Legalize it!

Legalize it but make the penalties for things like driving while under the influence or commiting a crime while stoned VERY harsh, like 10 to 20 years.


For one thing, it does not impair your ability to drive, in fact, it can improve it. They were doing research one time to find a roadside test for pot use while driving. They terminated the test and did not publish the results because no one drove worse while high and some people drove better.

One would not have a tendency to commit violent crimes while stoned.
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Legalize it but make the penalties for things like driving while under the influence or commiting a crime while stoned VERY harsh, like 10 to 20 years.


For one thing, it does not impair your ability to drive, in fact, it can improve it. They were doing research one time to find a roadside test for pot use while driving. They terminated the test and did not publish the results because no one drove worse while high and some people drove better.

One would not have a tendency to commit violent crimes while stoned.

That'd be.....

Legalize it but make the penalties for things like driving while under the influence or commiting a crime while stoned VERY harsh, like 10 to 20 years.


For one thing, it does not impair your ability to drive, in fact, it can improve it. They were doing research one time to find a roadside test for pot use while driving. They terminated the test and did not publish the results because no one drove worse while high and some people drove better.

One would not have a tendency to commit violent crimes while stoned.

Closest thing to a crime I recall a pothead committing was ordering pizza and realizing they didn't have the cash to pay for it when it arrived!
And everyone needs to stop comparing weed to alcohol, that is so stupid, two different things. Why don't we compare weed to say oregano? See how stupid that sounds?

Can we compare weed to mayonnaise or is that stupid too?

It's lookin' like the Drug War is turning-into an.....

:eek: . :eek: . :eek: . :eek: . :eek: . :eek: . :eek:


January 31, 2013


"The use of cannabis among patients with established coronary disease is not associated with increased mortality risk, according to trial data published online in the American Heart Journal.

Investigators at the Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, conducted a prospective study assessing the survival rates of 3,886 heart attack survivors over an 18-year period.

Authors reported that 519 subjects died during this period, including 22 of the 109 reporting marijuana use in the year before their heart attack. However, investigators concluded, "There was no statistically significant association between marijuana use and mortality."

Yanno.........................we could get it legalized quite quickly if we used the right strategy..............

A Schedule I drug is highly addictive and has no medicinal value.

Cannabis (marijuana or pot) has proven medicinal benefits, and has also been proven to be non addictive.

Why is it that naturally grown cannabis is illegal, while synthetic pot isn't? Synthetic pot seems to cause a lot more problems than naturally grown.
Yanno.........................we could get it legalized quite quickly if we used the right strategy..............

A Schedule I drug is highly addictive and has no medicinal value.

Cannabis (marijuana or pot) has proven medicinal benefits, and has also been proven to be non addictive.

Why is it that naturally grown cannabis is illegal, while synthetic pot isn't? Synthetic pot seems to cause a lot more problems than naturally grown.

Governments and people can play all the bullshit games they want, but what this country really needs are political leaders who will start making logical laws. There is no logical reason to keep the price of pot high. All that does is take away from the rest of the economy. If it needs to be bought commercially, it can be purchased in tobacco shops or liquor stores. If they were smart, they would get all tobacco products sold that way and not make tobacco available to the general public. That would keep tobacco out of the hands of young people. You shouldn't be able to go into a regular store and buy tobacco. It's also not logical to keep the price of tobacco high with regressive taxation. The high price doesn't solve addiction.
Yanno.........................we could get it legalized quite quickly if we used the right strategy

I believe the right strategy is to avoid using the word, "legalize," because it strikes a scary chord in the minds of strait-laced Americans who make no distinction between marijuana and hard drugs. It will be much easier to convince legislators to approve an experimental period of decriminalization, which means the laws remain on the books but are administratively suspended and are substituted with the same laws as affect alcohol.

After a reasonble period during which the effects of decriminalized marijuana may be reviewed and the question of legalization presented with supportive evidence, I am confident the proposal will pass. I believe this because I lived in New York City during the sixties and seventies when marijuana was decriminalized and the effects were absolutely positive. In fact, were it not for Ronald Reagan and his ditzy, pill-junkie wife, there is no question that New York City would have legalized marijuana decades ago.
Yanno.........................we could get it legalized quite quickly if we used the right strategy..............

A Schedule I drug is highly addictive and has no medicinal value.

Cannabis (marijuana or pot) has proven medicinal benefits, and has also been proven to be non addictive.

Why is it that naturally grown cannabis is illegal, while synthetic pot isn't? Synthetic pot seems to cause a lot more problems than naturally grown.

I always say this too...

Something doesn't have to be useful or proven to have medical benefits to be legal. The question should always be, do the costs of prohibition (supporting millions of prisoners through tax $'s, draining police/court resources, ect) outweigh the benefits?

Given that cannibis is non-addictive, natural, and cannot kill you, it doesn't make sense at all to expend all of these resources on the scale we do just for the sake of keeping it illegal.

If pot is a "menace to society" worthy of prohibiting, then surely alcohol would be on that list too given that it's toxic, addictive, and CAN kill you in a single sitting.


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Acid, coke, and meth too !!!!!!! For the tax

Those drugs are on a completely different scale that cannabis.

Coke and Meth are HIGHLY addictive, full of chemicals, and can kill someone the very first time they use it, even in moderate amounts. Nothing like marijuana.

Acid might not be as dangerous, however it is (as you know) extraordinarily mind altering even at low doses.

Like alcohol, you can smoke pot in small doses and feel a very minimal effect/change to how you feel, think, or communicate. Not quite the same way with acid.

And everyone needs to stop comparing weed to alcohol, that is so stupid, two different things. Why don't we compare weed to say oregano? See how stupid that sounds?

Oregano is not an intoxicant, alcohol is.

Marijauna is not a toxicant, either.

In order for a substance to be a toxicant, it must be know like Aspirin, alcohol or most of the drugs your MD gives you?

Pot is not toxic.

That means you may be stoned from pot, but you cannot be intoxicated by it.

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