Leftist With a Klan Hood gets his Tail Kicked by Black Trump Supporter: Hilarious (Video)

The democrats favorite myth. ^^^^^^

Fact is, the democrat party has always been the party of racism, oppression, and control. It remains so today.
The Klan OPERATED in the South with the permission and support of good DixieCrats like Connor..

Connor wasn't a "Dixiecrat". There were only two of them, Thurmond and Fielding Wright. That was an offshoot party they formed because there were hearing too much about "civil rights" at the Democratic convention. But that's got absolutely NOTHING to do with the posters' (multiple) original claim on who founded the Klan, and your desperation to deflect somewhere else is getting embarrassingly transparent.

Moreover, by that time referenced we were in the second Klan, the 1915 re-formation of the defunct first one, the one which took sides against not just blacks but Jews, Catholics, immigrants and labor unions. It might dawn on you which party's constituents those are. And just in case anybody still thinks history can be learned from Googly Image memes, that second Klan was formed by William Simmons, an opportunist looking to make money off membership dues --- who also had no political affiliation.

You're always right Pogo.. Crazy as a rabid fruit bat --- but you're OK.. You just dont' have common sense and reason,.. But you're feisty.. Three or more protesters -- MANY of them wearing the hood of the KKK and you're quibbling about the one who picked out for assault??? Maybe he was the LOUDEST AND NASTIEST leftist in the parade of morons..

That's reason enough for me...

Again -- "what COULD HAVE HAPPENED" takes precedence over what ACTUALLY DID happen.

Your argument is still encumbered by these flaws
One, you don't know of any association between the assault victim and the hoods-- you're making that up.
Two, you don't know if the assaulter's motivation had anything to do with the hoods anyway --- that's contrived as well.
And Three -- even if either of the above are true, it requires that people are too stupid to know a mocking when they see it.
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The democrats favorite myth. ^^^^^^

Fact is, the democrat party has always been the party of racism, oppression, and control. It remains so today.

Up until the 50's, you might have had a point. But trouble is, Nixon and Goldwater came up with a way to appeal to the Southern conservatives (who up to that point had voted Democrat), and implemented something called the Southern Strategy which used racism as a way to appeal to the Southern vote.

I posted the link as well as part of the article a couple of posts up. You should read it.
Yes, at one time, Southerners (and the KKK) were Democrat mostly. But then, something happened in the 50's and 60's, called the Southern Strategy, and then the South went for the GOP.

True enough, but to be fully accurate, the (second, and biggest) Klan spread far beyond the South, and when it dabbled in politics, used whatever political party worked in that time and place


Also a governor and a senator in Colorado (Rice Means, Clarence Morley).... a mayor in Portland Oregon and the city council in Anaheim...

Then there's the matter of the Klan's most vocal opponent, Sen. Oscar Underwood... Gov. Jack Walton who tried to drive the Klan out of Oklahoma, and Lyndon Johnson, the first POTUS to prosecute the Klan since Grant.. all of whom were Democrats.

As for the South, Everybody was a Democrat, Klan or not, racist or not. It was a one-party State. In the South you either ran as a Democrat ---- or you lost. That has to do with the history of the Civil War and the "Party of Lincoln", the guy who defeated them. What Strom Thurmond did by jumping parties in 1964 was, at the time, unthinkable, and had been for exactly 99 years.

The fact is the Democratic Party was running a schizophrenic operation for decades, comprising Liberals in the non-South and Conservatives who hated Liberals in the South. Its conventions reflected that conflict notably in 1948, but as far back as 1860 -- even before the War.

That ended with the CRA of 1964 when they finally took out the trash. Which is much like the Republican Party may be planning to do with whatever its plan is to derail Donald T. Rump. Especially if a third party results.

So this "Democrat = racist" meme is yet another Composition Fallacy. Racism, like the Klan itself, doesn't have a political party; it's a personal flaw. Political parties exist to consolidate and organize power, and will be used for exactly that purpose by anyone seeking power. This meme is nothing more than revisionist history contrived to sell to the unwashed who can't be bothered to look up their own. True history is NEVER that simple.
Hey....let's get the FULL details. I knew the fucking media would report it just like this.

2 liberal protestors were trying to agitate the crowd and one put a fucking KKK hood on.
1 black Trump supporter....repeat...black Trump supporter....kicked the faggot liberals asses for bringing God damn KKK nonsense into the rally.

There. Just the details you left out.

And GOOD. He is a great patriot and I hope more liberals get their teeth rearranged when they purposely try to agitate an otherwise peaceful rally. No more nice guy.

There was no Klan hat, you big dumb doodoo head.
Oh really?
Another Trump rally ends in violence as protester punched and kicked...
Now..who is the big dumb do do head?......

I was responding to idiotbuc90's claim.

What an outstanding American.

A stupid liberal shows up to a Trump rally wearing KKK hood....and gets his teeth rearranged by a black Trump supporter.

God Bless America.

That is a lie.
They choose to also forget that white supremacy started in the left.
No, it started in the South, who voted against Lincoln and are now voting for Trump. Nothing has changed but the party names.
Bzzzzzz wrong. KKK started as a leftist political movement.
Bzzzzzz wrong. The KKK has ALWAYS been a CON$ervoFascist movement and still is today.
Bzzzzzz....WRONG. KKK = Democrat party:

Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest became Grand Wizard, claiming to be the Klan's national leader.[17][44]

In an 1868 newspaper interview, Forrest stated that the Klan's primary opposition was to the Loyal Leagues, Republican state governments, people such as Tennessee governorWilliam Gannaway Brownlow and other "carpetbaggers" and "scalawags".[45] He argued that many southerners believed that blacks were voting for the Republican Party because they were being hoodwinked by the Loyal Leagues.[46] One Alabama newspaper editor declared "The League is nothing more than a ****** Ku Klux Klan."[47]

Despite Gordon's and Forrest's work, local Klan units never accepted the Prescript and continued to operate autonomously. There were never hierarchical levels or state headquarters. Klan members used violence to settle old personal feuds and local grudges, as they worked to restore general white dominance in the disrupted postwar society. The historian Elaine Frantz Parsons describes the membership:

Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians,
illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own. Indeed, all they had in common, besides being overwhelmingly white, southern, and Democratic, was that they called themselves, or were called, Klansmen.[48]
Historian Eric Foner observed:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, t
he planter class, and all those who desired restoration of white supremacy. Its purposes were political, but political in the broadest sense, for it sought to affect power relations, both public and private, throughout Southern society. It aimed to reverse the interlocking changes sweeping over the South during Reconstruction: to destroy the Republican party's infrastructure, undermine the Reconstruction state, reestablish control of the black labor force, and restore racial subordination in every aspect of Southern life.[49]
Wikisource has original text related to this article:
Interview with Nathan Bedford Forrest
To that end they worked to curb the education, economic advancement, voting rights, and right to keep and bear arms of blacks.[49] The Klan soon spread into nearly every southern state, launching a "reign of terror against Republican leaders both black and white. Those political leaders assassinated during the campaign included Arkansas Congressman James M. Hinds, three members of the South Carolina legislature, and several men who served in constitutional conventions."[50]
They choose to also forget that white supremacy started in the left.
No, it started in the South, who voted against Lincoln and are now voting for Trump. Nothing has changed but the party names.
Bzzzzzz wrong. KKK started as a leftist political movement.
Bzzzzzz wrong. The KKK has ALWAYS been a CON$ervoFascist movement and still is today.
Bzzzzzz....WRONG. KKK = Democrat party:

Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest became Grand Wizard, claiming to be the Klan's national leader.[17][44]

In an 1868 newspaper interview, Forrest stated that the Klan's primary opposition was to the Loyal Leagues, Republican state governments, people such as Tennessee governorWilliam Gannaway Brownlow and other "carpetbaggers" and "scalawags".[45] He argued that many southerners believed that blacks were voting for the Republican Party because they were being hoodwinked by the Loyal Leagues.[46] One Alabama newspaper editor declared "The League is nothing more than a ****** Ku Klux Klan."[47]

Despite Gordon's and Forrest's work, local Klan units never accepted the Prescript and continued to operate autonomously. There were never hierarchical levels or state headquarters. Klan members used violence to settle old personal feuds and local grudges, as they worked to restore general white dominance in the disrupted postwar society. The historian Elaine Frantz Parsons describes the membership:

Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians,
illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own. Indeed, all they had in common, besides being overwhelmingly white, southern, and Democratic, was that they called themselves, or were called, Klansmen.[48]
Historian Eric Foner observed:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, t
he planter class, and all those who desired restoration of white supremacy. Its purposes were political, but political in the broadest sense, for it sought to affect power relations, both public and private, throughout Southern society. It aimed to reverse the interlocking changes sweeping over the South during Reconstruction: to destroy the Republican party's infrastructure, undermine the Reconstruction state, reestablish control of the black labor force, and restore racial subordination in every aspect of Southern life.[49]
Wikisource has original text related to this article:
Interview with Nathan Bedford Forrest
To that end they worked to curb the education, economic advancement, voting rights, and right to keep and bear arms of blacks.[49] The Klan soon spread into nearly every southern state, launching a "reign of terror against Republican leaders both black and white. Those political leaders assassinated during the campaign included Arkansas Congressman James M. Hinds, three members of the South Carolina legislature, and several men who served in constitutional conventions."[50]

I love it when wags post shit I already know so well I don't have to look anything up....

Forrest, a highly regarded general in the War, was solicited by the fledgling Klan to be its figurehead, in April of 1867. The vigilante "slave patrol" element that had taken over the originally-innocuous Klan was looking for an image of "legitimacy". Forrest took the position, and less than two years later (January 1869) issued an order disbanding the organization, saying that element was out of control. (Later Forrest would deny even having been part of it, but he had been).

Needless to say the 'slave patrol' element ignored the disband order and continued ad hoc, without a CEO as such, until it was wiped out over the next decade.

NONE of which does a damn thing to refute the history I gave all those links to, all of them saying the same thing. I gave the history(ies) of where the Klan came from, and NONE of them involve a political party.

In fact in 1865 Tennessee, due to the war, these guys couldn't even VOTE.

As a parting shot, I'll re-quote part of your post --- which I already quoted earlier --- and see if you can spot the brain cell:

Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own. Indeed, all they had in common, besides being overwhelmingly white, southern, and Democratic, was that they called themselves, or were called, Klansmen.[48]

Now I'm looking at "Democrats", "Republicans" and several categories that have no political party. The main element always was the "antiblack vigilante groups", and "white workmen fearful of black competition". That is the very element that took over the original Klan.

Also interesting the "illegal whiskey distillers", in that the 1915 reiteration of the Klan was staunchly pro-Prohibition -- even though its (re-)founder Simmons was known to imbibe and enjoy a good card game. "Coercive moral reformers" would persist in the 1915 Klan, which I call the American Taliban, as another of its targets was "loose" women, and in one case pulled a (white) woman out of her house and whipped her in the street for "not going to church". And when her son came out to her aid, whipped him too.
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Bout time for blacks to recognize who has the "lower opinion" of their intellect and abilities..
Obviously it is YOU, since according to you they haven't been able to recognize it up to this point!!!
The Right can't hide their low opinion of minorities even when they pretend to praise them!!!
They choose to also forget that white supremacy started in the left.
No, it started in the South, who voted against Lincoln and are now voting for Trump. Nothing has changed but the party names.
Bzzzzzz wrong. KKK started as a leftist political movement.
Bzzzzzz wrong. The KKK has ALWAYS been a CON$ervoFascist movement and still is today.
Bzzzzzz....WRONG. KKK = Democrat party:

Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest became Grand Wizard, claiming to be the Klan's national leader.[17][44]

In an 1868 newspaper interview, Forrest stated that the Klan's primary opposition was to the Loyal Leagues, Republican state governments, people such as Tennessee governorWilliam Gannaway Brownlow and other "carpetbaggers" and "scalawags".[45] He argued that many southerners believed that blacks were voting for the Republican Party because they were being hoodwinked by the Loyal Leagues.[46] One Alabama newspaper editor declared "The League is nothing more than a ****** Ku Klux Klan."[47]

Despite Gordon's and Forrest's work, local Klan units never accepted the Prescript and continued to operate autonomously. There were never hierarchical levels or state headquarters. Klan members used violence to settle old personal feuds and local grudges, as they worked to restore general white dominance in the disrupted postwar society. The historian Elaine Frantz Parsons describes the membership:

Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians,
illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own. Indeed, all they had in common, besides being overwhelmingly white, southern, and Democratic, was that they called themselves, or were called, Klansmen.[48]
Historian Eric Foner observed:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, t
he planter class, and all those who desired restoration of white supremacy. Its purposes were political, but political in the broadest sense, for it sought to affect power relations, both public and private, throughout Southern society. It aimed to reverse the interlocking changes sweeping over the South during Reconstruction: to destroy the Republican party's infrastructure, undermine the Reconstruction state, reestablish control of the black labor force, and restore racial subordination in every aspect of Southern life.[49]
Wikisource has original text related to this article:
Interview with Nathan Bedford Forrest
To that end they worked to curb the education, economic advancement, voting rights, and right to keep and bear arms of blacks.[49] The Klan soon spread into nearly every southern state, launching a "reign of terror against Republican leaders both black and white. Those political leaders assassinated during the campaign included Arkansas Congressman James M. Hinds, three members of the South Carolina legislature, and several men who served in constitutional conventions."[50]

I love it when wags post shit I already know so well I don't have to look anything up....

Forrest, a highly regarded general in the War, was solicited by the fledgling Klan to be its figurehead, in April of 1867. The vigilante "slave patrol" element that had taken over the originally-innocuous Klan was looking for an image of "legitimacy". Forrest took the position, and less than two years later (January 1869) issued an order disbanding the organization, saying that element was out of control. (Later Forrest would deny even having been part of it, but he had been).

Needless to say the 'slave patrol' element ignored the disband order and continued ad hoc, without a CEO as such, until it was wiped out over the next decade.

NONE of which does a damn thing to refute the history I gave all those links to, all of them saying the same thing.

As a parting shot, I'll re-quote part of your post --- which I already quoted earlier --- and see if you can spot the brain cell:
What, having problems reading? Here let me post again:

Historian Eric Foner observed:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party
Bout time for blacks to recognize who has the "lower opinion" of their intellect and abilities..
Obviously it is YOU, since according to you they haven't been able to recognize it up to this point!!!
The Right can't hide their low opinion of minorities even when they pretend to praise them!!!
The right's "low opinion" of minorities is made up crap by leftist fascists and propagandists. Just because the right doesn't not agree with socialism or anti capitalism, then they must have low opinion of minorities.
They choose to also forget that white supremacy started in the left.
No, it started in the South, who voted against Lincoln and are now voting for Trump. Nothing has changed but the party names.
Bzzzzzz wrong. KKK started as a leftist political movement.
Bzzzzzz wrong. The KKK has ALWAYS been a CON$ervoFascist movement and still is today.
Bzzzzzz....WRONG. KKK = Democrat party:
Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest became Grand Wizard, claiming to be the Klan's national leader.[17][44]
Forrest was a rock-ribbed Southern CON$ervative.
They choose to also forget that white supremacy started in the left.
No, it started in the South, who voted against Lincoln and are now voting for Trump. Nothing has changed but the party names.
Bzzzzzz wrong. KKK started as a leftist political movement.
Bzzzzzz wrong. The KKK has ALWAYS been a CON$ervoFascist movement and still is today.
Bzzzzzz....WRONG. KKK = Democrat party:
Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest became Grand Wizard, claiming to be the Klan's national leader.[17][44]
Forrest was a rock-ribbed Southern CON$ervative.

Looks like you're having reading comprehension problems as well:

Historian Eric Foner observed:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party
No, it started in the South, who voted against Lincoln and are now voting for Trump. Nothing has changed but the party names.
Bzzzzzz wrong. KKK started as a leftist political movement.
Bzzzzzz wrong. The KKK has ALWAYS been a CON$ervoFascist movement and still is today.
Bzzzzzz....WRONG. KKK = Democrat party:

Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest became Grand Wizard, claiming to be the Klan's national leader.[17][44]

In an 1868 newspaper interview, Forrest stated that the Klan's primary opposition was to the Loyal Leagues, Republican state governments, people such as Tennessee governorWilliam Gannaway Brownlow and other "carpetbaggers" and "scalawags".[45] He argued that many southerners believed that blacks were voting for the Republican Party because they were being hoodwinked by the Loyal Leagues.[46] One Alabama newspaper editor declared "The League is nothing more than a ****** Ku Klux Klan."[47]

Despite Gordon's and Forrest's work, local Klan units never accepted the Prescript and continued to operate autonomously. There were never hierarchical levels or state headquarters. Klan members used violence to settle old personal feuds and local grudges, as they worked to restore general white dominance in the disrupted postwar society. The historian Elaine Frantz Parsons describes the membership:

Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians,
illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own. Indeed, all they had in common, besides being overwhelmingly white, southern, and Democratic, was that they called themselves, or were called, Klansmen.[48]
Historian Eric Foner observed:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, t
he planter class, and all those who desired restoration of white supremacy. Its purposes were political, but political in the broadest sense, for it sought to affect power relations, both public and private, throughout Southern society. It aimed to reverse the interlocking changes sweeping over the South during Reconstruction: to destroy the Republican party's infrastructure, undermine the Reconstruction state, reestablish control of the black labor force, and restore racial subordination in every aspect of Southern life.[49]
Wikisource has original text related to this article:
Interview with Nathan Bedford Forrest
To that end they worked to curb the education, economic advancement, voting rights, and right to keep and bear arms of blacks.[49] The Klan soon spread into nearly every southern state, launching a "reign of terror against Republican leaders both black and white. Those political leaders assassinated during the campaign included Arkansas Congressman James M. Hinds, three members of the South Carolina legislature, and several men who served in constitutional conventions."[50]

I love it when wags post shit I already know so well I don't have to look anything up....

Forrest, a highly regarded general in the War, was solicited by the fledgling Klan to be its figurehead, in April of 1867. The vigilante "slave patrol" element that had taken over the originally-innocuous Klan was looking for an image of "legitimacy". Forrest took the position, and less than two years later (January 1869) issued an order disbanding the organization, saying that element was out of control. (Later Forrest would deny even having been part of it, but he had been).

Needless to say the 'slave patrol' element ignored the disband order and continued ad hoc, without a CEO as such, until it was wiped out over the next decade.

NONE of which does a damn thing to refute the history I gave all those links to, all of them saying the same thing.

As a parting shot, I'll re-quote part of your post --- which I already quoted earlier --- and see if you can spot the brain cell:
What, having problems reading? Here let me post again:

Historian Eric Foner observed:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party

See the words "in effect"?

Hard to miss -- they're kinda big. But even as such, the statement doesn't fit with the rest of that party (outside the South), as I alluded to earlier. In effect, it served the interests of, as you and I both already cited, antiblack vigilantes, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own. That's who it "served the interests of". And somehow you want to winnow that down to a single word because that's what serves your partisan hackitude.

Anyway --- you didn't originally say it was founded by the Democratic Party ..... you said "leftists". And the Democratic Party certainly weren't "leftists" in 1865, so you're all over the map here. Democrats at the time were the party of "states rights" (held over into the present by Strom Thurmond and George Wallace and then taken over by Ronald Reagan). The Republican Party, which didn't even exist in the South until after the War, was the party of Abolitionists and of Big Government (a legacy of the Whigs). They were in fact the Liberals.

As for the actual origins, I laid that all out a while back too --- that's post 467 if you're scoring at home. Actually, even if you're alone it's still 467. Either way --- read 'em and weep, Revisionist.
No, it started in the South, who voted against Lincoln and are now voting for Trump. Nothing has changed but the party names.
Bzzzzzz wrong. KKK started as a leftist political movement.
Bzzzzzz wrong. The KKK has ALWAYS been a CON$ervoFascist movement and still is today.
Bzzzzzz....WRONG. KKK = Democrat party:
Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest became Grand Wizard, claiming to be the Klan's national leader.[17][44]
Forrest was a rock-ribbed Southern CON$ervative.

Looks like you're having reading comprehension problems as well:

Historian Eric Foner observed:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party
Back when the Southern Democrats were CON$ervatives.
It's CON$ who are racists no matter what Party they pervert.
Bzzzzzz wrong. KKK started as a leftist political movement.
Bzzzzzz wrong. The KKK has ALWAYS been a CON$ervoFascist movement and still is today.
Bzzzzzz....WRONG. KKK = Democrat party:

Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest became Grand Wizard, claiming to be the Klan's national leader.[17][44]

In an 1868 newspaper interview, Forrest stated that the Klan's primary opposition was to the Loyal Leagues, Republican state governments, people such as Tennessee governorWilliam Gannaway Brownlow and other "carpetbaggers" and "scalawags".[45] He argued that many southerners believed that blacks were voting for the Republican Party because they were being hoodwinked by the Loyal Leagues.[46] One Alabama newspaper editor declared "The League is nothing more than a ****** Ku Klux Klan."[47]

Despite Gordon's and Forrest's work, local Klan units never accepted the Prescript and continued to operate autonomously. There were never hierarchical levels or state headquarters. Klan members used violence to settle old personal feuds and local grudges, as they worked to restore general white dominance in the disrupted postwar society. The historian Elaine Frantz Parsons describes the membership:

Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians,
illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own. Indeed, all they had in common, besides being overwhelmingly white, southern, and Democratic, was that they called themselves, or were called, Klansmen.[48]
Historian Eric Foner observed:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, t
he planter class, and all those who desired restoration of white supremacy. Its purposes were political, but political in the broadest sense, for it sought to affect power relations, both public and private, throughout Southern society. It aimed to reverse the interlocking changes sweeping over the South during Reconstruction: to destroy the Republican party's infrastructure, undermine the Reconstruction state, reestablish control of the black labor force, and restore racial subordination in every aspect of Southern life.[49]
Wikisource has original text related to this article:
Interview with Nathan Bedford Forrest
To that end they worked to curb the education, economic advancement, voting rights, and right to keep and bear arms of blacks.[49] The Klan soon spread into nearly every southern state, launching a "reign of terror against Republican leaders both black and white. Those political leaders assassinated during the campaign included Arkansas Congressman James M. Hinds, three members of the South Carolina legislature, and several men who served in constitutional conventions."[50]

I love it when wags post shit I already know so well I don't have to look anything up....

Forrest, a highly regarded general in the War, was solicited by the fledgling Klan to be its figurehead, in April of 1867. The vigilante "slave patrol" element that had taken over the originally-innocuous Klan was looking for an image of "legitimacy". Forrest took the position, and less than two years later (January 1869) issued an order disbanding the organization, saying that element was out of control. (Later Forrest would deny even having been part of it, but he had been).

Needless to say the 'slave patrol' element ignored the disband order and continued ad hoc, without a CEO as such, until it was wiped out over the next decade.

NONE of which does a damn thing to refute the history I gave all those links to, all of them saying the same thing.

As a parting shot, I'll re-quote part of your post --- which I already quoted earlier --- and see if you can spot the brain cell:
What, having problems reading? Here let me post again:

Historian Eric Foner observed:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party

See the words "in effect"?

Hard to miss -- they're kinda big. But even as such, the statement doesn't fit with the rest of that party (outside the South), as I alluded to earlier. In effect, it served the interests of, as you and I both already cited, antiblack vigilantes, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own. That's who it "served the interests of". And somehow you want to winnow that down to a single word because that's what serves your partisan hackitude.

Anyway --- you didn't originally say it was founded by the Democratic Party ..... you said "leftists". And the Democratic Party certainly weren't "leftists" in 1865, so you're all over the map here. Democrats at the time were the party of "states rights" (held over into the present by Strom Thurmond and George Wallace and then taken over by Ronald Reagan). The Republican Party, which didn't even exist in the South until after the War, was the party of Abolitionists and of Big Government (a legacy of the Whigs). They were in fact the Liberals.

As for the actual origins, I laid that all out a while back too --- that's post 467 if you're scoring at home. Actually, even if you're alone it's still 467. Either way --- read 'em and weep, Revisionist.

You is funny. See the words "military wing of the Democratic Party"?! You're going to have to remove your head from uranus to be able to do that.
Bzzzzzz wrong. KKK started as a leftist political movement.
Bzzzzzz wrong. The KKK has ALWAYS been a CON$ervoFascist movement and still is today.
Bzzzzzz....WRONG. KKK = Democrat party:
Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest became Grand Wizard, claiming to be the Klan's national leader.[17][44]
Forrest was a rock-ribbed Southern CON$ervative.

Looks like you're having reading comprehension problems as well:

Historian Eric Foner observed:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party
Back when the Southern Democrats were CON$ervatives.
It's CON$ who are racists no matter what Party they pervert.
No such thing as conservatives at the time. According to historians, back then the KKK was the military wing of the Democrap party. Yup.
Bzzzzzz wrong. The KKK has ALWAYS been a CON$ervoFascist movement and still is today.
Bzzzzzz....WRONG. KKK = Democrat party:

Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest became Grand Wizard, claiming to be the Klan's national leader.[17][44]

In an 1868 newspaper interview, Forrest stated that the Klan's primary opposition was to the Loyal Leagues, Republican state governments, people such as Tennessee governorWilliam Gannaway Brownlow and other "carpetbaggers" and "scalawags".[45] He argued that many southerners believed that blacks were voting for the Republican Party because they were being hoodwinked by the Loyal Leagues.[46] One Alabama newspaper editor declared "The League is nothing more than a ****** Ku Klux Klan."[47]

Despite Gordon's and Forrest's work, local Klan units never accepted the Prescript and continued to operate autonomously. There were never hierarchical levels or state headquarters. Klan members used violence to settle old personal feuds and local grudges, as they worked to restore general white dominance in the disrupted postwar society. The historian Elaine Frantz Parsons describes the membership:

Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians,
illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own. Indeed, all they had in common, besides being overwhelmingly white, southern, and Democratic, was that they called themselves, or were called, Klansmen.[48]
Historian Eric Foner observed:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, t
he planter class, and all those who desired restoration of white supremacy. Its purposes were political, but political in the broadest sense, for it sought to affect power relations, both public and private, throughout Southern society. It aimed to reverse the interlocking changes sweeping over the South during Reconstruction: to destroy the Republican party's infrastructure, undermine the Reconstruction state, reestablish control of the black labor force, and restore racial subordination in every aspect of Southern life.[49]
Wikisource has original text related to this article:
Interview with Nathan Bedford Forrest
To that end they worked to curb the education, economic advancement, voting rights, and right to keep and bear arms of blacks.[49] The Klan soon spread into nearly every southern state, launching a "reign of terror against Republican leaders both black and white. Those political leaders assassinated during the campaign included Arkansas Congressman James M. Hinds, three members of the South Carolina legislature, and several men who served in constitutional conventions."[50]

I love it when wags post shit I already know so well I don't have to look anything up....

Forrest, a highly regarded general in the War, was solicited by the fledgling Klan to be its figurehead, in April of 1867. The vigilante "slave patrol" element that had taken over the originally-innocuous Klan was looking for an image of "legitimacy". Forrest took the position, and less than two years later (January 1869) issued an order disbanding the organization, saying that element was out of control. (Later Forrest would deny even having been part of it, but he had been).

Needless to say the 'slave patrol' element ignored the disband order and continued ad hoc, without a CEO as such, until it was wiped out over the next decade.

NONE of which does a damn thing to refute the history I gave all those links to, all of them saying the same thing.

As a parting shot, I'll re-quote part of your post --- which I already quoted earlier --- and see if you can spot the brain cell:
What, having problems reading? Here let me post again:

Historian Eric Foner observed:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party

See the words "in effect"?

Hard to miss -- they're kinda big. But even as such, the statement doesn't fit with the rest of that party (outside the South), as I alluded to earlier. In effect, it served the interests of, as you and I both already cited, antiblack vigilantes, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own. That's who it "served the interests of". And somehow you want to winnow that down to a single word because that's what serves your partisan hackitude.

Anyway --- you didn't originally say it was founded by the Democratic Party ..... you said "leftists". And the Democratic Party certainly weren't "leftists" in 1865, so you're all over the map here. Democrats at the time were the party of "states rights" (held over into the present by Strom Thurmond and George Wallace and then taken over by Ronald Reagan). The Republican Party, which didn't even exist in the South until after the War, was the party of Abolitionists and of Big Government (a legacy of the Whigs). They were in fact the Liberals.

As for the actual origins, I laid that all out a while back too --- that's post 467 if you're scoring at home. Actually, even if you're alone it's still 467. Either way --- read 'em and weep, Revisionist.

You is funny. See the words "military wing of the Democratic Party"?! You're going to have to remove your head from uranus to be able to do that.

And I just demonstrated why that's erroneous.
And I linked you to my previous post on its actual origins. With at least ten links all saying the same thing.

But hey, this is child's play for a Denialist who can look at a protestor with nothing on his head and conclude "that's a hood".
Bzzzzzz wrong. The KKK has ALWAYS been a CON$ervoFascist movement and still is today.
Bzzzzzz....WRONG. KKK = Democrat party:
Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest became Grand Wizard, claiming to be the Klan's national leader.[17][44]
Forrest was a rock-ribbed Southern CON$ervative.

Looks like you're having reading comprehension problems as well:

Historian Eric Foner observed:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party
Back when the Southern Democrats were CON$ervatives.
It's CON$ who are racists no matter what Party they pervert.
No such thing as conservatives at the time. According to historians, back then the KKK was the military wing of the Democrap party. Yup.

You quoted a single line, from a single historian, out of its own context. And you think you made a point.
That's so cute.
You aren't addressing the fact that the media refuses to say that a black Trump supporter kicked the ass of a leftist KKK supporter.
He wasn't KKK. Not even close. The KKK is welcome at a Trump event, he's their kind of guy. Blame the Beaners, go Trump.
well then explain the hood
There was NO hood. Trump lied to you and you stupidly swallowed Trump's shit whole.

sure there was, Trump was spot on:

Dumb ass, that is a girl and NOT the guy Trump's goon attacked. I know you right-wingers like to play dumb so you can keep repeating the same lies over and over again, but no matter how many times you repeat them they are still lies and you expose yourself not only as a liar, but a DUMB liar to boot!
Dude, I got to laugh. Are you fkn blind really, how many hoods you see?

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