Legalize all drugs and gambling

since you put a label on me ill label may be too stupid to understand why the deadlier addictive drugs should not be legalized...

Nope, just a strong advocate of liberty and personal choice, unlike you.
You know that black man in new york that was selling cigs? He was killed over doing so...Well, lets make it legal to sell on the street corner without question.
He was killed for resisting arrest.

He wasn't killed. He had a heart attack.

He died from "a combination of a chokehold, compression of his chest, and poor health."
He was murdered for failing to obey his masters.
He chose to resist arrest, he rolled the dice and lost.
Legalize all drugs and gambling! No limits!!! Both of these are a personal choice and if you're really for personal freedom you'd agree with me.

Small government? Lets see your reaction.

Dumbest suggestion of the year ^^^ you really should watch some of the National Geographic documentaries on drugs in this country and the damage they are doing.
Legalize all drugs and gambling! No limits!!! Both of these are a personal choice and if you're really for personal freedom you'd agree with me.

Small government? Lets see your reaction.

I'm not a chemist nor physician and so I don't want to bring back snake oil salesmen selling dangerous drugs as miracle cures anymore than I want to eat uninspected meat.

As usual, someone mentions "small government" and out comes the "we'll all die without the nanny state" response.

First of all, no one is talking about getting rid of public safety functions of government but even if they were, having some bureaucrook wandering around a meat processing plant isn't what's keeping you safe. The fact that the owners don't want to get sued into poverty is what keeps them compliant with regulations.

Highly regulated pharmaceutical companies still sell "snake oil", only rather than doing little if anything to you these industries are making more than Pablo Escobar ever could have dreamed drugging our mouth breathers so they can cope with life in a country with the fattest "poor" people in the world.

It's absolute bullshit that life would be harder without the nanny state. Again though, no one is talking about getting rid of the bitch, we just need to give her a double mastectomy, abort obozocare and sterilize the fuckin whore. She'll still be there to tuck you in at night, and give you the illusion that she gives a fruit fly's fuck about you.

The various vices are tricky.

Being anti alcohol is extremist.

Being anti pot is old fashioned.

Being anti anything else is probably smart.
since you put a label on me ill label may be too stupid to understand why the deadlier addictive drugs should not be legalized...

Nope, just a strong advocate of liberty and personal choice, unlike you.
you dont know nothing about me .....just because i dont want the hardcore addictive drugs legalized i must be against liberty and personal are just another opinionated moron,dont worry though,there are lots of you dipshits around here......
Drugs, Gambling, and Prostitution are personal adult decisions. As long as the people aren't harming anyone, they should be allowed to make the decision. Our Law Enforcement is way too bogged down hunting these people. I'd rather see it focus more on real crimes. I watched a reality cop show the other day, and i was appalled at the time & money they wasted on setting 'Johns' up for Prostitution arrests. They had an army of officers there to arrest some poor schleps who just wanted to get laid.

I mean seriously, come on? These folks are grown adults. If they wanna pay to have sex, so be it. It's not a Government issue. All you do is make criminals out of folks who really aren't criminals. It ruins their lives. We need to grow up and evolve as a nation. Right now, we're a very childish and puritanical nation. These laws are archaic. It's time for change.
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I don't know about legalizing them in the sense of normalizing recreational use like buds, suds or butts. I think we should be able to legally obtain them and as long as they are used on private property, it should be legal.
The various vices are tricky.

Being anti alcohol is extremist.

Being anti pot is old fashioned.

Being anti anything else is probably smart.

I don't mind you being Anti-whatever. But adults can and should be allowed to make these decisions. I don't wanna see Law Enforcement wasting so much time and money hunting these folks down anymore. You wanna get high, do some gambling, pay a chick for sex? So be it. It's an individual adult decision. It isn't a Government issue.
Legalize all drugs and gambling! No limits!!! Both of these are a personal choice and if you're really for personal freedom you'd agree with me.

Small government? Lets see your reaction.

And pinball and goat fucking!!!!
As usual, someone mentions "small government" and out comes the "we'll all die without the nanny state" response.

First of all, no one is talking about getting rid of public safety functions of government ....

Don't go Rick Perry on me, you're calling for small government. Well then, what do you want to get rid of?
You know that black man in new york that was selling cigs? He was killed over doing so...Well, lets make it legal to sell on the street corner without question.
He was killed for resisting arrest.

He wasn't killed. He had a heart attack.

He died from "a combination of a chokehold, compression of his chest, and poor health."
He was murdered for failing to obey his masters.
He actually died on the way to the hospital of a massive heart attack complicated by diabetes and gross obesity.
Don't go Rick Perry on me, you're calling for small government. Well then, what do you want to get rid of?

You don't have to "get rid of" anything. You reduce budgets so that GSA employees aren't getting tax payer junkets to Vegas.

I've worked in government. It should not be a career. There are so many oxygen thieves who do as little as possible and even once motivated people eventually "go roman" or go back to being productive in the private sector. There are few things the feds do that should either not be done at all or done by the states.

If you did want to "get rid of" shit, how about

  • The government spends about $100 million every four years to subsidize parties at the political conventions.
  • The Department of Agriculture spent $2 million to fund an internship program. The program hired one full-time intern.
  • Last year, $120 million was paid to dead federal employees.
  • A total of $146 million was paid for federal employees to upgrade their flights to business class.
  • The government spent $2.6 million to encourage Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly.
  • The Department of Health and Human Services provided an $800,000 subsidy to build and IHop in Washington, D.C.
  • The National Institutes of Health has given $1.5 million to Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston to study why “three-quarters” of lesbians in the United States are overweight and why most gay males are not.
  • During 2012, $25,000 of federal money was spent on a promotional tour for the Alabama Watermelon Queen.
  • The U.S. government spent $505,000 “to promote specialty hair and beauty products for cats and dogs” last year.
  • NASA spends close to $1 million per year developing a menu of food for a manned mission to Mars even though it is being projected that a manned mission to Mars is still decades away.
  • Over the past 15 years, a total of approximately $5.25 million has been spent on hair care services for the U.S. Senate.
  • The U.S. government spent $27 million to teach Moroccans how to design and make pottery in 2012.
  • During fiscal 2012, the National Science Foundation gave researchers at Purdue University $350,000. They used part of that money to help fund a study that discovered that if golfers imagine that a hole is bigger it will help them with their putting.
  • A total of $10,000 of U.S. taxpayer money was actually used to purchase talking urinal cakes in Michigan.
  • Vice President Joe Biden and his staff stopped in Paris for one night back in February. The hotel bill for that one night came to $585,000.
  • The U.S. Department of Agriculture has spent $300,000 to encourage Americans to eat caviar produced in Idaho.
  • The National Institute of Health recently gave $666,905 to a group of researchers that is conducting a study on the benefits of watching reruns on television.
  • The National Institute of Health also spent $592,527 on a study that sought to figure out once and for all why chimpanzees throw poop.
  • The federal government spent $750,000 on a new soccer field for detainees held at Guantanamo Bay.
  • The IRS spent $60,000 on a film parody of Star Trek and a film parody of Gilligan’s Island.
  • Last year, the federal government spent $96,000 to buy iPads for kindergarten students in Maine.
  • The U.S. government spent $200,000 on “a tattoo removal program” in Mission Hills, Calif.
  • Last year, the government spent just under $1 million posting snippets of poetry in zoos around the country.
  • The U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research spent $300,000 on a study that concluded the first bird on Earth probably had black feathers.
  • The federal government spent $75,000 to promote awareness about the role Michigan plays in producing Christmas trees and poinsettias.

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