Leftists calll for dictatorship

I hope the new civil war happens while I am alive. I just hope I get a chance. I have nothing but pure contempt for the left. I am done (long done) trying debate with any of them in any kind of meaningful way.

Owl, you understand that in order to be threatening, you can't be a wimp, right? That goes for all the Trump-thugs. And given that Trump can't even find enough of you to attend his party, even when he's giving the tickets away and begging people to go, it's not like you have numbers on your side.

I hear your Russian commie masters calling for you now. They appreciate the skilled tongue-work that they've received from you and all the Trump-thugs, so you run along now and continue to do their Marxist bidding.

Meanwhile, those of us who took a solemn oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, will continue to defend it from domestic enemies like you, along with the foreign enemies who control you.

Mamooth, are you planning any terrorist acts on Friday, on behalf the the foreign national who runs your party, George Soros?
I truly believe every democrat and a lot of RINOS are enemies to this country, are guilty of high treason and worthy of death. I do believe that and it is beyond provable that they despise this country.
If you hate all dems and a lot of RINOS, it seems that you are the one who despises this country, because after all, they make up more than half the country..
Most people are not liberals. The progressive loud mouths want us to think so but they often have to use activist judges to ram their policies down our throats. Obamacare never had the majority approval.
Dems are at least half the population - at least the voting population. How can you deny that. Also 57% of the country gives Obama a favorable rating. And Owl thinks all dems and RINOS are guilty of treason and worthy of death. If that isn't hate of country, I don't know what is.
I truly believe every democrat and a lot of RINOS are enemies to this country, are guilty of high treason and worthy of death. I do believe that and it is beyond provable that they despise this country.
If you hate all dems and a lot of RINOS, it seems that you are the one who despises this country, because after all, they make up more than half the country..
Most people are not liberals. The progressive loud mouths want us to think so but they often have to use activist judges to ram their policies down our throats. Obamacare never had the majority approval.
Dems are at least half the population - at least the voting population. How can you deny that. Also 57% of the country gives Obama a favorable rating. And Owl thinks all dems and RINOS are guilty of treason and worthy of death. If that isn't hate of country, I don't know what is.

I don't buy that 57% number at all. It doesn't add up. If it were true, HRC would have won.
Mamooth, are you planning any terrorist acts on Friday, on behalf the the foreign national who runs your party, George Soros?

I'm planning to keep a close eye on your and your treasonous pals, as are many others. You're clearly ready to stage a Reichstag Fire type event, so you can blame the Jews/Liberals, and use it as an excuse to impose a dictatorship.

However, you need to understand how infiltrated your little groups are. Being I look like the perfect conservative, I'm one of the people many doing it, all of us unofficial volunteers, working entirely on our own. Thus, I suggest you drop your plans for violence, because you'll almost certainly get busted before you can carry them out.
I truly believe every democrat and a lot of RINOS are enemies to this country, are guilty of high treason and worthy of death. I do believe that and it is beyond provable that they despise this country.
If you hate all dems and a lot of RINOS, it seems that you are the one who despises this country, because after all, they make up more than half the country..
Most people are not liberals. The progressive loud mouths want us to think so but they often have to use activist judges to ram their policies down our throats. Obamacare never had the majority approval.
Dems are at least half the population - at least the voting population. How can you deny that. Also 57% of the country gives Obama a favorable rating. And Owl thinks all dems and RINOS are guilty of treason and worthy of death. If that isn't hate of country, I don't know what is.
I said libs, you saw dems. obie gets nothing but positive press, I don't recall ever seeing one negative story in the msm. Also gave an example of obiecare and Trump pulled in a lot of Democrat voters.
After the defeat of corrupt democrat Hillary Clinton in November, the George Soros controlled left took to the streets in sometimes violent riots. The riots did nothing to further the desire of the Soros owned and operated democratic party.

When the riots failed, the Soros troops turned to recounts, determined to overturn the election by any means possible. The recounts increased the margin of the Trump victory, and were abandoned.

Still determined to overturn the election, Soros drones began harassing and threatening electors, in hopes of perverting the election through coercion. The result was that the margin of victory for Trump widened.

After all of these defeats, the followers of Soros' democratic party began spewing absurd conspiracy theories. Aided by fake news on CNN and in the Washington Post, the Soros soldiers shrieked that "RUSSIA HACKED THE ELECTION." While a desperate and stupid ploy, it seemed as if the butthurt little Stalinists would at last be exhausted.

But democrats are never ones to accept a free election, so now they have a new plan, dictatorship under marital law. Urging Barack Obama to declare martial law and refuse to leave office appears to be the final gasp of the butthurt brigade.

Rosie O'Donnell Thinks Martial Law Should Be Imposed Ahead Of Inauguration

Obviously this will go just as well as the other shit the democrats have pulled.

The motherfuckers have attempted to recruit the CIA to either remove him from power or murder him.

Mamooth, are you planning any terrorist acts on Friday, on behalf the the foreign national who runs your party, George Soros?

I'm planning to keep a close eye on your and your treasonous pals, as are many others. You're clearly ready to stage a Reichstag Fire type event, so you can blame the Jews/Liberals, and use it as an excuse to impose a dictatorship.

However, you need to understand how infiltrated your little groups are. Being I look like the perfect conservative, I'm one of the people many doing it, all of us unofficial volunteers, working entirely on our own. Thus, I suggest you drop your plans for violence, because you'll almost certainly get busted before you can carry them out.
Funniest shit I read in a while. Bet you probed your asshole nice and deep for that one.
And given that Trump can't even find enough of you to attend his party, even when he's giving the tickets away and begging people to go, it's not like you have numbers on your side.
What's your source?

I don't have a fakebook account. I knew you were full of shit though. Save the tough guy act for the playground.
I truly believe every democrat and a lot of RINOS are enemies to this country, are guilty of high treason and worthy of death. I do believe that and it is beyond provable that they despise this country.
If you hate all dems and a lot of RINOS, it seems that you are the one who despises this country, because after all, they make up more than half the country..
Most people are not liberals. The progressive loud mouths want us to think so but they often have to use activist judges to ram their policies down our throats. Obamacare never had the majority approval.
Dems are at least half the population - at least the voting population. How can you deny that. Also 57% of the country gives Obama a favorable rating. And Owl thinks all dems and RINOS are guilty of treason and worthy of death. If that isn't hate of country, I don't know what is.
How many seats in Congress and governors were lost under obama, you miserable brainwashed sack of fake news shit?
You just wait. Rosie will show you. Her insanely positive magic will rise up and prevent the Dark Lord (and Groper Elect) from ascending to the seat of power.

You just wait..........The GOPs evil agenda will be stopped.

I'm planning to keep a close eye on your and your treasonous pals, as are many others. You're clearly ready to stage a Reichstag Fire type event, so you can blame the Jews/Liberals, and use it as an excuse to impose a dictatorship.

You Soros Soldiers are mobilized by the foreign ruler who owns the filthy democratic party. When you start with terrorist acts on Friday, will that mean that the democratic party itself is an international terrorist organization?

After all, you work to bring down the United States Constitution on behalf of a foreign power, George Soros and the Globilist Dictatorship he represents.

So are you Soros democrats really any different than Al Qeada or ISIS?

However, you need to understand how infiltrated your little groups are. Being I look like the perfect conservative, I'm one of the people many doing it, all of us unofficial volunteers, working entirely on our own. Thus, I suggest you drop your plans for violence, because you'll almost certainly get busted before you can carry them out.

Only you Soros democrats have threatened violence.

We have to take you seriously. during the campaign your terrorist party kept deploying thugs to create violence.

“Nobody’s really supposed to know about me,” Mr. Black said. “So the Chicago protest, when they shut all that, that was us. It was more [Mr. Creamer] than me, but none of this is supposed to come back to us because we want it coming from people. We don’t want it to come from the party.”

He said the idea is for the protests to appear spontaneous, not orchestrated by the DNC.

“So if we do a protest and if it’s branded a DNC protest, right away the press is going to say, ‘partisan,’” said Mr. Black, also known as “Aaron Minter,” according to the video.

“But if I’m in there coordinating with all the groups on the ground and sort of playing field general but they are the ones talking to the cameras, then it’s actually people, but if we send out press advisories with DNC on them and Clinton campaign, it just doesn’t have the same effect,” he said.

The same day the video was released, Mr. Black posted a photo on Twitter showing protesters outside Trump Tower holding signs with messages such as, “Trump Demeans Women.”

Keeping the protesters’ connection to the DNC hidden from the press was a priority, Mr. Foval said.

“We have to be really careful because what we don’t need is for it to show up on CNN that the DNC paid for X people to — that’s not going to happen,” he said.}

Undercover video shows Democrats saying they hire agitators to disrupt Donald Trump events

So Soros PAYS thugs to be violent, further demonstrating that the democrats are in fact a terrorist organization.
I don't have a fakebook account.

Trump's "Please please please come to my party, the tickets are free!" begging was done on Facebook, so that's the link, to Trump's facebook page. Deal with it. You being unable to see it won't make it go away.

I knew you were full of shit though. Save the tough guy act for the playground.

Giving a link to the evidence you asked for is a "tough guy act"?

What very, very strange standards you have.
I don't have a fakebook account.

Trump's "Please please please come to my party, the tickets are free!" begging was done on Facebook, so that's the link, to Trump's facebook page. Deal with it. You being unable to see it won't make it go away.

I knew you were full of shit though. Save the tough guy act for the playground.

Giving a link to the evidence you asked for is a "tough guy act"?

What very, very strange standards you have.
I can't see the contents because I don't have a fakebook account. But you'd have something better than that if you were right. No, the toughguy act is you claiming you are a talented infiltrator to keep and eye on righties. Go play with your Ken and Barbie dolls, you're out of your league.
Mamooth, are you planning any terrorist acts on Friday, on behalf the the foreign national who runs your party, George Soros?

I'm planning to keep a close eye on your and your treasonous pals, as are many others. You're clearly ready to stage a Reichstag Fire type event, so you can blame the Jews/Liberals, and use it as an excuse to impose a dictatorship.

However, you need to understand how infiltrated your little groups are. Being I look like the perfect conservative, I'm one of the people many doing it, all of us unofficial volunteers, working entirely on our own. Thus, I suggest you drop your plans for violence, because you'll almost certainly get busted before you can carry them out.

Good grief... that's just batshit crazy talk.
I can't see the contents because I don't have a fakebook account. But you'd have something better than that if you were right.

No wonder you got fooled by your cult's propaganda so easily. You're here declaring that it's bad to show the primary source, and that some opinion blog would be better.

No, the toughguy act is you claiming you are a talented infiltrator to keep and eye on righties. Go play with your Ken and Barbie dolls, you're out of your league.

Dude, it's not that tough. After all, the 'noids make most of their plans on Facebook. Not the brightest group, they are. Just make a few Hillary jokes, and you're in like Flynn.
Ah, breaking up the post. OK, my comments in bold blue, yours in pink.

I can't see the contents because I don't have a fakebook account. But you'd have something better than that if you were right.

No wonder you got fooled by your cult's propaganda so easily. You're here declaring that it's bad to show the primary source, and that some opinion blog would be better.

How did you get that from what I said? You posted no content and I can't see it. You are a stupid asshole.

No, the toughguy act is you claiming you are a talented infiltrator to keep and eye on righties. Go play with your Ken and Barbie dolls, you're out of your league.

Dude, it's not that tough. After all, the 'noids make most of their plans on Facebook. Not the brightest group, they are. Just make a few Hillary jokes, and you're in like Flynn.

I have no idea what you are even talking about. You must be high off of your anal fumes. Looks like that was all you had to offer for support.
I don't have a fakebook account.

Trump's "Please please please come to my party, the tickets are free!" begging was done on Facebook, so that's the link, to Trump's facebook page. Deal with it. You being unable to see it won't make it go away.

I knew you were full of shit though. Save the tough guy act for the playground.

Giving a link to the evidence you asked for is a "tough guy act"?

What very, very strange standards you have.
Post a screenshot.

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