Leftists Are Now Calling Trump Voters a "Cult"

Trumpism meets the definition of cult...

Except that you can't define Trumpism in a way that would group the majority of people who voted for him into a single monolith.

Oh you can.


It is a cult of personality. There is no defining principle of Trump or his followers- it is just Trump. When Trump's whimsy takes his policy in another direction, his cultish followers of course switch course also.
The Swamp
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!

Because they are.......
Most of them were members of a previous cult.....being Bush voters....
Then after Bush, they became members of the Tea Party cult....with their honorary leader being Sarah Palin....
until Trump fed them more of the racism they have been waiting on when he hopped on the birther train....
Now we are.....in less than 8 yrs, trumpers went from attacking anyone who opposed Bush or the Iraq war as traitors to -- now pretending they were against both all along....very cult like

So they are like the Democratic Party cult. It seems we have been plague by both for a long long time.

You do understand that Democrats not being a cult is why Hillary lost the election right??

Democrats who have always had objection to Hillary, stood on it, even it if meant Trump would win....

Trumpers on the other hand will change their position the minute Trump tells them to....and this has been demonstrated time and time again...

Lindsey Graham is the microcosm of the typical Trump cultist...a total cuck

Was it 64,000,000 voters that voted for their cult leader Hillary, three million more than voted for Trump? The same Hillary that won the primaries with a wink and a nod.
Trumpism meets the definition of cult...

Except that you can't define Trumpism in a way that would group the majority of people who voted for him into a single monolith.

Oh you can.


It is a cult of personality. There is no defining principle of Trump or his followers- it is just Trump. When Trump's whimsy takes his policy in another direction, his cultish followers of course switch course also.

And that is why the left can be lumped into a single group and called a herd.

They all actually believe this crap.
Meanwhile, back in Obamaville

Did someone say.....Former President OBAMA????
It's nothing new for Soros propaganda machine. They are known for calling their opponents some nasty names which are supposed to develop a bad image for the opponents. For example, in my home country of Ukraine, occupied by Soros&Co since 2014 coup, Nazis' fans call us (who don't except both them and the coup) some weird names like Vata (cotton), Colorados (hard to explain to you guys on this forum), etc. The "Pootie Poo" has been also created for the same purposes. They all are links of the same chain of liberal propaganda "helping" ignorant people to create a needed bad image of a person (or group of people, in this case, Trump supporters) they hate and want you to hate too.
(((SOROS)))....I see the anti-semitic RIght is still going strong.
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!A]

I think the slavish devotion of Trump followers to be very cult like.

You venerate Trump and demand personal loyalty to him- not to the United States- actually you equate loyalty to Trump to be loyalty to the United States.
You don't tolerate any criticism of your Dear Leader- and nor does he tolerate any criticism of himself- punishing those deemed not loyal enough.
You deem all news sources not slavishly devoted to your Dear Leader to be "Fake News", and accept without any doubt anything that he tweets.

Seems pretty cult like to me. So yeah- I have no problem with calling any of you exhibiting those tendencies to be part of his cult- but there are I am sure- Trump voters who don't fit that model. They just don't post here.
And yet we "allow" you to trash him here.

How un-cult like of us.

We remember when there was ZERO criticism of the black messiah for 8 years.

We remember your slavish devotion to Bill Clinton for 8 years.

So tell us more about "cults"
That's what you remember? When did you become brain damaged?
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!

Because they are.......
Most of them were members of a previous cult.....being Bush voters....
Then after Bush, they became members of the Tea Party cult....with their honorary leader being Sarah Palin....
until Trump fed them more of the racism they have been waiting on when he hopped on the birther train....
Now we are.....in less than 8 yrs, trumpers went from attacking anyone who opposed Bush or the Iraq war as traitors to -- now pretending they were against both all along....very cult like

So they are like the Democratic Party cult. It seems we have been plague by both for a long long time.

You do understand that Democrats not being a cult is why Hillary lost the election right??

Democrats who have always had objection to Hillary, stood on it, even it if meant Trump would win....

Trumpers on the other hand will change their position the minute Trump tells them to....and this has been demonstrated time and time again...

Lindsey Graham is the microcosm of the typical Trump cultist...a total cuck

Was it 64,000,000 voters that voted for their cult leader Hillary, three million more than voted for Trump? The same Hillary that won the primaries with a wink and a nod.

You are conflating voting patterns with cultishness?

I will give you a hint: Hillary is not a charismatic leader.
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!

Because they are.......
Most of them were members of a previous cult.....being Bush voters....
Then after Bush, they became members of the Tea Party cult....with their honorary leader being Sarah Palin....
until Trump fed them more of the racism they have been waiting on when he hopped on the birther train....
Now we are.....in less than 8 yrs, trumpers went from attacking anyone who opposed Bush or the Iraq war as traitors to -- now pretending they were against both all along....very cult like

So they are like the Democratic Party cult. It seems we have been plague by both for a long long time.

You do understand that Democrats not being a cult is why Hillary lost the election right??

Democrats who have always had objection to Hillary, stood on it, even it if meant Trump would win....

Trumpers on the other hand will change their position the minute Trump tells them to....and this has been demonstrated time and time again...

Lindsey Graham is the microcosm of the typical Trump cultist...a total cuck

Was it 64,000,000 voters that voted for their cult leader Hillary, three million more than voted for Trump? The same Hillary that won the primaries with a wink and a nod.

You are conflating voting patterns with cultishness?

I will give you a hint: Hillary is not a charismatic leader.

I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!

Because they are.......
Most of them were members of a previous cult.....being Bush voters....
Then after Bush, they became members of the Tea Party cult....with their honorary leader being Sarah Palin....
until Trump fed them more of the racism they have been waiting on when he hopped on the birther train....
Now we are.....in less than 8 yrs, trumpers went from attacking anyone who opposed Bush or the Iraq war as traitors to -- now pretending they were against both all along....very cult like

So they are like the Democratic Party cult. It seems we have been plague by both for a long long time.

You do understand that Democrats not being a cult is why Hillary lost the election right??

Democrats who have always had objection to Hillary, stood on it, even it if meant Trump would win....

Trumpers on the other hand will change their position the minute Trump tells them to....and this has been demonstrated time and time again...

Lindsey Graham is the microcosm of the typical Trump cultist...a total cuck

Was it 64,000,000 voters that voted for their cult leader Hillary, three million more than voted for Trump? The same Hillary that won the primaries with a wink and a nod.

You are conflating voting patterns with cultishness?

I will give you a hint: Hillary is not a charismatic leader.

I did no such thing, that is what your buddy spiffy biffy was trying to imply and I shot his BS out of the water. Trump is not a charismatic leader in my opinion, he is very abrasive as is Hillary. I really don't care for either of them. Maybe you need to bring your points up to spiffy biffy and leave me out of his and your nonsense.
Because they are.......
Most of them were members of a previous cult.....being Bush voters....
Then after Bush, they became members of the Tea Party cult....with their honorary leader being Sarah Palin....
until Trump fed them more of the racism they have been waiting on when he hopped on the birther train....
Now we are.....in less than 8 yrs, trumpers went from attacking anyone who opposed Bush or the Iraq war as traitors to -- now pretending they were against both all along....very cult like

So they are like the Democratic Party cult. It seems we have been plague by both for a long long time.
You do understand that Democrats not being a cult is why Hillary lost the election right??

Democrats who have always had objection to Hillary, stood on it, even it if meant Trump would win....

Trumpers on the other hand will change their position the minute Trump tells them to....and this has been demonstrated time and time again...

Lindsey Graham is the microcosm of the typical Trump cultist...a total cuck

Was it 64,000,000 voters that voted for their cult leader Hillary, three million more than voted for Trump? The same Hillary that won the primaries with a wink and a nod.
You are conflating voting patterns with cultishness?

I will give you a hint: Hillary is not a charismatic leader.
Because they are.......
Most of them were members of a previous cult.....being Bush voters....
Then after Bush, they became members of the Tea Party cult....with their honorary leader being Sarah Palin....
until Trump fed them more of the racism they have been waiting on when he hopped on the birther train....
Now we are.....in less than 8 yrs, trumpers went from attacking anyone who opposed Bush or the Iraq war as traitors to -- now pretending they were against both all along....very cult like

So they are like the Democratic Party cult. It seems we have been plague by both for a long long time.
You do understand that Democrats not being a cult is why Hillary lost the election right??

Democrats who have always had objection to Hillary, stood on it, even it if meant Trump would win....

Trumpers on the other hand will change their position the minute Trump tells them to....and this has been demonstrated time and time again...

Lindsey Graham is the microcosm of the typical Trump cultist...a total cuck

Was it 64,000,000 voters that voted for their cult leader Hillary, three million more than voted for Trump? The same Hillary that won the primaries with a wink and a nod.
You are conflating voting patterns with cultishness?

I will give you a hint: Hillary is not a charismatic leader.

I did no such thing, that is what your buddy spiffy biffy was trying to imply and I shot his BS out of the water. Trump is not a charismatic leader in my opinion, he is very abrasive as is Hillary. I really don't care for either of them. Maybe you need to bring your points up to spiffy biffy and leave me out of his and your nonsense.
Yep. Trump is no Cult leader.

"We" voted for him because we thought, and got, a guy who doesnt play Washington politics.

His wife issues are OUR issues. Hillary's are NOT.
I don't know about everyone else here, but I am not a Kool Aid drinker.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Since June 1st, its been mostly sugar free tea and Crystal Light drinks for me. I did however drink two cups of Mug Root Beer this past Saturday night when I was at my local KFC cheating on my diet. (still amazed at how well my weight held up)
Let's see.....

50% of Americans are pro-America cultists, and the other 50% are anti-America unhinged Commies.

Looks to me like the battle lines have been drawn.
Thanks, CNN!
So they are like the Democratic Party cult. It seems we have been plague by both for a long long time.
You do understand that Democrats not being a cult is why Hillary lost the election right??

Democrats who have always had objection to Hillary, stood on it, even it if meant Trump would win....

Trumpers on the other hand will change their position the minute Trump tells them to....and this has been demonstrated time and time again...

Lindsey Graham is the microcosm of the typical Trump cultist...a total cuck

Was it 64,000,000 voters that voted for their cult leader Hillary, three million more than voted for Trump? The same Hillary that won the primaries with a wink and a nod.
You are conflating voting patterns with cultishness?

I will give you a hint: Hillary is not a charismatic leader.
So they are like the Democratic Party cult. It seems we have been plague by both for a long long time.
You do understand that Democrats not being a cult is why Hillary lost the election right??

Democrats who have always had objection to Hillary, stood on it, even it if meant Trump would win....

Trumpers on the other hand will change their position the minute Trump tells them to....and this has been demonstrated time and time again...

Lindsey Graham is the microcosm of the typical Trump cultist...a total cuck

Was it 64,000,000 voters that voted for their cult leader Hillary, three million more than voted for Trump? The same Hillary that won the primaries with a wink and a nod.
You are conflating voting patterns with cultishness?

I will give you a hint: Hillary is not a charismatic leader.

I did no such thing, that is what your buddy spiffy biffy was trying to imply and I shot his BS out of the water. Trump is not a charismatic leader in my opinion, he is very abrasive as is Hillary. I really don't care for either of them. Maybe you need to bring your points up to spiffy biffy and leave me out of his and your nonsense.
Yep. Trump is no Cult leader.

"We" voted for him because we thought, and got, a guy who doesnt play Washington politics.

His wife issues are OUR issues. Hillary's are NOT.

Nobody thinks that their cult leader is a cult leader.
Trumpism meets the definition of cult...

Except that you can't define Trumpism in a way that would group the majority of people who voted for him into a single monolith.

Oh you can.


It is a cult of personality. There is no defining principle of Trump or his followers- it is just Trump. When Trump's whimsy takes his policy in another direction, his cultish followers of course switch course also.
The Swamp

Oh lol.

As I said- there is no 'defining principle' when it comes to Trump.

Trump had no issue with illegal immigration until he ran for President. He has no problem at all with using foreign workers- legal or illegal. But he does want to build a big wall- so maybe the Wall Mexico is paying for is his defining principle?

Abortion? When did Trump start to pretend to care about abortion? Oh right- when Trump looked to woo the evangelicals.
Donald Trump's Evolving Stance on Abortion

The Swamp? Hell half of the people Trump has hired have come from the Swamp. I think it is hilarious that you fall for that.
In my spare time I have voodoo dolls that are of Hillary, Obama, Biden and others............I stick pins into them for fun.............

Hope it's working.............anybody know...........lol


Trump supporters are called a cult, by the same media source geniuses that have been correct on everything they said previously? Why would anyone believe them?

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