Leftists Are Now Calling Trump Voters a "Cult"

In my spare time I have voodoo dolls that are of Hillary, Obama, Biden and others............I stick pins into them for fun.............

Hope it's working.............anybody know...........lol

Maybe get dims to Jim Jones.

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When the president tells Bill O'Reilly that he did not direct Rudy G to go to Ukraine on his behalf....AFTER he flatly told Pres. Zelenski to connect with Rudy on "the call" and you don't drop your support for him.....you are displaying cultish devotion to the man.
When the president tells Bill O'Reilly that he did not direct Rudy G to go to Ukraine on his behalf....AFTER he flatly told Pres. Zelenski to connect with Rudy on "the call" and you don't drop your support for him.....you are displaying cultish devotion to the man.
To dig dirt on Biden...........Trump knows he's there gathering evidence for a defense.......in the Senate if needed.

I want to see those witnesses Giuliani has and the evidence he has...............
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!A]

I think the slavish devotion of Trump followers to be very cult like.

You venerate Trump and demand personal loyalty to him- not to the United States- actually you equate loyalty to Trump to be loyalty to the United States.
You don't tolerate any criticism of your Dear Leader- and nor does he tolerate any criticism of himself- punishing those deemed not loyal enough.
You deem all news sources not slavishly devoted to your Dear Leader to be "Fake News", and accept without any doubt anything that he tweets.

Seems pretty cult like to me. So yeah- I have no problem with calling any of you exhibiting those tendencies to be part of his cult- but there are I am sure- Trump voters who don't fit that model. They just don't post here.

correct on all counts.
When the president tells Bill O'Reilly that he did not direct Rudy G to go to Ukraine on his behalf....AFTER he flatly told Pres. Zelenski to connect with Rudy on "the call" and you don't drop your support for him.....you are displaying cultish devotion to the man.
To dig dirt on Biden...........Trump knows he's there gathering evidence for a defense.......in the Senate if needed.

I want to see those witnesses Giuliani has and the evidence he has...............

You're confused.
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!A]

I think the slavish devotion of Trump followers to be very cult like.

You venerate Trump and demand personal loyalty to him- not to the United States- actually you equate loyalty to Trump to be loyalty to the United States.
You don't tolerate any criticism of your Dear Leader- and nor does he tolerate any criticism of himself- punishing those deemed not loyal enough.
You deem all news sources not slavishly devoted to your Dear Leader to be "Fake News", and accept without any doubt anything that he tweets.

Seems pretty cult like to me. So yeah- I have no problem with calling any of you exhibiting those tendencies to be part of his cult- but there are I am sure- Trump voters who don't fit that model. They just don't post here.
You do not remember, if anyone critized the man child. They were a racist. Lol

You loons are calling others cult like?
When the president tells Bill O'Reilly that he did not direct Rudy G to go to Ukraine on his behalf....AFTER he flatly told Pres. Zelenski to connect with Rudy on "the call" and you don't drop your support for him.....you are displaying cultish devotion to the man.
To dig dirt on Biden...........Trump knows he's there gathering evidence for a defense.......in the Senate if needed.

I want to see those witnesses Giuliani has and the evidence he has...............

You're confused.
Nope.........not at all
When the president tells Bill O'Reilly that he did not direct Rudy G to go to Ukraine on his behalf....AFTER he flatly told Pres. Zelenski to connect with Rudy on "the call" and you don't drop your support for him.....you are displaying cultish devotion to the man.
You just don't get it little commie....whatever bullshit you throw at him has no effect on thinking people The fucking Surrender Monkey lied about healthcare costs which cost American taxpayers millions of dollar . Yet YOU MENTAL MISFITS didn't give a shit and you think something like you claim is going to stop thinking man from recognizing his economic policiels?....TODAYS RECORD STOCK MARKET ALL CAUSED BY HIS TRADE TARIFFS ON CHINA WHICH HE IS WINNING go hidden from the MSM, the unbelievable UNEMPLOYMENT and the 1..6 million SURPLUS of jobs he has created is another SECRET never talked about by the suicidal left. And you dumb fucks of the left have two handfuls of presidential candidates that as policies for 2020 want to RAISE TAXES TO AT LEAST 42%,, have a green deal agenda that will cost Americans a MINIMUM OF $52 TRILLION DOLLAR . are TRYING to push REPARATIONS, PANDERING to a black populace whose majority wants to work and strive for a better life for themselves and their children.and.....what the hell, you fuckers dwell on absolute bullshit. A supposed PHONE CALL that was exposing CRIME AND CORRUPTION THAT AMERICANS WOULD ULTUMATELY PAY FOR, GIVE PEOPLE LIKE BIDEN, AND YOUR GROUP OF HIJACKERS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN KICKBACKS. SO FUCKTARD. YOU MORONS keep harping on shit that means nothing to the average citizen, but will continue to make you low intelligent drones a laughing stock to millions of thinking people.....So tell us. Just what the fuck do you DEMONRATS have to offer that is anywhere as good as Trump has already offered and in most cases has accomplished with his 2016 campaign promises...All I see or hear is he's a criminal, he is a moron, he is corrupt (today he donated his 3rd quarter salary BACK to our government, the Surrender Monkey ever do that?).... waiting on another post that will go something like OMG. HE HAD 2 SCOOPS OF ICE CREAM ON HIS PIE!!! Yes the TDS has eaten you and your friends brains but YOUR POSTS are the reason we on the right are here. The entertainment value you scum offer is better than most other websites. And there are more of you crazy bastards here than most anywhere else on the net!
When the president tells Bill O'Reilly that he did not direct Rudy G to go to Ukraine on his behalf....AFTER he flatly told Pres. Zelenski to connect with Rudy on "the call" and you don't drop your support for him.....you are displaying cultish devotion to the man.
You just don't get it little commie....whatever bullshit you throw at him has no effect on thinking people The fucking Surrender Monkey lied !

What is funny is that you seem to think you know what 'thinking people' think.

And then follow that up with 'fucking Surrender Monkey".

Really being insulted by a gullible Trumpette like yourself is as consequential as a monkey throwing turds.

You are devoted to your Orange Messiah- not party, not state, not country.
When the president tells Bill O'Reilly that he did not direct Rudy G to go to Ukraine on his behalf....AFTER he flatly told Pres. Zelenski to connect with Rudy on "the call" and you don't drop your support for him.....you are displaying cultish devotion to the man.
You just don't get it little commie....whatever bullshit you throw at him has no effect on thinking people The fucking Surrender Monkey lied !

What is funny is that you seem to think you know what 'thinking people' think.

And then follow that up with 'fucking Surrender Monkey".

Really being insulted by a gullible Trumpette like yourself is as consequential as a monkey throwing turds.

You are devoted to your Orange Messiah- not party, not state, not country.
Aw. I hurt your sensibilities again by calling the Surrender Monkey exactly what he is. Perhaps I should preface it with a CHEESE EATING ....now shit for brains go google it!....,and yes I LOVE our president who does little wrong, and all you have is lies and BUTT HURT!

And even though you are a emotional crippled female, YOU could use the implant...

Are Trump supporters capable of saying one negative thing about him?

I'm genuinely curious. It seems like you will defend anything he does.
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!

Wow are you running behind. We've been referring to you tRumplings as a cult since before the election.

Wanna know why?

Because you are.
Are Trump supporters capable of saying one negative thing about him?

I'm genuinely curious. It seems like you will defend anything he does.
Yeah......I've got something there..........Why the hell did he wait so long to fire the Dem plants in gov't positions.

He should have smoked them out and kicked them out a long time ago.........Ya big dummy.

All these fake as Liberal wankers in Gov't coming up there saying he said that she said that he said from someone they knew said it.............Yeah........you guys got him this time.........LOL
Let's review.

WE have Republicans (the party of conservatism, fiscal responsibility, supporting the military) supporting a man who is running up the debt, trashing military veterans, taking funding from the military for a political project.

We have the Christian right supporting a man who is an accused child rapist, accused by 25 women of improper sexual aggression, a fraud, business cheat, liar, adulterer, who made millions in a gambling boozey business.

Consrvatives love the Constitution and believe in good government yet trump has ignored the Constitution & filled his government with unqualified family members & campaign donors.

Trump has led these people to support him regardless of how big apiece of shit he really is.

It is a cult.

other all those people have been duped by their cult leader or they are all dumber than shit.

Take the cult label, at least it is a better excuse.
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!A]

I think the slavish devotion of Trump followers to be very cult like.

You venerate Trump and demand personal loyalty to him- not to the United States- actually you equate loyalty to Trump to be loyalty to the United States.
You don't tolerate any criticism of your Dear Leader- and nor does he tolerate any criticism of himself- punishing those deemed not loyal enough.
You deem all news sources not slavishly devoted to your Dear Leader to be "Fake News", and accept without any doubt anything that he tweets.

Seems pretty cult like to me. So yeah- I have no problem with calling any of you exhibiting those tendencies to be part of his cult- but there are I am sure- Trump voters who don't fit that model. They just don't post here.
Your post is complete lies. No one is devoted to Trump but we are devoted to our country being saved while bastards like you are devoted to destroying it.

Mikey is the prime example.
When the president tells Bill O'Reilly that he did not direct Rudy G to go to Ukraine on his behalf....AFTER he flatly told Pres. Zelenski to connect with Rudy on "the call" and you don't drop your support for him.....you are displaying cultish devotion to the man.
You just don't get it little commie....whatever bullshit you throw at him has no effect on thinking people The fucking Surrender Monkey lied about healthcare costs which cost American taxpayers millions of dollar . Yet YOU MENTAL MISFITS didn't give a shit and you think something like you claim is going to stop thinking man from recognizing his economic policiels?....TODAYS RECORD STOCK MARKET ALL CAUSED BY HIS TRADE TARIFFS ON CHINA WHICH HE IS WINNING go hidden from the MSM, the unbelievable UNEMPLOYMENT and the 1..6 million SURPLUS of jobs he has created is another SECRET never talked about by the suicidal left. And you dumb fucks of the left have two handfuls of presidential candidates that as policies for 2020 want to RAISE TAXES TO AT LEAST 42%,, have a green deal agenda that will cost Americans a MINIMUM OF $52 TRILLION DOLLAR . are TRYING to push REPARATIONS, PANDERING to a black populace whose majority wants to work and strive for a better life for themselves and their children.and.....what the hell, you fuckers dwell on absolute bullshit. A supposed PHONE CALL that was exposing CRIME AND CORRUPTION THAT AMERICANS WOULD ULTUMATELY PAY FOR, GIVE PEOPLE LIKE BIDEN, AND YOUR GROUP OF HIJACKERS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN KICKBACKS. SO FUCKTARD. YOU MORONS keep harping on shit that means nothing to the average citizen, but will continue to make you low intelligent drones a laughing stock to millions of thinking people.....So tell us. Just what the fuck do you DEMONRATS have to offer that is anywhere as good as Trump has already offered and in most cases has accomplished with his 2016 campaign promises...All I see or hear is he's a criminal, he is a moron, he is corrupt (today he donated his 3rd quarter salary BACK to our government, the Surrender Monkey ever do that?).... waiting on another post that will go something like OMG. HE HAD 2 SCOOPS OF ICE CREAM ON HIS PIE!!! Yes the TDS has eaten you and your friends brains but YOUR POSTS are the reason we on the right are here. The entertainment value you scum offer is better than most other websites. And there are more of you crazy bastards here than most anywhere else on the net!

You didn't address the point of my post. Did Donnie tell Rudy to go to Ukraine to get them to investigate Biden or did Rudy go on his own for some other client? One of these is a lie and both came out of your master's fat mouth.

You're a fucking weirdo. Walls of nonsense don't have any impact.

Don't you have a weird conspiracy to investigate?

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