Lenin said the way to crush the middle class is via inflation and taxes - and the Dems are following his advice

Why is this funny to you, Care4all ?
This shit isnt funny!
Inflation is high as hell, and these dipshits want to raise taxes and put more money into the economy? Its bullshit. Are you are a hacked out asshole.
You are making claims that you don't know, are even true and are simply repeating what your opinion media wants you to believe.
Off-topic. The subject is how Dems are following Lenin’s formula to crush the middle class between high inflation and increasing taxes.
So the target will be the middle class, particularly small business start-ups, whom Joe Biden would like to see a lot less of. They're the entities about to be audited up the wazoo.

I looked at ONE paragraph of that nonsense and it was it completely inaccurate.

Do you really think I'll read the entire article?

One of the strongest signs of a solid middle class is a healthy Main Street (small business). Democrats do little or nothing to help small business.
You are making claims that you don't know, are even true and are simply repeating what your opinion media wants you to believe.
So they arent raising taxes and putting money into the economy? :rofl:
The bill is fake news everyone! :lol:
IOW, you can’t defend what the Dems are doing, or how they are following Lenin’s formula to crush the middle class.


The OP is correct.
We are past the point of legislative, judicial or electoral correction.

Americans MUST now choose between great sacrifice....or greater sacrifice. (fight or sink)
Continued failure to act WILL result in their domination and subjugation.

And astonishingly, they (The American People) make no plans, make no commitments and do nothing to preserve their freedoms. It's as if they believe that if they remain quiet and unnoticed, they will somehow be allowed to cling to their assets, possessions and comforts. Foolish beyond imagination.

As you can see, there is no opposition and so the Marxists / Communists are able to laugh and ridicule the weak, meaningless objections with impunity and complete disregard. They know they have won.
It will get exponentially worse very quickly once they generally disarm Americans.
This is really bad,
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The CBO scored this and here is what they say

Effects on Taxpayers​

The proposed increase in spending on the IRS’s enforcement activities would result in higher audit rates than those underlying CBO’s baseline budget projections. Between 2010 and 2018, the audit rate for higher-income taxpayers fell, while the audit rate for lower-income taxpayers remained fairly stable. In CBO’s baseline projections, the overall audit rate declines, resulting in lower audit rates for both higher-income and lower-income taxpayers. The proposal, by contrast, would return audit rates to the levels of about 10 years ago; the rate would rise for all taxpayers, but higher-income taxpayers would face the largest increase. In addition, the Administration’s policies would focus additional IRS resources on enforcement activity aimed at high-wealth taxpayers, large corporations, and partnerships. CBO estimates that if the proposals were enacted, tax compliance would be improved, and more households would meet their obligation under the law.

And it is those high income individuals who are driving the push back against this
It’s not bad enough that Biden and the Dems are intentionally increasing inflation by pumping more money into the economy via this last spending bill, but they have also weaponized the IRS to go after the middle class by increasing the IRS budget six-fold, and hiring 80,000 more agents.

This is straight out of the mouth of Lenin, who said the way to crush the bourgeoise was to grind them between the millstones of inflation and taxation. Biden has waged war on the middle class, and he and the Dems will not be satisfied until the New America is comprised of a 1% ruling class and 99% dependent on government support.

Where did Lenin say that? Cite the source that way it can be read in context.
Liberals have always hated the middle class. The idea of a class conscious , unionized "proletariat" has always been their strategery.

The auto culture of America, and the fact that so many Americans aren't dependent on government train schedules or are stuck in liberal ruled Urban Hell Holes, is the bane of their existences.

Always? Maybe not so much. It was them after all that brought about social security to help the elderly middle class. They werent always bad. Sure they had a lot of bad ideas, but at one time in general they wanted what was best for the country and it's people.

But today's democrats? Yes I believe they hate the middle and lower class. I think they want to just have 2 classes. Them, and everyone else. They don't want us to own land, a family own their own home, or have nice things. I think they just see us as workers that should just work and stay out of the way. They don't even talk to us as people, everytime they speak they speak like they are telling us what's best for us and as if they are speaking for us.

The past 2 years it's become increasingly more evident. They want us to be like Brazil where the elites don't even have cars because they fly in helicopters over the poor and the poor workers make up the vast majority of the country.
So they arent raising taxes and putting money into the economy? :rofl:
The bill is fake news everyone! :lol:
So, when you read this in the article,

So the target will be the middle class, particularly small business start-ups, whom Joe Biden would like to see a lot less of. They're the entities about to be audited up the wazoo.

Did you actually believe this was a straight lace article, telling you only the facts and truth? Or was it laced with the typical right wing boogeyman propaganda, devised by the rich who will now be facing their own tax scrutiny, spreading the propaganda that it is you, working class citizen just trying to make ends meet, that the Democrats are going after, and not them, the richest among us?

Open your eyes TN.....it's an expected modus operandi, of the richest, getting ready to be tax spanked, for paying nothing in taxes at all or near nothing for decades....trying to convince you to be against tax hikes, that will really not affect you as they are trying to put the fear in you, that they will.
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So, when you read this in the article,

So the target will be the middle class, particularly small business start-ups, whom Joe Biden would like to see a lot less of. They're the entities about to be audited up the wazoo.

Did you actually believe this was a straight face article, telling you only the facts and truth? Or was it laced with the typical right wing boogeyman propaganda, devised by the rich who will now be facing their own tax scrutiny, spreading the propaganda that it is you, working class citizen just trying to make ends meet, that the Democrats are going after, and not them, the richest among us?

Open your eyes TN.....it's an expected modus operandi, of the richest, getting ready to be tax spanked, for paying nothing in taxes at all or near nothing for decades....trying to convince you to be against tax hikes, that will really not affect you as they are trying to put the fear in you, that they will.
So funny...a Dimmer lecturing us on propaganda...hahahahahahaha
So, when you read this in the article,

So the target will be the middle class, particularly small business start-ups, whom Joe Biden would like to see a lot less of. They're the entities about to be audited up the wazoo.

Did you actually believe this was a straight face article, telling you only the facts and truth? Or was it laced with the typical right wing boogeyman propaganda, devised by the rich who will now be facing their own tax scrutiny, spreading the propaganda that it is you, working class citizen just trying to make ends meet, that the Democrats are going after, and not them, the richest among us?

Open your eyes TN.....it's an expected modus operandi, of the richest, getting ready to be tax spanked, for paying nothing in taxes at all or near nothing for decades....trying to convince you to be against tax hikes, that will really not affect you as they are trying to put the fear in you, that they will.

You are such a fool.
What is happening in America happened in Venezuela.
How can you be so ignorant, blind and just stupid?
It’s not bad enough that Biden and the Dems are intentionally increasing inflation by pumping more money into the economy via this last spending bill, but they have also weaponized the IRS to go after the middle class by increasing the IRS budget six-fold, and hiring 80,000 more agents.

This is straight out of the mouth of Lenin, who said the way to crush the bourgeoise was to grind them between the millstones of inflation and taxation. Biden has waged war on the middle class, and he and the Dems will not be satisfied until the New America is comprised of a 1% ruling class and 99% dependent on government support.

Lets start your Quotation is a fucking lie...

How about you fix that and then we can talk about what point you were trying to make..

Original Post is a Lie

Original Post is a Lie

Original Post is a Lie

Original Post is a Lie

So funny...a Dimmer lecturing us on propaganda...hahahahahahaha

It's not "funny" at all.
It wasn't for the millions of Jews in Nazi Germany, nor the millions in Venezuela today.
The Marxist are serious.....the America n People are not (about their freedoms)
Country after country in South America is falling to dictators as I write this.
Marxists are winning globally simply because people have no will to fight for their freedom.

It's stunning to see human apathy on such a grand scale, but it does explain why most of human existence has involved slavey and subjugation. Freedom was but a blip in time comparatively and we are headed back to the "normal" of slavery and subjugation very fast.

The Marxists on this forum are overwhelmed with joy.
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Raise taxes while prices are high. Yep that'll work 😃 I recall Jo saying he wasn't going to raise taxes on the middle class.
If pumping money into the economy is inflationary, then sucking money out of the economy must have the opposite effect right?

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