Lesbian mothers killed their six adopted black children in murder-suicide after driving off cliff

Sad case. But how could Chris Watts impregnate a woman three times, kill his two children, and kill his woman with a third child still within her that he put there? There are sick, sick people in this world. Too many family wipe-outs. What's the cause? What does this have to do with sexual orientation?

"But how could Chris Watts impregnate a woman three times, kill his two children, and kill his woman with a third child still within her that he put there?"

As you are one of the fanatical Pro-Murder The Most Innocent As They Slumber In The Womb I would have expected you to think whoever Chris Watts is should have been awarded a medal for murdering all those children AND an EXTRA medal for murdering one In Utero as the fanatical Pro-Abort Crowd CELEBRATE EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR.

"There are sick, sick people in this world."

Yes we know that was illustrated with The Pussy Hat March For Abortion on Demand.

"Too many family wipe-outs. What's the cause?"

In majority cases it's Abortion on Demand, more CHILDREN are murdered In Utero than are murdered Post-Born.

"What does this have to do with sexual orientation?

Well you're the Lesbian, so you tell us.

Thanks for the compliment, but I'm heterosexual.You can always be depended up on to make a crazy, fanatical comment.
There is absolutely no relationship between being gay and killing kids.

It happened. It is tragic. Their being gay did not lead them to kill these kids.
------------------------------------------- well they were certainly wierd and who can say that their weird and abnormal thinking and homosexual type brains didn't push them over the edge Dogmaphobe ??

Why do "family courts" allow these type people to get these children? I'm against gays adopting children. And I'm against surrogate mothers who are having babies to give to gays. It's just wrong.

Public Service Announcement: DIEversity and Homosexuality kills!

Lesbian mothers killed their six children in murder-suicide after driving off cliff, coroner rules - Metro Weekly

I have seen way more straight people do similar shit.

Their carpet munching was irrelevant.

opinion , opinions . But up until , maybe 30 = 50 years ago homosexuals were considered defective and deviant . I think that opinion and diagnosis was changed dues to Political Pressure Bootney .
opinion , opinions . But up until , maybe 30 = 50 years ago homosexuals were considered defective and deviant . I think that opinion and diagnosis was changed dues to Political Pressure Bootney .
Plenty of carpet-munching lezbos are good parents. I have seen oodles of shitty straight parents.

Who they fuck is irrelevant.

Defective or not, the question is whether they provide a safe, loving environment for small people who will soon be big people.

Anyone in here arguing that this happened because the two women involved were a couple of "P.E. teachers" can go ahead surrender the unused portion of their brains associated with logic. We need to use those parts to implant into commies before they destroy the entire universe.
opinion , opinions . But up until , maybe 30 = 50 years ago homosexuals were considered defective and deviant . I think that opinion and diagnosis was changed dues to Political Pressure Bootney .
Plenty of carpet-munching lezbos are good parents. I have seen oodles of shitty straight parents.

Who they fuck is irrelevant.

Defective or not, the question is whether they provide a safe, loving environment for small people who will soon be big people.


Only one of them was employed. As a cashier at a department store. Yet they were allowed to adopt six kids. They benefited from 2000 dollars a month in federal adoption assistance. They were investigated for child abuse but were let off with a slap on the wrist.

Some people noticed a suspicious lack of affection or concern for the children under their care when they would trot them out for numerous public appearances. Those concerns were shouted down as sheer bigotry. Nobody wanted to believe that this beautiful example of a cutting edge progressive family unit could ever go wrong.
Only one of them was employed. As a cashier at a department store. Yet they were allowed to adopt six kids. They benefited from 2000 dollars a month in federal adoption assistance. They were investigated for child abuse but were let off with a slap on the wrist.

Some people noticed a suspicious lack of affection or concern for the children under their care when they would trot them out for numerous public appearances. Those concerns were shouted down as sheer bigotry. Nobody wanted to believe that this beautiful example of a cutting edge progressive family unit could ever go wrong.
And THAT is where the entire system failed. The idiots who approved the adoption and those who looked the other way when abuse should have been suspected, were so FUCKING obsessed with making a PC statement that they let these two worthless idiots slide when the kids should have already been pulled. All because of Gay Privilege.


Why do "family courts" allow these type people to get these children? I'm against gays adopting children. And I'm against surrogate mothers who are having babies to give to gays. It's just wrong.

Public Service Announcement: DIEversity and Homosexuality kills!

Lesbian mothers killed their six children in murder-suicide after driving off cliff, coroner rules - Metro Weekly

Won't see me complaining 6 nonwhites and 2 mentally ill homosexuals dead....good job!
There is absolutely no relationship between being gay and killing kids.

It happened. It is tragic. Their being gay did not lead them to kill these kids.
------------------------------------------- well they were certainly wierd and who can say that their weird and abnormal thinking and homosexual type brains didn't push them over the edge Dogmaphobe ??

From where I sit, I'd say that 95% of humanity is weird and abnormal in one way or another.
------------------------------------------- well they were certainly wierd and who can say that their weird and abnormal thinking and homosexual type brains didn't push them over the edge Dogmaphobe ??
Is there ANY evidence that their homosexual-type brains pushed them over the edge?

This is a classic example of illogical assumptions based on bias and attitudes, not facts.


Why do "family courts" allow these type people to get these children? I'm against gays adopting children. And I'm against surrogate mothers who are having babies to give to gays. It's just wrong.

Public Service Announcement: DIEversity and Homosexuality kills!

Lesbian mothers killed their six children in murder-suicide after driving off cliff, coroner rules - Metro Weekly


Don't the courts know that lesbian mothers routinely commit murder suicide with their adopted kids?
------------------------------------------- well they were certainly wierd and who can say that their weird and abnormal thinking and homosexual type brains didn't push them over the edge Dogmaphobe ??
Is there ANY evidence that their homosexual-type brains pushed them over the edge?

This is a classic example of illogical assumptions based on bias and attitudes, not facts.

------------------------------------ EVIDENCE . As i said , up until 20 - 30 , more or less years ago homosexuality was judged to be disease by different official medical groups . The info was changed due to Political Pressure from homosexual groups and lefty groups and democrats democrats from everything i have heard . The women were wierdos that MAY have been affected by the 'homosexual' type brains and thinking and then killed the kids by their unhinged suicide Bootney .
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There is absolutely no relationship between being gay and killing kids.

It happened. It is tragic. Their being gay did not lead them to kill these kids.
------------------------------------------- well they were certainly wierd and who can say that their weird and abnormal thinking and homosexual type brains didn't push them over the edge Dogmaphobe ??

From where I sit, I'd say that 95% of humanity is weird and abnormal in one way or another.
--------------------------------------- sounds like an excuse and acceptance Dogma . I'm sorry for the kids and i just think that these 2 women and one of them at the wheel were weirdos . The kids , may they rest in peace .

Why do "family courts" allow these type people to get these children? I'm against gays adopting children. And I'm against surrogate mothers who are having babies to give to gays. It's just wrong.

Public Service Announcement: DIEversity and Homosexuality kills!

Lesbian mothers killed their six children in murder-suicide after driving off cliff, coroner rules - Metro Weekly


Wow, what an A-Hole you are. Celebrate a tragedy to support your bigotry.
To me, no one knows bigotry better than the homosexual community because its how they themselves live by staying within their own gender as if creating the other one was nothing but a complete and total waste of time. In other words, if they don't want the rest of us in the game of bigotry, why do they they take the time to show us how its played?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. My only other question for them would be why do they think that two genders were created and not just one?
Reminds me of this:


Nature denies homosexuals the ability to reproduce for a reason.

Why do "family courts" allow these type people to get these children? I'm against gays adopting children. And I'm against surrogate mothers who are having babies to give to gays. It's just wrong.

Public Service Announcement: DIEversity and Homosexuality kills!

Lesbian mothers killed their six children in murder-suicide after driving off cliff, coroner rules - Metro Weekly


Wow, what an A-Hole you are. Celebrate a tragedy to support your bigotry.
To me, no one knows bigotry better than the homosexual community because its how they themselves live by staying within their own gender as if creating the other one was nothing but a complete and total waste of time. In other words, if they don't want the rest of us in the game of bigotry, why do they they take the time to show us how its played?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. My only other question for them would be why do they think that two genders were created and not just one?

Quite judgmental, aren't you? The fact is, the creator (assuming you mean God) sometimes confuses the matter of gender.

Babies born on the sliding sex scale

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