Leftists Are Now Calling Trump Voters a "Cult"

I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!A]

I think the slavish devotion of Trump followers to be very cult like.

You venerate Trump and demand personal loyalty to him- not to the United States- actually you equate loyalty to Trump to be loyalty to the United States.
You don't tolerate any criticism of your Dear Leader- and nor does he tolerate any criticism of himself- punishing those deemed not loyal enough.
You deem all news sources not slavishly devoted to your Dear Leader to be "Fake News", and accept without any doubt anything that he tweets.

Seems pretty cult like to me. So yeah- I have no problem with calling any of you exhibiting those tendencies to be part of his cult- but there are I am sure- Trump voters who don't fit that model. They just don't post here.
Isn't it interesting that until the media began to parrot this talking point that the people on the forum like you, suddenly find it the correct analysis.

Not just you, but on both sides really. Tump says X and every right-leaning person parrots that. The media says Y, and every Trump hater in the country parrots the same talking point.

It would be wonderful to see people actually think for themselves for a change, instead of being led by the nose.
Your analysis is well intended but you shoot it in the foot when you accurately claim the media going left and righties going right. Media is where info emanates from so those who disagree with mass media must already be thinking for themselves.
No, not really. There are other sources of information available, but the main right-leaning talking points are provided via Twitter by Trump.

There are sources and videos out there that simply provide a historical look at what has transpired. One of those sources, unlikely as it sounds, it Youtube.

They provide video information on things like the impeachment hearing, and what Politicians have said before they begin walking it back after the permanently outraged class gets after them.

All it takes is a few hours of reading this forum and you'll see a clear demarcation line of talking points, each issued by the party they identify with. There are some here who don't follow that rule, but they are a rare breed on this forum.
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!A]

I think the slavish devotion of Trump followers to be very cult like.

You venerate Trump and demand personal loyalty to him- not to the United States- actually you equate loyalty to Trump to be loyalty to the United States.
You don't tolerate any criticism of your Dear Leader- and nor does he tolerate any criticism of himself- punishing those deemed not loyal enough.
You deem all news sources not slavishly devoted to your Dear Leader to be "Fake News", and accept without any doubt anything that he tweets.

Seems pretty cult like to me. So yeah- I have no problem with calling any of you exhibiting those tendencies to be part of his cult- but there are I am sure- Trump voters who don't fit that model. They just don't post here.
Isn't it interesting that until the media began to parrot this talking point that the people on the forum like you, suddenly find it the correct analysis.

Not just you, but on both sides really. Tump says X and every right-leaning person parrots that. The media says Y, and every Trump hater in the country parrots the same talking point.

It would be wonderful to see people actually think for themselves for a change, instead of being led by the nose.
Your analysis is well intended but you shoot it in the foot when you accurately claim the media going left and righties going right. Media is where info emanates from so those who disagree with mass media must already be thinking for themselves.
No, not really. There are other sources of information available, but the main right-leaning talking points are provided via Twitter by Trump.

There are sources and videos out there that simply provide a historical look at what has transpired. One of those sources, unlikely as it sounds, it Youtube.

They provide video information on things like the impeachment hearing, and what Politicians have said before they begin walking it back after the permanently outraged class gets after them.

All it takes is a few hours of reading this forum and you'll see a clear demarcation line of talking points, each issued by the party they identify with. There are some here who don't follow that rule, but they are a rare breed on this forum.
I don't follow that rule. Do you realize how easy it is to edit a video?
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!

Because they are.......

Most of them were members of a previous cult.....being Bush voters....

Then after Bush, they became members of the Tea Party cult....with their honorary leader being Sarah Palin....

until Trump fed them more of the racism they have been waiting on when he hopped on the birther train....

Now we are.....in less than 8 yrs, trumpers went from attacking anyone who opposed Bush or the Iraq war as traitors to -- now pretending they were against both all along....very cult like
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!

Because they are.......

Most of them were members of a previous cult.....being Bush voters....

Then after Bush, they became members of the Tea Party cult....with their honorary leader being Sarah Palin....

until Trump fed them more of the racism they have been waiting on when he hopped on the birther train....

Now we are.....in less than 8 yrs, trumpers went from attacking anyone who opposed Bush or the Iraq war as traitors to -- now pretending they were against both all along....very cult like

Fake news.
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!A]

I think the slavish devotion of Trump followers to be very cult like.

You venerate Trump and demand personal loyalty to him- not to the United States- actually you equate loyalty to Trump to be loyalty to the United States.
You don't tolerate any criticism of your Dear Leader- and nor does he tolerate any criticism of himself- punishing those deemed not loyal enough.
You deem all news sources not slavishly devoted to your Dear Leader to be "Fake News", and accept without any doubt anything that he tweets.

Seems pretty cult like to me. So yeah- I have no problem with calling any of you exhibiting those tendencies to be part of his cult- but there are I am sure- Trump voters who don't fit that model. They just don't post here.
Isn't it interesting that until the media began to parrot this talking point that the people on the forum like you, suddenly find it the correct analysis.

Not just you, but on both sides really. Tump says X and every right-leaning person parrots that. The media says Y, and every Trump hater in the country parrots the same talking point.

It would be wonderful to see people actually think for themselves for a change, instead of being led by the nose.
Your analysis is well intended but you shoot it in the foot when you accurately claim the media going left and righties going right. Media is where info emanates from so those who disagree with mass media must already be thinking for themselves.
No, not really. There are other sources of information available, but the main right-leaning talking points are provided via Twitter by Trump.

There are sources and videos out there that simply provide a historical look at what has transpired. One of those sources, unlikely as it sounds, it Youtube.

They provide video information on things like the impeachment hearing, and what Politicians have said before they begin walking it back after the permanently outraged class gets after them.

All it takes is a few hours of reading this forum and you'll see a clear demarcation line of talking points, each issued by the party they identify with. There are some here who don't follow that rule, but they are a rare breed on this forum.
I don't follow that rule. Do you realize how easy it is to edit a video?
Yes, I do because I have training in editing videos and access to professional-grade editing software. Which means I can spot edited video. However, there are actual clips out there that are not and cannot be edited without giving away the show.

Many of these are clips of Congresspersons interrogating witnesses. When you go right to the source of the news, you have no real need to have it filtered by someone else bias.
I think the slavish devotion of Trump followers to be very cult like.

You venerate Trump and demand personal loyalty to him- not to the United States- actually you equate loyalty to Trump to be loyalty to the United States.
You don't tolerate any criticism of your Dear Leader- and nor does he tolerate any criticism of himself- punishing those deemed not loyal enough.
You deem all news sources not slavishly devoted to your Dear Leader to be "Fake News", and accept without any doubt anything that he tweets.

Seems pretty cult like to me. So yeah- I have no problem with calling any of you exhibiting those tendencies to be part of his cult- but there are I am sure- Trump voters who don't fit that model. They just don't post here.
Isn't it interesting that until the media began to parrot this talking point that the people on the forum like you, suddenly find it the correct analysis.

Not just you, but on both sides really. Tump says X and every right-leaning person parrots that. The media says Y, and every Trump hater in the country parrots the same talking point.

It would be wonderful to see people actually think for themselves for a change, instead of being led by the nose.
Your analysis is well intended but you shoot it in the foot when you accurately claim the media going left and righties going right. Media is where info emanates from so those who disagree with mass media must already be thinking for themselves.
No, not really. There are other sources of information available, but the main right-leaning talking points are provided via Twitter by Trump.

There are sources and videos out there that simply provide a historical look at what has transpired. One of those sources, unlikely as it sounds, it Youtube.

They provide video information on things like the impeachment hearing, and what Politicians have said before they begin walking it back after the permanently outraged class gets after them.

All it takes is a few hours of reading this forum and you'll see a clear demarcation line of talking points, each issued by the party they identify with. There are some here who don't follow that rule, but they are a rare breed on this forum.
I don't follow that rule. Do you realize how easy it is to edit a video?
Yes, I do because I have training in editing videos and access to professional-grade editing software. Which means I can spot edited video. However, there are actual clips out there that are not and cannot be edited without giving away the show.

Many of these are clips of Congresspersons interrogating witnesses. When you go right to the source of the news, you have no real need to have it filtered by someone else bias.
I have the same training and you are mistaken about me. I fully explained my motivation in this thread. If you can't understand it then either you don't want to or you are stupid.
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!A]

I think the slavish devotion of Trump followers to be very cult like.

You venerate Trump and demand personal loyalty to him- not to the United States- actually you equate loyalty to Trump to be loyalty to the United States.
You don't tolerate any criticism of your Dear Leader- and nor does he tolerate any criticism of himself- punishing those deemed not loyal enough.
You deem all news sources not slavishly devoted to your Dear Leader to be "Fake News", and accept without any doubt anything that he tweets.

Seems pretty cult like to me. So yeah- I have no problem with calling any of you exhibiting those tendencies to be part of his cult- but there are I am sure- Trump voters who don't fit that model. They just don't post here.
Isn't it interesting that until the media began to parrot this talking point that the people on the forum like you, suddenly find it the correct analysis.

Not just you, but on both sides really. Tump says X and every right-leaning person parrots that. The media says Y, and every Trump hater in the country parrots the same talking point.

It would be wonderful to see people actually think for themselves for a change, instead of being led by the nose.
Your analysis is well intended but you shoot it in the foot when you accurately claim the media going left and righties going right. Media is where info emanates from so those who disagree with mass media must already be thinking for themselves.
No, not really. There are other sources of information available, but the main right-leaning talking points are provided via Twitter by Trump.

There are sources and videos out there that simply provide a historical look at what has transpired. One of those sources, unlikely as it sounds, it Youtube.

They provide video information on things like the impeachment hearing, and what Politicians have said before they begin walking it back after the permanently outraged class gets after them.

All it takes is a few hours of reading this forum and you'll see a clear demarcation line of talking points, each issued by the party they identify with. There are some here who don't follow that rule, but they are a rare breed on this forum.
But this forum is narrowed down to those who give enough of a shit to comment. The masses rely on MSM. MSM is slanted hard left. Process of elimination means those who comment non-left are thinking for themselves enough to vet MSM, be it Twitter or elsewhere.
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!

Because they are.......

Most of them were members of a previous cult.....being Bush voters....

Then after Bush, they became members of the Tea Party cult....with their honorary leader being Sarah Palin....

until Trump fed them more of the racism they have been waiting on when he hopped on the birther train....

Now we are.....in less than 8 yrs, trumpers went from attacking anyone who opposed Bush or the Iraq war as traitors to -- now pretending they were against both all along....very cult like


You leftards......you need to familiarize yourselves with a psychiatric term...

Psychological projection - Wikipedia

Psychological projection is a defence mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.[1]
Cults bring followers into Hypnotic trances:
shiftySchiff.jpeg tmp-cam-1700574713.jpg
tmp-cam--620098145.jpg CnriV9bWcAIfDti.jpeg
Cults use weird rituals like the one Hillarys Campaign chairmen was into:tmp-cam-1789427506.jpg
They use phoney activism causes to raise and swindle money:
tmp-cam--1522024500.jpg tmp-cam--361645266.jpg
And Cults kill off their deserters who are informants:tmp-cam-346983320.jpg the-face-you-make-when-you-have-to-testify-against-26050764.png
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!

Because they are.......

Most of them were members of a previous cult.....being Bush voters....

Then after Bush, they became members of the Tea Party cult....with their honorary leader being Sarah Palin....

until Trump fed them more of the racism they have been waiting on when he hopped on the birther train....

Now we are.....in less than 8 yrs, trumpers went from attacking anyone who opposed Bush or the Iraq war as traitors to -- now pretending they were against both all along....very cult like


You leftards......you need to familiarize yourselves with a psychiatric term...

Psychological projection - Wikipedia

Psychological projection is a defence mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.[1]

in 2003, 2004, were you or were you not a bush follower??

Please don't tell me you were on the side of liberals who were opposing the war?? Please don't tell me you were defending people like Code Pink for being against the war in Iraq??

No, I doubt all of that..because you proudly support the same policy of bowing down to Saudi Arabia that Bush did and that Obama did
Isn't it interesting that until the media began to parrot this talking point that the people on the forum like you, suddenly find it the correct analysis.

Not just you, but on both sides really. Tump says X and every right-leaning person parrots that. The media says Y, and every Trump hater in the country parrots the same talking point.

It would be wonderful to see people actually think for themselves for a change, instead of being led by the nose.
Your analysis is well intended but you shoot it in the foot when you accurately claim the media going left and righties going right. Media is where info emanates from so those who disagree with mass media must already be thinking for themselves.
No, not really. There are other sources of information available, but the main right-leaning talking points are provided via Twitter by Trump.

There are sources and videos out there that simply provide a historical look at what has transpired. One of those sources, unlikely as it sounds, it Youtube.

They provide video information on things like the impeachment hearing, and what Politicians have said before they begin walking it back after the permanently outraged class gets after them.

All it takes is a few hours of reading this forum and you'll see a clear demarcation line of talking points, each issued by the party they identify with. There are some here who don't follow that rule, but they are a rare breed on this forum.
I don't follow that rule. Do you realize how easy it is to edit a video?
Yes, I do because I have training in editing videos and access to professional-grade editing software. Which means I can spot edited video. However, there are actual clips out there that are not and cannot be edited without giving away the show.

Many of these are clips of Congresspersons interrogating witnesses. When you go right to the source of the news, you have no real need to have it filtered by someone else bias.
I have the same training and you are mistaken about me. I fully explained my motivation in this thread. If you can't understand it then either you don't want to or you are stupid.
So much for your credibility. I was enjoying a civil discussion, but since you've run out of opinions and have decided to name-call, I don't have much more use for you in this thread.
These trumpers are the same people who wanted this guy to be Senator -- just because he said something to the black guy they all hated...

Notice the moron in the background?? Yes, they are a cult...
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!A]

I think the slavish devotion of Trump followers to be very cult like.

You venerate Trump and demand personal loyalty to him- not to the United States- actually you equate loyalty to Trump to be loyalty to the United States.
You don't tolerate any criticism of your Dear Leader- and nor does he tolerate any criticism of himself- punishing those deemed not loyal enough.
You deem all news sources not slavishly devoted to your Dear Leader to be "Fake News", and accept without any doubt anything that he tweets.

Seems pretty cult like to me. So yeah- I have no problem with calling any of you exhibiting those tendencies to be part of his cult- but there are I am sure- Trump voters who don't fit that model. They just don't post here.
Isn't it interesting that until the media began to parrot this talking point that the people on the forum like you, suddenly find it the correct analysis.

Not just you, but on both sides really. Tump says X and every right-leaning person parrots that. The media says Y, and every Trump hater in the country parrots the same talking point.

It would be wonderful to see people actually think for themselves for a change, instead of being led by the nose.
Your analysis is well intended but you shoot it in the foot when you accurately claim the media going left and righties going right. Media is where info emanates from so those who disagree with mass media must already be thinking for themselves.
No, not really. There are other sources of information available, but the main right-leaning talking points are provided via Twitter by Trump.

There are sources and videos out there that simply provide a historical look at what has transpired. One of those sources, unlikely as it sounds, it Youtube.

They provide video information on things like the impeachment hearing, and what Politicians have said before they begin walking it back after the permanently outraged class gets after them.

All it takes is a few hours of reading this forum and you'll see a clear demarcation line of talking points, each issued by the party they identify with. There are some here who don't follow that rule, but they are a rare breed on this forum.
But this forum is narrowed down to those who give enough of a shit to comment. The masses rely on MSM. MSM is slanted hard left. Process of elimination means those who comment non-left are thinking for themselves enough to vet MSM, be it Twitter or elsewhere.
In truth, I've seen this phenomenon occur across the Internet and has even shown itself in watercooler discussions.

In my opinion, this nation has become a collection of sheep, bleating the same information that their handlers wish them to bleat.

I will agree with you in that we see about 20 times more of it from the media who act as agitprop for the DNC.
The leftist are taking a page from China when it comes to labelling. I'm sure we can recall Falun Gong, a harmless group that the Chinese government (a government Biden referred to as "not such bad guys") listed as a cult. Arrested and disappeared.
Then of course, there were the students in Tiananmen Square (1989) that protested non-violently for liberty and were massacred.
Now we have the protesters in Hong Kong being beaten and shot.
So, we need to realize what the far left wants for anybody that is against their ideology.
I think the slavish devotion of Trump followers to be very cult like.

You venerate Trump and demand personal loyalty to him- not to the United States- actually you equate loyalty to Trump to be loyalty to the United States.
You don't tolerate any criticism of your Dear Leader- and nor does he tolerate any criticism of himself- punishing those deemed not loyal enough.
You deem all news sources not slavishly devoted to your Dear Leader to be "Fake News", and accept without any doubt anything that he tweets.

Seems pretty cult like to me. So yeah- I have no problem with calling any of you exhibiting those tendencies to be part of his cult- but there are I am sure- Trump voters who don't fit that model. They just don't post here.
Isn't it interesting that until the media began to parrot this talking point that the people on the forum like you, suddenly find it the correct analysis.

Not just you, but on both sides really. Tump says X and every right-leaning person parrots that. The media says Y, and every Trump hater in the country parrots the same talking point.

It would be wonderful to see people actually think for themselves for a change, instead of being led by the nose.
Your analysis is well intended but you shoot it in the foot when you accurately claim the media going left and righties going right. Media is where info emanates from so those who disagree with mass media must already be thinking for themselves.
No, not really. There are other sources of information available, but the main right-leaning talking points are provided via Twitter by Trump.

There are sources and videos out there that simply provide a historical look at what has transpired. One of those sources, unlikely as it sounds, it Youtube.

They provide video information on things like the impeachment hearing, and what Politicians have said before they begin walking it back after the permanently outraged class gets after them.

All it takes is a few hours of reading this forum and you'll see a clear demarcation line of talking points, each issued by the party they identify with. There are some here who don't follow that rule, but they are a rare breed on this forum.
But this forum is narrowed down to those who give enough of a shit to comment. The masses rely on MSM. MSM is slanted hard left. Process of elimination means those who comment non-left are thinking for themselves enough to vet MSM, be it Twitter or elsewhere.
In truth, I've seen this phenomenon occur across the Internet and has even shown itself in watercooler discussions.

In my opinion, this nation has become a collection of sheep, bleating the same information that their handlers wish them to bleat.

I will agree with you in that we see about 20 times more of it from the media who act as agitprop for the DNC.
Twenty to one is more than a significant disparity.
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!

No, Trump supporters have always been correctly identified as belonging to a cult.

Given the fact that Trump is a racist, bigot, and misogynist; given the fact that Trump is wrong on the issues; given Trump’s incessant lying and propagating of conspiracy theories; given the fact that Trump has nothing but contempt for the rule of law and our democratic institutions, and given the fact that Trump is comprehensively unfit to be president – the blind, mindless, unwarranted support Trump sycophants devote to Trump does indeed constitute a cult-like following.
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!

No, Trump supporters have always been correctly identified as belonging to a cult.

Given the fact that Trump is a racist, bigot, and misogynist; given the fact that Trump is wrong on the issues; given Trump’s incessant lying and propagating of conspiracy theories; given the fact that Trump has nothing but contempt for the rule of law and our democratic institutions, and given the fact that Trump is comprehensively unfit to be president – the blind, mindless, unwarranted support Trump sycophants devote to Trump does indeed constitute a cult-like following.

Outside of the fact that you can't call this anything but a wet dream....there is a still a hope that you will die soon (and I am really starting to mean that).

Federal Politics has been about everything you've listed for the last 30 years.

Trump is nothing special.

Please die soon.

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