Leftists: If You Could Do It Over, Would You Run Hillary The Hag Again?

Monday morning quarterbacking it may have made more sense to run someone other than Hillary

But whom? Bernie Sanders?
Bernie would have lost the popular vote and gotten creamed

Joe Biden? In retrospect, maybe Joe would have done better but we will never know. Hillary ran a good race. She won all the debates. She had a huge lead in the polls. Up until Comey dropped his bogus email bombshell ten days before the election. Even at that, Hillary still received 3 million more votes

What good did the 3 million votes do her?

She probably needed to win by 5 million votes to get elected. Would any other Democrat have received more votes? I doubt if Bernie would have. I like Bernie and support a lot of what he proposed. But he is a quirky candidate and I don't think he could have won

Comey swung the election. Otherwise, Hillary would have won by a large margin
Bernie would have lost the popular vote and gotten creamed

What makes you say that?

Bernie has a niche with liberal voters. He is a very quirky candidate with a funny voice that would not have done well with moderates. As much as Trump played his "Crooked Hillary" games.....he would have played "Bernie the Commie" and won easily
In the past 100 years only once was a party able to hang on to the White House for more than 2 terms. That is the case because Americans want something new after 8 years and Clinton, electable or not, was the status quo.

Wasn't that FDR who served 4 terms, followed by Truman's one? In fact, FDR was so good they had to write a Constitutional Amendment limiting Presidents to 8 years.

Hmm yes good point, I guess that makes it twice in 100 years, along with Reagan/Bush.
Monday morning quarterbacking it may have made more sense to run someone other than Hillary

But whom? Bernie Sanders?
Bernie would have lost the popular vote and gotten creamed

Joe Biden? In retrospect, maybe Joe would have done better but we will never know. Hillary ran a good race. She won all the debates. She had a huge lead in the polls. Up until Comey dropped his bogus email bombshell ten days before the election. Even at that, Hillary still received 3 million more votes

What good did the 3 million votes do her?

She probably needed to win by 5 million votes to get elected. Would any other Democrat have received more votes? I doubt if Bernie would have. I like Bernie and support a lot of what he proposed. But he is a quirky candidate and I don't think he could have won

Comey swung the election. Otherwise, Hillary would have won by a large margin

Quirky is better than Vile Evil BItch.
Monday morning quarterbacking it may have made more sense to run someone other than Hillary

But whom? Bernie Sanders?
Bernie would have lost the popular vote and gotten creamed

Joe Biden? In retrospect, maybe Joe would have done better but we will never know. Hillary ran a good race. She won all the debates. She had a huge lead in the polls. Up until Comey dropped his bogus email bombshell ten days before the election. Even at that, Hillary still received 3 million more votes

The polls consistently showed Sanders outperforming HIllary.

The polls were proved to be unreliable of course.

But the crowds, the energy, the not having to game the nomination system to win states, ect.

They give the same answer the polls did, that Sander would have done better.

You guys should be as pissed off at your party leadership as we republicans are.

Scratch that. At least on our side the Establishment lost, and we eventually won.

You guys should be even more outrages over their oddly similar actions.

LOL, love the way you bring up polls as evidence, immediately followed up by saying it isn't evidence. That's what happens when you take up ludicrous positions.

Yes, Bernie did better in polls vs Trump but that is because no one was spending as much effort on him. Clinton was always the presumptive nominee and THE target for years. No telling what Bernie's numbers would be if he actually won the nomination.
Bernie has a niche with liberal voters. He is a very quirky candidate with a funny voice that would not have done well with moderates. As much as Trump played his "Crooked Hillary" games.....he would have played "Bernie the Commie" and won easily

Ehhh, maybe. I think Bernie connected with working-class voters just as well as Trump did, if not better. The cries of "Commie" would have fallen on deaf ears because Bernie is honest and Trump isn't. Even Trump voters admitted that Bernie was more honest. I think that honesty is what voters are looking for and why I think Bernie would have won. After all, they called Obama a Commie for 8 years and he won both elections.
/--- All wild guesses and supposition

Not at all, if you bothered to actually open the links. The link on the hackable voting machines, for instance, is a study that was done by Princeton. The Pizzagate thing is from Snopes. The 39 states whose voting systems were attacked came from Vanity Fair. Do you actually click on links when they are given to you, or not? If not, then that will save me time having to provide them.
/---- In October Obama said it could never happen. Was he lying?

I don't know what was going on in Obama's mind in October last year. Seems to me that everyone underestimated Russia's Active Measures, and their influence in Trump's campaign. That guest list for the Russia meeting Uday had with that Kremlin-linked lawyer seems to be growing by the day. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if President Moron himself was at that meeting, hoping to get dirt on Hillary from his buddy Putin.
/---- In October Obama said it could never happen. Was he lying?

I don't know what was going on in Obama's mind in October last year. Seems to me that everyone underestimated Russia's Active Measures, and their influence in Trump's campaign. That guest list for the Russia meeting Uday had with that Kremlin-linked lawyer seems to be growing by the day. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if President Moron himself was at that meeting, hoping to get dirt on Hillary from his buddy Putin.
/----/ Is that the latest talking point from LiberalPropagandaville?
Monday morning quarterbacking it may have made more sense to run someone other than Hillary

But whom? Bernie Sanders?
Bernie would have lost the popular vote and gotten creamed

Joe Biden? In retrospect, maybe Joe would have done better but we will never know. Hillary ran a good race. She won all the debates. She had a huge lead in the polls. Up until Comey dropped his bogus email bombshell ten days before the election. Even at that, Hillary still received 3 million more votes

The polls consistently showed Sanders outperforming HIllary.

The polls were proved to be unreliable of course.

But the crowds, the energy, the not having to game the nomination system to win states, ect.

They give the same answer the polls did, that Sander would have done better.

You guys should be as pissed off at your party leadership as we republicans are.

Scratch that. At least on our side the Establishment lost, and we eventually won.

You guys should be even more outrages over their oddly similar actions.

LOL, love the way you bring up polls as evidence, immediately followed up by saying it isn't evidence. That's what happens when you take up ludicrous positions.

Yes, Bernie did better in polls vs Trump but that is because no one was spending as much effort on him. Clinton was always the presumptive nominee and THE target for years. No telling what Bernie's numbers would be if he actually won the nomination.

I'm acknowledging that the data we have to work with is unreliable, even though that undermines my point.

It is called honesty.

I understand why this is hard for you, a liberal, to understand.

Unfortunately, my experience so far, is that nothing I can do, will get you to be able to understand what I just said.


Bernie has a niche with liberal voters. He is a very quirky candidate with a funny voice that would not have done well with moderates. As much as Trump played his "Crooked Hillary" games.....he would have played "Bernie the Commie" and won easily

Ehhh, maybe. I think Bernie connected with working-class voters just as well as Trump did, if not better. The cries of "Commie" would have fallen on deaf ears because Bernie is honest and Trump isn't. Even Trump voters admitted that Bernie was more honest. I think that honesty is what voters are looking for and why I think Bernie would have won. After all, they called Obama a Commie for 8 years and he won both elections.

i agree.

Anyone that would be receptive to cries of "commie" would already know to not vote for dems.
Hmm yes good point, I guess that makes it twice in 100 years, along with Reagan/Bush.

Well, Bush the Elder lost in 1992, mostly because of the garbage economy he inherited from Reagan. An economy that had just suffered the worst collapse since the Depression (at the time, Bush the Dumber's collapse would be worse) with the collapse of the S&L's. Couple that with a rise in oil prices (admittedly, not something POTUS can control) and the recession (which was caused by the S&L collapse and oil prices), and it's easy to see why he lost to Clinton. Reagan's policies bombed and Bush the Elder was the one who had to deal with the fallout. In the end, he sacrificed his Presidency to atone for the mistakes of his predecessor.
Monday morning quarterbacking it may have made more sense to run someone other than Hillary

But whom? Bernie Sanders?
Bernie would have lost the popular vote and gotten creamed

Joe Biden? In retrospect, maybe Joe would have done better but we will never know. Hillary ran a good race. She won all the debates. She had a huge lead in the polls. Up until Comey dropped his bogus email bombshell ten days before the election. Even at that, Hillary still received 3 million more votes

What good did the 3 million votes do her?

She probably needed to win by 5 million votes to get elected. Would any other Democrat have received more votes? I doubt if Bernie would have. I like Bernie and support a lot of what he proposed. But he is a quirky candidate and I don't think he could have won

Comey swung the election. Otherwise, Hillary would have won by a large margin

Quirky is better than Vile Evil BItch.

Sad really

Hillary would have made a much better President. She would not be going through the endless self induced crisis that Trump is going through and she would not be fighting off a Special Prosecutor like Trump is

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