Leftists All Bony-Chested This Morning


Whoa. Trump is going to save his presidency by morphing into a Democrat.

Finally, he's onto something. lol
He's always been a Democrat. A New York limousine liberal. Very pro-choice. Anti Iraq war. Loved Pelosi. Wanted Pelosi to impeach Bush. Claims there were never any WMDs in Iraq. A registered Democrat all during the Bush Administration. Personal friend of the CLintons, even defending Bill during the "bimbo eruptions" and said Bill was a great President.

You know...all the qualifications it takes to be a conservative Republican better than all the real conservative Republicans.


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?
Seems another "participation medal" is in order since I can't figure out what it is they "won". Their tiresome party-over-country rhetoric doesn't surprise us Cons....they don't give a flip about folks unable to afford or use BarryCare. Yet here they are in their miserable little safe-spaces calling President Trump a "loser" of all things. FYI....we have the desire to destroy the ACA imploding system....just don't have the right plan on how to do it inside the legal boundaries....yet. But we will. And the wall will be built and the Keystone XL is underway. The EPA is being gutted, PBS/NPR and Planned Muderhood are being defunded, Gorsuch will be on the USSC, and somebody from Barry's commie cabal will be headed to prison for spying on Trump.

So enjoy your little loser festival this morning....It's going to be just a matter of weeks before you're sobbing again.....you know it and so do we. :lol:

Schumer and Pelosi stood together with their entire Party united to the man/woman.

That counts.

In case you cannot count.

Yep...and they passed obamacare...a plan that was designed to increase premiums and increase dedutibles to the point that those on obamacare...can't afford to pay the premiums, and can't afford to access even basic medical care...since the deductibles are around 7,500 dollars....

That is what they stood for...healthcare their constituents can't use.......

They own it.....good for them...
It's been seven years and the GOP still doesn't have a plan to repeal the ACA. They've gone from pretenders to frauds on this issue.

And Barry blew TEN TRILLION DOLLARS in 8 years and we're broke on our ass, fool. Somebody has to pay for his hideous destruction of our economy and it sure as hell won't be your kind.
Obama admits that he should have done infrastructure improvements.

But he and nobody else thought the Great Recession was going to last upwards of 8 years.

The only reason it lasted so long was obama.....every other recession lasted about a year...and then bounced back even better...but not obama's...his spending and healthcare drove the recession to last 8 years......
I keep asking this of The Walking Democrats.......and they don't answer....

The Veteran's Administration medical system was created by politicians and bureaucrats of our government to take care of the medical needs of our Vets...a tiny number of Americans. They built this system to handle these medical needs and they run this system.

It is a disaster.....you have fake lists made up to hide the fact that veterans can't see doctors...and they die waiting on these lists......

Now tell us The Walking Democrats.......how are these same Politicians and bureaucrats, who can't handle a tiny medical system they created, now go on to handle the medical system for 320 million people?

Can any of you lame asses explain that to us?
It's been seven years and the GOP still doesn't have a plan to repeal the ACA. They've gone from pretenders to frauds on this issue.
Yeah. I agree.

Sort of.

What's the square root of negative one?
Seems another "participation medal" is in order since I can't figure out what it is they "won". Their tiresome party-over-country rhetoric doesn't surprise us Cons....they don't give a flip about folks unable to afford or use BarryCare. Yet here they are in their miserable little safe-spaces calling President Trump a "loser" of all things. FYI....we have the desire to destroy the ACA imploding system....just don't have the right plan on how to do it inside the legal boundaries....yet. But we will. And the wall will be built and the Keystone XL is underway. The EPA is being gutted, PBS/NPR and Planned Muderhood are being defunded, Gorsuch will be on the USSC, and somebody from Barry's commie cabal will be headed to prison for spying on Trump.

So enjoy your little loser festival this morning....It's going to be just a matter of weeks before you're sobbing again.....you know it and so do we. :lol:

Schumer and Pelosi stood together with their entire Party united to the man/woman.

That counts.

In case you cannot count.

Yep...and they passed obamacare...a plan that was designed to increase premiums and increase dedutibles to the point that those on obamacare...can't afford to pay the premiums, and can't afford to access even basic medical care...since the deductibles are around 7,500 dollars....

That is what they stood for...healthcare their constituents can't use.......

They own it.....good for them...

So you want to go with the theory that the Democrats intentionally formulated a plan that they believed would devastate the Democratic Party and turn the government over to the GOP.

Goddam that's funny.
Seems another "participation medal" is in order since I can't figure out what it is they "won". Their tiresome party-over-country rhetoric doesn't surprise us Cons....they don't give a flip about folks unable to afford or use BarryCare. Yet here they are in their miserable little safe-spaces calling President Trump a "loser" of all things. FYI....we have the desire to destroy the ACA imploding system....just don't have the right plan on how to do it inside the legal boundaries....yet. But we will. And the wall will be built and the Keystone XL is underway. The EPA is being gutted, PBS/NPR and Planned Muderhood are being defunded, Gorsuch will be on the USSC, and somebody from Barry's commie cabal will be headed to prison for spying on Trump.

So enjoy your little loser festival this morning....It's going to be just a matter of weeks before you're sobbing again.....you know it and so do we. :lol:

Schumer and Pelosi stood together with their entire Party united to the man/woman.

That counts.

In case you cannot count.

Yep...and they passed obamacare...a plan that was designed to increase premiums and increase dedutibles to the point that those on obamacare...can't afford to pay the premiums, and can't afford to access even basic medical care...since the deductibles are around 7,500 dollars....

That is what they stood for...healthcare their constituents can't use.......

They own it.....good for them...

So you want to go with the theory that the Democrats intentionally formulated a plan that they believed would devastate the Democratic Party and turn the government over to the GOP.

Goddam that's funny.

No...obama didn't care about devestating the democrat party...the others were just stupid.....then you have the ones who will sacrifice everything in the name of increasing the size of government.....that is one of the insanities of the left......

obamacare was designed to fail.......they held off the worst parts till after 2016...so that they could get a democrat elected...then they planned on using the failing obamacare to take over all healthcare with single payer, crappy, government healthcare....that would put them in control of everything....taxes, spending, diet, everything........

And then Trump won and hilary isn't in place to take over healthcare....
Schumer and Pelosi stood together with their entire Party united to the man/woman.

That counts.

In case you cannot count.

I can count just fine.....they defended their creepshow healthcare system....who thought they wouldn't? Bottom line is they knew when they did it it would blow up and they'd move us to CommieCare. And once a government controls healthcare, they control everybody.

Government run single payer was always the Dem's end game. Obamacare was passed to destroy the current healthcare system, then when it blew apart they could claim we have no choice but to move to government single payer.

Personally I don't wish to become a slave to government, working my ass off to have my earnings confiscated and redistributed by government hacks. Told how much of my own income I can keep.
The way government run health care works is the government takes your paycheck and deposits what's left over in the bank for you. This is how it's done in Germany. The difference is in Germany they weren't letting millions of refugees into the country eating up health care.
Most Germans only work 6 months out of the year. They work 2 and 3 jobs for 6 months then take a vacation for the rest of the year and live off of their government benefits. Problem is when they started letting in thousands of refugees they didn't have the money in the fund to pay for all of the beneficiaries that were applying. So this practice is history. Never mind the fact that the German government isn't full of lying asshole Democrats that ripping everyone blind. It'll never work here for that simple fact.

Our government said let us raise your SS taxes under Reagan, we'll bank the money so there will be more than enough to pay you a comfy retirement check in 25 years. Then our thieving lying assholes in government stole all that money and spent it, and now have no way of paying us back.
President Trump dodged a bullet. Dem's continue to own Obamacare, Ryan the RINO got taken down a notch, and Trump is free to move on to tax reform leaving Obama's Obamacare mess in his rearview mirror. President Trump came out of this smelling like a rose.

I predicted this spin already. Thanks for helping to prove me right.

You libs own Obamacare, congratulations :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Why are you lying about your position?

You own Obamacare, you passed it without a single GOP vote you own it 100% now reap the rewards. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Schumer and Pelosi stood together with their entire Party united to the man/woman.

That counts.

In case you cannot count.

I can count just fine.....they defended their creepshow healthcare system....who thought they wouldn't? Bottom line is they knew when they did it it would blow up and they'd move us to CommieCare. And once a government controls healthcare, they control everybody.

Government run single payer was always the Dem's end game. Obamacare was passed to destroy the current healthcare system, then when it blew apart they could claim we have no choice but to move to government single payer.

Personally I don't wish to become a slave to government, working my ass off to have my earnings confiscated and redistributed by government hacks. Told how much of my own income I can keep.
The way government run health care works is the government takes your paycheck and deposits what's left over in the bank for you. This is how it's done in Germany. The difference is in Germany they weren't letting millions of refugees into the country eating up health care.
Most Germans only work 6 months out of the year. They work 2 and 3 jobs for 6 months then take a vacation for the rest of the year and live off of their government benefits. Problem is when they started letting in thousands of refugees they didn't have the money in the fund to pay for all of the beneficiaries that were applying. So this practice is history. Never mind the fact that the German government isn't full of lying asshole Democrats that ripping everyone blind. It'll never work here for that simple fact.

Our government said let us raise your SS taxes under Reagan, we'll bank the money so there will be more than enough to pay you a comfy retirement check in 25 years. Then our thieving lying assholes in government stole all that money and spent it, and now have no way of paying us back.

That always amazes me when you discuss things with leftists (we discuss, they rage ) ...you show them over and over where government fails at basic tasks.....then you hear them tell you how evil the government is because of illegal wars, wars against the poor, and how the politicians work for the corporations on and on....

Then they say...but we want these same politicians and bureaucrats who are doing all these evil things, who are failing at doing their basic job....to control our healthcare, our retirement, how much we earn at work, .......and on and on...

And they don't even understand how insane that way of thinking is....
I keep asking this of The Walking Democrats.......and they don't answer....

The Veteran's Administration medical system was created by politicians and bureaucrats of our government to take care of the medical needs of our Vets...a tiny number of Americans. They built this system to handle these medical needs and they run this system.

It is a disaster.....you have fake lists made up to hide the fact that veterans can't see doctors...and they die waiting on these lists......

Now tell us The Walking Democrats.......how are these same Politicians and bureaucrats, who can't handle a tiny medical system they created, now go on to handle the medical system for 320 million people?

Can any of you lame asses explain that to us?

Thats easy. Bush and Bush. Two wars where veterans suffered devastating injuries, and survived. Add to that the aging vietnam veterans, the WWII vets reaching their 80's, and you have a system they never funded to handle the number of veterans it had.

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