Leo DiCaprio and thousands of green warriors brave 90F heat to march in DC and across America on Tru

100 degrees here in Arizona today. Sure will be glad when winter is over!
A steamy 48 here! It's almost unbearable.
One Christmas down here it was 100! You ever string Christmas lights on a cactus?
Not here. No cactus here, unless you grow them in a terrarium. You ever string Christmas lights on a moose?
Leo DiCaprio and thousands of green warriors brave 90F heat to march in DC and across America on Tru
Source: Daily Mail
Trump gets a load of hot air: Leonardo DiCaprio and thousands of green warriors brave 90F heat to march in DC and across America on the president's 100th day in office

Leonardo DiCaprio joined thousands of climate change protesters in Washington DC in protest of Trump
There were about 300 coinciding protests around the country for the People's Climate March on Saturday
Protesters object to Trump's rollback of restrictions on mining, oil drilling and greenhouse gas emissions
Trump, said to be inside the White House at the time of the march, marked his 100th day in office

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio joined thousands of climate change protesters in Washington DC to mark President Donald Trump's 100th day in office.
Large crowds gathered on Pennsylvania Avenue for the People's Climate March, an event that saw about 300 coinciding protests around the country, according to organizers.
The mercury rose to around 90F in DC, and protesters brought their own water bottles and sunscreen as they warned about the dangers of global warming.
Holding signs that read 'There is no planet B', and 'Make Earth Great Again', the protesters say they're objecting to the president's rollback of restrictions on mining, oil drilling and greenhouse gas emissions at coal-fired power plants, among other things

Demonstrators in Washington started their march near the Capitol and slowly made their way to the White House.
DiCaprio, known for his environmental activism, marched alongside people indigenous to both North and South America while carrying a sign that read: 'Climate change is real'.
He tweeted on Saturday: 'Honored to join Indigenous leaders and native peoples as they fight for climate justice. Join me in standing with them.
Model Christie Brinkley also joined a march in the Hamptons, where she wore a flower headpiece and held a sign that read: 'Let's make everyday a good air day'.

Read more: Leonardo DiCaprio marched in climate change protest in DC | Daily Mail Online


Lets fight for our planet and clean up our messes!

/---- He braved 90 degree heat???? Bwhahaha bwhahaha bwhahaha What a trooper Bwhahaha bwhahaha bwhahaha You realize people spend money to vacation in 90 degree heat? Bwhahaha bwhahaha bwhahaha
Why are we talking about Leo Decaprio? Let's talk about science. On what science is our president's opinion that global warming is a Chinese hoax based? Where is his evidence?
Leo DiCaprio and thousands of green warriors brave 90F heat to march in DC and across America on Tru
Source: Daily Mail
Trump gets a load of hot air: Leonardo DiCaprio and thousands of green warriors brave 90F heat to march in DC and across America on the president's 100th day in office

Leonardo DiCaprio joined thousands of climate change protesters in Washington DC in protest of Trump
There were about 300 coinciding protests around the country for the People's Climate March on Saturday
Protesters object to Trump's rollback of restrictions on mining, oil drilling and greenhouse gas emissions
Trump, said to be inside the White House at the time of the march, marked his 100th day in office

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio joined thousands of climate change protesters in Washington DC to mark President Donald Trump's 100th day in office.
Large crowds gathered on Pennsylvania Avenue for the People's Climate March, an event that saw about 300 coinciding protests around the country, according to organizers.
The mercury rose to around 90F in DC, and protesters brought their own water bottles and sunscreen as they warned about the dangers of global warming.
Holding signs that read 'There is no planet B', and 'Make Earth Great Again', the protesters say they're objecting to the president's rollback of restrictions on mining, oil drilling and greenhouse gas emissions at coal-fired power plants, among other things

Demonstrators in Washington started their march near the Capitol and slowly made their way to the White House.
DiCaprio, known for his environmental activism, marched alongside people indigenous to both North and South America while carrying a sign that read: 'Climate change is real'.
He tweeted on Saturday: 'Honored to join Indigenous leaders and native peoples as they fight for climate justice. Join me in standing with them.
Model Christie Brinkley also joined a march in the Hamptons, where she wore a flower headpiece and held a sign that read: 'Let's make everyday a good air day'.

Read more: Leonardo DiCaprio marched in climate change protest in DC | Daily Mail Online


Lets fight for our planet and clean up our messes!

No ... THESE are Green Warriors


I am glad I am now a leftist. I live in reality and want what's best for America be it investment in our children's education, science to remain the worlds only super power or clean air, water and food. Being a leftist is all about common sense for the most part.

So, how does the massive population increase in this country being caused by large scale immigration contribute to the environment?
Why are we talking about Leo Decaprio? Let's talk about science. On what science is our president's opinion that global warming is a Chinese hoax based? Where is his evidence?

I just seen leo flying over South Carolina

I did. The orange clown lost the popular vote by 3 million votes. But won because of a quirk in our Electoral system. And America will pay a steep price for electing the most incompetent man ever to serve as President.

Yeah but the problem for progressives moving forward is..........take out California and New York and Trump wins HUGE!!! So basically, what you have is both California and New York are irrelevant in the electoral process for like............ever!! Nobody cares about the popular vote except a few million fringe voters. Progressives still talk about the electoral college like it is some pizza choice we can change from week to week!:boobies::boobies:
Why are we talking about Leo Decaprio? Let's talk about science. On what science is our president's opinion that global warming is a Chinese hoax based? Where is his evidence?

The topic of the thread is Leo, why do you want to go off topic? Because Leo is a two faced hypocrite like most the global warmer nuts.

You want to talk Trump? Go start a thread instead of hijacking this one.
A thread about Leo DeCaprio in the environment forum is already off topic.
A thread about Leo DeCaprio in the environment forum is already off topic.

The thread is about Leo, not Trump. Thousands of threads on Trump, go start your own thread. Why do you have to be an asshole? You nut jobs think it is all about you and your opinions and no one that disagrees with you should post.

Leo is a major hypocrite, he pretends to care about the environment and everyone else needs to be aware so he can live in his huge environmental footprint without guilt. Another Gore!
Trump is attempting to set environmental policy based on his opinion of the matter. DiCaprio is a private individual with no political power beyond his vote. How is this thread about the environment? Besides, I'm trying to talk about Trump's opinions, not Trump. Would you like to talk about DiCaprio's environmental opinions?

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