Leftists Now Clamoring To Get Guns And Finding Out It's Not That Easy

'Unprecedented': Gun and ammunition sales spike amid coronavirus spread

So instead of thinking about how to help their neighbors, Republicans are thinking about how to kill them. FEAR FEAR FEAR - the Conservative way. Republican yahoos! That's why I never vote Conservative.

Conservatives are so SNIVELING AND WEAK.
who says those guns are not being used to protect their neighbors???
my guns protect me and my neighbors from anything that may threaten our safety,,,

only democrats dont care about their neighbors
they really hate the ones with nicer homes and cars .
'Unprecedented': Gun and ammunition sales spike amid coronavirus spread

So instead of thinking about how to help their neighbors, Republicans are thinking about how to kill them. FEAR FEAR FEAR - the Conservative way. Republican yahoos! That's why I never vote Conservative.

Conservatives are so SNIVELING AND WEAK.

So instead of thinking about how to help their neighbors, Republicans are thinking about how to kill them.

or how to protect themselves from thugs, and keep what they own.

Problem is, it won't be the people who don't have guns that will pose the immediate threat because, well, they don't have guns. It will be the other people who think their guns are better and who think their survival skills are more bad-assed. I can see an argument getting out of hand where each of the gun owners goes for the draw...and they end up just killing or maiming each other.

You can "see it" because you have no clue the way real gun owners are.
Thanks OP ! :2up:
This is great news ! :clap:

I'm glad to hear it's conservatives that will have the guns and not fucking liberals !!!
There are plenty of liberals with guns, and when it hits the fan, and it more than likely will this time around, you soft, pampered punks will get hit with a shit storm of firepower by the people that you rightfully fear.
Will, no need for the funny emoticon. I can hear the nervous laugh from here.
Thanks OP ! :2up:
This is great news ! :clap:

I'm glad to hear it's conservatives that will have the guns and not fucking liberals !!!
There are plenty of liberals with guns, and when it hits the fan, and it more than likely will this time around, you soft, pampered punks will get hit with a shit storm of firepower by the people that you rightfully fear.
Will, no need for the funny emoticon. I can hear the nervous laugh from here.

Nervous laugh?

you soft, pampered punks will get hit with a shit storm of firepower by the people that you rightfully fear.

That was worth a belly laugh the like I haven't had for years.
Thanks OP ! :2up:
This is great news ! :clap:

I'm glad to hear it's conservatives that will have the guns and not fucking liberals !!!
There are plenty of liberals with guns, and when it hits the fan, and it more than likely will this time around, you soft, pampered punks will get hit with a shit storm of firepower by the people that you rightfully fear.
Will, no need for the funny emoticon. I can hear the nervous laugh from here.

Nervous laugh?

you soft, pampered punks will get hit with a shit storm of firepower by the people that you rightfully fear.

That was worth a belly laugh the like I haven't had for years.
Good for you.
Thanks OP ! :2up:
This is great news ! :clap:

I'm glad to hear it's conservatives that will have the guns and not fucking liberals !!!
There are plenty of liberals with guns, and when it hits the fan, and it more than likely will this time around, you soft, pampered punks will get hit with a shit storm of firepower by the people that you rightfully fear.
Will, no need for the funny emoticon. I can hear the nervous laugh from here.

Nervous laugh?

you soft, pampered punks will get hit with a shit storm of firepower by the people that you rightfully fear.

That was worth a belly laugh the like I haven't had for years.
Good for you.


'Unprecedented': Gun and ammunition sales spike amid coronavirus spread

So instead of thinking about how to help their neighbors, Republicans are thinking about how to kill them. FEAR FEAR FEAR - the Conservative way. Republican yahoos! That's why I never vote Conservative.

Conservatives are so SNIVELING AND WEAK.

So instead of thinking about how to help their neighbors, Republicans are thinking about how to kill them.

or how to protect themselves from thugs, and keep what they own.
Paranoid morons getting ready for Zombie Apocalypse
'Unprecedented': Gun and ammunition sales spike amid coronavirus spread

So instead of thinking about how to help their neighbors, Republicans are thinking about how to kill them. FEAR FEAR FEAR - the Conservative way. Republican yahoos! That's why I never vote Conservative.

Conservatives are so SNIVELING AND WEAK.

So instead of thinking about how to help their neighbors, Republicans are thinking about how to kill them.

or how to protect themselves from thugs, and keep what they own.
Paranoid morons getting ready for Zombie Apocalypse

so, you've got lots of guns, and tons of ammunition?
'Unprecedented': Gun and ammunition sales spike amid coronavirus spread

So instead of thinking about how to help their neighbors, Republicans are thinking about how to kill them. FEAR FEAR FEAR - the Conservative way. Republican yahoos! That's why I never vote Conservative.

Conservatives are so SNIVELING AND WEAK.

Idiot if u weren't so stupid you will need more than this to survive dumbasses..if Trump can't turn this around plann on your life living being the same as " HUNGER GAMES" never saw it go watch it........ maybe the tv world can make it sink problem is most of you dumbasses don't get your little programming you get from that too LOL

'Unprecedented': Gun and ammunition sales spike amid coronavirus spread

So instead of thinking about how to help their neighbors, Republicans are thinking about how to kill them. FEAR FEAR FEAR - the Conservative way. Republican yahoos! That's why I never vote Conservative.

Conservatives are so SNIVELING AND WEAK.

So instead of thinking about how to help their neighbors, Republicans are thinking about how to kill them.

or how to protect themselves from thugs, and keep what they own.
Paranoid morons getting ready for Zombie Apocalypse

I heard right wing INCELs are shooting up their laptops instead of actual classrooms.
I heard right wing INCELs are shooting up their laptops instead of actual classrooms.

Whatever that means.

I'd suggest you need new hearing aids or, at the least, new batteries for your hearing aides.
'Unprecedented': Gun and ammunition sales spike amid coronavirus spread

So instead of thinking about how to help their neighbors, Republicans are thinking about how to kill them. FEAR FEAR FEAR - the Conservative way. Republican yahoos! That's why I never vote Conservative.

Conservatives are so SNIVELING AND WEAK.

So instead of thinking about how to help their neighbors, Republicans are thinking about how to kill them.

or how to protect themselves from thugs, and keep what they own.
Paranoid morons getting ready for Zombie Apocalypse

only morons dont,,,
'Unprecedented': Gun and ammunition sales spike amid coronavirus spread

So instead of thinking about how to help their neighbors, Republicans are thinking about how to kill them. FEAR FEAR FEAR - the Conservative way. Republican yahoos! That's why I never vote Conservative.

Conservatives are so SNIVELING AND WEAK.

So instead of thinking about how to help their neighbors, Republicans are thinking about how to kill them.

or how to protect themselves from thugs, and keep what they own.
Paranoid morons getting ready for Zombie Apocalypse

I heard right wing INCELs are shooting up their laptops instead of actual classrooms.

I heard right wing INCELs are shooting up their laptops instead of actual classrooms.

Which way were you facing when you heard that?

'Unprecedented': Gun and ammunition sales spike amid coronavirus spread

So instead of thinking about how to help their neighbors, Republicans are thinking about how to kill them. FEAR FEAR FEAR - the Conservative way. Republican yahoos! That's why I never vote Conservative.

Conservatives are so SNIVELING AND WEAK.

Ummmm, cons already have them. These are your fellow liberals who are just a bit more enlightened than you are. And good for them. They have figured out that government can't help them in time of need.
'Unprecedented': Gun and ammunition sales spike amid coronavirus spread

So instead of thinking about how to help their neighbors, Republicans are thinking about how to kill them. FEAR FEAR FEAR - the Conservative way. Republican yahoos! That's why I never vote Conservative.

Conservatives are so SNIVELING AND WEAK.
You are much more concentrated in the cities. Since you have been deemed not to be deplorable or a dreg, you should skate easy if things get bad. But there are conservatives there also. Leaving the titanic should be part of their agenda when/if the time comes. No one from semi rural or rural areas is coming to the cities. What for? And if it came to violence they can stop the trains and trucks from getting near them. You'd eat your young in a few days. Antifa and BLM would become The Walking Dread! Cannibalism for the ones who say they are smarter.
'Unprecedented': Gun and ammunition sales spike amid coronavirus spread

So instead of thinking about how to help their neighbors, Republicans are thinking about how to kill them. FEAR FEAR FEAR - the Conservative way. Republican yahoos! That's why I never vote Conservative.

Conservatives are so SNIVELING AND WEAK.

Murder rate are often higher in Liberal run cities, than in Conservative run cities. LINK (Guardian)

Jackson Mississippi has Democrat Mayors for the last 43 years, Guardian is lying. The other cities on the list are also often Democrat controlled, they made a dishonest claim:

All numbers represent homicides per 100,000 people. Highlighted cities have Republican House representatives who oppose gun control.

Can you see it? Clue: bolded the word HOUSE

Most of the highlighted cities are actually run by Democrats.

The list Guardian posted, 24 are Democrat cities, to 9 alleged republican cites (some obviously are NOT Republican cities)

Meanwhile one state don't even require carry permits for guns, yet no increase in murder rate at all, it is in VERMONT

It is common that liberals are liars and ignorant on Gun Control issues.

Stop making dishonest attacks, run on the facts instead.

There are no "Liberal run cities" moron. City management has nothing to do with "left" or "right". There ain't nothing "Liberal" or "Conservative" about figuring out what section gets its garbage picked up on Wednesday. And they don't exactly deal in foreign policy. Nomsane?
Oh and this just in --- Congresscritters, even if they represent a city district, DON'T RUN THOSE CITIES EITHER.

SMGDH What a maroon.

Wow, for once you are correct. There are indeed no Liberal run cities. There ARE PROGRESSIVE run cities, though. And they are turning quite rapidly into third world shitholes.
'Unprecedented': Gun and ammunition sales spike amid coronavirus spread

So instead of thinking about how to help their neighbors, Republicans are thinking about how to kill them. FEAR FEAR FEAR - the Conservative way. Republican yahoos! That's why I never vote Conservative.

Conservatives are so SNIVELING AND WEAK.

Murder rate are often higher in Liberal run cities, than in Conservative run cities. LINK (Guardian)

Jackson Mississippi has Democrat Mayors for the last 43 years, Guardian is lying. The other cities on the list are also often Democrat controlled, they made a dishonest claim:

All numbers represent homicides per 100,000 people. Highlighted cities have Republican House representatives who oppose gun control.

Can you see it? Clue: bolded the word HOUSE

Most of the highlighted cities are actually run by Democrats.

The list Guardian posted, 24 are Democrat cities, to 9 alleged republican cites (some obviously are NOT Republican cities)

Meanwhile one state don't even require carry permits for guns, yet no increase in murder rate at all, it is in VERMONT

It is common that liberals are liars and ignorant on Gun Control issues.

Stop making dishonest attacks, run on the facts instead.

There are no "Liberal run cities" moron. City management has nothing to do with "left" or "right". There ain't nothing "Liberal" or "Conservative" about figuring out what section gets its garbage picked up on Wednesday. And they don't exactly deal in foreign policy. Nomsane?

What a maroon.

people confuse liberal with leftist,,,they are leftist run cities,,,

People do confuse Liberal and "leftist" yes. But again there is no such thing as "right" and "left" in running a city. Doesn't enter into it. That's why most municipalities don't even use political party labels in their elections. It would serve no purpose.

Ah but obviously that doesn't slow down the partisan hacks who think they can run to the message board and score points for "muh team" via moronic use of blanket ass-ociation fallacies.

Yes, too many people confuse LIBERALISM with PROGRESSIVISM. They are quite different. Progressive assholes, such as yourself, are statist police state wannabees. Liberals are against that crap.
'Unprecedented': Gun and ammunition sales spike amid coronavirus spread

So instead of thinking about how to help their neighbors, Republicans are thinking about how to kill them. FEAR FEAR FEAR - the Conservative way. Republican yahoos! That's why I never vote Conservative.

Conservatives are so SNIVELING AND WEAK.

Wow.....that is a stupid post.....

democrats are telling police to stop arresting criminals, and they are about to start releasing criminals from prison.....and you complain about people buying guns?

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