Lesser Included Offenses?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
An article in today's WSJ explains that, unlike most states, Florida does not automatically give juries the option of lesser offenses (negligent homicide or manslaughter) in murder trials. As a result, the jury is faced with an all-or-nothing decision on the defendant's motive. The intention was to be tougher on murderers, but it seems to have the opposite effect by acquitting people who should have been convicted of a lesser crime.

I don't know if the Zimmerman prosecution can add these offenses at this time, but if it can it should. From what I have heard, there is plenty of reasonable doubt as to whether he is guilty of murder, but there is no doubt that he contributed to escalating the confrontation which resulted in Martin's death.

P.S. Why do they keep showing Martin's picture as a 14 year old?

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