Leftists calll for dictatorship

I don't have a fakebook account.

Trump's "Please please please come to my party, the tickets are free!" begging was done on Facebook, so that's the link, to Trump's facebook page. Deal with it. You being unable to see it won't make it go away.

I knew you were full of shit though. Save the tough guy act for the playground.

Giving a link to the evidence you asked for is a "tough guy act"?

What very, very strange standards you have.
Post a screenshot.
She wouldn't need it if she had a legit source.
Dude, we get it. You have a massive Soros-mancrush. That's why you post obsessively about him 24/7. Soros is all you think about.

Nobody else, however, cares about him.

Now, what other sexual fantasies do you have about Soros? Scratch that. We don't want to know.

You do exactly what Soros orders you to do. He owns your filthy party, and you live ONLY to obey and serve the party.
I truly believe every democrat and a lot of RINOS are enemies to this country, are guilty of high treason and worthy of death. I do believe that and it is beyond provable that they despise this country.
If you hate all dems and a lot of RINOS, it seems that you are the one who despises this country, because after all, they make up more than half the country..
Most people are not liberals. The progressive loud mouths want us to think so but they often have to use activist judges to ram their policies down our throats. Obamacare never had the majority approval.
Dems are at least half the population - at least the voting population. How can you deny that. Also 57% of the country gives Obama a favorable rating. And Owl thinks all dems and RINOS are guilty of treason and worthy of death. If that isn't hate of country, I don't know what is.
I said libs, you saw dems. obie gets nothing but positive press, I don't recall ever seeing one negative story in the msm. Also gave an example of obiecare and Trump pulled in a lot of Democrat voters.
Owl said dems should die you responded with libs. I was responding to Owls statement. Obama has had bad press for not being aggressive with ISIS and Crimea in the newspapers (yes I still read newspapers).
Owl said dems should die you responded with libs. I was responding to Owls statement. Obama has had bad press for not being aggressive with ISIS and Crimea in the newspapers (yes I still read newspapers).

The democratic party is a borderline terrorist group that exists to destroy the United States Constitution on behalf of foreign powers such as George Soros.

That said, most people who vote for democrats have no clue what the party is about and do so for the promise of free shit, or because the demagogues on fake news convince them that the "Running Dog Capitalist Pigs" will take their welfare, shut down gay bath houses, end racial quotas. allow Christians to pray in public, etc.

Soros runs his party very much the way Goebbels ran the NAZI party, by a series of issue and identity triggers that manipulate particular interests to support a party they normally would eschew..

Just as they seek in general, the democrats are organized behind a 1% ruling elite that determine what the party will do to further the goals of the Soros cabal. This ruling elite has a host of trolls who flood the internet with fake news and rumors in hopes of confusing the casual reader. Note the actions of Soros troll Lakhota as a clumsy and blatant example.

The fake news press of CNN, WaPo, Carlos Slim's NY Times, etc. are less legitimate that Pravda was under Stalin. They exist to promote the agenda of the party - period.

These are the troops of foreign operative Soros in his bid to conquer the United States on behalf of the international authoritarian group he represents.

Trump is the first SERIOUS setback this nefarious cabal has encountered since 2000. This is why you, the Soros Shock Troops are so fully radicalized at this point.
Meanwhile, back on planet earth, a rep from conservative activist O'Keefe's Project Veritas was just busted, secretly recorded offering to pay people to riot.

Like I said, conservatives go for the false flag ops.

It will be interesting, to see how the Trump-thugs excuse this. They have several options.

B. It doesn't matter, because Democrats are a hundred times worse, even though we can't show a single instance of it.
C. It's okay when we offer to pay people to riot, because it's okay if a republican does any criminal act!

Meanwhile, back on planet earth, a rep from conservative activist O'Keefe's Project Veritas was just busted, secretly recorded offering to pay people to riot.

Like I said, conservatives go for the false flag ops.

It will be interesting, to see how the Trump-thugs excuse this. They have several options.

B. It doesn't matter, because Democrats are a hundred times worse, even though we can't show a single instance of it.
C. It's okay when we offer to pay people to riot, because it's okay if a republican does any criminal act!

He really got you fucktard democrat fascists on this one.....
Meanwhile, back on planet earth, a rep from conservative activist O'Keefe's Project Veritas was just busted, secretly recorded offering to pay people to riot.

Like I said, conservatives go for the false flag ops.

It will be interesting, to see how the Trump-thugs excuse this. They have several options.

B. It doesn't matter, because Democrats are a hundred times worse, even though we can't show a single instance of it.
C. It's okay when we offer to pay people to riot, because it's okay if a republican does any criminal act!

He really got you fucktard democrat fascists on this one.....

werent leftists going to move to canada or pluto if Trump won?
Its the left that drove me away from the left. Not so much as the traitorous obama but the lack of action from the congress on either side and Im not just talking abouit obama, I mean since carter.. The executive orders obama is making now will not be overturned by trump. Dont you think they have already worked it out?...I mean, why would obama be making all these decisions if trump is just going to overturn them? Wouldnt that make obama look really, really stupid? I guess its no problem if you never ask yourself "why" and if ya never ask yerself "why"...ya need ta look at mah avatar.
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Meanwhile, back on planet earth, a rep from conservative activist O'Keefe's Project Veritas was just busted, secretly recorded offering to pay people to riot.

Like I said, conservatives go for the false flag ops.

It will be interesting, to see how the Trump-thugs excuse this. They have several options.

B. It doesn't matter, because Democrats are a hundred times worse, even though we can't show a single instance of it.
C. It's okay when we offer to pay people to riot, because it's okay if a republican does any criminal act!

He really got you fucktard democrat fascists on this one.....

werent leftists going to move to canada or pluto if Trump won?

They lied...go figure....:lol:
Meanwhile, back on planet earth, a rep from conservative activist O'Keefe's Project Veritas was just busted, secretly recorded offering to pay people to riot.

Like I said, conservatives go for the false flag ops.

It will be interesting, to see how the Trump-thugs excuse this. They have several options.

B. It doesn't matter, because Democrats are a hundred times worse, even though we can't show a single instance of it.
C. It's okay when we offer to pay people to riot, because it's okay if a republican does any criminal act!

Holy fuck but you're stupid, mammy.....

TYT tried to troll Veritas, who trolled them right back.

Your video is a failure, moron.
Meanwhile, back on planet earth, a rep from conservative activist O'Keefe's Project Veritas was just busted, secretly recorded offering to pay people to riot.

Like I said, conservatives go for the false flag ops.

It will be interesting, to see how the Trump-thugs excuse this. They have several options.

B. It doesn't matter, because Democrats are a hundred times worse, even though we can't show a single instance of it.
C. It's okay when we offer to pay people to riot, because it's okay if a republican does any criminal act!

He really got you fucktard democrat fascists on this one.....

werent leftists going to move to canada or pluto if Trump won?

They lied...go figure....:lol:

i think the canada border agent hit al sharpton with a bat and told him to go back to harlem:laugh2:
Mamooth, are you planning any terrorist acts on Friday, on behalf the the foreign national who runs your party, George Soros?

I'm planning to keep a close eye on your and your treasonous pals, as are many others. You're clearly ready to stage a Reichstag Fire type event, so you can blame the Jews/Liberals, and use it as an excuse to impose a dictatorship.

However, you need to understand how infiltrated your little groups are. Being I look like the perfect conservative, I'm one of the people many doing it, all of us unofficial volunteers, working entirely on our own. Thus, I suggest you drop your plans for violence, because you'll almost certainly get busted before you can carry them out.

Good grief... that's just batshit crazy talk.

Ok, how bout an oligarchy? Does THAT fit?
TYT tried to troll Veritas, who trolled them right back.

That's your position, that it was just trolling, to offer to pay money to get people to riot?

Next up: "We'll pay you a hundred thousand dollars to kill someone. Ha! We were just trolling! No harm, no foul!".

I imagine law enforcement might have a a different view.
TYT tried to troll Veritas, who trolled them right back.

That's your position, that it was just trolling, to offer to pay money to get people to riot?

Next up: "We'll pay you a hundred thousand dollars to kill someone. Ha! We were just trolling! No harm, no foul!".

I imagine law enforcement might have a a different view.

Son, you tried, but you failed, miserably.

So, will you be engaging in terrorism on Friday, Mammy?
I can see why you're crying. We just stopped one of your false-flag operations.

So what other terrorist acts were you and Project Veritas plotting?
I truly believe every democrat and a lot of RINOS are enemies to this country, are guilty of high treason and worthy of death. I do believe that and it is beyond provable that they despise this country.
If you hate all dems and a lot of RINOS, it seems that you are the one who despises this country, because after all, they make up more than half the country..
Most people are not liberals. The progressive loud mouths want us to think so but they often have to use activist judges to ram their policies down our throats. Obamacare never had the majority approval.
Dems are at least half the population - at least the voting population. How can you deny that. Also 57% of the country gives Obama a favorable rating. And Owl thinks all dems and RINOS are guilty of treason and worthy of death. If that isn't hate of country, I don't know what is.
How many seats in Congress and governors were lost under obama, you miserable brainwashed sack of fake news shit?

"His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll."
Dictatorship? Come on this is ridiculous! Trump is not a dictator at all.
Some people say things without any rational motivation :eek-52:
Maybe someone can think he's not smart, or nice, or whatever but calling him a dictator is utterly hilarious! :)

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