Leftist Writer Wants You To Suffer And DIE

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Apparently this guy has no fear that Newsweek will can his ass for what he's saying....There are no consequences for leftists, no matter how vile they get. Colbert proved that last week...not only was there no apology, he said he'd do it again.....and CBS said nothing. Back to this Eichenwald shit-head: :eusa_eh:

Eichenwald a senior writer for Newsweek, took to Twitter Friday and wished that Republicans who voted for the American Health Care Act see a family member suffer from a serious illness, lose their health insurance, and die.

“As one w/ preexisting condition: I hope every GOPr who voted 4 Trumpcare sees a family member get a long term condition, lose insurance, & die,” Eichenwald said in a series of tweets that have since been deleted.


After being confronted by Twitter users, Eichenwald doubled down and insisted that Republican lawmakers’ family members be “tortured.”

“Nobody tell me how to feel knowing if I lose my insurance, I’m dead. I want the GOPrs who support this to feel the pain in their own families,” Eichenwald tweeted. “Because I want them to be tortured. GOPr only gain empathy when they are touched by the consequences, never before,” he continued.

Newsweek Writer Kurt Eichenwald Hopes GOP Family Members ‘Lose Insurance,’ Get 'Tortured,' and ‘Die’ - Breitbart
Apparently this guy has no fear that Newsweek will can his ass for what he's saying....There are no consequences for leftists, no matter how vile they get. Colbert proved that last week...not only was there no apology, he said he'd do it again.....and CBS said nothing. Back to this Eichenwald shit-head:

Eichenwald a senior writer for Newsweek, took to Twitter Friday and wished that Republicans who voted for the American Health Care Act see a family member suffer from a serious illness, lose their health insurance, and die.

“As one w/ preexisting condition: I hope every GOPr who voted 4 Trumpcare sees a family member get a long term condition, lose insurance, & die,” Eichenwald said in a series of tweets that have since been deleted.


After being confronted by Twitter users, Eichenwald doubled down and insisted that Republican lawmakers’ family members be “tortured.”

“Nobody tell me how to feel knowing if I lose my insurance, I’m dead. I want the GOPrs who support this to feel the pain in their own families,” Eichenwald tweeted. “Because I want them to be tortured. GOPr only gain empathy when they are touched by the consequences, never before,” he continued.

Newsweek Writer Kurt Eichenwald Hopes GOP Family Members ‘Lose Insurance,’ Get 'Tortured,' and ‘Die’ - Breitbart
A little bad, I guess. But imagine what a sick fuck you'd have to be to vote for and support the people who voted for the deaths of people with pre-existing conditions by backing Trump"care."
He sorta looks like a dildo. I can see why the progs here like him.
Apparently this guy has no fear that Newsweek will can his ass for what he's saying....There are no consequences for leftists, no matter how vile they get. Colbert proved that last week...not only was there no apology, he said he'd do it again.....and CBS said nothing. Back to this Eichenwald shit-head: :eusa_eh:

Eichenwald a senior writer for Newsweek, took to Twitter Friday and wished that Republicans who voted for the American Health Care Act see a family member suffer from a serious illness, lose their health insurance, and die.

“As one w/ preexisting condition: I hope every GOPr who voted 4 Trumpcare sees a family member get a long term condition, lose insurance, & die,” Eichenwald said in a series of tweets that have since been deleted.


After being confronted by Twitter users, Eichenwald doubled down and insisted that Republican lawmakers’ family members be “tortured.”

“Nobody tell me how to feel knowing if I lose my insurance, I’m dead. I want the GOPrs who support this to feel the pain in their own families,” Eichenwald tweeted. “Because I want them to be tortured. GOPr only gain empathy when they are touched by the consequences, never before,” he continued.

Newsweek Writer Kurt Eichenwald Hopes GOP Family Members ‘Lose Insurance,’ Get 'Tortured,' and ‘Die’ - Breitbart

Ah, okay, so it's really bad to say you want someone to get a serious illness and die, but it's not really bad to actually make the conditions where people who get serious illnesses die.... right... I see.....
Bald guys always try to compensate with facial hair for some reason....this clown probably thinks that attempted beard hides the rest of his chins. What nobody on the left mentions is the responsibility we have for our own health. David Crosby (CSN&Y) needed a new liver and a million dollars later he went to the front of the line and got one. Turned out Crosby had not only wasted his body with drugs, but blown his fortune on them. Phil Collins paid for his liver transplant.
Bald guys always try to compensate with facial hair for some reason....this clown probably thinks that attempted beard hides the rest of his chins. What nobody on the left mentions is the responsibility we have for our own health. David Crosby (CSN&Y) needed a new liver and a million dollars later he went to the front of the line and got one. Turned out Crosby had not only wasted his body with drugs, but blown his fortune on them. Phil Collins paid for his liver transplant.

If everybody as as rich as Crosby or Collins, healthcare wouldn't be a problem.
Apparently this guy has no fear that Newsweek will can his ass for what he's saying....There are no consequences for leftists, no matter how vile they get. Colbert proved that last week...not only was there no apology, he said he'd do it again.....and CBS said nothing. Back to this Eichenwald shit-head:

Eichenwald a senior writer for Newsweek, took to Twitter Friday and wished that Republicans who voted for the American Health Care Act see a family member suffer from a serious illness, lose their health insurance, and die.

“As one w/ preexisting condition: I hope every GOPr who voted 4 Trumpcare sees a family member get a long term condition, lose insurance, & die,” Eichenwald said in a series of tweets that have since been deleted.


After being confronted by Twitter users, Eichenwald doubled down and insisted that Republican lawmakers’ family members be “tortured.”

“Nobody tell me how to feel knowing if I lose my insurance, I’m dead. I want the GOPrs who support this to feel the pain in their own families,” Eichenwald tweeted. “Because I want them to be tortured. GOPr only gain empathy when they are touched by the consequences, never before,” he continued.

Newsweek Writer Kurt Eichenwald Hopes GOP Family Members ‘Lose Insurance,’ Get 'Tortured,' and ‘Die’ - Breitbart
A little bad, I guess. But imagine what a sick fuck you'd have to be to vote for and support the people who voted for the deaths of people with pre-existing conditions by backing Trump"care."

I agree...Republicans want to kick 34 million Americans off of their healthcare and through people getting help right now onto the street....Pretty evil.
Thanks to Trumpcare - we're gonna need much bigger cemeteries and crematoriums.

Republicans Are Building An Alternate Reality Around Their Health Care Bill
As I've said repeatedly, there's opportunity to be found regardless of which party controls the WH and Congress. Smart folks don't gripe about what they cannot alter; they take advantage of what is made available to them.

Careers in forensic science and mortuary science have never been a bad ones to pursue. It seems that if one is convinced the legislation the Trump administration and Congress have or will enact will increase death rates, one should avail oneself (or encourage so to one's kids) of the increase in "entry room" in those industries.
I think everyone misses the point, this isn't a healthcare proposal, the republicans never had one, never will, this is an obsession that comes from their corporate and wealthy sponsors, it is a reduced tax plan for them. Republicans have never done anything positive for all Americans, never will. So long as they can point to a minority, a woman, an immigrant and say it's all their fault, their puppet supporters follow. Distraction works on their voters always has.

Healthcare for the rich. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/06/...alth-care-disaster-is-really-about-taxes.html

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." H. L. Mencken
That's a fucked up thing to think, let alone say, and for a lefty to avoid admitting that (as we see on this thread) is just as bad.

We need to somehow marginalize the hateful zealots on both ends of the spectrum before we can really start improving things.
I'd venture to say that most of us rich folks don't have health insurance (aside from military and politicians) Most of us [until ACA and it's 1% tax fine anyway] just paid the doctor bill and cut out the middle-man of insurance. Insurance is a scam, always was, always will be. It's designed for people who don't have the money or responsibility to pay their own medical bills over the course of a year, or don't have enough responsibility to set aside money for emergency care. Never had it, never will. I refuse to throw money in the toilet for no reason. ~shrug~
Apparently this guy has no fear that Newsweek will can his ass for what he's saying....There are no consequences for leftists, no matter how vile they get. Colbert proved that last week...not only was there no apology, he said he'd do it again.....and CBS said nothing. Back to this Eichenwald shit-head: :eusa_eh:

Eichenwald a senior writer for Newsweek, took to Twitter Friday and wished that Republicans who voted for the American Health Care Act see a family member suffer from a serious illness, lose their health insurance, and die.

“As one w/ preexisting condition: I hope every GOPr who voted 4 Trumpcare sees a family member get a long term condition, lose insurance, & die,” Eichenwald said in a series of tweets that have since been deleted.


After being confronted by Twitter users, Eichenwald doubled down and insisted that Republican lawmakers’ family members be “tortured.”

“Nobody tell me how to feel knowing if I lose my insurance, I’m dead. I want the GOPrs who support this to feel the pain in their own families,” Eichenwald tweeted. “Because I want them to be tortured. GOPr only gain empathy when they are touched by the consequences, never before,” he continued.

Newsweek Writer Kurt Eichenwald Hopes GOP Family Members ‘Lose Insurance,’ Get 'Tortured,' and ‘Die’ - Breitbart

Bet this hypocrite had no problem with Obama and Congress exempting themselves from Obamacare.

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