Leftists Backing Kim Dong Dung

I am not in agreement with our nation's foreign policy history, nor am I in favor of a military conflict with North Korea, but it really says something when the left in this country prefers to blame our own president for escalating a conflict that has been brewing for decades as opposed to the murderous dictator threatening to use nukes on Guam.
I noticed, just today at work , certain liberals put the emphasis on how BAD president Trump IS and underplay the sheer villainy of that little Napoleon running N. Korea. It's absurdist theater.
We have many of the same kind of people building up the NK threat that told us all that Saddam was about to destroy Israel and Europe with his vast stockpile of WMD's, excuse us if all this shit sounds way too familiar. You people bought the lie of WMDs and it seems you never learn, beating the war drum is just too much fun I guess.
Big difference between the two. We never really confirmed those WMD's of Sadam. Kim Il Dumnnuts has been confirmed to have nukes, and now has ballistic missiles. This isn't being "trumped" up. It's real.
No difference if all if the representatives of the defense industry and their lackeys are way over-selling a threat. The important thing to drawing a parallel to Iraq war propaganda is to look at how they are also selling this idea: The enemy leader is all crazy and shit and wants to be the greatest suicide bomber of all time and is going to strike us knowing that it will be the end of them. Neither Saddam or Kim was/is actually like that. It's much more accurate to think of them as extremely self-interested crime bosses.
I am not in agreement with our nation's foreign policy history, nor am I in favor of a military conflict with North Korea, but it really says something when the left in this country prefers to blame our own president for escalating a conflict that has been brewing for decades as opposed to the murderous dictator threatening to use nukes on Guam.
I noticed, just today at work , certain liberals put the emphasis on how BAD president Trump IS and underplay the sheer villainy of that little Napoleon running N. Korea. It's absurdist theater.
We have many of the same kind of people building up the NK threat that told us all that Saddam was about to destroy Israel and Europe with his vast stockpile of WMD's, excuse us if all this shit sounds way too familiar. You people bought the lie of WMDs and it seems you never learn, beating the war drum is just too much fun I guess.
Big difference between the two. We never really confirmed those WMD's of Sadam. Kim Il Dumnnuts has been confirmed to have nukes, and now has ballistic missiles. This isn't being "trumped" up. It's real.
No difference if all if the representatives of the defense industry and their lackeys are way over-selling a threat. The important thing to drawing a parallel to Iraq war propaganda is to look at how they are also selling this idea: The enemy leader is all crazy and shit and wants to be the greatest suicide bomber of all time and is going to strike us knowing that it will be the end of them. Neither Saddam or Kim was/is actually like that. It's much more accurate to think of them as extremely self-interested crime bosses.
The proof is in the pudding. NK HAS nukes (unlike Iraq's imaginary WMDs), and NK also has missiles to deliver them. Ki Il is a loose cannon and even the Chinese, their apologist/handlers, are afraid of this loon. If He dosen't use nukes, he might sell one to Muslim terrorist. Let's be real here. It's a legitimate threat. How our president or military industrial complex handles this, that's a different matter.
I am not in agreement with our nation's foreign policy history, nor am I in favor of a military conflict with North Korea, but it really says something when the left in this country prefers to blame our own president for escalating a conflict that has been brewing for decades as opposed to the murderous dictator threatening to use nukes on Guam.
I noticed, just today at work , certain liberals put the emphasis on how BAD president Trump IS and underplay the sheer villainy of that little Napoleon running N. Korea. It's absurdist theater.
We have many of the same kind of people building up the NK threat that told us all that Saddam was about to destroy Israel and Europe with his vast stockpile of WMD's, excuse us if all this shit sounds way too familiar. You people bought the lie of WMDs and it seems you never learn, beating the war drum is just too much fun I guess.
Big difference between the two. We never really confirmed those WMD's of Sadam. Kim Il Dumnnuts has been confirmed to have nukes, and now has ballistic missiles. This isn't being "trumped" up. It's real.
No difference if all if the representatives of the defense industry and their lackeys are way over-selling a threat. The important thing to drawing a parallel to Iraq war propaganda is to look at how they are also selling this idea: The enemy leader is all crazy and shit and wants to be the greatest suicide bomber of all time and is going to strike us knowing that it will be the end of them. Neither Saddam or Kim was/is actually like that. It's much more accurate to think of them as extremely self-interested crime bosses.
The proof is in the pudding. NK HAS nukes (unlike Iraq's imaginary WMDs), and NK also has missiles to deliver them. Ki Il is a loose cannon and even the Chinese, their apologist/handlers, are afraid of this loon. If He dosen't use nukes, he might sell one to Muslim terrorist. Let's be real here. It's a legitimate threat. How our president or military industrial complex handles this, that's a different matter.
Of course it is a legitimate threat and should be handled in way that matches that threat, not the shotgun taking out the fly method you guys like. Also something that people do not realize is that we know where every ounce of fissile material on earth was made, they could very well sell one but 12 hours after it went off we would know who sold it. It's why after all this time we have still not had an instance of a Bomb getting sold, they are all unalterably marked by their isotope signatures.
I noticed, just today at work , certain liberals put the emphasis on how BAD president Trump IS and underplay the sheer villainy of that little Napoleon running N. Korea. It's absurdist theater.
We have many of the same kind of people building up the NK threat that told us all that Saddam was about to destroy Israel and Europe with his vast stockpile of WMD's, excuse us if all this shit sounds way too familiar. You people bought the lie of WMDs and it seems you never learn, beating the war drum is just too much fun I guess.
Big difference between the two. We never really confirmed those WMD's of Sadam. Kim Il Dumnnuts has been confirmed to have nukes, and now has ballistic missiles. This isn't being "trumped" up. It's real.
No difference if all if the representatives of the defense industry and their lackeys are way over-selling a threat. The important thing to drawing a parallel to Iraq war propaganda is to look at how they are also selling this idea: The enemy leader is all crazy and shit and wants to be the greatest suicide bomber of all time and is going to strike us knowing that it will be the end of them. Neither Saddam or Kim was/is actually like that. It's much more accurate to think of them as extremely self-interested crime bosses.
The proof is in the pudding. NK HAS nukes (unlike Iraq's imaginary WMDs), and NK also has missiles to deliver them. Ki Il is a loose cannon and even the Chinese, their apologist/handlers, are afraid of this loon. If He dosen't use nukes, he might sell one to Muslim terrorist. Let's be real here. It's a legitimate threat. How our president or military industrial complex handles this, that's a different matter.
Of course it is a legitimate threat and should be handled in way that matches that threat, not the shotgun taking out the fly method you guys like. Also something that people do not realize is that we know where every ounce of fissile material on earth was made, they could very well sell one but 12 hours after it went off we would know who sold it. It's why after all this time we have still not had an instance of a Bomb getting sold, they are all unalterably marked by their isotope signatures.
Trump shares something in common with Kim il, pudgy immature males that don't know were to to draw the line and shut up. But Kim ill starved to death millions and killed thousands to get his nuclear toys, and is a part of a autocracy/dictatorship. Trump occupies a whole different universe.
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We have many of the same kind of people building up the NK threat that told us all that Saddam was about to destroy Israel and Europe with his vast stockpile of WMD's, excuse us if all this shit sounds way too familiar. You people bought the lie of WMDs and it seems you never learn, beating the war drum is just too much fun I guess.
Big difference between the two. We never really confirmed those WMD's of Sadam. Kim Il Dumnnuts has been confirmed to have nukes, and now has ballistic missiles. This isn't being "trumped" up. It's real.
No difference if all if the representatives of the defense industry and their lackeys are way over-selling a threat. The important thing to drawing a parallel to Iraq war propaganda is to look at how they are also selling this idea: The enemy leader is all crazy and shit and wants to be the greatest suicide bomber of all time and is going to strike us knowing that it will be the end of them. Neither Saddam or Kim was/is actually like that. It's much more accurate to think of them as extremely self-interested crime bosses.
The proof is in the pudding. NK HAS nukes (unlike Iraq's imaginary WMDs), and NK also has missiles to deliver them. Ki Il is a loose cannon and even the Chinese, their apologist/handlers, are afraid of this loon. If He dosen't use nukes, he might sell one to Muslim terrorist. Let's be real here. It's a legitimate threat. How our president or military industrial complex handles this, that's a different matter.
Of course it is a legitimate threat and should be handled in way that matches that threat, not the shotgun taking out the fly method you guys like. Also something that people do not realize is that we know where every ounce of fissile material on earth was made, they could very well sell one but 12 hours after it went off we would know who sold it. It's why after all this time we have still not had an instance of a Bomb getting sold, they are all unalterably marked by their isotope signatures.
Trump shares something in common with Kim il, pudgy immature males that don't know were to to draw the line and shut up. But Kim ill starved to death millions and killed thousands to get his nuclear toys, and is a part of a plutocracy/dictatorship.
Yes, I think someone mentioned it to me that N Korea is a horrible place to be and their leaders are scum. The question at hand is their actual threat level vs. what the war hawks want you think it is. Our government has a poor record of correctly assessing military threats to our country and delivering a measured response to them, I know you don't want to hear that but it's true.
Big difference between the two. We never really confirmed those WMD's of Sadam. Kim Il Dumnnuts has been confirmed to have nukes, and now has ballistic missiles. This isn't being "trumped" up. It's real.
No difference if all if the representatives of the defense industry and their lackeys are way over-selling a threat. The important thing to drawing a parallel to Iraq war propaganda is to look at how they are also selling this idea: The enemy leader is all crazy and shit and wants to be the greatest suicide bomber of all time and is going to strike us knowing that it will be the end of them. Neither Saddam or Kim was/is actually like that. It's much more accurate to think of them as extremely self-interested crime bosses.
The proof is in the pudding. NK HAS nukes (unlike Iraq's imaginary WMDs), and NK also has missiles to deliver them. Ki Il is a loose cannon and even the Chinese, their apologist/handlers, are afraid of this loon. If He dosen't use nukes, he might sell one to Muslim terrorist. Let's be real here. It's a legitimate threat. How our president or military industrial complex handles this, that's a different matter.
Of course it is a legitimate threat and should be handled in way that matches that threat, not the shotgun taking out the fly method you guys like. Also something that people do not realize is that we know where every ounce of fissile material on earth was made, they could very well sell one but 12 hours after it went off we would know who sold it. It's why after all this time we have still not had an instance of a Bomb getting sold, they are all unalterably marked by their isotope signatures.
Trump shares something in common with Kim il, pudgy immature males that don't know were to to draw the line and shut up. But Kim ill starved to death millions and killed thousands to get his nuclear toys, and is a part of a plutocracy/dictatorship.
Yes, I think someone mentioned it to me that N Korea is a horrible place to be and their leaders are scum. The question at hand is their actual threat level vs. what the war hawks want you think it is. Our government has a poor record of correctly assessing military threats to our country and delivering a measured response to them, I know you don't want to hear that but it's true.
NK is a autocracy, not a plutocracy. Sorry. Some might argue America has become plutocracy. Anyway, Pearl harbor, yes, the government missed that. 9/11, Muslim terrorist, missed that too. Actually people saw both coming and were ignored. You didn't mention Vietnam. Major failure across the board. The worst most egregious transgression by out leaders, misleading us. My sense is this is outside of all that, Kim Il Jong is a real time threat.
I am not in agreement with our nation's foreign policy history, nor am I in favor of a military conflict with North Korea, but it really says something when the left in this country prefers to blame our own president for escalating a conflict that has been brewing for decades

Trump did escalate a conflict needlessly.

That's a bad thing.

We said so.

Only raging PC SJW types get triggered when people tell the simple truth.

as opposed to the murderous dictator threatening to use nukes on Guam.

Unlike conservatives, we liberals hold our leaders to a standard higher than "not quite as bad as Kim." And we mock the hell out of any authoritarian lackey who takes the "Well, Trump isn't as bad as Kim, so he must not be criticized!" position. "Not as bad as Kim" is a pretty low bar, and our president needs to do better.

What's the end goal of these Trump shills here? To censor any speech that's critical of their DearLeader. That is, most of the conservatives on this thread are very proudly acting like fascists. And as authoritarian cultists tend to do, they're chanting their cult mantras back and forth, egging each other on to ever-greater heights of authoritarianism.

Liberals will say "Censoring criticism of political leaders is bad, it's what fascists do, and I condemn it." Conservatives won't. First, they tend to genuinely love censorship. Second, all their fellow authoritarian cultists also love censorship. They'd have to break ranks with their fellow cultists. That would require ethics, brains and gonads, so it's not going to happen.

And needless to say, none of the fascist Trumpflakes here ever declared that criticism of Obama was treasonous. In Obama/Putin conflicts, they were all doe-eyed about how wonderful Putin was, and how awful Obama was. Hence, they can take their fascist double standards and shove 'em.
I am not in agreement with our nation's foreign policy history, nor am I in favor of a military conflict with North Korea, but it really says something when the left in this country prefers to blame our own president for escalating a conflict that has been brewing for decades

Trump did escalate a conflict needlessly.

That's a bad thing.

We said so.

Only raging PC SJW types get triggered when people tell the simple truth.

as opposed to the murderous dictator threatening to use nukes on Guam.

Unlike conservatives, we liberals hold our leaders to a standard higher than "not quite as bad as Kim." And we mock the hell out of any authoritarian lackey who takes the "Well, Trump isn't as bad as Kim, so he must not be criticized!" position. "Not as bad as Kim" is a pretty low bar, and our president needs to do better.

What's the end goal of these Trump shills here? To censor any speech that's critical of their DearLeader. That is, most of the conservatives on this thread are very proudly acting like fascists. And as authoritarian cultists tend to do, they're chanting their cult mantras back and forth, egging each other on to ever-greater heights of authoritarianism.

Liberals will say "Censoring criticism of political leaders is bad, it's what fascists do, and I condemn it." Conservatives won't. First, they tend to genuinely love censorship. Second, all their fellow authoritarian cultists also love censorship. They'd have to break ranks with their fellow cultists. That would require ethics, brains and gonads, so it's not going to happen.

And needless to say, none of the fascist Trumpflakes here ever declared that criticism of Obama was treasonous. In Obama/Putin conflicts, they were all doe-eyed about how wonderful Putin was, and how awful Obama was. Hence, they can take their fascist double standards and shove 'em.
Trump isn't a diplomat, hell, I bet he can't spell finesse or even knows what it means. But that piece of man meat that is running North Korea? Who is he accountable to? Trump has US, Kim Jung-il has, who? The Chinese? Really, that worked well. Trump is one thing, but the dynamic between these two is the problem. I see a bad moon rising.
I am not in agreement with our nation's foreign policy history, nor am I in favor of a military conflict with North Korea, but it really says something when the left in this country prefers to blame our own president for escalating a conflict that has been brewing for decades as opposed to the murderous dictator threatening to use nukes on Guam.

Doesn't mean The Left has taken sides with NK, they're just being anti-Trump in every possible way. Not too different from The Right being anti-Obama when he was in office. Re the strong rhetoric, lilly-livered palaver has gotten us nowhere with the NKers or anyone else come to think of it and I think it's gotten to the point where something different needs to be tried.

That's actually not the case. Do you want a nuclear war with North Korea? Do you think it's a good idea for Trump to send out idiot tweets and make dangerous comments about Kim and N. Korea? Is poking a crazy man like Kim with a stick a good idea? You're obviously incapable of analyzing a situation.
Leftists Backing Kim Dong Dung

no wonder normal folks are fleeing the the new fringe democrat party


if they are not supporting cop killers

they are in favor of communist tyrants --LOL

look at the new face of the democrat party

although it is too late since he already exposed his true feelings

keith ellison back tracks

The Marshal Kim Jong-un in the only leader in the world who is strong and principled enough to stand up to President Trump and his reign of terror.

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