Leftists Are Now Calling Trump Voters a "Cult"

I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!

Because they are.......
Most of them were members of a previous cult.....being Bush voters....
Then after Bush, they became members of the Tea Party cult....with their honorary leader being Sarah Palin....
until Trump fed them more of the racism they have been waiting on when he hopped on the birther train....
Now we are.....in less than 8 yrs, trumpers went from attacking anyone who opposed Bush or the Iraq war as traitors to -- now pretending they were against both all along....very cult like

So they are like the Democratic Party cult. It seems we have been plague by both for a long long time.
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!

Because they are.......
Most of them were members of a previous cult.....being Bush voters....
Then after Bush, they became members of the Tea Party cult....with their honorary leader being Sarah Palin....
until Trump fed them more of the racism they have been waiting on when he hopped on the birther train....
Now we are.....in less than 8 yrs, trumpers went from attacking anyone who opposed Bush or the Iraq war as traitors to -- now pretending they were against both all along....very cult like

So they are like the Democratic Party cult. It seems we have been plague by both for a long long time.

You do understand that Democrats not being a cult is why Hillary lost the election right??

Democrats who have always had objection to Hillary, stood on it, even it if meant Trump would win....

Trumpers on the other hand will change their position the minute Trump tells them to....and this has been demonstrated time and time again...

Lindsey Graham is the microcosm of the typical Trump cultist...a total cuck
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!

Here’s an example of the Trump cult mentality, where a Trump cult member referred to Trump as a ‘real’ pro-freedom American president, and that GHWB, GWB, and Obama were not pro-freedom.

That’s indeed an idiotic lie, the notion that Trump is the only ‘true’ pro-freedom president; the type of lie only a member of the Trump cult would attempt to propagate.
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!

Because they are.......
Most of them were members of a previous cult.....being Bush voters....
Then after Bush, they became members of the Tea Party cult....with their honorary leader being Sarah Palin....
until Trump fed them more of the racism they have been waiting on when he hopped on the birther train....
Now we are.....in less than 8 yrs, trumpers went from attacking anyone who opposed Bush or the Iraq war as traitors to -- now pretending they were against both all along....very cult like

So they are like the Democratic Party cult. It seems we have been plague by both for a long long time.

I dont agree with that at all.

Both sides vote according to their vision for America. We elect presidents based on that vision.

The ONLY president who behaved as a cult leader in myifetime was Obama.
Hey Op..............if you haven't notice ............we don't care what you think.


Being called a cult............insult number 100000000000000000 from the left.

I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!

as a sane and rational person who opposes communism AND fascism AND theocracy it is my reasonable and rational opinion that trump voters are, indeed, a cult.

and human scum, too
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!

as a sane and rational person who opposes communism AND fascism AND theocracy it is my reasonable and rational opinion that trump voters are, indeed, a cult.

and human scum, too

You CLAIM that yet you openly support the policies that bring us closer to Obama's FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION every day.
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I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!A]

I think the slavish devotion of Trump followers to be very cult like.

You venerate Trump and demand personal loyalty to him- not to the United States- actually you equate loyalty to Trump to be loyalty to the United States.
You don't tolerate any criticism of your Dear Leader- and nor does he tolerate any criticism of himself- punishing those deemed not loyal enough.
You deem all news sources not slavishly devoted to your Dear Leader to be "Fake News", and accept without any doubt anything that he tweets.

Seems pretty cult like to me. So yeah- I have no problem with calling any of you exhibiting those tendencies to be part of his cult- but there are I am sure- Trump voters who don't fit that model. They just don't post here.

There are some, but most I think are more devoted to preventing crazy left-wingers from trying to tear down and rebuild every building in the country in some sort of nation bankrupting Green New Deal.

Trump demands loyalty, but I have not had a single person on the right-wing complain at me, given I didn't vote for Trump, and have been critical of him.

Trump of course does not tolerate criticism, but quite frankly, that's a positive aspect. You guys accused Mitt Romney of putting black people back in chains, and he tolerated it. You guys ripped Mitt Romney apart, and he was one of the most easy going, decent friendly people in politics.

So now we have Trump, and he rips you guys back, and now you are acting all indignant. Well tough snot. Maybe you people should practice what you preach, before you preach it.
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!A]

I think the slavish devotion of Trump followers to be very cult like.

You venerate Trump and demand personal loyalty to him- not to the United States- actually you equate loyalty to Trump to be loyalty to the United States.
You don't tolerate any criticism of your Dear Leader- and nor does he tolerate any criticism of himself- punishing those deemed not loyal enough.
You deem all news sources not slavishly devoted to your Dear Leader to be "Fake News", and accept without any doubt anything that he tweets.

Seems pretty cult like to me. So yeah- I have no problem with calling any of you exhibiting those tendencies to be part of his cult- but there are I am sure- Trump voters who don't fit that model. They just don't post here.

There are some, but most I think are more devoted to preventing crazy left-wingers from trying to tear down and rebuild every building in the country in some sort of nation bankrupting Green New Deal.

Trump demands loyalty, but I have not had a single person on the right-wing complain at me, given I didn't vote for Trump, and have been critical of him.

Trump of course does not tolerate criticism, but quite frankly, that's a positive aspect. You guys accused Mitt Romney of putting black people back in chains, and he tolerated it. You guys ripped Mitt Romney apart, and he was one of the most easy going, decent friendly people in politics.

So now we have Trump, and he rips you guys back, and now you are acting all indignant. Well tough snot. Maybe you people should practice what you preach, before you preach it.

So now we have Trump- and when he lies- and the Media calls him on it- Trump gets all pissy about it.

This is the President you want and the President you deserve. A President who needs constant confirmation of how great he is. A President who is convinced that he can do no wrong. And that everyone is out to get him.
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!

Because they are.......
Most of them were members of a previous cult.....being Bush voters....
Then after Bush, they became members of the Tea Party cult....with their honorary leader being Sarah Palin....
until Trump fed them more of the racism they have been waiting on when he hopped on the birther train....
Now we are.....in less than 8 yrs, trumpers went from attacking anyone who opposed Bush or the Iraq war as traitors to -- now pretending they were against both all along....very cult like

So they are like the Democratic Party cult. It seems we have been plague by both for a long long time.

You do understand that Democrats not being a cult is why Hillary lost the election right??

Democrats who have always had objection to Hillary, stood on it, even it if meant Trump would win....

Trumpers on the other hand will change their position the minute Trump tells them to....and this has been demonstrated time and time again...

Lindsey Graham is the microcosm of the typical Trump cultist...a total cuck

Lindsey Graham- but don't forget Cruz- remember how Trump said his dad shot JFK? And now Cruz is a big Trump supporter.

Lindsey Graham of course is a great example- not only did he attack Trump before Trump was elected- but chose supporting Trump(and saving his Senate seat) over supporting his friend of decades- John McCain.
Trumpism meets the definition of cult...

Except that you can't define Trumpism in a way that would group the majority of people who voted for him into a single monolith.

Oh you can.


It is a cult of personality. There is no defining principle of Trump or his followers- it is just Trump. When Trump's whimsy takes his policy in another direction, his cultish followers of course switch course also.
I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!

Because they are.......
Most of them were members of a previous cult.....being Bush voters....
Then after Bush, they became members of the Tea Party cult....with their honorary leader being Sarah Palin....
until Trump fed them more of the racism they have been waiting on when he hopped on the birther train....
Now we are.....in less than 8 yrs, trumpers went from attacking anyone who opposed Bush or the Iraq war as traitors to -- now pretending they were against both all along....very cult like

So they are like the Democratic Party cult. It seems we have been plague by both for a long long time.

You do understand that Democrats not being a cult is why Hillary lost the election right??

Democrats who have always had objection to Hillary, stood on it, even it if meant Trump would win....

Trumpers on the other hand will change their position the minute Trump tells them to....and this has been demonstrated time and time again...

Lindsey Graham is the microcosm of the typical Trump cultist...a total cuck

Lindsey Graham- but don't forget Cruz- remember how Trump said his dad shot JFK? And now Cruz is a big Trump supporter.

Lindsey Graham of course is a great example- not only did he attack Trump before Trump was elected- but chose supporting Trump(and saving his Senate seat) over supporting his friend of decades- John McCain.

How can we ever forget the adorable one...

I've heard it before on this forum. And they wonder why they cant turn any of us to their Communist candidates!A]

I think the slavish devotion of Trump followers to be very cult like.

You venerate Trump and demand personal loyalty to him- not to the United States- actually you equate loyalty to Trump to be loyalty to the United States.
You don't tolerate any criticism of your Dear Leader- and nor does he tolerate any criticism of himself- punishing those deemed not loyal enough.
You deem all news sources not slavishly devoted to your Dear Leader to be "Fake News", and accept without any doubt anything that he tweets.

Seems pretty cult like to me. So yeah- I have no problem with calling any of you exhibiting those tendencies to be part of his cult- but there are I am sure- Trump voters who don't fit that model. They just don't post here.

There are some, but most I think are more devoted to preventing crazy left-wingers from trying to tear down and rebuild every building in the country in some sort of nation bankrupting Green New Deal.

Trump demands loyalty, but I have not had a single person on the right-wing complain at me, given I didn't vote for Trump, and have been critical of him.

Trump of course does not tolerate criticism, but quite frankly, that's a positive aspect. You guys accused Mitt Romney of putting black people back in chains, and he tolerated it. You guys ripped Mitt Romney apart, and he was one of the most easy going, decent friendly people in politics.

So now we have Trump, and he rips you guys back, and now you are acting all indignant. Well tough snot. Maybe you people should practice what you preach, before you preach it.

So now we have Trump- and when he lies- and the Media calls him on it- Trump gets all pissy about it.

This is the President you want and the President you deserve. A President who needs constant confirmation of how great he is. A President who is convinced that he can do no wrong. And that everyone is out to get him.

Again.... shocking... Trump doesn't like it when people say he lied. You know who else doesn't like that? Everyone.


Sure, I love it myself. Trump hits back, and smacks around the left-wing.

So yeah, I am enjoying this. I really am. The more of a freak out session the left-wing goes into, the more entertaining the Trump presidency is.

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