Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting

His point was to lie and claim there were no guns on campus.

Oh, maybe he forgot or wasn't aware?

In any event, we all know that more gun control won't prevent these schools shootings. We've tried for years and we still have maniacs doing horrible things....and the 2nd Amendment is part of the Constitution fortunately and not going anywhere.

The reality of the situation is we have to either find a better way to stop these people with mental health issues......
or find another path. We have not yet tried training and arming select teachers. Who's to say it won't work until it's tried?

In this modern era, it is impossible to stop the flow of guns into the country just as tens of thousands of tons of cocaine and other drugs still get in. It's mission Impossible, We cannot have a gun free society regardless.

With that settled, we have to come up with real world solutions....unless you want more dead school children?
He doesn't give a goddam about dead kids, he wants to disarm everyone and totally destroy what's left of this country.
You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

That’s the only plausible explanation for you ascribing that position to me which I’ve never taken.
Who said there is a gun on campus? And one gun? That's not what I advocated. I advocated allowing teachers/administrators who want to arm themselves to be able to do so. The point is having the shooter not know who is armed, not having one gun. One gun I still don't have any confirmation of and Google can't find it either.

I have Faun on ignore, he's obviously bombing me with posts. I'm not interested in reading his stupid crap.

BTW, Faun, I told you that you were the fastest I ever put back on ignore. You were at the times I said that, but your record was beaten by JoeB who I put back on ignore without responding to a single post, just reading a few posts of his stupid crap

He says you said there were NO guns on campus....and says you lied because there was a cop with a gun.

I agree with letting SELECT TRAINED school personnel carry guns. Carrying concealed is VERY common and millions do it safely every day.

Well, I didn't lie because I thought there were no guns. I could have been wrong, but being wrong isn't lying.

However, I don't concede I was wrong. I've never seen that. I tried Googling it and still couldn't find it. Did he give a link showing someone had a gun? Where the hell were they?
Of course you kazzed. You’re such a pathological kazzer, your name has become synonymous with lying.

And while you deny having any knowledge about there being an armed police officer on campus, here you are responding to my posts about the very topic you pretend not knowing about...

There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

"Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting"

No, they don't.

We followed your plan, it was a gun free zone. 17 are dead. Damned straight you owe us an explanation for your failure

You did not follow any plan from the left. Asshole.

Who came up with gun free zones, then?

Yeah, that's right, Joe Biden. A liberal. A leftist.

I present Exhibit A: The Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990, introduced by Biden and signed by George H.W. Bush.

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

And Exhibit B: The overall success (or lack thereof) of the GFSZA. In the past 28 years, there have been 65 school shootings (not counting the one in Parkland, FL)

United States school shootings, 1990-present - Ballotpedia

My conclusion? These schools (including Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School) followed a plan introduced by a leftist, and judging from the number of lives lost since the GFSZA was enacted, I would consider this "plan from the left" an abysmal failure.

Your honor, I rest my case.
Your ‘conclusion’ fails as a post hoc fallacy, it’s as ridiculous as it is wrong.
We banned guns from schools, just like you wanted. Even people with concealed carry permits trained to use their guns safely didn't have them. And your plan worked. No one had a gun and was able to defend themselves and shoot back. And 17 people died because of it.

You owe us an explanation. What is wrong with your plan? Why isn't it working?

Maybe you can ask your drug dealer why banning guns doesn't work the next time you buy a doobie ...

White identity paranoia fueled by a bigoted president.


Was that the best you could come up with?
Actually it’s spot-on: white conservatives with an unwarranted fear of change and diversity given license to bigotry and racism by Trump, who is in fact a bigot and racist.
Lefties are aware that they owe us nothing but their version of hatred but the federal cops (and the MSM that protects them from criticism) owe us big time. The FBI dumped the ten month investigation into the Florida niteclub shooter a week before he went viral and opened fire in a crowded club. The Russians of all tipsters notified the FBI about Russian born terrorists in the Boston area who planned to bomb the Marathon. The FBI couldn't find a freaking Russian in Irish Boston. The Florida shooter used his own name in his youtube posts but the FBI couldn't find him when there were only nine other people in the freaking U.S. with the same name. As my grandpa used to say, "something ain't right with those people".
The OP and those like him want you to believe that rampage shooters would be deterred by armed civilians when armed guards and armed police officers don't deter them.

We banned guns from schools, just like you wanted. Even people with concealed carry permits trained to use their guns safely didn't have them. And your plan worked. No one had a gun and was able to defend themselves and shoot back. And 17 people died because of it.

You owe us an explanation. What is wrong with your plan? Why isn't it working?

Maybe you can ask your drug dealer why banning guns doesn't work the next time you buy a doobie ...

White identity paranoia fueled by a bigoted president.

Gotcha. You like there was no one shooting back because the more white people who die the better, do you Farrakhan?
We banned guns from schools, just like you wanted. Even people with concealed carry permits trained to use their guns safely didn't have them. And your plan worked. No one had a gun and was able to defend themselves and shoot back. And 17 people died because of it.

You owe us an explanation. What is wrong with your plan? Why isn't it working?

Maybe you can ask your drug dealer why banning guns doesn't work the next time you buy a doobie ...

White identity paranoia fueled by a bigoted president.


Was that the best you could come up with?

I know, almost all of them were white. Leftists never see an issue where the answer isn't race
"Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting"

No, they don't.

We followed your plan, it was a gun free zone. 17 are dead. Damned straight you owe us an explanation for your failure

You did not follow any plan from the left. Asshole.

Who came up with gun free zones, then?

Yeah, that's right, Joe Biden. A liberal. A leftist.

I present Exhibit A: The Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990, introduced by Biden and signed by George H.W. Bush.

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

And Exhibit B: The overall success (or lack thereof) of the GFSZA. In the past 28 years, there have been 65 school shootings (not counting the one in Parkland, FL)

United States school shootings, 1990-present - Ballotpedia

My conclusion? These schools (including Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School) followed a plan introduced by a leftist, and judging from the number of lives lost since the GFSZA was enacted, I would consider this "plan from the left" an abysmal failure.

Your honor, I rest my case.

Whoa! You really worked overtime on that one, tubby. Problem. The fact that the crazy guy had an AR-15 isn't the lefts plan. Dumb shit.

No, the left's plan is that when he had an AR-15, no one had a gun. The result were 17 deaths, your plan failed. What sort of introspection are you doing about that? What is your explanation for your failure. How are you proposing to fix it going forward?
Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting.

easy ... the dems MADE RW's join the NRA and fight tooth and nail for assault rifle freedom.


Must be one of the Highschool students.
"Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting"

No, they don't.

We followed your plan, it was a gun free zone. 17 are dead. Damned straight you owe us an explanation for your failure

You did not follow any plan from the left. Asshole.

Who came up with gun free zones, then?

Yeah, that's right, Joe Biden. A liberal. A leftist.

I present Exhibit A: The Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990, introduced by Biden and signed by George H.W. Bush.

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

And Exhibit B: The overall success (or lack thereof) of the GFSZA. In the past 28 years, there have been 65 school shootings (not counting the one in Parkland, FL)

United States school shootings, 1990-present - Ballotpedia

My conclusion? These schools (including Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School) followed a plan introduced by a leftist, and judging from the number of lives lost since the GFSZA was enacted, I would consider this "plan from the left" an abysmal failure.

Your honor, I rest my case.

Whoa! You really worked overtime on that one, tubby. Problem. The fact that the crazy guy had an AR-15 isn't the lefts plan. Dumb shit.
I never said it was. Unlike you, whilst you blame the NRA for this massacre, I never said the left was responsible for his behavior, I said their policies were. Thanks for the straw man, I'll burn him with the rest.

Very Christian of you. On the other hand, I do blame the leftists, not just their policies, and every leftist post in this thread shows why. They don't care about the 17 people their policies killed.

In fact their reaction to their record of 17 is to want to raise the bar and go for more the next time. Leftists will not rest until every mass murderer is safe to kill as many people as they can
Leftist love dead kids. You can almost see the orgazim on a leftards face while they watch the news. They intently watch the flu rage licking their lips, hell, I’ll bet the libtards here are hoping for another mass shooting copycat. The LEFT don’t care about these kids or people getting shot up in all this, they only like the after where they can all be outraged. It’s all for looks . The left lives for mass killings.
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We followed your plan, it was a gun free zone. 17 are dead. Damned straight you owe us an explanation for your failure

You did not follow any plan from the left. Asshole.

Who came up with gun free zones, then?

Yeah, that's right, Joe Biden. A liberal. A leftist.

I present Exhibit A: The Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990, introduced by Biden and signed by George H.W. Bush.

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

And Exhibit B: The overall success (or lack thereof) of the GFSZA. In the past 28 years, there have been 65 school shootings (not counting the one in Parkland, FL)

United States school shootings, 1990-present - Ballotpedia

My conclusion? These schools (including Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School) followed a plan introduced by a leftist, and judging from the number of lives lost since the GFSZA was enacted, I would consider this "plan from the left" an abysmal failure.

Your honor, I rest my case.

Whoa! You really worked overtime on that one, tubby. Problem. The fact that the crazy guy had an AR-15 isn't the lefts plan. Dumb shit.
I never said it was. Unlike you, whilst you blame the NRA for this massacre, I never said the left was responsible for his behavior, I said their policies were. Thanks for the straw man, I'll burn him with the rest.

Very Christian of you. On the other hand, I do blame the leftists, not just their policies, and every leftist post in this thread shows why. They don't care about the 17 people their policies killed.

In fact their reaction to their record of 17 is to want to raise the bar and go for more the next time. Leftists will not rest until every mass murderer is safe to kill as many people as they can

For fucks sake. Get a life.
We banned guns from schools, just like you wanted. Even people with concealed carry permits trained to use their guns safely didn't have them. And your plan worked. No one had a gun and was able to defend themselves and shoot back. And 17 people died because of it.

You owe us an explanation. What is wrong with your plan? Why isn't it working?

Maybe you can ask your drug dealer why banning guns doesn't work the next time you buy a doobie ...
You are twenty years late....No surprise really...found the good weed did ya?
"Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting"

No, they don't.

We followed your plan, it was a gun free zone. 17 are dead. Damned straight you owe us an explanation for your failure

You did not follow any plan from the left. Asshole.

Who came up with gun free zones, then?

Yeah, that's right, Joe Biden. A liberal. A leftist.

I present Exhibit A: The Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990, introduced by Biden and signed by George H.W. Bush.

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

And Exhibit B: The overall success (or lack thereof) of the GFSZA. In the past 28 years, there have been 65 school shootings (not counting the one in Parkland, FL)

United States school shootings, 1990-present - Ballotpedia

My conclusion? These schools (including Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School) followed a plan introduced by a leftist, and judging from the number of lives lost since the GFSZA was enacted, I would consider this "plan from the left" an abysmal failure.

Your honor, I rest my case.

Whoa! You really worked overtime on that one, tubby. Problem. The fact that the crazy guy had an AR-15 isn't the lefts plan. Dumb shit.

No, the left's plan is that when he had an AR-15, no one had a gun. The result were 17 deaths, your plan failed. What sort of introspection are you doing about that? What is your explanation for your failure. How are you proposing to fix it going forward?

Why do you keep repeating a statement that is not true? There was an armed guard on campus.

If armed guards don't deter these shooters, why do you believe armed civilians would?
You did not follow any plan from the left. Asshole.

Who came up with gun free zones, then?

Yeah, that's right, Joe Biden. A liberal. A leftist.

I present Exhibit A: The Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990, introduced by Biden and signed by George H.W. Bush.

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

And Exhibit B: The overall success (or lack thereof) of the GFSZA. In the past 28 years, there have been 65 school shootings (not counting the one in Parkland, FL)

United States school shootings, 1990-present - Ballotpedia

My conclusion? These schools (including Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School) followed a plan introduced by a leftist, and judging from the number of lives lost since the GFSZA was enacted, I would consider this "plan from the left" an abysmal failure.

Your honor, I rest my case.

Whoa! You really worked overtime on that one, tubby. Problem. The fact that the crazy guy had an AR-15 isn't the lefts plan. Dumb shit.
I never said it was. Unlike you, whilst you blame the NRA for this massacre, I never said the left was responsible for his behavior, I said their policies were. Thanks for the straw man, I'll burn him with the rest.

Very Christian of you. On the other hand, I do blame the leftists, not just their policies, and every leftist post in this thread shows why. They don't care about the 17 people their policies killed.

In fact their reaction to their record of 17 is to want to raise the bar and go for more the next time. Leftists will not rest until every mass murderer is safe to kill as many people as they can

For fucks sake. Get a life.

Oops, looks like you got thumped on that one.
We followed your plan, it was a gun free zone. 17 are dead. Damned straight you owe us an explanation for your failure

You did not follow any plan from the left. Asshole.

Who came up with gun free zones, then?

Yeah, that's right, Joe Biden. A liberal. A leftist.

I present Exhibit A: The Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990, introduced by Biden and signed by George H.W. Bush.

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

And Exhibit B: The overall success (or lack thereof) of the GFSZA. In the past 28 years, there have been 65 school shootings (not counting the one in Parkland, FL)

United States school shootings, 1990-present - Ballotpedia

My conclusion? These schools (including Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School) followed a plan introduced by a leftist, and judging from the number of lives lost since the GFSZA was enacted, I would consider this "plan from the left" an abysmal failure.

Your honor, I rest my case.

Whoa! You really worked overtime on that one, tubby. Problem. The fact that the crazy guy had an AR-15 isn't the lefts plan. Dumb shit.
I never said it was. Unlike you, whilst you blame the NRA for this massacre, I never said the left was responsible for his behavior, I said their policies were. Thanks for the straw man, I'll burn him with the rest.

You've said nothing.

Your plan is to prevent a total nut job determined to kill people from getting any of the 300 million guns in this country while you demand we maintain an open southern border.

Oh, and let's pretend that will work and remove everyone's gun now. 17 people get killed, and responsibility for your crap is nowhere to be seen.

Meanwhile, claim to have a CC, which is only for self defense, and won't explain why we shouldn't be able to defend our children the same way you defend yourself and get no answer.

I ask you why any high schooler can get drugs when they are completely illegal and you believe gun laws will prevent criminals from getting guns and here's your insightful answer. Oh, that's different? Why? The same people can go to the same drug dealers, they'd be happy to get them guns.

Just a day in the life of a mind numbing idiot leftist. Hail Che!

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