Lesbian mothers killed their six adopted black children in murder-suicide after driving off cliff


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019

Why do "family courts" allow these type people to get these children? I'm against gays adopting children. And I'm against surrogate mothers who are having babies to give to gays. It's just wrong.

Public Service Announcement: DIEversity and Homosexuality kills!

Lesbian mothers killed their six children in murder-suicide after driving off cliff, coroner rules - Metro Weekly


Why do "family courts" allow these type people to get these children? I'm against gays adopting children. And I'm against surrogate mothers who are having babies to give to gays. It's just wrong.

Public Service Announcement: DIEversity and Homosexuality kills!

Lesbian mothers killed their six children in murder-suicide after driving off cliff, coroner rules - Metro Weekly

Is it a requirement to have the ability to kill kids, even your own, to be a homersexual?
Sad case. But how could Chris Watts impregnate a woman three times, kill his two children, and kill his woman with a third child still within her that he put there? There are sick, sick people in this world. Too many family wipe-outs. What's the cause? What does this have to do with sexual orientation?
Only gay people abuse and kill their kids. Every retard knows that!
Sad case. But how could Chris Watts impregnate a woman three times, kill his two children, and kill his woman with a third child still within her that he put there? There are sick, sick people in this world. Too many family wipe-outs. What's the cause? What does this have to do with sexual orientation?
LGTBQs are more likely to commit suicide/are more unstable
No Surprise: LGBT Teens More Likely to Attempt Suicide
] Their mental health and education, not to mention their physical well-being, are at-risk
Bullying and LGBT Youth
and then they brainwash the kids into the victimhood crap
white males are EVIL crap
Lot of people up here are asking a lot of questions about this case. These two women were likely to lose the kids to the state, as there had been a lot of accusations about abuse. Poor kids, some of them had begged neighbors for help.

Why would any normal person want to adopt children IF they were going to abuse them? Obviously these two women were both psychologically fucked up in the head, the adoption agency that said okay to them adopting all the children should be shut down, they are putting children in dangerous environments as these unfortunate six children are an example of.
Sad case. But how could Chris Watts impregnate a woman three times, kill his two children, and kill his woman with a third child still within her that he put there? There are sick, sick people in this world. Too many family wipe-outs. What's the cause? What does this have to do with sexual orientation?

"But how could Chris Watts impregnate a woman three times, kill his two children, and kill his woman with a third child still within her that he put there?"

As you are one of the fanatical Pro-Murder The Most Innocent As They Slumber In The Womb I would have expected you to think whoever Chris Watts is should have been awarded a medal for murdering all those children AND an EXTRA medal for murdering one In Utero as the fanatical Pro-Abort Crowd CELEBRATE EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR.

"There are sick, sick people in this world."

Yes we know that was illustrated with The Pussy Hat March For Abortion on Demand.

"Too many family wipe-outs. What's the cause?"

In majority cases it's Abortion on Demand, more CHILDREN are murdered In Utero than are murdered Post-Born.

"What does this have to do with sexual orientation?

Well you're the Lesbian, so you tell us.
So what's the problem ?

The problem is those six children deserved better than what they got, they were mega failed by adults who have a responsibility to protect ALL children. Also IF someone wants to commit suicide that is THEIR CHOICE, they have a right to Self-Determination but they DO NOT have the right to take the children with them.
Look on the bright side: At least you get use the dead bodies of these children to smear gay people. They didn't die in vain.
Look on the bright side: At least you get use the dead bodies of these children to smear gay people. They didn't die in vain.

No mdk it's NOT okay to use the dead bodies of ANY children to smear ANYONE. This is another TRAGIC situation that COULD have been avoided IF the adoption agency that said okay to those two mentally ill women adopting all those children had said NO, also as those children were alerting neighbours that there was something WRONG in their environment - abuse, neglect, food depriving issues etc - then the Child Protection Services also should be slapped and probably arrested, they COULD have intervened and taken those children away to somewhere safe and loving, they did NOT do this, WHY? There should be questions and many heads should be slapped.
Look on the bright side: At least you get use the dead bodies of these children to smear gay people. They didn't die in vain.

No mdk it's NOT okay to use the dead bodies of ANY children to smear ANYONE. This is another TRAGIC situation that COULD have been avoided IF the adoption agency that said okay to those two mentally ill women adopting all those children had said NO, also as those children were alerting neighbours that there was something WRONG in their environment - abuse, neglect, food depriving issues etc - then the Child Protection Services also should be slapped and probably arrested, they COULD have intervened and taken those children away to somewhere safe and loving, they did NOT do this, WHY? There should be questions and many heads should be slapped.

You don't have to convince me that these children were failed on many, many levels. It's a straight up tragedy. That's what this thread should be about, but the OP is more concerned about smearing the queers.

Why do "family courts" allow these type people to get these children? I'm against gays adopting children. And I'm against surrogate mothers who are having babies to give to gays. It's just wrong.

Public Service Announcement: DIEversity and Homosexuality kills!

Lesbian mothers killed their six children in murder-suicide after driving off cliff, coroner rules - Metro Weekly

---------------------------------- shame about the kids . As a practical matter these sicko women probably got all kinds of TAXPAYER Money to raise these kids .
Look on the bright side: At least you get use the dead bodies of these children to smear gay people. They didn't die in vain.

No mdk it's NOT okay to use the dead bodies of ANY children to smear ANYONE. This is another TRAGIC situation that COULD have been avoided IF the adoption agency that said okay to those two mentally ill women adopting all those children had said NO, also as those children were alerting neighbours that there was something WRONG in their environment - abuse, neglect, food depriving issues etc - then the Child Protection Services also should be slapped and probably arrested, they COULD have intervened and taken those children away to somewhere safe and loving, they did NOT do this, WHY? There should be questions and many heads should be slapped.

You don't have to convince me that these children were failed on many, many levels. It's a straight up tragedy. That's what this thread should be about, but the OP is more concerned about smearing the queers.

I agree that the wider debate should be about WHY so many vulnerable children are failed so incredibly by Institutions in Society that are supposed to be DESIGNED to PROTECT vulnerable children.
  • Thanks
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Sad case. But how could Chris Watts impregnate a woman three times, kill his two children, and kill his woman with a third child still within her that he put there? There are sick, sick people in this world. Too many family wipe-outs. What's the cause? What does this have to do with sexual orientation?
LGTBQs are more likely to commit suicide/are more unstable
No Surprise: LGBT Teens More Likely to Attempt Suicide
] Their mental health and education, not to mention their physical well-being, are at-risk
Bullying and LGBT Youth
and then they brainwash the kids into the victimhood crap
white males are EVIL crap

In general I do not think this story is specifically about the sexual orientation of those two women, there are many Hetero couples who are NOT suitable to have children adopted to them and the same type of adoption agencies are fucking that up also. Perhaps there should in America be a massive investigation into adoption agencies to see IF the crowd that work there are even qualified properly to be in a position of allowing ANYONE who walks in to walk OUT with a child and/or children.

Why do "family courts" allow these type people to get these children? I'm against gays adopting children. And I'm against surrogate mothers who are having babies to give to gays. It's just wrong.

Public Service Announcement: DIEversity and Homosexuality kills!

Lesbian mothers killed their six children in murder-suicide after driving off cliff, coroner rules - Metro Weekly


Wow, what an A-Hole you are. Celebrate a tragedy to support your bigotry.

Why do "family courts" allow these type people to get these children? I'm against gays adopting children. And I'm against surrogate mothers who are having babies to give to gays. It's just wrong.

Public Service Announcement: DIEversity and Homosexuality kills!

Lesbian mothers killed their six children in murder-suicide after driving off cliff, coroner rules - Metro Weekly


Wow, what an A-Hole you are. Celebrate a tragedy to support your bigotry.

Pot, meet kettle.

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