Legalize it!

Sorry bout that,

1. Losers are going to lose, might as well not make pot smokers lose even more rotting in jail, pot is for losers, and people who have nothing to look forward for.
2. And I for one don't think throwing these losers in jail with rapists and murderer's is right, and not just.
3. If it were funny then I would get it, but throwing them into jail together is nuts!

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Sorry bout that,

1. Losers are going to lose, might as well not make pot smokers lose even more rotting in jail, pot is for losers, and people who have nothing to look forward for.
2. And I for one don't think throwing these losers in jail with rapists and murderer's is right, and not just.
3. If it were funny then I would get it, but throwing them into jail together is nuts!


You've obviously never smoked pot.
Acid, coke, and meth too !!!!!!! For the tax

Acid is a hallucinogenic drug which can cause you to see things that aren't there and act in an irrational manner (meaning you can jump off buildings or walk into traffic).

Coke (cocaine) is a stimulant, that not only can cause extreme paranoia, but can also make your heart explode because you've over taxed your body.

Meth is the worst, because not only is it a hallucinogenic, but it is also a stimulant, and makes a person act in the most irrational of ways.

Cannabis (pot) makes you more aware of your surroundings, is NOT addictive, and won't make you see things that aren't there. People are more cautious when high than when they're on the drugs you've suggested.
Acid, coke, and meth too !!!!!!! For the tax

Acid is a hallucinogenic drug which can cause you to see things that aren't there and act in an irrational manner (meaning you can jump off buildings or walk into traffic).
At least, that's what the drug-warriors have told you, right??

Acid, coke, and meth too !!!!!!! For the tax

Acid is a hallucinogenic drug which can cause you to see things that aren't there and act in an irrational manner (meaning you can jump off buildings or walk into traffic).

So can alcohol!

Coke (cocaine) is a stimulant, that not only can cause extreme paranoia, but can also make your heart explode because you've over taxed your body.

Meth is the worst, because not only is it a hallucinogenic, but it is also a stimulant, and makes a person act in the most irrational of ways.

Again, so can alcohol. Ever deal with a really nasty drunk?

[ame=]Marijuana smoking grandparents - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Law Enforcement Against Prohibition to So. Cal. Retirees: "Legalize all drugs." - YouTube[/ame]
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Wow people think we should legalize everything, wow cant wait for those unintended people on Coke, PCP, ACID, amazing.
Wow people think we should legalize everything, wow cant wait for those unintended people on Coke, PCP, ACID, amazing.

Lets just stick first to legalizing things like marijuana first before going in that direction:

-non toxic
-can't overdose on it
-when you smoke it you become calm and reflective

There's no reason to spend the billions we do policing it, and the billions we lose out from not selling it.

Wow people think we should legalize everything, wow cant wait for those unintended people on Coke, PCP, ACID, amazing.

Lets just stick first to legalizing things like marijuana first before going in that direction:

-non toxic
-can't overdose on it
-when you smoke it you become calm and reflective

There's no reason to spend the billions we do policing it, and the billions we lose out from not selling it.


Well other added in the harder I had to have a little fun with it. I still dont think dope's a good idea, it still gives you a mind altering substance that you lose motor skills while on it, I just think trafic accidents would be even worse.

To me I think they should get rid of the income tax and replace it with a sales tax and that way if you buy stuff with drug money (and they will) we'll get the tax money, the other thing is I wouldnt raid it, but I would fine people with it and only like a seatbelt......if you're smoking it in a car, I'd treat it like a DUI. So we'd still discourage the use and we wouldnt have to raid people over it. Your're smoking it at home so what, but not in public, I dont need a contact buzz.
Wow people think we should legalize everything, wow cant wait for those unintended people on Coke, PCP, ACID, amazing.

Lets just stick first to legalizing things like marijuana first before going in that direction:

-non toxic
-can't overdose on it
-when you smoke it you become calm and reflective

There's no reason to spend the billions we do policing it, and the billions we lose out from not selling it.


Well other added in the harder I had to have a little fun with it. I still dont think dope's a good idea, it still gives you a mind altering substance that you lose motor skills while on it, I just think trafic accidents would be even worse.

To me I think they should get rid of the income tax and replace it with a sales tax and that way if you buy stuff with drug money (and they will) we'll get the tax money, the other thing is I wouldnt raid it, but I would fine people with it and only like a seatbelt......if you're smoking it in a car, I'd treat it like a DUI. So we'd still discourage the use and we wouldnt have to raid people over it. Your're smoking it at home so what, but not in public, I dont need a contact buzz.

Yea, I think DUIs would be applied to weed the same way it is currently applied to alcohol. I think there's a blood test they can do to see whether or not TCH is currently active in the body.

Perhaps there may be an increase in traffic accidents (for the sake of the convo), but I still think the costs of prohibition far, far outweigh the benefits.

Just think of all the millions of young lives that are irreparably harmed by going to jail just for smoking and selling this substance (ie folks who have no other criminal record).

Think of the cops and courts that would have more time to focus on murderers and rapists instead of the mountains of paperwork around marijuana. That saves lives.

Also, think of the reduction of power legalization would mean for the cartels (which ultimately means less $ to buy guns, maintain a large network, ect). Just like at the end of alcohol prohibition, we will see a reduction in violence and again, lives will be saved.

Not disagreeing with you on the traffic thing, just saying that preventing that probably isn't worth all of the other costs. Ya know?

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I'm completely pro-legalization of marijuana.

I'm completely pro-legalization of consensual activity between adults.

I don't care if you want to shoot gasoline into your veins. If you're not hurting another nor taking what doesn't belong to you, it shouldn't be anyone else's business. Screw the nanny state do gooders from both sides of the isle...they do NOT know what's best for everyone else.
Lets just stick first to legalizing things like marijuana first before going in that direction:

-non toxic
-can't overdose on it
-when you smoke it you become calm and reflective

There's no reason to spend the billions we do policing it, and the billions we lose out from not selling it.


Well other added in the harder I had to have a little fun with it. I still dont think dope's a good idea, it still gives you a mind altering substance that you lose motor skills while on it, I just think trafic accidents would be even worse.

To me I think they should get rid of the income tax and replace it with a sales tax and that way if you buy stuff with drug money (and they will) we'll get the tax money, the other thing is I wouldnt raid it, but I would fine people with it and only like a seatbelt......if you're smoking it in a car, I'd treat it like a DUI. So we'd still discourage the use and we wouldnt have to raid people over it. Your're smoking it at home so what, but not in public, I dont need a contact buzz.

Yea, I think DUIs would be applied to weed the same way it is currently applied to alcohol. I think there's a blood test they can do to see whether or not TCH is currently active in the body.

Perhaps there may be an increase in traffic accidents (for the sake of the convo), but I still think the costs of prohibition far, far outweigh the benefits.

Just think of all the millions of young lives that are irreparably harmed by going to jail just for smoking and selling this substance (ie folks who have no other criminal record).

Think of the cops and courts that would have more time to focus on murderers and rapists instead of the mountains of paperwork around marijuana. That saves lives.

Also, think of the reduction of power legalization would mean for the cartels (which ultimately means less $ to buy guns, maintain a large network, ect). Just like at the end of alcohol prohibition, we will see a reduction in violence and again, lives will be saved.

Not disagreeing with you on the traffic thing, just saying that preventing that probably isn't worth all of the other costs. Ya know?


I agree to an extent. First I do not get the dopers absolute love of pot....I never have understood it, it's almost fanatical.

Second yeah I wouldnt bust people unless there is some other reason to....and it would be a fine, not jail time
Well other added in the harder I had to have a little fun with it. I still dont think dope's a good idea, it still gives you a mind altering substance that you lose motor skills while on it, I just think trafic accidents would be even worse.

To me I think they should get rid of the income tax and replace it with a sales tax and that way if you buy stuff with drug money (and they will) we'll get the tax money, the other thing is I wouldnt raid it, but I would fine people with it and only like a seatbelt......if you're smoking it in a car, I'd treat it like a DUI. So we'd still discourage the use and we wouldnt have to raid people over it. Your're smoking it at home so what, but not in public, I dont need a contact buzz.

Yea, I think DUIs would be applied to weed the same way it is currently applied to alcohol. I think there's a blood test they can do to see whether or not TCH is currently active in the body.

Perhaps there may be an increase in traffic accidents (for the sake of the convo), but I still think the costs of prohibition far, far outweigh the benefits.

Just think of all the millions of young lives that are irreparably harmed by going to jail just for smoking and selling this substance (ie folks who have no other criminal record).

Think of the cops and courts that would have more time to focus on murderers and rapists instead of the mountains of paperwork around marijuana. That saves lives.

Also, think of the reduction of power legalization would mean for the cartels (which ultimately means less $ to buy guns, maintain a large network, ect). Just like at the end of alcohol prohibition, we will see a reduction in violence and again, lives will be saved.

Not disagreeing with you on the traffic thing, just saying that preventing that probably isn't worth all of the other costs. Ya know?


I agree to an extent. First I do not get the dopers absolute love of pot....I never have understood it, it's almost fanatical.

Second yeah I wouldnt bust people unless there is some other reason to....and it would be a fine, not jail time

Yea, everyone's different.

For me, I like it for two main reasons:

1.) Pot is a tool to help you see things that normally would not be seen. I've made numerous very positive changes in my life after noticing shortfalls/things I can be doing a better job at when I'm high. It's hard to explain. I just feel like I become more connected with my surroundings, and that the calloused smokescreen of reality kind of comes down for a few hours. It seems a tad easier to really DIVE into whatever you're doing or thinking about. Obviously, you can do this without the weed but again, it's a tool to help folks get there.

2.) Music & art. You view/listen/play things in a more relaxed, connected manner and seem to pay attention to details you otherwise miss when you're sober. Again, this can be learned without weed but it's a very useful tool.

Let me note that I lead a completely normal life and that both my wife and I have great jobs in the city. We smoke in the privacy of our own home, and only after work/on weekends (ie in the same situation you'd drink a beer or two).


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I'm completely pro-legalization of marijuana.

I'm completely pro-legalization of consensual activity between adults.

I don't care if you want to shoot gasoline into your veins. If you're not hurting another nor taking what doesn't belong to you, it shouldn't be anyone else's business. Screw the nanny state do gooders from both sides of the isle...they do NOT know what's best for everyone else.

I agree...but.... We need to keep in mind that our government has been set up to "take care" of us. With SS, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, housing assists, free phones, etc. So with government funding all of our mistakes, we by default, give them the right to tell us what we can and can not do.

All of these "social programs" comes with a price.....your freedom.
I agree to an extent. First I do not get the dopers absolute love of pot....I never have understood it, it's almost fanatical.
Their passion derives from the fact that those who are familiar with marijuana know there is no good reason for it to be illegal and that its prohibition is based on stubborn ignorance and malicious lies. Their vigorous opposition to the prohibition of marijuana is analogous to the protest against a wrongful war or against the wrongful prosecution of one who is known to be innocent. It is predicated more on a simple matter of principle than on a "love" for the plant.

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