Leftists All Bony-Chested This Morning

President Trump dodged a bullet. Dem's continue to own Obamacare, Ryan the RINO got taken down a notch, and Trump is free to move on to tax reform leaving Obama's Obamacare mess in his rearview mirror. President Trump came out of this smelling like a rose.

Ryan can't be allowed inside the circle on tax reform....he's against it.

Its important not to forget Trump ran against Ryan and the GOP establishment. They are not pals, the GOP establishment hate Trump's guts.

If president Trump continues to tee up wins and the lying corrupt GOP establishment in congress continues to fail the mid terms may get interesting. I for one have not forgotten how the GOP establishment hacks praised the Tea Party and conservative policies then after the elections took a giant shit on the Tea Party and conservatives.
President Trump dodged a bullet. Dem's continue to own Obamacare, Ryan the RINO got taken down a notch, and Trump is free to move on to tax reform leaving Obama's Obamacare mess in his rearview mirror. President Trump came out of this smelling like a rose.

I predicted this spin already. Thanks for helping to prove me right.

You libs own Obamacare, congratulations :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Schumer and Pelosi stood together with their entire Party united to the man/woman.

That counts.

In case you cannot count.

I can count just fine.....they defended their creepshow healthcare system....who thought they wouldn't? Bottom line is they knew when they did it it would blow up and they'd move us to CommieCare. And once a government controls healthcare, they control everybody.
BTW....The policy covering kids up to the age of 26 is more lunacy. By the time I was 26, I'd survived a combat tour in Vietnam, finished my college degree, had a wife, a kid, and a thriving business. Who the fuck raised this generation of basement-dwelling losers still needing mom and pop to get by?
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Most people know that the ACA was far from perfect, needed our elected congress to get busy & fix it. They choice to not work together. 8 years later a new bill is up, worse than ACA. what are we paying these people for?????
Most people know that the ACA was far from perfect, needed our elected congress to get busy & fix it. They choice to not work together. 8 years later a new bill is up, worse than ACA. what are we paying these people for?????

There's the rub....does your representative represent what you want or have you given him/her permission to do what they think is best?
Schumer and Pelosi stood together with their entire Party united to the man/woman.

That counts.

In case you cannot count.

I can count just fine.....they defended their creepshow healthcare system....who thought they wouldn't? Bottom line is they knew when they did it it would blow up and they'd move us to CommieCare. And once a government controls healthcare, they control everybody.

Government run single payer was always the Dem's end game. Obamacare was passed to destroy the current healthcare system, then when it blew apart they could claim we have no choice but to move to government single payer.

Personally I don't wish to become a slave to government, working my ass off to have my earnings confiscated and redistributed by government hacks. Told how much of my own income I can keep.
Personally I don't wish to become a slave to government, working my ass off to have my earnings confiscated and redistributed by government hacks. Told how much of my own income I can keep.

They'll end up telling you what you can eat, what you can weigh, what kind of sports you can play, if you can own a firearm, motorcycle, muscle car, etc etc...until finally you check which political party you back to keep your coverage. Every totalitarian country in history has first taken over healthcare.
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What in Trumpcare was going to make healthcare affordable?

The tax breaks for the wealthy will make the wealthys' healthcare more affordable.
We've been hearing this lie from the left about tax breaks for the wealthy for 20 years.
And you people keep believing that same lie as if you haven't any sense at all.
Now explain to me what about health care is a tax??????
Obama admits that he should have done infrastructure improvements.

But he and nobody else thought the Great Recession was going to last upwards of 8 years.

He made SURE it lasted 8 years....and what about the "shovel-ready jobs" he got billion$ to create and later laughed...LAUGHED....about how the money vanished and no jobs were created?
What in Trumpcare was going to make healthcare affordable?

The tax breaks for the wealthy will make the wealthys' healthcare more affordable.
We've been hearing this lie from the left about tax breaks for the wealthy for 20 years.
And you people keep believing that same lie as if you haven't any sense at all.
Now explain to me what about health care is a tax??????

Have you forgotten that Obamacare's costs were paid for by tax increases on those making more than 250,000?
Schumer and Pelosi stood together with their entire Party united to the man/woman.

That counts.

In case you cannot count.

I can count just fine.....they defended their creepshow healthcare system....who thought they wouldn't? Bottom line is they knew when they did it it would blow up and they'd move us to CommieCare. And once a government controls healthcare, they control everybody.

Government run single payer was always the Dem's end game. Obamacare was passed to destroy the current healthcare system, then when it blew apart they could claim we have no choice but to move to government single payer.

Personally I don't wish to become a slave to government, working my ass off to have my earnings confiscated and redistributed by government hacks. Told how much of my own income I can keep.
The way government run health care works is the government takes your paycheck and deposits what's left over in the bank for you. This is how it's done in Germany. The difference is in Germany they weren't letting millions of refugees into the country eating up health care.
Most Germans only work 6 months out of the year. They work 2 and 3 jobs for 6 months then take a vacation for the rest of the year and live off of their government benefits. Problem is when they started letting in thousands of refugees they didn't have the money in the fund to pay for all of the beneficiaries that were applying. So this practice is history. Never mind the fact that the German government isn't full of lying asshole Democrats that ripping everyone blind. It'll never work here for that simple fact.
President Trump dodged a bullet. Dem's continue to own Obamacare, Ryan the RINO got taken down a notch, and Trump is free to move on to tax reform leaving Obama's Obamacare mess in his rearview mirror. President Trump came out of this smelling like a rose.

I predicted this spin already. Thanks for helping to prove me right.

You libs own Obamacare, congratulations :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Why are you lying about your position?
What in Trumpcare was going to make healthcare affordable?

The tax breaks for the wealthy will make the wealthys' healthcare more affordable.
We've been hearing this lie from the left about tax breaks for the wealthy for 20 years.
And you people keep believing that same lie as if you haven't any sense at all.
Now explain to me what about health care is a tax??????

Have you forgotten that Obamacare's costs were paid for by tax increases on those making more than 250,000?
Nope. Everyone paid for it. Obama stole $700 billion from Medicare to pay for it. The rest is supposed to be paid from the exorbitantly high premiums.
Nope. Everyone paid for it. Obama stole $700 billion from Medicare to pay for it. The rest is supposed to be paid from the exorbitantly high premiums.

And Pelosi and Reid had a backdoor out to cover the insurance companies with taxpayer dollars when their losses started to mount.....Rubio killed that two years ago in a budget reconciliation and ObozoCare was doomed.
What in Trumpcare was going to make healthcare affordable?

The tax breaks for the wealthy will make the wealthys' healthcare more affordable.
We've been hearing this lie from the left about tax breaks for the wealthy for 20 years.
And you people keep believing that same lie as if you haven't any sense at all.
Now explain to me what about health care is a tax??????

Have you forgotten that Obamacare's costs were paid for by tax increases on those making more than 250,000?
Nope. Everyone paid for it. Obama stole $700 billion from Medicare to pay for it. The rest is supposed to be paid from the exorbitantly high premiums.

lol, that old myth.
So what's funnier? That Trump and Ryan and the GOP got blistered on their loony attempt to end Obamacare,

or all the loony RWers trying to claim they won something here?

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