Leftist With a Klan Hood gets his Tail Kicked by Black Trump Supporter: Hilarious (Video)

Hussein Obama was endorsed by Louis Farakhan and nation of Islam, and during the election, Black Panthers went to polling centers and threatened people. The left has no shame. Obama has been encouraging riots, division and destruction for the last 7 years. Yet the leftist media mafia continues to give him a pass.
Threatened people? You aren't man enough to walk past the big scary ******* to vote?

And racists vote for racists eh, as well as racists have to pick a side based on race, usually. KKK for Trump? Yep...
You aren't addressing the fact that the media refuses to say that a black Trump supporter kicked the ass of a leftist KKK supporter.

He wasn't a KKK supporter, stop lying.
sure he was, why else would he wear a hood in the middle of a rally?
You are just mindlessly parroting Trump's lie that he was wearing a hood, he was NOT. He was holding a photo of Trump over his uncovered head when the Trump goon attacked him. The "disgusting KKK outfit" Trump accused him of wearing was an American Flag shirt. Trump and his ilk equate the American Flag with the KKK.

you missed this post back a few pages:


There's your buddy with the hood on. Flacaltenn posted it before. You should read the whole thread.
Nope, the KKK are Trump people, and they endorse him. Hatin' on those darkies..
Were you aware the democrats started the KKK? Demi's are hating on the darkies.

Horse. Shit.

Interview with Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice | RealClearPolitics


BLITZER: Tell us, because you write about this in the book, about your father's decision to become a Republican.

RICE: Yes.

BLITZER: How did that happen?

RICE: My mother and father went down in 1952 to register to vote, and they were not yet married, but they were courting.

My mother, beautiful, light-skinned, they poll tested her because there were poll tests for blacks in those days. The poll tester asked her, "So you probably know who the first president of the United States was."

She said, "Yes, George Washington."

And he said, "Fine, you register."

My father, he said, "How many beans are in that jar?" BLITZER: Darker skinned?

RICE: My father was darker skinned, and a big kind of intimidating man, actually.

And he said, "So how many beans are in that jar?"

My father, who obviously couldn't count the beans, was really devastated. And he went back, and he was talking with Mr. Frank Hunter, an old man in his church. And he said, "Oh, Reverend, I'll tell you how to get registered." He said, "There is a clerk down there who's a Republican, and she'll register anybody who will say they are Republican," because of course, this was when the Dixiecrats and the Democrats controlled Alabama completely.

So my father registered as a Republican, and he was a life-long and actually proud member of the Republican Party for the rest of his life.

BLITZER: And you, too?

RICE: And me, too. I didn't start as a Republican. I first voted for President Jimmy Carter. But I became a Republican largely around foreign policy issues initially, because I was attracted to Ronald Reagan's strength.

You're wasting your time again Pogo.. Jim Crow south was good ole boy Southern DEMS...

Deflection fails. The poster's claim was about the KKK.

Holy SHIT you're whiffing today.
You aren't addressing the fact that the media refuses to say that a black Trump supporter kicked the ass of a leftist KKK supporter.
He wasn't KKK. Not even close. The KKK is welcome at a Trump event, he's their kind of guy. Blame the Beaners, go Trump.
well then explain the hood
There was NO hood. Trump lied to you and you stupidly swallowed Trump's shit whole.

sure there was, Trump was spot on:

Pogo -- really man.,. You need to INVESTIGATE MORE and spout off less. I'd like you better if you weren't constantly making US do your research.. Want to see TWO LEFTIST CLOWNS in hoods????


That is the flag-wrapped moron with the chick moron accomplice.
97,000 cameras there. Took me 30 seconds to find it on Google.

Moral of the story is -- If you're playing poker with a weak hand and think about going all in --- you should at least check your wallet first.

Oh please.

The fact that you can find two people in the same photo does not make them "accomplices".
And the fact remains -- the title of this thread, AND the Revisionista wags who keep selling it --- are bald-faced lies that are easily disproved by pictorial evidence.

And there ain't a damn thing you can do about that except admit to it.
When will that be exactly? I'd like to mark my calendar so I can keep the date open.

ADMIT WHAT Pogo?? What do you want me to ADMIT???

Answer this question please.. HOW MANY white hooded clueless leftist thugs does a black man need to see coming up the aisle at him BEFORE he grabs one and kicks it's ass????

Please make sure Pogo answers all my questions. This isn't the story of the day.. :rolleyes:
Bigger question is ??? WHO exactly is biasing their "perception" of this non-story with malice towards their political opposition?? And what does this matter? pogo pogo pogo ????

Got an English version of this?

Maybe I can get Kipper to translate....

My buddy Kipper could understand this.. The question was -------

HOW MANY clueless leftist thugs does a black man need to see coming at him up an aisle before he starts kicking ass?

I showed you two... Difference between us is -- it wouldn't matter to me whether the clueless morons were Trump supporters or not... OR whether the Nazi I GRAB out of the Nazi parade is wearing the proper SS uniform..

Got it ? Good.. Let's move on to the next Silly but amusing "political scandal"...


Yeah yeah yeah, you've already admitted that you condone assault and it doesn't matter who the target is. I get that and we did that.

What I want you to admit is that the title of this thread is a bald-faced lie and and all the revisionistas still pushing it in spite of visual evidence are bald-faced liars.

Unless of course they have whiskers, in which case we may strike the adjective.

Sorry man -- the title of the thread is correct enough. As I said -- the particular Nazi I pull out of a Nazi parade to have a scuffle with -- doesn't depend on how much money the jerk spent on his SS uniform...

So you're going to sit there on your ass and declare that a picture of a person NOT wearing anything on his head --------- is a picture of a "leftist with a Klan hood".

You lose.

That's progress Pogo.. A half hour ago you were claiming you only saw ONE hood in that parade. Guy COULD've had a KKK clown hat with the rest of them at one time --- no ? Ask someone who was there. And explain to me why it matters that this ACCOMPLICE was wearing a hood or not....
Threatened people? You aren't man enough to walk past the big scary ******* to vote?

And racists vote for racists eh, as well as racists have to pick a side based on race, usually. KKK for Trump? Yep...
You aren't addressing the fact that the media refuses to say that a black Trump supporter kicked the ass of a leftist KKK supporter.

He wasn't a KKK supporter, stop lying.
sure he was, why else would he wear a hood in the middle of a rally?
You are just mindlessly parroting Trump's lie that he was wearing a hood, he was NOT. He was holding a photo of Trump over his uncovered head when the Trump goon attacked him. The "disgusting KKK outfit" Trump accused him of wearing was an American Flag shirt. Trump and his ilk equate the American Flag with the KKK.

you missed this post back a few pages:


There's your buddy with the hood on. Flacaltenn posted it before. You should read the whole thread.
First of all that is a girl in a white shirt with red sleeves, not the guy who was beaten who is wearing an American Flag shirt and NO HOOD.

Hey....let's get the FULL details. I knew the fucking media would report it just like this.

2 liberal protestors were trying to agitate the crowd and one put a fucking KKK hood on.
1 black Trump supporter....repeat...black Trump supporter....kicked the faggot liberals asses for bringing God damn KKK nonsense into the rally.

There. Just the details you left out.

And GOOD. He is a great patriot and I hope more liberals get their teeth rearranged when they purposely try to agitate an otherwise peaceful rally. No more nice guy.

There was no Klan hat, you big dumb doodoo head.
Oh really?
Another Trump rally ends in violence as protester punched and kicked...
Now..who is the big dumb do do head?......
You aren't addressing the fact that the media refuses to say that a black Trump supporter kicked the ass of a leftist KKK supporter.

He wasn't a KKK supporter, stop lying.
sure he was, why else would he wear a hood in the middle of a rally?
You are just mindlessly parroting Trump's lie that he was wearing a hood, he was NOT. He was holding a photo of Trump over his uncovered head when the Trump goon attacked him. The "disgusting KKK outfit" Trump accused him of wearing was an American Flag shirt. Trump and his ilk equate the American Flag with the KKK.

you missed this post back a few pages:


There's your buddy with the hood on. Flacaltenn posted it before. You should read the whole thread.
First of all that is a girl in a white shirt with red sleeves, not the guy who was beaten who is wearing an American Flag shirt and NO HOOD.

dude look harder
You aren't addressing the fact that the media refuses to say that a black Trump supporter kicked the ass of a leftist KKK supporter.
He wasn't KKK. Not even close. The KKK is welcome at a Trump event, he's their kind of guy. Blame the Beaners, go Trump.
well then explain the hood
There was NO hood. Trump lied to you and you stupidly swallowed Trump's shit whole.

sure there was, Trump was spot on:

Dumb ass, that is a girl and NOT the guy Trump's goon attacked. I know you right-wingers like to play dumb so you can keep repeating the same lies over and over again, but no matter how many times you repeat them they are still lies and you expose yourself not only as a liar, but a DUMB liar to boot!
YYyyyyyyyyyyyyeah, unfortunately for you Splooges, I did what you didn't -- I actually read the link before posting. And the woman with the Klan hood was somebody else, somewhere else, unrelated to this guy. And the incident is, again, on video -- that magical medium you love to watch and then claim it doesn't show what it shows. That being, an unprovoked and sustained attack on a guy doing nothing more than holding a sign.

Imagine that --- holding a sign at a political rally. Ya see sump'n new every day.
His mere presence is provoking trouble...
Here's a little newsflash for you.
While the right to free speech applies, it must apply to everyone. And that right is not absolute.
One may speak, but others have an equal right to find that speech to be unacceptable.
And while one has the right to free speech, other may view said speech to be offensive, outrageous or even as an assault....at that point the one speaking may find themselves in a position of unpleasantness.
In other words, if your speech is an attempt to agitate, incite or cause harm, the reaction may be physical. That's called a choice.......

And if the source of offense is some completely different person ----
---- and we're entirely speculating about that source, since the evidence for his motivation is Absolute Zero ----

---- then it's acceptable to just jump and pummel the first moving object you see, by some kind of "proxy".

That's called a "choice" too, is it not?
Well since you decided to wader away from my post, you'll not get a response to any queries until such time as you refocus.
In other words. Respond to what was posted. Do not ask "what if" questions or create "what if" scenarios for your own purposes.
He wasn't a KKK supporter, stop lying.
sure he was, why else would he wear a hood in the middle of a rally?
You are just mindlessly parroting Trump's lie that he was wearing a hood, he was NOT. He was holding a photo of Trump over his uncovered head when the Trump goon attacked him. The "disgusting KKK outfit" Trump accused him of wearing was an American Flag shirt. Trump and his ilk equate the American Flag with the KKK.

you missed this post back a few pages:


There's your buddy with the hood on. Flacaltenn posted it before. You should read the whole thread.
First of all that is a girl in a white shirt with red sleeves, not the guy who was beaten who is wearing an American Flag shirt and NO HOOD.

dude look harder
Maybe you should take your own advice. You can see HER long hair hanging out of HER hood on the white part of HER shirt with red sleeves. The MAN assaulted by the Trump thug is wearing an American Flag shirt, has much shorter hair and a backpack on his back.

Oh please.

The fact that you can find two people in the same photo does not make them "accomplices".
And the fact remains -- the title of this thread, AND the Revisionista wags who keep selling it --- are bald-faced lies that are easily disproved by pictorial evidence.

And there ain't a damn thing you can do about that except admit to it.
When will that be exactly? I'd like to mark my calendar so I can keep the date open.

ADMIT WHAT Pogo?? What do you want me to ADMIT???

Answer this question please.. HOW MANY white hooded clueless leftist thugs does a black man need to see coming up the aisle at him BEFORE he grabs one and kicks it's ass????

Please make sure Pogo answers all my questions. This isn't the story of the day.. :rolleyes:
Got an English version of this?

Maybe I can get Kipper to translate....

My buddy Kipper could understand this.. The question was -------

HOW MANY clueless leftist thugs does a black man need to see coming at him up an aisle before he starts kicking ass?

I showed you two... Difference between us is -- it wouldn't matter to me whether the clueless morons were Trump supporters or not... OR whether the Nazi I GRAB out of the Nazi parade is wearing the proper SS uniform..

Got it ? Good.. Let's move on to the next Silly but amusing "political scandal"...


Yeah yeah yeah, you've already admitted that you condone assault and it doesn't matter who the target is. I get that and we did that.

What I want you to admit is that the title of this thread is a bald-faced lie and and all the revisionistas still pushing it in spite of visual evidence are bald-faced liars.

Unless of course they have whiskers, in which case we may strike the adjective.

Sorry man -- the title of the thread is correct enough. As I said -- the particular Nazi I pull out of a Nazi parade to have a scuffle with -- doesn't depend on how much money the jerk spent on his SS uniform...

So you're going to sit there on your ass and declare that a picture of a person NOT wearing anything on his head --------- is a picture of a "leftist with a Klan hood".

You lose.

That's progress Pogo.. A half hour ago you were claiming you only saw ONE hood in that parade. Guy COULD've had a KKK clown hat with the rest of them at one time --- no ? Ask someone who was there. And explain to me why it matters that this ACCOMPLICE was wearing a hood or not....

So let's sum up your position:
  • Assault is OK if some wag later on a message board decides he was "accompanied by" somebody else visible in the same picture.... and
  • Simply because a picture clearly shows there is no hood on a person's head ---- doesn't mean there was no hood on a person's head, as long as we click our heels together and wish it had been true... and
  • What actually DID happen -- even if indisputably captured in photography -- is trumped by "what COULD HAVE happened". And all you have to do to get to the latter is make it up.

That about cover it?

I might add -- ALL of this idle speculation about what the assaulter's motive was.... is just that. We have ZERO evidence or statement from him that his attack had anything to do with "hoods".

Again --- prove me wrong.
Last edited:
YYyyyyyyyyyyyyeah, unfortunately for you Splooges, I did what you didn't -- I actually read the link before posting. And the woman with the Klan hood was somebody else, somewhere else, unrelated to this guy. And the incident is, again, on video -- that magical medium you love to watch and then claim it doesn't show what it shows. That being, an unprovoked and sustained attack on a guy doing nothing more than holding a sign.

Imagine that --- holding a sign at a political rally. Ya see sump'n new every day.
His mere presence is provoking trouble...
Here's a little newsflash for you.
While the right to free speech applies, it must apply to everyone. And that right is not absolute.
One may speak, but others have an equal right to find that speech to be unacceptable.
And while one has the right to free speech, other may view said speech to be offensive, outrageous or even as an assault....at that point the one speaking may find themselves in a position of unpleasantness.
In other words, if your speech is an attempt to agitate, incite or cause harm, the reaction may be physical. That's called a choice.......

And if the source of offense is some completely different person ----
---- and we're entirely speculating about that source, since the evidence for his motivation is Absolute Zero ----

---- then it's acceptable to just jump and pummel the first moving object you see, by some kind of "proxy".

That's called a "choice" too, is it not?

Well since you decided to wader away from my post, you'll not get a response to any queries until such time as you refocus.
In other words. Respond to what was posted. Do not ask "what if" questions or create "what if" scenarios for your own purposes.

I *just did* address your post, Sparkles. You didn't like the answer because it deals with what are known as "facts".
Yes, the media has not mentioned that a leftist KKK supporter...
There is no such thing, dumbass.

The KKK votes GOP, and now for Trump.
Wait, so are you saying the black Trump supporter beat the shit out of that leftist hood-wearing rally-disrupting moron, for no reason at all? Pull your head out of your ass.

STILL haven't watched the video?


WHERE do you see a "hood" ---- dishonest HACK?

Pogo -- really man.,. You need to INVESTIGATE MORE and spout off less. I'd like you better if you weren't constantly making US do your research.. Want to see TWO LEFTIST CLOWNS in hoods????


That is the flag-wrapped moron with the chick moron accomplice.
97,000 cameras there. Took me 30 seconds to find it on Google.

Moral of the story is -- If you're playing poker with a weak hand and think about going all in --- you should at least check your wallet first.
And there we have the perpetual dumb act in order to keep lying. You are completely delusional if you can see 2 hoods and an American Flag shirt in your photo. But then again, if you weren't delusional you couldn't be a CON$ervative!!!

Try watching the video and tell me you see a hood on the gut with the American Flag shirt.

Nope, the KKK are Trump people, and they endorse him. Hatin' on those darkies..
Were you aware the democrats started the KKK? Demi's are hating on the darkies.

Horse. Shit.

Interview with Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice | RealClearPolitics


BLITZER: Tell us, because you write about this in the book, about your father's decision to become a Republican.

RICE: Yes.

BLITZER: How did that happen?

RICE: My mother and father went down in 1952 to register to vote, and they were not yet married, but they were courting.

My mother, beautiful, light-skinned, they poll tested her because there were poll tests for blacks in those days. The poll tester asked her, "So you probably know who the first president of the United States was."

She said, "Yes, George Washington."

And he said, "Fine, you register."

My father, he said, "How many beans are in that jar?" BLITZER: Darker skinned?

RICE: My father was darker skinned, and a big kind of intimidating man, actually.

And he said, "So how many beans are in that jar?"

My father, who obviously couldn't count the beans, was really devastated. And he went back, and he was talking with Mr. Frank Hunter, an old man in his church. And he said, "Oh, Reverend, I'll tell you how to get registered." He said, "There is a clerk down there who's a Republican, and she'll register anybody who will say they are Republican," because of course, this was when the Dixiecrats and the Democrats controlled Alabama completely.

So my father registered as a Republican, and he was a life-long and actually proud member of the Republican Party for the rest of his life.

BLITZER: And you, too?

RICE: And me, too. I didn't start as a Republican. I first voted for President Jimmy Carter. But I became a Republican largely around foreign policy issues initially, because I was attracted to Ronald Reagan's strength.

You're wasting your time again Pogo.. Jim Crow south was good ole boy Southern DEMS...

Deflection fails. The poster's claim was about the KKK.

Holy SHIT you're whiffing today.

Nope.. It's a who's who's of racial persecution in the South. Totally accurate,.. Look up Bull Connor, the Birmingham sheriff that Condoleezza is talking about...

From the Wiki ----

By that Sunday on Mother's Day the Freedom Riders arrived in Birmingham. This was after a rough experience in Anniston, Alabama where one of their buses had been firebombed and burned in an act of violence by members of the Ku Klux Klan. A new Greyhound bus left for Birmingham. KKK members boarded the bus then beat the Riders, leaving them semi-conscious in the back. As they reached the terminal in Birmingham, a large mob of white Klansmen and news reporters was waiting for them. The Riders and some reporters were beaten viciously with metal bars, pipes and bats until, after fifteen minutes, the police finally arrived.[10] No arrests were made at the scene, even though the police department and Connor knew the Riders were going to be there on that Sunday. That Connor explicitly knew when the Riders were set to arrive is clear from the exchange with King a week before. He purposely let the Klansmen beat the Riders for fifteen minutes with no police interference. Connor blamed this incident on many factors including such ludicrous ones as, "No policemen were in sight as the buses arrived, because they were visiting their mothers on Mother's Day".[11] Connor also insisted that the violence came from out-of-town meddlers and that police had rushed to the scene as quickly as possible. He then issued this warning, "As I have said on numerous occasions, we are not going to stand for this in Birmingham. And if necessary we will fill the jail full and we don't care whose toes we step on. I am saying now to these meddlers from out of our city the best thing for them to do is stay out if they don't want to get slapped in jail. Our people of Birmingham are a peaceful people and we never have any trouble here unless some people come into our city looking for trouble. And I've never seen anyone yet look for trouble who wasn't able to find it".[12]

The Klan OPERATED in the South with the permission and support of good DixieCrats like Connor..

ADMIT WHAT Pogo?? What do you want me to ADMIT???

Answer this question please.. HOW MANY white hooded clueless leftist thugs does a black man need to see coming up the aisle at him BEFORE he grabs one and kicks it's ass????

Please make sure Pogo answers all my questions. This isn't the story of the day.. :rolleyes:
My buddy Kipper could understand this.. The question was -------

HOW MANY clueless leftist thugs does a black man need to see coming at him up an aisle before he starts kicking ass?

I showed you two... Difference between us is -- it wouldn't matter to me whether the clueless morons were Trump supporters or not... OR whether the Nazi I GRAB out of the Nazi parade is wearing the proper SS uniform..

Got it ? Good.. Let's move on to the next Silly but amusing "political scandal"...


Yeah yeah yeah, you've already admitted that you condone assault and it doesn't matter who the target is. I get that and we did that.

What I want you to admit is that the title of this thread is a bald-faced lie and and all the revisionistas still pushing it in spite of visual evidence are bald-faced liars.

Unless of course they have whiskers, in which case we may strike the adjective.

Sorry man -- the title of the thread is correct enough. As I said -- the particular Nazi I pull out of a Nazi parade to have a scuffle with -- doesn't depend on how much money the jerk spent on his SS uniform...

So you're going to sit there on your ass and declare that a picture of a person NOT wearing anything on his head --------- is a picture of a "leftist with a Klan hood".

You lose.

That's progress Pogo.. A half hour ago you were claiming you only saw ONE hood in that parade. Guy COULD've had a KKK clown hat with the rest of them at one time --- no ? Ask someone who was there. And explain to me why it matters that this ACCOMPLICE was wearing a hood or not....

So let's sum up your position:
  • Assault is OK if some wag later on a message board decides he was "accompanied by" somebody else visible in the same picture.... and
  • Simply because a picture clearly shows there is no hood on a person's head ---- doesn't mean there was no hood on a person's head, as long as we click our heels together and wish it had been true

That about cover it?

I might add -- ALL of this idle speculation about what the assaulter's motive was.... is just that. We have ZERO evidence or statement from him that his attack had anything to do with "hoods".

Again --- prove me wrong.

You're always right Pogo.. Crazy as a rabid fruit bat --- but you're OK.. You just dont' have common sense and reason,.. But you're feisty.. Three or more protesters -- MANY of them wearing the hood of the KKK and you're quibbling about the one who picked out for assault??? Maybe he was the LOUDEST AND NASTIEST leftist in the parade of morons..

That's reason enough for me...
Nope, the KKK are Trump people, and they endorse him. Hatin' on those darkies..
Were you aware the democrats started the KKK? Demi's are hating on the darkies.
Actually it was Southern CON$ervatives of BOTH Parties and no Party who started the KKK. Today it is the GOP "hating on the darkies."

That's a new record for you.. Your 2 back to back posts seem to contradict each other perfectly..

And spare me the crap about "hating on darkies".. Bout time for blacks to recognize who has the "lower opinion" of their intellect and abilities..
Nope, the KKK are Trump people, and they endorse him. Hatin' on those darkies..
Were you aware the democrats started the KKK? Demi's are hating on the darkies.
Southerns were Dems then. Now they are GOP, and vote for your side. Same people.

Yes, at one time, Southerners (and the KKK) were Democrat mostly. But then, something happened in the 50's and 60's, called the Southern Strategy, and then the South went for the GOP.

By the way, the Southern Strategy was based on appealing to people who were racist against African Americans.

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to a strategy by Republican Party candidates of gaining political support in the Southern United States by appealing to racism against African Americans.[1][2][3]

During the 1950s and 1960s, the African-American Civil Rights Movement achieved significant progress in its push for desegregation in the Southern United States. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, in particular, largely dismantled the system of Jim Crow laws that had enforced legal (or de jure) segregation in the South since the end of Reconstruction Era. During this period, Republican politicians such as Presidential candidate Richard Nixon worked to attract southern white conservative voters (most of whom had traditionally supported the Democratic Party) to the Republican Party,[4] and Senator Barry Goldwater won the five formerly Confederate states of the Deep South: (Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina) in the 1964 presidential election. In the 1968 presidential campaign, Nixon won Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee, all former Confederate states, contributing to the electoral realignment that saw many white, southern voters shift allegiance from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party during this period.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At one time, the Republicans could have claimed to be the party of Lincoln, and the party that was for making sure that blacks had equality. Sadly, after the Southern Strategy (enacted by Nixon and Goldwater), the Republicans became the party of racists, and remain that way to this day.
Two idiots walked into a rally.
Two idiots purposely pissed everyone off.
Two Idiots wore KKK hoods.
One idiot got smacked down.

They chose to go their and piss people off.
Therefore, they chose to get their asses kicked.

Don't do it, and it wouldn't have happened.

You can't fix STUPID.

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