Leftists Are Now Calling Trump Voters a "Cult"

I have said it many times, that for at least 85% of trump lovers...their main reason for their worship of Trump is because they think it triggers or pisses off someone else.....it is just that simple....

They would cover themselves in shit and then point at the rest of us and laugh about how triggered we are that he is covered in shit.....

....but at the end of the day.....he is still the one who is covered in shit...
When the president tells Bill O'Reilly that he did not direct Rudy G to go to Ukraine on his behalf....AFTER he flatly told Pres. Zelenski to connect with Rudy on "the call" and you don't drop your support for him.....you are displaying cultish devotion to the man.
You just don't get it little commie....whatever bullshit you throw at him has no effect on thinking people The fucking Surrender Monkey lied about healthcare costs which cost American taxpayers millions of dollar . Yet YOU MENTAL MISFITS didn't give a shit and you think something like you claim is going to stop thinking man from recognizing his economic policiels?....TODAYS RECORD STOCK MARKET ALL CAUSED BY HIS TRADE TARIFFS ON CHINA WHICH HE IS WINNING go hidden from the MSM, the unbelievable UNEMPLOYMENT and the 1..6 million SURPLUS of jobs he has created is another SECRET never talked about by the suicidal left. And you dumb fucks of the left have two handfuls of presidential candidates that as policies for 2020 want to RAISE TAXES TO AT LEAST 42%,, have a green deal agenda that will cost Americans a MINIMUM OF $52 TRILLION DOLLAR . are TRYING to push REPARATIONS, PANDERING to a black populace whose majority wants to work and strive for a better life for themselves and their children.and.....what the hell, you fuckers dwell on absolute bullshit. A supposed PHONE CALL that was exposing CRIME AND CORRUPTION THAT AMERICANS WOULD ULTUMATELY PAY FOR, GIVE PEOPLE LIKE BIDEN, AND YOUR GROUP OF HIJACKERS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN KICKBACKS. SO FUCKTARD. YOU MORONS keep harping on shit that means nothing to the average citizen, but will continue to make you low intelligent drones a laughing stock to millions of thinking people.....So tell us. Just what the fuck do you DEMONRATS have to offer that is anywhere as good as Trump has already offered and in most cases has accomplished with his 2016 campaign promises...All I see or hear is he's a criminal, he is a moron, he is corrupt (today he donated his 3rd quarter salary BACK to our government, the Surrender Monkey ever do that?).... waiting on another post that will go something like OMG. HE HAD 2 SCOOPS OF ICE CREAM ON HIS PIE!!! Yes the TDS has eaten you and your friends brains but YOUR POSTS are the reason we on the right are here. The entertainment value you scum offer is better than most other websites. And there are more of you crazy bastards here than most anywhere else on the net!

You didn't address the point of my post. Did Donnie tell Rudy to go to Ukraine to get them to investigate Biden or did Rudy go on his own for some other client? One of these is a lie and both came out of your master's fat mouth.

You're a fucking weirdo. Walls of nonsense don't have any impact.

Don't you have a weird conspiracy to investigate?
Ah....who cares.....we now know how corrupt the Bidens are!

State Department Documents Expose Biden-Ukraine Corruption


Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks to local residents, Saturday, Nov. 23, 2019, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Justin Hayworth)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:00 PM PT — Sunday, November 24, 2019

Newly released documents are revealing additional details of the alleged corruption scheme by Joe and Hunter Biden in Ukraine. A recent Freedom of Information request by watchdog group American Oversight has produced 100 pages of State Department documents, including testimonies from former prosecutors Viktor Shokin and Yuriy Lutsenko.

American Oversight



BREAKING: State Department releases Ukraine documents to American Oversight

Documents show links between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Officehttps://www.americanoversight.org/state-department-releases-ukraine-documents-to-american-oversight …

State Department Releases Ukraine Documents to American Oversight - American Oversight
Documents show links Between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office



10:36 PM - Nov 22, 2019
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This comes amid elevated concerns that top Obama-era officials could be harboring ill-gotten gains of Ukrainian oligarchs in exchange for help in the 2016 election.

“When the President’s talking to the president of Ukraine, that’s the issue he’s worried about: why did this corruption take place, and if they’re investigating what went on,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “He had every right to ask about Biden.”

Reports confirmed Vice President Biden used his office to protect energy company Burisma from anti-corruption scrutiny. Documents showed the State Department was aware that Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky was involved in money laundering and the illegal off-shoring of at least $23 million from Ukraine.

Ukrainian officials said Hunter Biden, who served on Burisma’s board at the time, received a salary of $50,000 per month, plus a commission. The documents confirmed that in 2015, Zlochevsky paid $900,000 in consulting fees to Rosemont Seneca Partners, a company that represented the Bidens’ interests in Ukraine.

Zlochevsky has been under U.S. scrutiny for several years.

“I and other U.S. officials consistently advocated reinstituting a scuttled investigation of Zlochevsky, Burisma’s founder, as well as holding the corrupt prosecutors who closed the case to account,” said Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent.

Despite all this, the left-leaning watchdog group is focusing on the contacts between Rudy Giuliani and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

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American Oversight


· Nov 22, 2019

BREAKING: State Department releases Ukraine documents to American Oversight

Documents show links between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Officehttps://www.americanoversight.org/state-department-releases-ukraine-documents-to-american-oversight …

State Department Releases Ukraine Documents to American Oversight - American Oversight
Documents show links Between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office


American Oversight


It's clear why Mike Pompeo has refused to release this information to Congress.

It reveals a clear paper trail from Rudy Giuliani to the Oval Office to Secretary Pompeo to facilitate Giuliani’s smear campaign against a U.S. ambassador.


10:40 PM - Nov 22, 2019
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8,764 people are talking about this

Mainstream media has claimed Giuliani investigated corruption in Ukraine for political purposes. Other reports said Giuliani’s probe falls in line with the State Department’s longstanding policy of battling corruption in Ukraine to advance U.S. interests in the region.

“We provided $250 million worth of security assistance, defense assistance and $140 million or so of additional security assistance…to fight corruption continued this year,” said Secretary of State Pompeo. “That’s what happened in Washington with respect to Ukraine.”

State Department documents also showed that Zlochevsky assembled an international team, led by Hunter Biden, to protect his embezzlement. The team included Devon Archer, CIA official Joseph Blade and former President of Poland Aleksander Kwasniewski. Documents showed Kwasniewski received nearly $1.2 million for his services. The amount received by Archer and Hunter Biden was reportedly concealed by Latvia.

Additionally, Ukrainian officials said some $16 million left Ukraine through two secretive units, which were under the protection of former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch.

“From the Russia hoax to the shoddy Ukrainian sequel, the Democrats got caught,” stated Rep. Devin Nunes. “Let’s hope they finally learn a lesson, give their conspiracy theories a rest and focus on governing for a chance.”

Rudy Giuliani said he’s undeterred by the recent attacks against him. The attorney added he is committed to uncovering the Obama administration’s pay-to-play scheme, which may devastate the Democrat Party. He said the New York Mafia could not intimidate him in the past, and today, the Democrats won’t silence him either.

State Department documents expose Biden-Ukraine corruption | One America News Network
I have said it many times, that for at least 85% of trump lovers...their main reason for their worship of Trump is because they think it triggers or pisses off someone else.....it is just that simple....

They would cover themselves in shit and then point at the rest of us and laugh about how triggered we are that he is covered in shit.....

....but at the end of the day.....he is still the one who is covered in shit...
See above dumbfuck!
I have said it many times, that for at least 85% of trump lovers...their main reason for their worship of Trump is because they think it triggers or pisses off someone else.....it is just that simple....

They would cover themselves in shit and then point at the rest of us and laugh about how triggered we are that he is covered in shit.....

....but at the end of the day.....he is still the one who is covered in shit...
See above dumbfuck!

You posted shit that you didn't read. Why should we read it?

Biden did nothing wrong in Ukraine. But Trump did. Ya fuckin' weirdo.
I have said it many times, that for at least 85% of trump lovers...their main reason for their worship of Trump is because they think it triggers or pisses off someone else.....it is just that simple....

They would cover themselves in shit and then point at the rest of us and laugh about how triggered we are that he is covered in shit.....

....but at the end of the day.....he is still the one who is covered in shit...
See above dumbfuck!

You posted shit that you didn't read. Why should we read it?

Biden did nothing wrong in Ukraine. But Trump did. Ya fuckin' weirdo.
There has no been an investigation on the Bidens yet... Their Ukraine involvement is obvious.

you suck too much Biden cock...
I have said it many times, that for at least 85% of trump lovers...their main reason for their worship of Trump is because they think it triggers or pisses off someone else.....it is just that simple....

They would cover themselves in shit and then point at the rest of us and laugh about how triggered we are that he is covered in shit.....

....but at the end of the day.....he is still the one who is covered in shit...
See above dumbfuck!

You posted shit that you didn't read. Why should we read it?

Biden did nothing wrong in Ukraine. But Trump did. Ya fuckin' weirdo.
Yes. Exposing Bidens corruption as we have a TREATY to do with Ukraune. Singed into being by Blow Job Clinton IS TRUMPS JOB....YOU DUMB BASTARD!
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!A]

I think the slavish devotion of Trump followers to be very cult like.

You venerate Trump and demand personal loyalty to him- not to the United States- actually you equate loyalty to Trump to be loyalty to the United States.
You don't tolerate any criticism of your Dear Leader- and nor does he tolerate any criticism of himself- punishing those deemed not loyal enough.
You deem all news sources not slavishly devoted to your Dear Leader to be "Fake News", and accept without any doubt anything that he tweets.

Seems pretty cult like to me. So yeah- I have no problem with calling any of you exhibiting those tendencies to be part of his cult- but there are I am sure- Trump voters who don't fit that model. They just don't post here.

I think the slavish devotion of Trump followers to be very cult like.

Theres an old saying “You get what you pay for”

The anti trumpsters attack 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Demands for impeachment began before trump even took office

Under those circumstances dont expect anything but partisanship in return
I have said it many times, that for at least 85% of trump lovers...their main reason for their worship of Trump is because they think it triggers or pisses off someone else.....it is just that simple....

They would cover themselves in shit and then point at the rest of us and laugh about how triggered we are that he is covered in shit.....

....but at the end of the day.....he is still the one who is covered in shit...
See above dumbfuck!

You posted shit that you didn't read. Why should we read it?

Biden did nothing wrong in Ukraine. But Trump did. Ya fuckin' weirdo.
There has no been an investigation on the Bidens yet... Their Ukraine involvement is obvious.

you suck too much Biden cock...

There will be no investigation of the Bidens dealings in Ukraine. That closeted pansy Graham is going to try to bring some folks in to talk on TV, but that goes nowhere.

You fucking dupe.
I have said it many times, that for at least 85% of trump lovers...their main reason for their worship of Trump is because they think it triggers or pisses off someone else.....it is just that simple....

They would cover themselves in shit and then point at the rest of us and laugh about how triggered we are that he is covered in shit.....

....but at the end of the day.....he is still the one who is covered in shit...
See above dumbfuck!

You posted shit that you didn't read. Why should we read it?

Biden did nothing wrong in Ukraine. But Trump did. Ya fuckin' weirdo.
There has no been an investigation on the Bidens yet... Their Ukraine involvement is obvious.

you suck too much Biden cock...

There will be no investigation of the Bidens dealings in Ukraine. That closeted pansy Graham is going to try to bring some folks in to talk on TV, but that goes nowhere.

You fucking dupe.
There needs to be a two year investigation on the Bidens... If there isn’t an investigation... How else would you know about their involvement?
I have said it many times, that for at least 85% of trump lovers...their main reason for their worship of Trump is because they think it triggers or pisses off someone else.....it is just that simple....

They would cover themselves in shit and then point at the rest of us and laugh about how triggered we are that he is covered in shit.....

....but at the end of the day.....he is still the one who is covered in shit...
See above dumbfuck!

You posted shit that you didn't read. Why should we read it?

Biden did nothing wrong in Ukraine. But Trump did. Ya fuckin' weirdo.
There has no been an investigation on the Bidens yet... Their Ukraine involvement is obvious.

you suck too much Biden cock...

There will be no investigation of the Bidens dealings in Ukraine. That closeted pansy Graham is going to try to bring some folks in to talk on TV, but that goes nowhere.

You fucking dupe.
There needs to be a two year investigation on the Bidens... If there isn’t an investigation... How else would you know about their involvement?
You do understand that the DOJ is free to investigate them right??

Or are you saying that Obama is so powerful that he can tell the DOJ who and who not to investigate??

Why is Trump such a weakling??
See above dumbfuck!

You posted shit that you didn't read. Why should we read it?

Biden did nothing wrong in Ukraine. But Trump did. Ya fuckin' weirdo.
There has no been an investigation on the Bidens yet... Their Ukraine involvement is obvious.

you suck too much Biden cock...

There will be no investigation of the Bidens dealings in Ukraine. That closeted pansy Graham is going to try to bring some folks in to talk on TV, but that goes nowhere.

You fucking dupe.
There needs to be a two year investigation on the Bidens... If there isn’t an investigation... How else would you know about their involvement?
You do understand that the DOJ is free to investigate them right??

Or are you saying that Obama is so powerful that he can tell the DOJ who and who not to investigate??

Why is Trump such a weakling??
That’s why I said there needs to be investigation at least two years long… Obviously the Bidens are corrupt pieces of shit...
if it's one thing the moonbats excel at, it's projection.
It's right out of RULES FOR RADICALS... "accuse your enemies of that which you are doing yourself." One of the demtrash's favorite tactics.

They're fooling less and less people with their radical crap these days though, and soon they won't be in control of jack shit. They're in for another major ass kickin' at the ballot box next year.
You posted shit that you didn't read. Why should we read it?

Biden did nothing wrong in Ukraine. But Trump did. Ya fuckin' weirdo.
There has no been an investigation on the Bidens yet... Their Ukraine involvement is obvious.

you suck too much Biden cock...

There will be no investigation of the Bidens dealings in Ukraine. That closeted pansy Graham is going to try to bring some folks in to talk on TV, but that goes nowhere.

You fucking dupe.
There needs to be a two year investigation on the Bidens... If there isn’t an investigation... How else would you know about their involvement?
You do understand that the DOJ is free to investigate them right??

Or are you saying that Obama is so powerful that he can tell the DOJ who and who not to investigate??

Why is Trump such a weakling??
That’s why I said there needs to be investigation at least two years long… Obviously the Bidens are corrupt pieces of shit...
So....I will restate my question...

"Why is Trump such a weakling??"
I have said it many times, that for at least 85% of trump lovers...their main reason for their worship of Trump is because they think it triggers or pisses off someone else.....it is just that simple....

They would cover themselves in shit and then point at the rest of us and laugh about how triggered we are that he is covered in shit.....

....but at the end of the day.....he is still the one who is covered in shit...
See above dumbfuck!

You posted shit that you didn't read. Why should we read it?

Biden did nothing wrong in Ukraine. But Trump did. Ya fuckin' weirdo.
There has no been an investigation on the Bidens yet... Their Ukraine involvement is obvious.

you suck too much Biden cock...

There will be no investigation of the Bidens dealings in Ukraine. That closeted pansy Graham is going to try to bring some folks in to talk on TV, but that goes nowhere.

You fucking dupe.
There needs to be a two year investigation on the Bidens... If there isn’t an investigation... How else would you know about their involvement?

Dickhead. There needs to be A REASON to investigate before our dedicated law enforcement community will do one. There isn't. They won't.
See above dumbfuck!

You posted shit that you didn't read. Why should we read it?

Biden did nothing wrong in Ukraine. But Trump did. Ya fuckin' weirdo.
There has no been an investigation on the Bidens yet... Their Ukraine involvement is obvious.

you suck too much Biden cock...

There will be no investigation of the Bidens dealings in Ukraine. That closeted pansy Graham is going to try to bring some folks in to talk on TV, but that goes nowhere.

You fucking dupe.
There needs to be a two year investigation on the Bidens... If there isn’t an investigation... How else would you know about their involvement?

Dickhead. There needs to be A REASON to investigate before our dedicated law enforcement community will do one. There isn't. They won't.
There is always a reason when career politicians are involved... Dip shit
There has no been an investigation on the Bidens yet... Their Ukraine involvement is obvious.

you suck too much Biden cock...

There will be no investigation of the Bidens dealings in Ukraine. That closeted pansy Graham is going to try to bring some folks in to talk on TV, but that goes nowhere.

You fucking dupe.
There needs to be a two year investigation on the Bidens... If there isn’t an investigation... How else would you know about their involvement?
You do understand that the DOJ is free to investigate them right??

Or are you saying that Obama is so powerful that he can tell the DOJ who and who not to investigate??

Why is Trump such a weakling??
That’s why I said there needs to be investigation at least two years long… Obviously the Bidens are corrupt pieces of shit...
So....I will restate my question...

"Why is Trump such a weakling??"
The administration are weaklings if they do not investigate the Bidens... fact
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!A]

I think the slavish devotion of Trump followers to be very cult like.

You venerate Trump and demand personal loyalty to him- not to the United States- actually you equate loyalty to Trump to be loyalty to the United States.
You don't tolerate any criticism of your Dear Leader- and nor does he tolerate any criticism of himself- punishing those deemed not loyal enough.
You deem all news sources not slavishly devoted to your Dear Leader to be "Fake News", and accept without any doubt anything that he tweets.

Seems pretty cult like to me. So yeah- I have no problem with calling any of you exhibiting those tendencies to be part of his cult- but there are I am sure- Trump voters who don't fit that model. They just don't post here.
And yet we "allow" you to trash him here.

How un-cult like of us.

We remember when there was ZERO criticism of the black messiah for 8 years.

We remember your slavish devotion to Bill Clinton for 8 years.

So tell us more about "cults"
Really? During the Obama years and afterward, there was no criticism allowed here of him or Michelle or his children?
Are you sure you want to stick with that story?
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!A]

I think the slavish devotion of Trump followers to be very cult like.

You venerate Trump and demand personal loyalty to him- not to the United States- actually you equate loyalty to Trump to be loyalty to the United States.
You don't tolerate any criticism of your Dear Leader- and nor does he tolerate any criticism of himself- punishing those deemed not loyal enough.
You deem all news sources not slavishly devoted to your Dear Leader to be "Fake News", and accept without any doubt anything that he tweets.

Seems pretty cult like to me. So yeah- I have no problem with calling any of you exhibiting those tendencies to be part of his cult- but there are I am sure- Trump voters who don't fit that model. They just don't post here.
And yet we "allow" you to trash him here.

How un-cult like of us.

We remember when there was ZERO criticism of the black messiah for 8 years.

We remember your slavish devotion to Bill Clinton for 8 years.

So tell us more about "cults"
Really? During the Obama years and afterward, there was no criticism allowed here of him or Michelle or his children?
Are you sure you want to stick with that story?
The GOP establishment worshipped Barry, They did everything he told them to do. The spineless motherfuckers
You posted shit that you didn't read. Why should we read it?

Biden did nothing wrong in Ukraine. But Trump did. Ya fuckin' weirdo.
There has no been an investigation on the Bidens yet... Their Ukraine involvement is obvious.

you suck too much Biden cock...

There will be no investigation of the Bidens dealings in Ukraine. That closeted pansy Graham is going to try to bring some folks in to talk on TV, but that goes nowhere.

You fucking dupe.
There needs to be a two year investigation on the Bidens... If there isn’t an investigation... How else would you know about their involvement?

Dickhead. There needs to be A REASON to investigate before our dedicated law enforcement community will do one. There isn't. They won't.
There is always a reason when career politicians are involved... Dip shit

Nope. That's weak bullshit from a weirdo.
There has no been an investigation on the Bidens yet... Their Ukraine involvement is obvious.

you suck too much Biden cock...

There will be no investigation of the Bidens dealings in Ukraine. That closeted pansy Graham is going to try to bring some folks in to talk on TV, but that goes nowhere.

You fucking dupe.
There needs to be a two year investigation on the Bidens... If there isn’t an investigation... How else would you know about their involvement?

Dickhead. There needs to be A REASON to investigate before our dedicated law enforcement community will do one. There isn't. They won't.
There is always a reason when career politicians are involved... Dip shit

Nope. That's weak bullshit from a weirdo.
Says a collectivist

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