Leftists Backing Kim Dong Dung

I am not in agreement with our nation's foreign policy history, nor am I in favor of a military conflict with North Korea, but it really says something when the left in this country prefers to blame our own president for escalating a conflict that has been brewing for decades as opposed to the murderous dictator threatening to use nukes on Guam.

Doesn't mean The Left has taken sides with NK, they're just being anti-Trump in every possible way. Not too different from The Right being anti-Obama when he was in office. Re the strong rhetoric, lilly-livered palaver has gotten us nowhere with the NKers or anyone else come to think of it and I think it's gotten to the point where something different needs to be tried.
So you know, everyone in that picture are the reason why we are so fucked now. All those folks survived their draft deferments to become the politicians we have now. Honestly, the generation after he one in the photo would have been better off had all in that picture had died. Their way has not worked.

Well ! A successful anything if you can find it. Democrats said they would fight for equality among blacks, reall the only thing that's changed is they aren't beaten publicly by democrats. Wet backs were supposed to be legal, but every democrat presidant has said that wet backs should not be allowed in. Then you got the token n!gger from the democrat party, and yes, by your racists parties own admission Barry was not but a token black,

Ah, Biden. I will miss his fucktardery, but excamples of white privlaged democrats are a plenty.

Then North Korea. These guys may not be able to point out North Korea supporting democrat, but you can point out allot of mishandling. By the way. All this stuff Trump is doing was okayed by Half Black Jesus way before he got there.

And you're actually dense enough to take that quote as "racism" are ya?

Again --- not surprising. Especially given previous posts.


And you are gullible enough to not see it for what it is. That or to much of a coward to embrace it. Likely both.

Hey, feel free to try to connect the statement with racism. You can't do it without bringing in your own bridge.

Don't have to. I only need to judge by the standard you racists use. That way when we see this,

I can recognize it for what it is, which is you democrats demonstrating how racist you really are.

And so, unable to explain his own gaffe, he tosses a second one completely over his own head.

Strike two.


Here's a hint --- you don't get "racism" solely on the basis that "that's what I want to see". It has to actually consist of something.

Well ! A successful anything if you can find it. Democrats said they would fight for equality among blacks, reall the only thing that's changed is they aren't beaten publicly by democrats. Wet backs were supposed to be legal, but every democrat presidant has said that wet backs should not be allowed in. Then you got the token n!gger from the democrat party, and yes, by your racists parties own admission Barry was not but a token black,

Ah, Biden. I will miss his fucktardery, but excamples of white privlaged democrats are a plenty.

Then North Korea. These guys may not be able to point out North Korea supporting democrat, but you can point out allot of mishandling. By the way. All this stuff Trump is doing was okayed by Half Black Jesus way before he got there.

And you're actually dense enough to take that quote as "racism" are ya?

Again --- not surprising. Especially given previous posts.


And you are gullible enough to not see it for what it is. That or to much of a coward to embrace it. Likely both.

Hey, feel free to try to connect the statement with racism. You can't do it without bringing in your own bridge.

Don't have to. I only need to judge by the standard you racists use. That way when we see this,

I can recognize it for what it is, which is you democrats demonstrating how racist you really are.

And so, unable to explain his own gaffe, he tosses a second one completely over his own head.

Strike two.


Here's a hint --- you don't get "racism" solely on the basis that "that's what I want to see". It has to actually consist of something.


Your dementia is showing. Just like when you tried to convince everyone you were in possession of the top secret Klan records. You can only recognize what you want to hear. You are to lazy and cowardly to admit what it is. This is why you lie the way you do. That or you really do hate black folks.
And you're actually dense enough to take that quote as "racism" are ya?

Again --- not surprising. Especially given previous posts.


And you are gullible enough to not see it for what it is. That or to much of a coward to embrace it. Likely both.

Hey, feel free to try to connect the statement with racism. You can't do it without bringing in your own bridge.

Don't have to. I only need to judge by the standard you racists use. That way when we see this,

I can recognize it for what it is, which is you democrats demonstrating how racist you really are.

Why because we point out you don't hire blacks? Hire more of them we'll stop

Really? If thats the case, why so many poor blacks and illegals? I mean, you leftards have been fighting for them all these years yet they still live in poverty. The democrat party is the party of racist. This has influenced the democrat North Korea issue bigly. Due to you guys tendency to look at other non-whites as "lesser thens", the democrats have spent all this time dismissing the little fat yellow guy.

Nonsense. All the gains blacks have made since the 60s have been because of liberal policies.

And with your side kicking and screaming every step of the way.

Put it this way. The Democratic party is the labor party and most business owners are Republicans. You Republicans could solve the race problem by hiring more blacks.

We tried to make you hire them and you didn't like that. Don't blame us. You blame us and you blame blacks but not you? Fu
And you're actually dense enough to take that quote as "racism" are ya?

Again --- not surprising. Especially given previous posts.


And you are gullible enough to not see it for what it is. That or to much of a coward to embrace it. Likely both.

Hey, feel free to try to connect the statement with racism. You can't do it without bringing in your own bridge.

Don't have to. I only need to judge by the standard you racists use. That way when we see this,

I can recognize it for what it is, which is you democrats demonstrating how racist you really are.

And so, unable to explain his own gaffe, he tosses a second one completely over his own head.

Strike two.


Here's a hint --- you don't get "racism" solely on the basis that "that's what I want to see". It has to actually consist of something.


Your dementia is showing. Just like when you tried to convince everyone you were in possession of the top secret Klan records. You can only recognize what you want to hear. You are to lazy and cowardly to admit what it is. This is why you lie the way you do. That or you really do hate black folks.

There ain't nothing "secret" about them. I've got dozens, maybe hundreds of links, quotes and pictures and I've posted them profusely and always put the historical context in with it.

Meanwhile you still can't figure out a rationalization for your own videos, swallowing the titles as if they were candy with no clue why you're swallowing. Gulp.

And you are gullible enough to not see it for what it is. That or to much of a coward to embrace it. Likely both.

Hey, feel free to try to connect the statement with racism. You can't do it without bringing in your own bridge.

Don't have to. I only need to judge by the standard you racists use. That way when we see this,

I can recognize it for what it is, which is you democrats demonstrating how racist you really are.

And so, unable to explain his own gaffe, he tosses a second one completely over his own head.

Strike two.


Here's a hint --- you don't get "racism" solely on the basis that "that's what I want to see". It has to actually consist of something.


Your dementia is showing. Just like when you tried to convince everyone you were in possession of the top secret Klan records. You can only recognize what you want to hear. You are to lazy and cowardly to admit what it is. This is why you lie the way you do. That or you really do hate black folks.

There ain't nothing "secret" about them. I've got dozens, maybe hundreds of links, quotes and pictures and I've posted them profusely and always put the historical context in with it.

Meanwhile you still can't figure out a rationalization for your own videos, swallowing the titles as if they were candy with no clue why you're swallowing. Gulp.


Yet they never come. Never get to be shown. All that you have are the common google image pictures and articles. Nothing special nothing unique. More a collection of news paper articles. Either way, without racism the democrat party doesn't exist. Name an idea that's newnor an expansion of an idea any democrat in office situs last 50 years that has improved black peoples lives in Washington DC? Face it dude, you support the Klan.
And you are gullible enough to not see it for what it is. That or to much of a coward to embrace it. Likely both.

Hey, feel free to try to connect the statement with racism. You can't do it without bringing in your own bridge.

Don't have to. I only need to judge by the standard you racists use. That way when we see this,

I can recognize it for what it is, which is you democrats demonstrating how racist you really are.

Why because we point out you don't hire blacks? Hire more of them we'll stop

Really? If thats the case, why so many poor blacks and illegals? I mean, you leftards have been fighting for them all these years yet they still live in poverty. The democrat party is the party of racist. This has influenced the democrat North Korea issue bigly. Due to you guys tendency to look at other non-whites as "lesser thens", the democrats have spent all this time dismissing the little fat yellow guy.

Nonsense. All the gains blacks have made since the 60s have been because of liberal policies.

And with your side kicking and screaming every step of the way.

Put it this way. The Democratic party is the labor party and most business owners are Republicans. You Republicans could solve the race problem by hiring more blacks.

We tried to make you hire them and you didn't like that. Don't blame us. You blame us and you blame blacks but not you? Fu

According to you democrats blacks have been repressed by white republicans. Say, want proof they don't believe you anymore? TRUMP! TRUMP!TRUMP! And it's awesome to see how badly it makes yalls collective vaginas itch.
Hey, feel free to try to connect the statement with racism. You can't do it without bringing in your own bridge.

Don't have to. I only need to judge by the standard you racists use. That way when we see this,

I can recognize it for what it is, which is you democrats demonstrating how racist you really are.

And so, unable to explain his own gaffe, he tosses a second one completely over his own head.

Strike two.


Here's a hint --- you don't get "racism" solely on the basis that "that's what I want to see". It has to actually consist of something.


Your dementia is showing. Just like when you tried to convince everyone you were in possession of the top secret Klan records. You can only recognize what you want to hear. You are to lazy and cowardly to admit what it is. This is why you lie the way you do. That or you really do hate black folks.

There ain't nothing "secret" about them. I've got dozens, maybe hundreds of links, quotes and pictures and I've posted them profusely and always put the historical context in with it.

Meanwhile you still can't figure out a rationalization for your own videos, swallowing the titles as if they were candy with no clue why you're swallowing. Gulp.


Yet they never come. Never get to be shown. All that you have are the common google image pictures and articles. Nothing special nothing unique. More a collection of news paper articles. Either way, without racism the democrat party doesn't exist. Name an idea that's newnor an expansion of an idea any democrat in office situs last 50 years that has improved black peoples lives in Washington DC? Face it dude, you support the Klan.

Unfortunately I've posted nothing about "democrats" [sic] nor is it the topic here. And you continue to run away from the fact that you can't explain your own videos But I do like the sound of the word "newnor". Wasn't that one of Jerry Seinfeld's neighbors?
Don't have to. I only need to judge by the standard you racists use. That way when we see this,

I can recognize it for what it is, which is you democrats demonstrating how racist you really are.

And so, unable to explain his own gaffe, he tosses a second one completely over his own head.

Strike two.


Here's a hint --- you don't get "racism" solely on the basis that "that's what I want to see". It has to actually consist of something.


Your dementia is showing. Just like when you tried to convince everyone you were in possession of the top secret Klan records. You can only recognize what you want to hear. You are to lazy and cowardly to admit what it is. This is why you lie the way you do. That or you really do hate black folks.

There ain't nothing "secret" about them. I've got dozens, maybe hundreds of links, quotes and pictures and I've posted them profusely and always put the historical context in with it.

Meanwhile you still can't figure out a rationalization for your own videos, swallowing the titles as if they were candy with no clue why you're swallowing. Gulp.


Yet they never come. Never get to be shown. All that you have are the common google image pictures and articles. Nothing special nothing unique. More a collection of news paper articles. Either way, without racism the democrat party doesn't exist. Name an idea that's newnor an expansion of an idea any democrat in office situs last 50 years that has improved black peoples lives in Washington DC? Face it dude, you support the Klan.

Unfortunately I've posted nothing about "democrats" [sic] nor is it the topic here. And you continue to run away from the fact that you can't explain your own videos But I do like the sound of the word "newnor". Wasn't that one of Jerry Seinfeld's neighbors?

You deflected the thread with your pompous bull shit and were stupid enough to be sucked into yet another defense of your imaginary Klam memorabilia. In all videos the contempt you democrats show to non whites is put on display. Your are just to thick and lazy to grasp it. That and cowardly. See, you democrats made the mess in Korea much as you do all over the world because you see those who are "other then white" as intellectually inferior. This is why Lil'Kim feels he has to make all the noise.
Kim and Trump are one of a kind, two peas inna pod, like matching outfits for couples in love..They are both blustering blowhards...
Congratulations - you just won Stupidest Post Of The Week!
Please step up for some lovely door prizes, including a beautiful wash n wear pussy hat!
Ah, btw, I don't recall Trump executing his family members. That sounds more clintoness than trumpess -js....
shouldn't you be in Va today ?and Trump and Un are both off their rockers
I am not in agreement with our nation's foreign policy history, nor am I in favor of a military conflict with North Korea, but it really says something when the left in this country prefers to blame our own president for escalating a conflict that has been brewing for decades as opposed to the murderous dictator threatening to use nukes on Guam.

Apparently they think that everything with NK began on 1/20/2017 at 12:01 PM.
And so, unable to explain his own gaffe, he tosses a second one completely over his own head.

Strike two.


Here's a hint --- you don't get "racism" solely on the basis that "that's what I want to see". It has to actually consist of something.


Your dementia is showing. Just like when you tried to convince everyone you were in possession of the top secret Klan records. You can only recognize what you want to hear. You are to lazy and cowardly to admit what it is. This is why you lie the way you do. That or you really do hate black folks.

There ain't nothing "secret" about them. I've got dozens, maybe hundreds of links, quotes and pictures and I've posted them profusely and always put the historical context in with it.

Meanwhile you still can't figure out a rationalization for your own videos, swallowing the titles as if they were candy with no clue why you're swallowing. Gulp.


Yet they never come. Never get to be shown. All that you have are the common google image pictures and articles. Nothing special nothing unique. More a collection of news paper articles. Either way, without racism the democrat party doesn't exist. Name an idea that's newnor an expansion of an idea any democrat in office situs last 50 years that has improved black peoples lives in Washington DC? Face it dude, you support the Klan.

Unfortunately I've posted nothing about "democrats" [sic] nor is it the topic here. And you continue to run away from the fact that you can't explain your own videos But I do like the sound of the word "newnor". Wasn't that one of Jerry Seinfeld's neighbors?

You deflected the thread with your pompous bull shit and were stupid enough to be sucked into yet another defense of your imaginary Klam memorabilia. In all videos the contempt you democrats show to non whites is put on display. Your are just to thick and lazy to grasp it. That and cowardly. See, you democrats made the mess in Korea much as you do all over the world because you see those who are "other then white" as intellectually inferior. This is why Lil'Kim feels he has to make all the noise.

I'm not a "Democrat", if that's what you supposedly mean. What I am is still waiting for an explanation on those Biden videos.

Not that I expect any, since I already know it can't be done.

You might say I'm Biden my time.... hee hee I kill me.

God forbid people be against war for nothing !

I noticed your description about Guam . Like nothing happened before that ? We were all just sitting around and out of nowhere NK is like "hey, let's fire some rockets near Guam !"

Trump n Kim have both been talking out their ass .

Shit, what is even the issue !?
so you side with Kim I see, traitor. I bet you enjoy watching americans die eh?
I am not in agreement with our nation's foreign policy history, nor am I in favor of a military conflict with North Korea, but it really says something when the left in this country prefers to blame our own president for escalating a conflict that has been brewing for decades as opposed to the murderous dictator threatening to use nukes on Guam.
This fails as a strawman fallacy.

The fact is that Trump is wrong in his response to NK – he’s being reckless and irresponsible; his bellicose rhetoric is indeed dangerous.

To acknowledge that fact is not to ‘side’ with NK.
I am not in agreement with our nation's foreign policy history, nor am I in favor of a military conflict with North Korea, but it really says something when the left in this country prefers to blame our own president for escalating a conflict that has been brewing for decades as opposed to the murderous dictator threatening to use nukes on Guam.

Amazing how often they will take the side of the mass murderers......
I am not in agreement with our nation's foreign policy history, nor am I in favor of a military conflict with North Korea, but it really says something when the left in this country prefers to blame our own president for escalating a conflict that has been brewing for decades as opposed to the murderous dictator threatening to use nukes on Guam.
This fails as a strawman fallacy.

The fact is that Trump is wrong in his response to NK – he’s being reckless and irresponsible; his bellicose rhetoric is indeed dangerous.

To acknowledge that fact is not to ‘side’ with NK.

No...Trump is spot on.....clinton allowed them to get nuclear weapons and the Bush and obama tried the Establishment game plan...and now we are here......China has to understand that we won't let the nut job in NK, threaten the U.S. or our allies with nuclear weapons...they can stop this freak and they won't do that unless they have a lot to lose.....a tidal wave of North Koreans swarming over their border if we hit them with missles will force the Chinese to rain the dip shit in....
I am not in agreement with our nation's foreign policy history, nor am I in favor of a military conflict with North Korea, but it really says something when the left in this country prefers to blame our own president for escalating a conflict that has been brewing for decades as opposed to the murderous dictator threatening to use nukes on Guam.
I noticed, just today at work , certain liberals put the emphasis on how BAD president Trump IS and underplay the sheer villainy of that little Napoleon running N. Korea. It's absurdist theater.
We have many of the same kind of people building up the NK threat that told us all that Saddam was about to destroy Israel and Europe with his vast stockpile of WMD's, excuse us if all this shit sounds way too familiar. You people bought the lie of WMDs and it seems you never learn, beating the war drum is just too much fun I guess.
Big difference between the two. We never really confirmed those WMD's of Sadam. Kim Il Dumnnuts has been confirmed to have nukes, and now has ballistic missiles. This isn't being "trumped" up. It's real.

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