Leftists, this teen must be crushed!!!

Professional tells parent:

“Do this or your child dies”

Yeah, Joe, they wouldn’t listen?

You have no children. Time to just STFU.

I have two children and there is nothing a professional could have told me to allow this sort of an operation on them when they were minors.

Professionals wanted to put my youngest on Ritalin as that was all the rage back then. We said no, that will not happen. She is now just shy of 28 and bringing in 200+ grand a year.
Opposing opinions are just fine as long as everyone involved knows that it's just opinion. The problem here is that you take just the opinions of certain people as a statement of fact. Fox news is getting their ass sued off because they let pathological liars talk shit without any proof. Police your own and others will not have to do it for you.
And you don't? Yeah right..... :rolleyes: So, now we see the real you....authoritarian....

My bet is you won't like it when it's turned on you....
Yes, it sure is in my economic interests to lose 35% of my 401K, and pay nearly $300 per week in groceries...What a dumb thing to say....
Let’s not forget the taxes: my lib county just granted a big pay raise to teachers (who already top out above $100k for 10 months of work) for doing such a great job during COVID, when they didn’t have to report to work, or even take off their pajama bottoms, while handing out reading assignments.

Big jump in property tax to fund that.
And you don't? Yeah right..... :rolleyes: So, now we see the real you....authoritarian....

My bet is you won't like it when it's turned on you....
The difference here is that I feel no special attachment to the worst people who call themselves leftists. If they can't back up what they say with proof I have no use for them.
I have two children and there is nothing a professional could have told me to allow this sort of an operation on them when they were minors.

Professionals wanted to put my youngest on Ritalin as that was all the rage back then. We said no, that will not happen. She is now just shy of 28 and bringing in 200+ grand a year.

Tried the same with mine, school tried to convince us he had ADD, tried to push their 'specialist' on us. Nope. Totally fine less than 2 yrs later.

Friends of ours bought in. The 'specialist' put both of their kids on meds, of course. Both are total zombies at this point, but, hey, at least they sit still in class.
There’s next to NO white supremacy! Your lies about it were revealed again, when yesterday we were warned that hoards of them were going to run rampant through the country, attacking Jews, on a “National Day of Hate” they were supposedly planning.

Nothing happened.

Yes, you all did a really good job of scaring yourselves over something that no one else noticed.

Yes, it sure is in my economic interests to lose 35% of my 401K, and pay nearly $300 per week in groceries...What a dumb thing to say....

Um, wow, really? Seems like your money management skills suck, Anger Issues. I only spend about $100 a week in groceries, and while I've taken some setbacks in my 401K, certainly nowhere near 35% like it was when Bush wrecked the stockmarket in '08. In fact, the Dow is still higher than it was when Biden took office.

True, they should be jailed for allowing it.

Seems to me the primary person to blame is Ms. Cole, who had her parents and medical professionals convinced she wanted to be a boy.
Seems to me the primary person to blame is Ms. Cole, who had her parents and medical professionals convinced she wanted to be a boy.

She was a minor. She was not even trusted enough to drive a car without restrictions.

My daughter wanted to be a princess at one time, should we have gone along with that also?
I have two children and there is nothing a professional could have told me to allow this sort of an operation on them when they were minors.

Professionals wanted to put my youngest on Ritalin as that was all the rage back then. We said no, that will not happen. She is now just shy of 28 and bringing in 200+ grand a year.

Okay, when I was in my pre-teen years, my parents' doctors had my parents absolutely convinced I had muscular dystrophy. I didn't. I was just a clumsy kid. Now I'm a clumsy adult. After extensive medical testing, they did find out I had an irrational fear of needles.
Okay, when I was in my pre-teen years, my parents' doctors had my parents absolutely convinced I had muscular dystrophy. I didn't. I was just a clumsy kid. Now I'm a clumsy adult. After extensive medical testing, they did find out I had an irrational fear of needles.

Depending upon how many times you were poked it might not have been all that irrational.
She was a minor. She was not even trusted enough to drive a car without restrictions.

My daughter wanted to be a princess at one time, should we have gone along with that also?

Cole wanted to do more than dressup.

The only surgery done on Cole was the masectomy which was performed when she was 16.
Old enough to drive a car, last time I checked.

It should be pointed out that Cole's argument is not that the standards for transition are wrong, but that her doctor didn't follow them.
The only surgery done on Cole was the masectomy which was performed when she was 16.
Old enough to drive a car, last time I checked.

But not without restrictions due to their underdeveloped decision making abilities

It should be pointed out that Cole's argument is not that the standards for transition are wrong, but that her doctor didn't follow them.

I would be fine with a law that did not allow any body altering medical treatments until a person can be trusted to drink a beer.
And look what vulture is circling her, standing to her left. LOL. Yep, nothing like pouncing on the vulnerable to make your political star a bit higher. :)

So..you gonna absolve the parents any responsibility here? Cause I guarantee at age 13, she wouldn't be allowed to make that kind of decision...like..in ANY state.
As has already been pointed out, there is more to this story than is being printed.
Because doctors saying would you rather have a dead girl or a live boy is not applying physiological pressure of any kind. The doctors and hospitals can exert a lot of pressure when they want to. I don’t hold the parents blameless, but transitioning a child into life changing and permanent surgery is unacceptable when life or death are not at stake.
The difference here is that I feel no special attachment to the worst people who call themselves leftists. If they can't back up what they say with proof I have no use for them.
So, what you’re saying is that when that time comes, you’ll separate yourself from your past words and opinions, and try to convince others that you had nothing to do with the divisive crap of the past decade or so….Truly principled aren’t you?
Um, wow, really? Seems like your money management skills suck, Anger Issues. I only spend about $100 a week in groceries, and while I've taken some setbacks in my 401K, certainly nowhere near 35% like it was when Bush wrecked the stockmarket in '08. In fact, the Dow is still higher than it was when Biden took office.
I support more than myself dirtbag. That’s what happens when you’re not a socially stunted asshole.

Seems to me the primary person to blame is Ms. Cole, who had her parents and medical professionals convinced she wanted to be a boy.

Victim shaming again eh Joe? I see a pattern of that with you.
Because doctors saying would you rather have a dead girl or a live boy is not applying physiological pressure of any kind. The doctors and hospitals can exert a lot of pressure when they want to. I don’t hold the parents blameless, but transitioning a child into life changing and permanent surgery is unacceptable when life or death are not at stake.
Well, that's what the lawsuit for malpractice will reveal. Something doesn't add up here. And the fact that MTG is hovering like a carrion crow around her, makes the whole thing smell. There is no way a 13 year old would have been allowed to do this without a multitude of hours of psychiatric evaluation, countless medical confabs, and willing consent of the parents...in any state. What irritates me about this whole exercise is that the right wing goes out and finds one example of buyers remorse and expands it to cover the whole universe of things they don't like..or approve of.
So, what you’re saying is that when that time comes, you’ll separate yourself from your past words and opinions, and try to convince others that you had nothing to do with the divisive crap of the past decade or so….Truly principled aren’t you?
I'll proudly own my opinions until the day I die. I say what I want as if I live in a country that has free speech. If your fascist buddies ever try to punish me for my opinions I'll spit in their fucking faces and say it again.
I'll proudly own my opinions until the day I die. I say what I want as if I live in a country that has free speech. If your fascist buddies ever try to punish me for my opinions I'll spit in their fucking faces and say it again.
More projection. It wasn’t leftists who were canceled, whose children were uninvited to birthday parties, whose well-articulated and cited posts have been deleted, who were fired for belong to Republican organizations, and otherwise censored.
I'll proudly own my opinions until the day I die. I say what I want as if I live in a country that has free speech. If your fascist buddies ever try to punish me for my opinions I'll spit in their fucking faces and say it again.
That’s what Judas said right before the arrest of Jesus.
That’s what Judas said right before the arrest of Jesus.
That's pretty lame. If you act exactly like you have free speech it turns out it's true. Why are you walking around acting like you can't say what you want? Are your opinions that horrible? I don't say anything here I would not tell someone to their face.

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