The Dangerous Game of Smearing a Sitting President of the Most Powerful Country in the World

Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.

Whatever you do, don’t hold Trump responsible for anything that goes wrong. Good boy.

Or just continue with your investigations about nothing, that show no results.

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37 arrests and guilty please. Investigations that have shown Russia is influencing American free elections. How the FUCK is Russia successfully infiltrating our free elections "nothing". I mean are you a Russian there? Saying "nothing to see here Comrade. Ignore FBI... KGB was always better. Ignore CIA and NSA. Russia isn't doing anything to you".

That's just sickening that pukes like you will say that Russia influencing American elections is "nothing". Fuck off you commie twat.

The investigations turned up nothing assbag. Even the dim news admitted it. But then jerkoffs like you want to try and spin it another way. Onto the next made up allegations. Maybe look a little more into something substantial like Benghazi, that liberal bitches covered up. Your queen dyke is not innocent. And you a a **** too.

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Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.

Whatever you do, don’t hold Trump responsible for anything that goes wrong. Good boy.

Or just continue with your investigations about nothing, that show no results.

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37 arrests and guilty please. Investigations that have shown Russia is influencing American free elections. How the FUCK is Russia successfully infiltrating our free elections "nothing". I mean are you a Russian there? Saying "nothing to see here Comrade. Ignore FBI... KGB was always better. Ignore CIA and NSA. Russia isn't doing anything to you".

That's just sickening that pukes like you will say that Russia influencing American elections is "nothing". Fuck off you commie twat.

The investigations turned up nothing assbag. Even the dim news admitted it. But then jerkoffs like you want to try and spin it another way. Onto the next made up allegations. Maybe look a little more into something substantial like Benghazi, that liberal bitches covered up. Your queen dyke is not innocent. And you a a **** too.

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Who else thinks that Ivanka gets a bit nervous every time the Trombie crowd chants “lock her up!”?
Smearing Donald J Trump has been an acceptable practice for 40 years
Smearing Donald J Trump has been an acceptable practice for 40 years
But now that he is President because you Dims cant get your shit together, you are smearing the guy that negotiates for us, sees to our defenses and promotes the economy.

I know you Limo Libtards couldnt give a shit less about anyone else keeping a job with better pay, but pleeez just shut the fuck up for a little while, mmmk?
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.

Whatever you do, don’t hold Trump responsible for anything that goes wrong. Good boy.

Or just continue with your investigations about nothing, that show no results.

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37 arrests and guilty please. Investigations that have shown Russia is influencing American free elections. How the FUCK is Russia successfully infiltrating our free elections "nothing". I mean are you a Russian there? Saying "nothing to see here Comrade. Ignore FBI... KGB was always better. Ignore CIA and NSA. Russia isn't doing anything to you".

That's just sickening that pukes like you will say that Russia influencing American elections is "nothing". Fuck off you commie twat.

The investigations turned up nothing assbag. Even the dim news admitted it. But then jerkoffs like you want to try and spin it another way. Onto the next made up allegations. Maybe look a little more into something substantial like Benghazi, that liberal bitches covered up. Your queen dyke is not innocent. And you a a **** too.

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Ha retard, a copy of the check made out from Trump to Cohen to pay back Cohen for payoffs to porn stars before an election and not reporting that money on any financial disclosure, is a federal offense. Cohen is going to prison for what Trump was a part of. You are an ignoramus.
Smearing Donald J Trump has been an acceptable practice for 40 years
But now that he is President because you Dims cant get your shit together, you are smearing the guy that negotiates for us, sees to our defenses and promotes the economy.

I know you Limo Libtards couldnt give a shit less about anyone else keeping a job with better pay, but pleeez just shut the fuck up for a little while, mmmk?
He hasn't negotiated for me. He stole my right to a free and fair election. He is an illegally elected goon.
No, but when the same group who spent 8 years throwing shade starts whining about have shade thrown on them, THAT is funny.

This isnt shade, this is undermining the President of our Republic during high stakes negotiations.

And people think it's funny. I never did that with any President.
No other president has had this much criminal liability.

Next time there is a big outcry over something Trump did or wants to do, look for what else he is doing. He has been a master at distraction. Create hysteria over something, and while the waiting and gnashing of teeth goes on, he will give a tax break, gut the EPA regs or something similar.
No, but when the same group who spent 8 years throwing shade starts whining about have shade thrown on them, THAT is funny.

This isnt shade, this is undermining the President of our Republic during high stakes negotiations.

And people think it's funny. I never did that with any President.
No other president has had this much criminal liability.

Next time there is a big outcry over something Trump did or wants to do, look for what else he is doing. He has been a master at distraction. Create hysteria over something, and while the waiting and gnashing of teeth goes on, he will give a tax break, gut the EPA regs or something similar.
Those things can be reversed after he's gone to prison. Everyone is onto the distractions.
Next time there is a big outcry over something Trump did or wants to do, look for what else he is doing. He has been a master at distraction. Create hysteria over something, and while the waiting and gnashing of teeth goes on, he will give a tax break, gut the EPA regs or something similar.

Did you mean 'wailing and gnashing of teeth?'
Next time there is a big outcry over something Trump did or wants to do, look for what else he is doing. He has been a master at distraction. Create hysteria over something, and while the waiting and gnashing of teeth goes on, he will give a tax break, gut the EPA regs or something similar.

Did you mean 'wailing and gnashing of teeth?'

Oh, yes I did. Thanks.
Next time there is a big outcry over something Trump did or wants to do, look for what else he is doing. He has been a master at distraction. Create hysteria over something, and while the waiting and gnashing of teeth goes on, he will give a tax break, gut the EPA regs or something similar.

Did you mean 'wailing and gnashing of teeth?'

Oh, yes I did. Thanks.

I actually do read what people post.
Next time there is a big outcry over something Trump did or wants to do, look for what else he is doing. He has been a master at distraction. Create hysteria over something, and while the waiting and gnashing of teeth goes on, he will give a tax break, gut the EPA regs or something similar.

Did you mean 'wailing and gnashing of teeth?'

Oh, yes I did. Thanks.

I actually do read what people post.

You are a rare one, indeed.
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.

Whatever you do, don’t hold Trump responsible for anything that goes wrong. Good boy.

Or just continue with your investigations about nothing, that show no results.

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37 arrests and guilty please. Investigations that have shown Russia is influencing American free elections. How the FUCK is Russia successfully infiltrating our free elections "nothing". I mean are you a Russian there? Saying "nothing to see here Comrade. Ignore FBI... KGB was always better. Ignore CIA and NSA. Russia isn't doing anything to you".

That's just sickening that pukes like you will say that Russia influencing American elections is "nothing". Fuck off you commie twat.

The investigations turned up nothing assbag. Even the dim news admitted it. But then jerkoffs like you want to try and spin it another way. Onto the next made up allegations. Maybe look a little more into something substantial like Benghazi, that liberal bitches covered up. Your queen dyke is not innocent. And you a a **** too.

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Ha retard, a copy of the check made out from Trump to Cohen to pay back Cohen for payoffs to porn stars before an election and not reporting that money on any financial disclosure, is a federal offense. Cohen is going to prison for what Trump was a part of. You are an ignoramus.

No one cares. And you need help with punctuation,douche bag. Cohen is going to jail for being a liar. If being an asshole was against the law, you would be on death row right about now.

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