Legalize all drugs and gambling

I always did want to shoot up heroin, get addicted, and have scabs and sores all over. Go baby go!

Anyone that has a brain won't but it isn't the governments job to make the choice for you.

Oh I don't know. There are many that need a few rules and regulations. If not.......why not make murder legal? Rape? Kidnapping?
I always did want to shoot up heroin, get addicted, and have scabs and sores all over. Go baby go!

Anyone that has a brain won't but it isn't the governments job to make the choice for you.

Oh I don't know. There are many that need a few rules and regulations. If not.......why not make murder legal? Rape? Kidnapping?

Now you're pointing out how silly most of liberterianism is...

Now don't get me wrong I think pot should be legalized but society does need rules.
Legalize all drugs and gambling! No limits!!! Both of these are a personal choice and if you're really for personal freedom you'd agree with me.

Small government? Lets see your reaction.

It is funny how you're only small government when it comes to making more suffering but when it comes to more freedom for the little guy = fuck you!

Right now -- it's the POLITICIANS that make book on gambling. Lotteries and scratchers. Off the backs of the working poor to fund programs. Also the BANKRUPTOCRACIES of this nation lining UP to legalize and TAX the fuck out of pot Matthew. Big Govt just loves them those sin dollars. They make more on a pack of cigs than the tobacco companies do. And smokers get no guaranteed benefit from the proceeds.

Also right now -- the largest GROWING drug problem is PRESCRIPTION pain killers, not street drugs. A perfect example of how little control BIG "distracted" GOVT lacks the speed and competency to deal with these issues anyways.

Libertarians don't CONDONE drug use. They know it's objectionable and dangerous. But weighing ruining families and lives by LOCKING UP and filling jails with non-violent drug offenders is a bigger issue. Addiction is a medical issue. And we've never backed COMPLETE legalization. Only more realistic liberalization of the laws. Even in the case of marijuana, we've been involved in the process of licensing and bonding and the realities of "legalized marijuana". Because as a business -- it has to be legitimate. Or you've gained NOTHING by "legalizing" it.
I already live in a State where gambling and prostitution are legal, and the drugs are finally starting to open up too. So I'm all for it.

No you don't. Gambling is only legal in licensed casinos, while prostitution laws in Nevada are some of the strictest in the world relative to countries with legalized prostitution. It isn't even legal in the two places where it matters - Carson City and Las Vegas

Nevada just monopolized liberties and handed them to corporations.

Not entirely true. Private poker games are legal. Add to that the fact that there are loads of casino's and a player can get whatever action he or she desires. As far as prostitution go's, yes, compared to Europe it is heavily regulated. However, unlike the rest of the US it is legal in most areas. Carson City has two or three brothels within 7 miles of City Hall. Reno has one within 20 miles, and Las Vegas has one about 60 miles away IIRC.

The reason why the gambling is so heavily regulated is to prevent corporations from robbing their customers blind.
Legalize all drugs and gambling! No limits!!! Both of these are a personal choice and if you're really for personal freedom you'd agree with me.

Small government? Lets see your reaction.
You are clearly ignorant of a condition called, "drug induced psychosis." Long term heavy use of illegal drugs can and do cause this condition of which the symptoms are: confusion, paranoia, delusion and hallucinations. These individuals are those who are addicted to the substance they've been taking and are a danger to both themselves and others.
Also, once marijuana was legalized in some states, law enforcement found a significant increase in individuals driving under its influence and whose judgement was impaired. Add in legalizing all drugs and you have more dangers on the highway.
Libertarians don't CONDONE drug use. They know it's objectionable and dangerous.

Every libertarian can form his own opinion mate. Speak for yourself.

Wasn't my quote. I do however believe that all drugs should be decriminalized. Instantly takes the criminal element out of it so long as you price it cheap. It is far cheaper to house the addicts in a hotel, where they have food and medical care, and they don't steal everything that isn't nailed down. The savings in prison costs alone would pay for the hotels and all the medical care. Add to that the savings in stolen goods no longer being stolen and it's a win for everyone except the prison industry.
I always did want to shoot up heroin, get addicted, and have scabs and sores all over. Go baby go!

Anyone that has a brain won't but it isn't the governments job to make the choice for you.

Oh I don't know. There are many that need a few rules and regulations. If not.......why not make murder legal? Rape? Kidnapping?

Now you're pointing out how silly most of liberterianism is...

Now don't get me wrong I think pot should be legalized but society does need rules.
You clearly know nothing about Libertarian philosophy, if you think it is without rules.
Legalize all drugs and gambling! No limits!!! Both of these are a personal choice and if you're really for personal freedom you'd agree with me.

Small government? Lets see your reaction.

hey if the government can sponsor gambling why can't anyone else?
I always did want to shoot up heroin, get addicted, and have scabs and sores all over. Go baby go!

Anyone that has a brain won't but it isn't the governments job to make the choice for you.

Oh I don't know. There are many that need a few rules and regulations. If not.......why not make murder legal? Rape? Kidnapping?

Now you're pointing out how silly most of liberterianism is...

Now don't get me wrong I think pot should be legalized but society does need rules.
What else should be legalized that would help the other 99% of America?

I think teachers should be able to hit a kid for being a asshole in class.
Sure, as long as the government doesn't have the power to enforce compulsory education.

If it is the choice of parents which school, or even if they home-school their kids, then whether they send their kid to a school that uses corporal punishment, why not?

Then apparently, the parents know that their kids are attending a school where corporal punishment is applied. If parents have that choice, then freedom is the rule of the day.

As it stands now, parents have no choice over how their kids are educated.

You do know, it is against the rules in most schools to video tape how the teachers are educating your kids. Pretty scary shit in my book.
I always did want to shoot up heroin, get addicted, and have scabs and sores all over. Go baby go!

Anyone that has a brain won't but it isn't the governments job to make the choice for you.

Oh I don't know. There are many that need a few rules and regulations. If not.......why not make murder legal? Rape? Kidnapping?

Now you're pointing out how silly most of liberterianism is...

Now don't get me wrong I think pot should be legalized but society does need rules.
Are you so ignorant as to think libertarians believe murder, rape, and kidnapping are acceptable?

You clearly know nothing about the subject but being an ignoramus, makes you think you do.
Legalize all drugs and gambling! No limits!!! Both of these are a personal choice and if you're really for personal freedom you'd agree with me.

Small government? Lets see your reaction.

Agree, the taxes alone could fund healthcare for all or go towards other trumpie pet projects. Abolish the DEA and don't even form this opioid commission with Christie and Bondi, what a stupid move anyway just to reward a couple of trumptards. It's surefire way to take the cartels out of the equation. If you're going to be a user/addict all the laws in the land are not going to stop you. If you're going to gamble no one is going to stop you. I disagree that if you make anything legal more people will be come addicted.

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