Legalize it!

Yea, I think DUIs would be applied to weed the same way it is currently applied to alcohol. I think there's a blood test they can do to see whether or not TCH is currently active in the body.

Perhaps there may be an increase in traffic accidents (for the sake of the convo), but I still think the costs of prohibition far, far outweigh the benefits.

Just think of all the millions of young lives that are irreparably harmed by going to jail just for smoking and selling this substance (ie folks who have no other criminal record).

Think of the cops and courts that would have more time to focus on murderers and rapists instead of the mountains of paperwork around marijuana. That saves lives.

Also, think of the reduction of power legalization would mean for the cartels (which ultimately means less $ to buy guns, maintain a large network, ect). Just like at the end of alcohol prohibition, we will see a reduction in violence and again, lives will be saved.

Not disagreeing with you on the traffic thing, just saying that preventing that probably isn't worth all of the other costs. Ya know?


I agree to an extent. First I do not get the dopers absolute love of pot....I never have understood it, it's almost fanatical.

Second yeah I wouldnt bust people unless there is some other reason to....and it would be a fine, not jail time

Yea, everyone's different.

For me, I like it for two main reasons:

1.) Pot is a tool to help you see things that normally would not be seen. I've made numerous very positive changes in my life after noticing shortfalls/things I can be doing a better job at when I'm high. It's hard to explain. I just feel like I become more connected with my surroundings, and that the calloused smokescreen of reality kind of comes down for a few hours. It seems a tad easier to really DIVE into whatever you're doing or thinking about. Obviously, you can do this without the weed but again, it's a tool to help folks get there.

2.) Music & art. You view/listen/play things in a more relaxed, connected manner and seem to pay attention to details you otherwise miss when you're sober. Again, this can be learned without weed but it's a very useful tool.

Let me note that I lead a completely normal life and that both my wife and I have great jobs in the city. We smoke in the privacy of our own home, and only after work/on weekends (ie in the same situation you'd drink a beer or two).



I hear yhou, in that situation you wouldnt have a problem with my's when you get nuts and have to do it all the time (some do and are very fanatical about their pot...maybe it's the smoking thing...smokers are like that too)

This is where I would be pro choice (unlike the pro choicers) yeah it would be technically illegal but only if you abuse it or are stupid. I'm a light drinker and when I do it's hard liquor never aquired the taste for beer, but yeah very similar though. Just whatever you dont dont give me the hemp and pot lists of what they do and who used them, I've heard that so many times from friends.........ugggggggg
I agree to an extent. First I do not get the dopers absolute love of pot....I never have understood it, it's almost fanatical.

Second yeah I wouldnt bust people unless there is some other reason to....and it would be a fine, not jail time

Yea, everyone's different.

For me, I like it for two main reasons:

1.) Pot is a tool to help you see things that normally would not be seen. I've made numerous very positive changes in my life after noticing shortfalls/things I can be doing a better job at when I'm high. It's hard to explain. I just feel like I become more connected with my surroundings, and that the calloused smokescreen of reality kind of comes down for a few hours. It seems a tad easier to really DIVE into whatever you're doing or thinking about. Obviously, you can do this without the weed but again, it's a tool to help folks get there.

2.) Music & art. You view/listen/play things in a more relaxed, connected manner and seem to pay attention to details you otherwise miss when you're sober. Again, this can be learned without weed but it's a very useful tool.

Let me note that I lead a completely normal life and that both my wife and I have great jobs in the city. We smoke in the privacy of our own home, and only after work/on weekends (ie in the same situation you'd drink a beer or two).



I hear yhou, in that situation you wouldnt have a problem with my's when you get nuts and have to do it all the time (some do and are very fanatical about their pot...maybe it's the smoking thing...smokers are like that too)

This is where I would be pro choice (unlike the pro choicers) yeah it would be technically illegal but only if you abuse it or are stupid. I'm a light drinker and when I do it's hard liquor never aquired the taste for beer, but yeah very similar though. Just whatever you dont dont give me the hemp and pot lists of what they do and who used them, I've heard that so many times from friends.........ugggggggg

[ame=]True History of Marijuana Full Movie - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Grass - The History of Marijuana (Narrated By Woody Harrelson) - YouTube[/ame]​
Yea, I think DUIs would be applied to weed the same way it is currently applied to alcohol. I think there's a blood test they can do to see whether or not TCH is currently active in the body.

Perhaps there may be an increase in traffic accidents (for the sake of the convo), but I still think the costs of prohibition far, far outweigh the benefits.

Just think of all the millions of young lives that are irreparably harmed by going to jail just for smoking and selling this substance (ie folks who have no other criminal record).

Think of the cops and courts that would have more time to focus on murderers and rapists instead of the mountains of paperwork around marijuana. That saves lives.

Also, think of the reduction of power legalization would mean for the cartels (which ultimately means less $ to buy guns, maintain a large network, ect). Just like at the end of alcohol prohibition, we will see a reduction in violence and again, lives will be saved.

Not disagreeing with you on the traffic thing, just saying that preventing that probably isn't worth all of the other costs. Ya know?


I agree to an extent. First I do not get the dopers absolute love of pot....I never have understood it, it's almost fanatical.

Second yeah I wouldnt bust people unless there is some other reason to....and it would be a fine, not jail time

Yea, everyone's different.

For me, I like it for two main reasons:

1.) Pot is a tool to help you see things that normally would not be seen. I've made numerous very positive changes in my life after noticing shortfalls/things I can be doing a better job at when I'm high. It's hard to explain. I just feel like I become more connected with my surroundings, and that the calloused smokescreen of reality kind of comes down for a few hours. It seems a tad easier to really DIVE into whatever you're doing or thinking about. Obviously, you can do this without the weed but again, it's a tool to help folks get there.

2.) Music & art. You view/listen/play things in a more relaxed, connected manner and seem to pay attention to details you otherwise miss when you're sober. Again, this can be learned without weed but it's a very useful tool.

Let me note that I lead a completely normal life and that both my wife and I have great jobs in the city. We smoke in the privacy of our own home, and only after work/on weekends (ie in the same situation you'd drink a beer or two).



My wife and I are very similar to you and your wife when it comes to getting high. You forgot to mention how much better sex is when you are high on pot!!!!
Yanno.........................we could get it legalized quite quickly if we used the right strategy

I believe the right strategy is to avoid using the word, "legalize," because it strikes a scary chord in the minds of strait-laced Americans who make no distinction between marijuana and hard drugs. It will be much easier to convince legislators to approve an experimental period of decriminalization, which means the laws remain on the books but are administratively suspended and are substituted with the same laws as affect alcohol.

After a reasonble period during which the effects of decriminalized marijuana may be reviewed and the question of legalization presented with supportive evidence, I am confident the proposal will pass. I believe this because I lived in New York City during the sixties and seventies when marijuana was decriminalized and the effects were absolutely positive. In fact, were it not for Ronald Reagan and his ditzy, pill-junkie wife, there is no question that New York City would have legalized marijuana decades ago.

Back in the 60s and 70s you could smoke pot on the streets of New York City. We were always standing outside of bars smoking s joint, much like people must do now with tobacco.

"Uruguay starts a three-month public debate about the country’s marijuana legalization bill on Apr 4 with roundtables, conferences and seminars across the South American country. The use of cannabis and other drugs is legal in Uruguay, described as one of South America’s safest countries. The government-led bill in Uruguay’s Congress would legalize the cultivation and sale of the drug. It would pass Congress if put to a vote, according to observers, but a poll showed that 64 per cent of Uruguayans have reservations. President José Mujica supports the initiative but wants it slowed down so people can first be educated about its purpose.

According to Reuters, Mujica, a former leftist guerrilla fighter, argues that the proposed law will help undermine smuggling gangs and fight petty crime in a region hit by drugs-related violence. His allies control both houses of Congress so the bill is expected to pass despite resistance from opposition legislators. Critics say it risks luring more Uruguayans to harder drugs.

Under the bill, the state will be responsible for managing and regulating the marijuana trade from cultivation to distribution. Households will be allowed to have up to six plants, or as much as 17 ounces of marijuana. A National Cannabis Institute would be created to control the drug's production and distribution, impose sanctions on rule-breakers and design educational policies to warn about the risks of marijuana consumption."

[ame=]President of Uruguay Calls for Drug Legalization - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Drugs and Prisons in Uruguay: The Case for a Regulated Marijuana Market - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Uruguay 'may legalise cannabis' - YouTube[/ame]​
[ame=]Cannabis: What's the Harm? episode 1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Clearing the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Carl Sagan on marijuana - YouTube[/ame]​
We want to be more like Uraguay?

Are you aware that Uraguay is one of the most safest countries in Latin America (enjoys a very low crime rate), and also very stable and has a nice 1st world infrastructure with good roads, business, ect?

It's actually a very nice place to visit, I hear.

What's so bad about Uraguay exactly, Katz?

[ame=]Report Shows Medical Marijuana Equals Safer Driving - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]"DWHigh: Marijuana and Driving" (Full Story) - YouTube[/ame]​
We want to be more like Uraguay?

Are you aware that Uraguay is one of the most safest countries in Latin America (enjoys a very low crime rate), and also very stable and has a nice 1st world infrastructure with good roads, business, ect?

It's actually a very nice place to visit, I hear.

What's so bad about Uraguay exactly, Katz?


Krapz is against anything that isn't American, white, and conservative.
We seem to want to model ourselves after failed stated like Uraguay and Portugsl. At least Switzerland learned its lesson with needle park.
We seem to want to model ourselves after failed stated like Uraguay and Portugsl. At least Switzerland learned its lesson with needle park.

Question, what does needles have to do with cannabis?


Cannabis is a natural plant which has been PROVEN to have medical benefits. Needle drugs are man made, and many are highly addictive.

Cannabis is non addictive by the way.
It's not about wether pot or other drugs are good for you or not.... It's about freedom to choose and not having a government dictate your actions.
We seem to want to model ourselves after failed stated like Uraguay and Portugsl. At least Switzerland learned its lesson with needle park.

Question, what does needles have to do with cannabis?


Cannabis is a natural plant which has been PROVEN to have medical benefits. Needle drugs are man made, and many are highly addictive.

Cannabis is non addictive by the way.

I already posted a link about pot's addictive qualities. As well the health problems pot causes. As long as it isn't around me it is none of my business. I can still squeeze out a bit of joy when a pot user has a stroke or heart attack. I can still smirk over erectile dysfunction and man boobs. I have only recently become aware of the decades long practice of treating pot with lead dust. Good news so puff on and don't forget the edibles.
We seem to want to model ourselves after failed stated like Uraguay and Portugsl. At least Switzerland learned its lesson with needle park.

Question, what does needles have to do with cannabis?


Cannabis is a natural plant which has been PROVEN to have medical benefits. Needle drugs are man made, and many are highly addictive.

Cannabis is non addictive by the way.

I already posted a link about pot's addictive qualities. As well the health problems pot causes. As long as it isn't around me it is none of my business. I can still squeeze out a bit of joy when a pot user has a stroke or heart attack. I can still smirk over erectile dysfunction and man boobs. I have only recently become aware of the decades long practice of treating pot with lead dust. Good news so puff on and don't forget the edibles.

Sorry, Krap of Hogs (I call you that because you're full of shit), but Harvard, the Royal British Medical Society and just about any other doctor who is HONEST and doesn't have an agenda to push through will tell you that cannabis is PHYSICALLY NON-ADDICTIVE.

Studies on this have even been done since the late 1960's on that very subject, and they came up with nothing as well.
Question, what does needles have to do with cannabis?


Cannabis is a natural plant which has been PROVEN to have medical benefits. Needle drugs are man made, and many are highly addictive.

Cannabis is non addictive by the way.

I already posted a link about pot's addictive qualities. As well the health problems pot causes. As long as it isn't around me it is none of my business. I can still squeeze out a bit of joy when a pot user has a stroke or heart attack. I can still smirk over erectile dysfunction and man boobs. I have only recently become aware of the decades long practice of treating pot with lead dust. Good news so puff on and don't forget the edibles.

Sorry, Krap of Hogs (I call you that because you're full of shit), but Harvard, the Royal British Medical Society and just about any other doctor who is HONEST and doesn't have an agenda to push through will tell you that cannabis is PHYSICALLY NON-ADDICTIVE.

Studies on this have even been done since the late 1960's on that very subject, and they came up with nothing as well.

It is important for you to believe that. Please do. Somehow you seem to havr formed the erroneous opinion that because I point out the dangers it somehow means that I care whether pot gives you a stoke or D cups. I really don't. I would not dream of stopping you. Just keeping you away from the innocent people you would harm.
I have only recently become aware of the decades long practice of treating pot with lead dust.

Well, that's not the complete story. No one "treats" cannabis with lead. About five years ago, some people in Germany were discovered to have ingested lead after a dealer was found to have added lead shavings to his supply in order to increase the weight. A few people got sick from ingesting the lead, nobody died.

Crap like this is just another consequence of prohibition, no different than the sometimes awful and tainted booze that found its way to consumers during alcohol prohibition. Tainted booze ceased to be a problem post repeal, as would be the case for cannabis.

Regarding 'man boobs', gynecomastia is caused by very low testosterone levels, which some men suffer from genetically (Klinefelter's syndrome or Kallman syndrome). There are other factors which can lower testosterone levels, such as alcoholism, certain injuries and diseases, as well as obesity and the normal aging process. The point is, if cannabis lowers one's testosterone level...and that is far from proven's only one small factor among others that are required to result in gynecomastia. In fact, you'd be safer claiming a glass of scotch causes man boobs.

Anyway, I just want to set the facts straight. I respect that you have no love for users of cannabis. That's your right.
Men who smoke pot should be proud of their moobs.

Ah come on. You're above that kind of petty trolling. My post on the subject was thoughtful, transparent and honest. Again, I get you don't like cannabis, fine. But please, I hope you'll rise above the oh-so-common childishness we see around here. If a man has that problem, it's either a serious genetic issue or a disease. You wouldn't attribute gynecomastia over a glass of bourbon, you shouldn't over cannabis.

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