Leftist Worshippers of Leftist Education

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Then there is the real world. Most truly great men who accomplish things feel this way.

8:40 Best idea ever

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LOL Elon Musk is our Edison of this century. He is also an environmentalist, builds cars that do not run on fossil fuel, and builds and sells home solar systems and battery packs. By any definition, he is on the left in the present political spectrum. And like many on the left, he is accomplishing great things. Too bad your present President is such an idiot that he is accomplishing nothing. Too bad that the very right wing Koch brothers can only degrade the environment.

Yes a degree does not mean that you will use your education. But it does give you the basic knowledge to work with.
I would be a leftist by your definition. I am not. I will agree that he leans left on many things, but he is an innovator. I respect him for his accomplishments.

His mindset is different from 99% of leftists. He has more in common with Glenn Beck
LOL Elon Musk is our Edison of this century. He is also an environmentalist, builds cars that do not run on fossil fuel, and builds and sells home solar systems and battery packs. By any definition, he is on the left in the present political spectrum. And like many on the left, he is accomplishing great things. Too bad your present President is such an idiot that he is accomplishing nothing. Too bad that the very right wing Koch brothers can only degrade the environment.

Yes a degree does not mean that you will use your education. But it does give you the basic knowledge to work with.
/----/ "Too bad your present President is such an idiot that he is accomplishing nothing." Well he kept Hildabeast out of the White House and appointed Gorsuch to the USSC.
Funny how the brightest woman in the world couldn't beat an idiot like Trump.
catch a democrat.jpg
Elon Musk is not like Glen Beck. Glen Beck is a religious right wing zealot and Musk is not.
Thing is, if you look on craigslist list , everyone wants a BA , nowadays. If you have 2 brilliant same age people in an interview and 1 has a BA the other nothing , the person with the BA most likely will get the job.

High competition, especially for entry jobs to get the experience.

Musk is no doubt a smart man….

I didn’t watch the whole thing but It is about Drive….

Genes are the major factor imo…
Elon Musk is not like Glen Beck. Glen Beck is a religious right wing zealot and Musk is not.
The thread is about Musk's contempt for modern leftist education. Glenn Beck shares that contempt. All innovators do.

Glen Beck went nuts on public TV , probably from his drug abuse, glad he got help. Leftist education, what in the heck is that anyway? I didn't know there was a righty and lefty education to be had.
I also don't imagine any of the scientists that Musk hires have degrees either. No one who works for him does.

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