Leftist With a Klan Hood gets his Tail Kicked by Black Trump Supporter: Hilarious (Video)

Yes, the media has not mentioned that a leftist KKK supporter...
There is no such thing, dumbass.

The KKK votes GOP, and now for Trump.
Wait, so are you saying the black Trump supporter beat the shit out of that leftist hood-wearing rally-disrupting moron, for no reason at all? Pull your head out of your ass.

STILL haven't watched the video?


WHERE do you see a "hood" ---- dishonest HACK?

Pogo -- really man.,. You need to INVESTIGATE MORE and spout off less. I'd like you better if you weren't constantly making US do your research.. Want to see TWO LEFTIST CLOWNS in hoods????


That is the flag-wrapped moron with the chick moron accomplice.
97,000 cameras there. Took me 30 seconds to find it on Google.

Moral of the story is -- If you're playing poker with a weak hand and think about going all in --- you should at least check your wallet first.
Yes, the media has not mentioned that a leftist KKK supporter got his ass kicked by a black Trump supporter.

Indeed. They couldn't, since no such thing has happened. By any color of Rump supporter.
Prove me wrong.

Instead, they repetitively show Teumps campaign manager using his pinky to grab a disrupter by the collar.


Some "pinky".

Nope you got the wrong incident, idiot. This is the previous incident with the reporter and the secret service was responsible for it. And even at that, this hardly qualifies, I've seen little kids give each other worse bruises. I bet if I farted, would that be considered "violence". Ha ha ha ha.

Meanwhile Obama and many leftist whackjobs have incited the burning down of cities and killing of cops, and nobody in the media says shit about it. Take a hike.

Oh ---- so you refer to a different incident.
Well you didn't specify which one so --- that makes ME an "idiot".

Dumb shit.

Yes, idiot dumbshit, the reporter with the almost invisible bruises incident is different than the pinky grabbing the collar incident. You should be careful posting such violent pictures. Ha ha ha.

Why don't you essplain to the class exactly how my not knowing ALL of the Rumpian violent incidents ------ makes me a "dumbshit" or an "idiot"?

This oughta be good. :popcorn:
Yeah, too bad the black Trump supporter didn't think of it that way, eh?
It is too bad, since he was arrested and is soon headed to court.

He should also be sued, and I hope that he is.

I think Trump should pay for his legal fees and hire him as a bouncer for all his rallies.
Your promotion, and acceptance, of criminal violence is noted.

Your hypocrisy is noted as well. I think the guy would do a great job stopping leftist thugs from barging into Trump's rallies and depriving him of his free speech rights.
You seem to have missed it completely, his rights were never affected but he stomped on the rights of another, literally.

Leftist thugs do not have a right to deprive Trump of his free speech rights. They can protest all they want, in the streets, and not by blocking traffic either, like they did in Tuscon.
Yeah, too bad the black Trump supporter didn't think of it that way, eh?
It is too bad, since he was arrested and is soon headed to court.

He should also be sued, and I hope that he is.

I think Trump should pay for his legal fees and hire him as a bouncer for all his rallies.
Your promotion, and acceptance, of criminal violence is noted.

Your hypocrisy is noted as well. I think the guy would do a great job stopping leftist thugs from barging into Trump's rallies and depriving him of his free speech rights.
You seem to have missed it completely, his rights were never affected but he stomped on the rights of another, literally.
you're right you missed it.
Bigger question is ??? WHO exactly is biasing their "perception" of this non-story with malice towards their political opposition?? And what does this matter? pogo pogo pogo ????
Guess you incorrectly think your people can be civilized. Typical of an uneducated race of people.
Guess you didnt know my people civilized your people twice. Once to get you out of the caves and then again to get you out of the dark ages. Typical of your recessive kind.
moses, is that you?
No. All Black people dont really look alike.

Since over 70% are bastards, there's a good chance they are all related. That's why you call each other brother/sister. You might all be related.
I guess thats why whites are way more inbred than Blacks. You guys dont call each other brother and sister. You call each other lover. :laugh:

Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds | Fox News

Unlike most blacks, I know who my father is. For your kind, it's a guess more often than fact. The old saying goes, "mama's baby, papa maybe".
There is no such thing, dumbass.

The KKK votes GOP, and now for Trump.
Wait, so are you saying the black Trump supporter beat the shit out of that leftist hood-wearing rally-disrupting moron, for no reason at all? Pull your head out of your ass.

STILL haven't watched the video?


WHERE do you see a "hood" ---- dishonest HACK?
it got ripped off by the guy further down the stairs.
Yup, leftists are good at propaganda.

And you Revisionistas are good at photoshop.

Yer a little late on this one.

--- or are we just going with simple denial of what's in front of one's face these daze?
envoking the photoshop conflict rule, ahhhhhh, there you go.
Yes, the media has not mentioned that a leftist KKK supporter got his ass kicked by a black Trump supporter.

Indeed. They couldn't, since no such thing has happened. By any color of Rump supporter.
Prove me wrong.

Instead, they repetitively show Teumps campaign manager using his pinky to grab a disrupter by the collar.


Some "pinky".

Nope you got the wrong incident, idiot. This is the previous incident with the reporter and the secret service was responsible for it. And even at that, this hardly qualifies, I've seen little kids give each other worse bruises. I bet if I farted, would that be considered "violence". Ha ha ha ha.

Meanwhile Obama and many leftist whackjobs have incited the burning down of cities and killing of cops, and nobody in the media says shit about it. Take a hike.

Oh ---- so you refer to a different incident.
Well you didn't specify which one so --- that makes ME an "idiot".

Dumb shit.

Yes, idiot dumbshit, the reporter with the almost invisible bruises incident is different than the pinky grabbing the collar incident. You should be careful posting such violent pictures. Ha ha ha.

Why don't you essplain to the class exactly how my not knowing ALL of the Rumpian violent incidents ------ makes me a "dumbshit" or an "idiot"?

This oughta be good. :popcorn:
You call that a violent incident? Ha ha ha. Yes, you just did. Wow. I used to get bruised worse when I used to play street basketball. Seriously. Secret service grabbed her arm to keep her from Trump, that's all.
Guess you didnt know my people civilized your people twice. Once to get you out of the caves and then again to get you out of the dark ages. Typical of your recessive kind.
moses, is that you?
No. All Black people dont really look alike.

Since over 70% are bastards, there's a good chance they are all related. That's why you call each other brother/sister. You might all be related.
I guess thats why whites are way more inbred than Blacks. You guys dont call each other brother and sister. You call each other lover. :laugh:

Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds | Fox News

Unlike most blacks, I know who my father is. For your kind, it's a guess more often than fact. The old saying goes, "mama's baby, papa maybe".
You two are the same shit, just opposite sides of the racist coin.
Yes, the media has not mentioned that a leftist KKK supporter...
There is no such thing, dumbass.

The KKK votes GOP, and now for Trump.
Wait, so are you saying the black Trump supporter beat the shit out of that leftist hood-wearing rally-disrupting moron, for no reason at all? Pull your head out of your ass.

STILL haven't watched the video?


WHERE do you see a "hood" ---- dishonest HACK?

Pogo -- really man.,. You need to INVESTIGATE MORE and spout off less. I'd like you better if you weren't constantly making US do your research.. Want to see TWO LEFTIST CLOWNS in hoods????


That is the flag-wrapped moron with the chick moron accomplice.
97,000 cameras there. Took me 30 seconds to find it on Google.

Moral of the story is -- If you're playing poker with a weak hand and think about going all in --- you should at least check your wallet first.

Oh please.

The fact that you can find two people in the same photo does not make them "accomplices".
And the fact remains -- the title of this thread, AND the Revisionista wags who keep selling it --- are bald-faced lies that are easily disproved by pictorial evidence.

And there ain't a damn thing you can do about that except admit to it.
When will that be exactly? I'd like to mark my calendar so I can keep the date open.
Yes, the media has not mentioned that a leftist KKK supporter...
There is no such thing, dumbass.

The KKK votes GOP, and now for Trump.
Wait, so are you saying the black Trump supporter beat the shit out of that leftist hood-wearing rally-disrupting moron, for no reason at all? Pull your head out of your ass.

STILL haven't watched the video?


WHERE do you see a "hood" ---- dishonest HACK?

Pogo -- really man.,. You need to INVESTIGATE MORE and spout off less. I'd like you better if you weren't constantly making US do your research.. Want to see TWO LEFTIST CLOWNS in hoods????


That is the flag-wrapped moron with the chick moron accomplice.
97,000 cameras there. Took me 30 seconds to find it on Google.

Moral of the story is -- If you're playing poker with a weak hand and think about going all in --- you should at least check your wallet first.
can pogo say ouch?
How is pointing out both black Trump supporters "racist"?

Funny how far you had to go in that video to find a black Trump supporter in the crowd

That's one of the 5% who aren't on the Democrat plantation expecting the government to do for them using all sorts of excuses why something isn't their fault.

Yup...black voters love those slavery references from Republicans

They must. They choose to be slaves to the Democrat party and stay on the plantation.
They choose to also forget that white supremacy started in the left.

Yes, the media has not mentioned that a leftist KKK supporter...
There is no such thing, dumbass.

The KKK votes GOP, and now for Trump.
Wait, so are you saying the black Trump supporter beat the shit out of that leftist hood-wearing rally-disrupting moron, for no reason at all? Pull your head out of your ass.

STILL haven't watched the video?


WHERE do you see a "hood" ---- dishonest HACK?

Pogo -- really man.,. You need to INVESTIGATE MORE and spout off less. I'd like you better if you weren't constantly making US do your research.. Want to see TWO LEFTIST CLOWNS in hoods????


That is the flag-wrapped moron with the chick moron accomplice.
97,000 cameras there. Took me 30 seconds to find it on Google.

Moral of the story is -- If you're playing poker with a weak hand and think about going all in --- you should at least check your wallet first.

Oh please.

The fact that you can find two people in the same photo does not make them "accomplices".
And the fact remains -- the title of this thread, AND the Revisionista wags who keep selling it --- are bald-faced lies that are easily disproved by pictorial evidence.

And there ain't a damn thing you can do about that except admit to it.
When will that be exactly? I'd like to mark my calendar so I can keep the date open.
and there is the retreat!!!!! hahahhahahhahahahhahahhhahhahhaha you are busted you fkn loser libturd, I love the retreat. Thanks for the laugh...:night:
They choose to also forget that white supremacy started in the left.
No, it started in the South, who voted against Lincoln and are now voting for Trump. Nothing has changed but the party names.
Bzzzzzz wrong. KKK started as a leftist political movement.

Horse Shit.
It started as a lark by six bored Confederate army veterans. Wasn't political or even racist at the time.
Then it was infiltrated by vigilantes who had already sprung up, with or without organization, as soon as the Civil War was done. Those would be if anything conservatives. Überconservatives.

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