraged anyone to force others to give to the poor.
They already well knew how to fish. Jesus just waved his magic hands and filled their nets, like a godless communist.

Communists don't fill anything. They steal, keep most of it for themselves and re-distribute barely enough crumbs to keep their follows in line.

Christmas. The season of demonizing the giving.

Jesus taught them to fish. He taught them where to cast their nets and encouraged them. This proved more helpful in the long run. He also never encouraged anyone to force others to give to the poor.
They already well knew how to fish. Jesus just waved his magic hands and filled their nets, like a godless communist.

Communists don't fill anything. They steal, keep most of it for themselves and re-distribute barely enough crumbs to keep their follows in line.
Yes the communist Christian god has been historically fond of famine and redistributing whenever the flock gets too antsy

Christmas. The season of demonizing the giving.

Jesus taught them to fish. He taught them where to cast their nets and encouraged them. This proved more helpful in the long run. He also never encouraged anyone to force others to give to the poor.
They already well knew how to fish. Jesus just waved his magic hands and filled their nets, like a godless communist.

Communists don't fill anything. They steal, keep most of it for themselves and re-distribute barely enough crumbs to keep their follows in line.
Yes the communist Christian god has been historically fond of famine and redistributing whenever the flock gets too antsy

If that were the case, Karl Marx would have loved Christianity. He hated Christianity because it promotes voluntary generosity and encourages a nation's people to retain their sense of national identity and worse yet, hard work. It also discourages degenerate values and preaches that there will be a day of judgement, which is another reason the left hates it.

Christmas. The season of demonizing the giving.

Jesus taught them to fish. He taught them where to cast their nets and encouraged them. This proved more helpful in the long run. He also never encouraged anyone to force others to give to the poor.
They already well knew how to fish. Jesus just waved his magic hands and filled their nets, like a godless communist.

Communists don't fill anything. They steal, keep most of it for themselves and re-distribute barely enough crumbs to keep their follows in line.
Yes the communist Christian god has been historically fond of famine and redistributing whenever the flock gets too antsy

If that were the case, Karl Marx would have loved Christianity. He hated Christianity because it promotes voluntary generosity and encourages a nation's people to retain their sense of national identity. It also discourages degenerate values and preaches that there will be a day of judgement, which is another reason the left hates it.
Lots of people believe different fairy tales than Christianity or no fairy tales at all and have no interest in Karl Marx.
Jesus taught them to fish. He taught them where to cast their nets and encouraged them. This proved more helpful in the long run. He also never encouraged anyone to force others to give to the poor.
They already well knew how to fish. Jesus just waved his magic hands and filled their nets, like a godless communist.

Communists don't fill anything. They steal, keep most of it for themselves and re-distribute barely enough crumbs to keep their follows in line.
Yes the communist Christian god has been historically fond of famine and redistributing whenever the flock gets too antsy

If that were the case, Karl Marx would have loved Christianity. He hated Christianity because it promotes voluntary generosity and encourages a nation's people to retain their sense of national identity. It also discourages degenerate values and preaches that there will be a day of judgement, which is another reason the left hates it.
Lots of people believe different fairy tales than Christianity or no fairy tales at all and have no interest in Karl Marx.

That doesn't explain why leftists hate Christianity so much. Shouldn't it appeal to them? Leftists are more likely to believe in fortune tellers, being in touch with the dead, psychics, astrology, 67 genders, social science etc. Wouldn't a fairly tale that is supposedly so in step with communism appeal to them since they are so fond of fairy tales?
Two classic films that are used to push leftist propaganda, in particular class warfare, are "It's a Wonderful Life" and "A Christmas Carol". A Christmas Carol is, in particular, is probably the worst propaganda film ever. It is even worse than "Animal Farm" in some ways. Keep that in mind if you find yourself viewing it this year. It portrays an honest, hard working, law abiding entrepreneur named Ebenezer Scrooge as some type of greedy capitalist. It then portrays his as noble for engaging in irresponsible behavior after his transformation. It portrays him as noble for behavior that breeds dependence on others instead of dependence on self and creates a weak, degenerate society.
Are you comparing the film to the actual book?

I'm aware they may be "used" to create propaganda, but no my take on a Christmas Carol is that it was critiquing a greedy or misanthropic worldview, not the mere practice of business.

Much as any business or any voluntary association has no inherent worth outside of what's agreed on in the context of its mutual interactions, systemology and associations, outside of those parameters or participations, having nothing at all and being irrelevant in the real world, along with the silly myths and childish stories they are predicated on, and held to by naïve faith in some axiom, definition, or another, which can easily be question, ignored, or changed.

Such as silly myths which conflate the merely consequential with the intentional, and so forth, and more or less predicate or require a steady diet of childish and masturbatory propaganda which only the hapless and naïve would believe to begin with, let alone mindlessly and idly parrot, in the vein of a sycophant.

Christmas. The season of demonizing the giving.

Jesus taught them to fish. He taught them where to cast their nets and encouraged them. This proved more helpful in the long run. He also never encouraged anyone to force others to give to the poor.
In practice, this is irrelevant, since government, presently or historically is based on this, the only consistent logic would be anarchy, and in practice you don't agree to partake In it.

If I recall right, Christ said nothing about government other than "give to Caesar what is Caeasar's or to God what is God's).

As far as the system of government in Iron Age Israel, it was either a monarchy ruled by kings and queens, or a "theocracy" ruled by a class of priests, however it did play a role in the development of our Common Law system of government, acknowledging things such as respect for people's autonomy, their families, their property, and so on.

Christmas. The season of demonizing the giving.

Jesus taught them to fish. He taught them where to cast their nets and encouraged them. This proved more helpful in the long run. He also never encouraged anyone to force others to give to the poor.
They already well knew how to fish. Jesus just waved his magic hands and filled their nets, like a godless communist.

Communists don't fill anything. They steal, keep most of it for themselves and re-distribute barely enough crumbs to keep their follows in line.
Yes the communist Christian god has been historically fond of famine and redistributing whenever the flock gets too antsy
I fail to see how the Judeo-Christian god was "communist", when even in the 10 Commandments, which date back to the Iron Age, the notions of respect for people, their families, their personal property, their autonomy, and so on were principles established by law, something which would be lost on a communist or one who wishes to "abolish all private property".

The legal system of the Old Testament also did play a role in the development of our Common Law system.
Jesus taught them to fish. He taught them where to cast their nets and encouraged them. This proved more helpful in the long run. He also never encouraged anyone to force others to give to the poor.
They already well knew how to fish. Jesus just waved his magic hands and filled their nets, like a godless communist.

Communists don't fill anything. They steal, keep most of it for themselves and re-distribute barely enough crumbs to keep their follows in line.
Yes the communist Christian god has been historically fond of famine and redistributing whenever the flock gets too antsy

If that were the case, Karl Marx would have loved Christianity. He hated Christianity because it promotes voluntary generosity and encourages a nation's people to retain their sense of national identity. It also discourages degenerate values and preaches that there will be a day of judgement, which is another reason the left hates it.
Lots of people believe different fairy tales than Christianity or no fairy tales at all and have no interest in Karl Marx.
You're conflating mythology with Christianity which isn't the same thing.

If you were objecting to "Communism", or what not, that's just based on a myth or a childish whim, fairy tale, faith or fantasy, which you can't substantiate other than in wishful thinking, no.
To summarize this, the argument that a Christmas Carol is "left" propaganda is pretty silly - some "on the left" may use it as such, but that would be the equivalent of someone arguing that a movie which features the American flag is "Nazi", just because "Hitler" wanted people to salute the country's flag.

As far as the silly arguments here, they're pretty easy to address:

1. Rhetoric about "stealing", as far as law and government is concerned, is just that, if it's based on an argument of "non-aggression", then anarchy would be the only consistent conclusion, and in reality everyone participating in government, or even so much as using "fighting words" on the internet is already participating in aggression to begin with, not to mention that this is just historical and human ignorance, given that "taxation" in some form or another has been around since ancient times, and that our system of government was founded on "no taxation without representation" - if it was "founded" on non-aggression, then America never would have existed to begin with, since all government is "aggression" by that very definition. Much as the Founders never would have fought in the war of Independence, but instead would have retired to a monastery and practiced a life of devout non-violence instead.

So in practice, it's only an objection to certain types of "aggression", and only in certain contexts (e.x. such as the false public or private dichotomies), when in reality "aggression" can and does occur in the context of any institution and social arrangement, so this would mean they would have to oppose aggression in the context of "private" institutions or interactions, or informal "government" or hierarchies, much as they would in "public" institutions, both of which are interrelated, and not entirely separate except in pure abstraction. As well as opposing the immoral worldviews on a voluntary basis which would have no qualms about using aggression, theft, or force to get its way so long as they existed, whether in public or private institutions (such as private institutions having worked to levy taxes on their competitors, showing no regard for the principles of non-aggression themselves)

And likewise, in practice, eliminating aggression entirely would be physically impossible; at best one could minimize it, but if one so much as spoke in a public place, they would create sound waves which "aggress" upon another's ear drums without consent, and by non-aggression logic, this would be no different than blasting a sonic weapon into a person's ear.

It also ignores the fact that government is required to sustain and preserve rights, such as those enumerated in the constitution, and that none of these would exist in an anarchy, or context in which individuals have an amoral worldview such as "might makes right" (which is not the view which America's government and institutions are founded on, in spite of the lie) - the fact that non-aggression advocates themselves use aggression, online or off, or think nothing of participating in intuitions, whether their own governments, private institutions, or venues such as the internet and social media which have received public funding, or contradictory appealing to scholars (e.x. John Locke and his outdated psychology) whose views were developed in the context of "public" institutions; a true "anarchist" having no need for them or the appealing to any scholar of past or present - proves that, in practice, the views are nonsense by their own tacit admissions, except in pure theory, this of course not meaning "all aggression is created equal".


In regards to other notions that others are appealing to, such as the myth of "creating dependency", "the market", or the other popular myths or axioms upon which these views are based and blindly held, as opposed to observed thoroughly by those who hold them and mindlessly repeat them based on mis-informative mass media, as if being anywhere on the same footing as an actual theorist themselves and having calculated it, as opposed to mindlessly and emotionally regurgitating it.

In reality, pure "dependency" or "independency" only exist in pure abstractions to begin with, unless one lives on an island by themselves like Robinson Crusoe, and not even then; in daily life people are dependent on things, whether others such as family, neighbors, coworkers, service people, systems such as their state's common law system and its infrastructure, or systems such as the ecosystem and so forth, whether they acknowledge this reality or not, "pure dependency and independency" don't exist in pure abstraction.

If one is appealing to science, then it more or less debunks notions of "individualism" of the mythical variety described above; in biology, all of the individual organs, cells or parts of the body combine in order to create the whole, so one's body can view viewed as "a single unit", or as a collective of parts which comprise it, and they would need to both work in coordination, as well as acknowledge the sovereignty or uniqueness of each other in order for the body to healthily function (e.x. an organ becoming cancerous, or white blood cells attacking a transplanted organ).

So people can believe in mythical or exaggerated notions of "individualism" based, ironically generally in faith in some other one's axiom or belief on the subject if they want to, rather than independently inventing the notion themselves, but they can't substantiate it in that way without denying science, (much as they couldn't substantiate some extremist form of "collectivism" without denying science either, or acknowledging the uniqueness, hierarchy, and individual sovereignty of the individual organs which combine in function to make up the whole body).
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Two classic films that are used to push leftist propaganda, in particular class warfare, are "It's a Wonderful Life" and "A Christmas Carol". A Christmas Carol is, in particular, is probably the worst propaganda film ever. It is even worse than "Animal Farm" in some ways. Keep that in mind if you find yourself viewing it this year. It portrays an honest, hard working, law abiding entrepreneur named Ebenezer Scrooge as some type of greedy capitalist. It then portrays his as noble for engaging in irresponsible behavior after his transformation. It portrays him as noble for behavior that breeds dependence on others instead of dependence on self and creates a weak, degenerate society.
Naw, both of those films are about Christmas. They can't possibly be liberal, because we hate Christmas so much we can't even say it, remember?

Go watch a real Christmas movie. Did Hard.

Oh, and Merry Christmas to you!

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