Leftists have stopped teaching Algebra

The school's problem? Algebra like reading is unacceptable.
Not sure what you are trying to say here, but seems you are disagreeing with my assertion that the school is failing to address the problem in an effective way. However, your link seems to support that.

I think there are many causal factors for Shakir's non-performance in school; amongst them are Shakir himself and his priorities; the instability of his family; his community culture; and, the school system itself.
Not sure what you are trying to say here, but seems you are disagreeing with my assertion that the school is failing to address the problem in an effective way. However, your link seems to support that.

I think there are many causal factors for Shakir's non-performance in school; amongst them are Shakir himself and his priorities; the instability of his family; his community culture; and, the school system itself.
The reason why the school system itself fails is partly because it is racist to expect better of black students.
Massachusetts is well known for their shitty schools. No wonder they don't want to teach algebra.


You dumb ass.

Any school system that drops a requirement for Algebra in order to keep the Negroes from failing ain't worth shit.

If this nonsense were to happen anywhere, it would be Cambridge. An unfortunately large number of people there really are like every cartoonishly extreme characterization of leftists you can imagine. However, Cambridge is not all of Massachusetts, and not everyone in Cambridge itself is like that.
From the article in the OP:

"Over time you end up with lower-level math courses filled with black and Latino children, and high-level math classes with white and Asian children," said Manuel Fernandez, then-principal of Cambridge Street Upper School, in 2019. "Students internalize it — they believe the smart kids are the white kids. Our staff said we cannot continue to divide our students this way."

The funny thing is that’s an incredibly racist thing for the principal to say.
On average Whites and Asians are smarter than blacks and Hispanics. People need to just deal with reality. You don't see me whining because on average blacks are better at track and field than Whites or Asians.

Why? because there are too many white and Asian students taking Algebra.

And if that makes sense to you, chances are you might be a Joe Biden voter.
Algebra is the foundation for
Calculus... This is truly worrisome.


Why? because there are too many white and Asian students taking Algebra.

And if that makes sense to you, chances are you might be a Joe Biden voter.

Call me crazy here, but I want algebra in middle school because I want our society to have intelligent kids that grow up to be intelligent adults.

And call me crazy again, but doesn't this prove the majority of blacks are intellectually inferior to whites and Asians?

I mean there are so many schools that lower standards so black kids can keep up. So many schools eliminating classes because blacks fail them and so on at some point someone has to think "you know, allover the country, in different age groups blacks don't do very good in school so maybe most of them can't learn very well by nature".

I mean there is a reason why across the world throughout man's history there are no black first world countries, most successful blacks were from a white or western based country, and they have contributed little to what modern civilization is.

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